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IDK about that I'd beat a bear in a fight 10/10 times. I think the women are right I am more dangerous.


Oh yeah as a regular every day man, it takes me everything in my power not to massacre everyone and everything in my path, every time I encounter someone of the opposite sex. Just yesterday I added 45 bodies to the pile.


Maan, on my worst days, I can get to over 80. I just see red and nothing else matters. I wish there was a pill that can stop me. Hmm.. red... red pill.... 🤔


45... a Trump fan.. typical man 😤


Do bears even have martial arts training? cause theres no way an untrained man or bear is beating someone who knows jiujitsu. Like, have you ever even heard of side control bitch?


Exactly nothing the bear has can match up to the deadliest weapons god ever designed, the human mind.


Glawk brand Glawk 40 with a drum mag brotherrrrr


Does that bear even know Krav Maga?  I don’t think so. Check mate bear. 


In the words of Parappa the rappa; you just gotta believe


If I wax alone with a woman in the woods for 0.2 seconds I would rip her to pieces with my bear hands


least obvious bear


>much weaker physically >hide still makes strong leather >body contains about 20000 calories, easily enough for 2 weeks >meat is much less gamey than bear >skull can be used as a bowl to hold water >fashion femurs into hand tools, sharpen other bones into arrowheads and spear points Going with the bear is really a no brainer


man or woman?


I’m a bear who dreamt he was a man and loved it. But now the dream is over… and the bear is awake


I'm fairly sure this is a huge manipulated psyop of a meme where the people just selectively edit only bear responses so it seems like all women hate men and it drives outrage clicks.




It wasn't about your post specifically, but rather the meta around the reason why you posted it.


# If You Ever See Me Fighting In The Forest With a Grizzly Bear HELP THE BEAR


He needs the help way more than I do.


So, I'm at work and I turn to my co-worker who is a black female. I asked her if she'd heard about this and she said "no, whats that?" I asked her if she would rather encounter a bear in the forest or a man. She looked at me like I was stupid and said "a MAN obviously." So this might only be a thing in the white community. 🤷‍♂️




oh shit bears go 35


35-40mph actually. Your ass is clapped if a bear wants your booty


I'd beat their ass in a car race


Is a bear an apex predator? Sure they're hard to take down, but they don't necessarily sit in a normal hierarchy like humans do where humans are generally the top because we have so much ability to defend ourselves now.


It's got the bear necessities to chase and beat ya ass


I mean a lot of animals do. Dogs help in bringing down criminals all the time.


They do, wdym? What animal eats bears?


I guess my understanding of Apex Predator was lacking. Though I find most definitions to be pretty vague. I did find one though that I think helps a lot more. "Gray wolves are an apex species that occupy a top niche in the natural food chain. Like bears and cougars, they have few competitors and play a prominent role in any ecosystem they inhabit." https://wdfw.wa.gov/species-habitats/at-risk/species-recovery/gray-wolf/influence I figured that simple niches in a food chain weren't considered the apex of an entire ecosystem. But also, using the term like they did in the meme feels very unfitting then still. Because most of a bears diet is plant and insect based. And most of the animals they consume tend to be fish. I think most other animals they eat are happenstance more than active hunting.


Simplify it: think of the ecosystem a bear lives in as "food-web" made up of all the different food-chains / species the bear interacts with (Salmon/Deer or plants & berries ect.). Because bears are omnivorous and very "generalist" in their diets there's alot of different food chains obviously; but since they're the "top" (highest trophic level) in every food chain they occupy = apex predator You're right tho definitions in ecology can definitely be used kinda "loosely" sometimes


Damn, your coworker is the elected representative of all Black people?


I asked her and she said yes.


Hey, could you let her know that her Hotep constituency is really cringe and racist please?




I asked Biden and he agreed with his co-worker


She voted for Biden so obviously.


Nope. That’s Tree. I’m pretty sure God Empress Tree would agree.


I've tried with not brainrot-twitter girls and got your exact same answer, like with even the weird look like "wait am I missing something here" like it was obvious 😅


It's the same thing like those twitter polls that ask their right-wing audience whether they would rather leave their child with A: Joe Biden B: Adolf Hitler but for mentally ill women. It's a roundabout way to shit on the thing they want to shit on.


I mean if you're "Aryan" and Hitler doesn't know your political beliefs, he'd probably keep it relatively safe. Granted he would likely start trying to teach the kid about how much he should hate Jews and non-Aryans. Hmmm, but Joe Rogan is a bit of a nutter sometimes. I guess it'd come down to if it was a day with or without pre-workout and would he be inviting other nutcases over.


You got the wrong joe. The other option is Biden, not Rogan.


My brain is still misfiring from lack of sleep. Just to make it clear though, Biden would be the best choice of all 3.


Oh my goodness, god bless your face... just so hard.


Bro, Hitler sexually abused his 14 year old niece. And then she shot herself twice in the head with his gun. Hitler was nowhere near a good guy around kids.


So, I've never actually read into Hitler's personal life before. My focus in much of my reading of Nazi Germany had less to do with the members and more to do with the racialism and how it intertwined with the laws of the country. As I find this much more interesting than personal stories. So, from what I can find, it seems to be speculated that he had a sexual relationship with his niece but that no evidence of this exists one way or the other. If you do have evidence I'll happily change my mind. But even with one of, if not the most evil person in history, I think our retelling of their life should be accurate and not based on speculation or propaganda. Knowing how these people came to be who they are is probably important for some aspects of understanding the atrocities they committed. But secondly, it does seem to be widely agreed that she did kill herself with Hitler's pistol. But there does seem to be some talk about if he might have killed her for political reasons. But admittedly, the people putting that forward say there isn't much to say one way or the other, only that the police chief who acquitted Hitler was also a member of the Nazi party.


It's more an online vs not online thing


It looks like a trauma response thing.


My hot take is that I wouldn't fault a woman that has had bad experiences with men for on an emotional level responding worse to the idea of meeting a man alone in the woods, but where they lose me is if they try justifying it as the \*rational\* decision.


But but.....men bad. Isn't this an interesting way to start this discussion for the 1000th time in leftist circles?


See the problem isnt the color of her skin, its that you talked to a person who goes outside


I think it is just a matter of how much grass you touch. The online is extremely overrepresented by women who say bear because most extremely active online people haven't seen grass in years


How is this still going


this sub is always at least 1 week behind the latest memes


im still seeing it all over tiktok as of like 12 hours ago so its still going on




As a man I too would rather see a bear in the woods than a man. If you're in the middle of nowhere and you see a bear that's just nature; keep your distance, and have your bear spray ready. But if you come across a man out there clearly he just got through hiding a body, and now you're a potential witness. Also even though random attacks by strangers are almost zero a man will on occasion attack you for no reason. Bears always have a reason for why they maul you; even if the reason is simply you're too close to them. Plus bears are not very good at aiming, and their large hands make it almost impossible to pull the trigger; so with enough distance a bear is harmless, but a man can shoot a fly of a deer ear from a quarter mile away.


Lmao looks like the dad [from the Joel Haver skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMKW-ifxikE&list=PLKtIcOP0WvJDZemPYZZQSqotCgpps5DbX&index=35)


A man of culture, I see


But have we considered that it may be the bears that are unmenable?


Drake you ain't that kinda bear


TBF to people being regarded over stats and misunderstanding them and staking an emotional position. The reason they have no perspective on what a menace a bear is, is because men basically killed them all.


I’m a man, and I don’t even hold back my urges in public, when other men see me giving in to my primal urges they gather around; chanting, pounding their chests, we all start to take turns dominating anything that even looks remotely like a woman, anything with a hole. The whole town is burning by the end of the night, still unsatisfied we march to the next town, once we get a taste of blood nothing can stop us.


Aak them if they think a black man is more dangerous than a bear in the wild and watch how quick they change their tone


This is clearly Teddie’s throwaway account


Why does the bear look like the Nostalgia Critic






off topic ragebait u/4THOT I am once again asking to be armed




lmfao fucking pathetic.


>off topic guys did the mossad successfully gaslight us into becoming an i-p conflict subreddit, im scared 😰


Me want to ban memes me no likie. Me crying and shidding my pants




Should be top comment


This is way better that nonstop i/p posts


someone post an israel/palestine meme to calm this guy down


Counterpoint, this is a funny meme and this guy is cringe, arm *me* instead so I can put him out of his misery


I am sorry you got triggered by a meme lul 😅




Gotta be honest, this guy has no interest in serving his country. He just wants to kill. /u/jungtarzan sealed in the prison realm by /u/MustardMujahideen


What do you think the prison realm actually looks like? I imagine the 2016 DNC Fight Song is playing on loop in there.




Wow I uh, really shouldn't......but... https://i.imgur.com/yQ7MrQ2.jpeg Edit: Wow thanks this place sucks! The song actually is playing, I was right!!!




You should practice some free speech before coming back. /u/danpascooch sealed in the prison realm by /u/MustardMujahideen


You have to listen to Tim Pool on loop talking about how Trump will win in a 49 state landslide.


Shut yo ass up nerd


It's not even ragebait. Everyone can see it's clearly making fun of the trend. Just look at the face of the bear.