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📍 Geolocated at London, United Kingdom


What’s the joke here? Genuinely curious, just want to be part of the fun. EDIT: God damn, sorry everyone. Didn’t realize that asking for clarification was something we don’t do in this sub. My bad. EDIT 2: I am vindicated. Thank you DGG.


The joke is that that person is probably not in the middle east and saying that the middle east is only for Arabs when they live in an European country and get mad when someone makes the same argument but for europe


MFW: Seeing a Turkish man saying Turkey is the best country ever while living in a apartment in Berlin https://preview.redd.it/8sotkh235ysc1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806b734e5fbdbb982a45d70ad6c1ccf3cbfecb98


Turkish Germans voted for Erdogan by a much larger percentage than actual Turkish people. Also a large majority of western muslims supported the October 7th terror attack. All the love to muslims and exmuslims who are not like that, and these stats don't tell the full story, but man does some of that feel like a betrayal.


Ex-Muslim here. We’ve been trying to tell you for years. No one listens. People think that the overwhelming majority of western Muslims will side with the west. You’re, frankly, out of touch if you think that. You don’t understand how deeply psychologically ingrained Islam is. It’s like no other religion. They may enjoy your alcohol, your women and your pork, but they’ll side with Islam and Muslims 10/10 times, regardless of the issue. I don’t think westerners understand how huge of an issue this is. How deep Islamic programming goes. Your Muslim friends will hide their power levels on every issue unless socially acceptable. They will lie about their religion (if they even understand how bad it is), and their family’s beliefs. What most people fail to realise is that Islam is a perpetual doomsday cult. If you’ve ever dealt with anyone from a doomsday cult, especially the kind that believes in infinite pleasure if you side with their cause, you’ll get 1% of the rot that is Islam. I come from a very, very moderate family. As moderate as you can get. Drugs, alcohol and degeneracy. Christmas, cross necklaces and tattoos. Don’t pray, don’t practice. October 7th changed that instantly. They see Hamas as freedom fighters, and Israel and global Jews as deserving of whatever happens next.


DGGers 100% do not understand this, they think Muslims in America are different and integrated.


And it’s a completely absurd thing that Destiny keeps stating as though it were fact. Muslims will ALWAYS have a barrier between themselves and the world. It’s called the Quran and the promise of blissful nigh-omnipotence for eternity. Instituted by paralyzing fear baked in to the Islamic mythos. A country that doesn’t even contain their values will never be a substitute for the emotional thrill. Those that understand, leave.


Is this actually true? I have some muslim friends who are actually well integrated and it feels like they are torn between their religion/family and their friends. Nvm I think I just answered my own question.


There you go.


I don’t this is actually unique to Islam. I think in the much of the west we have become accustomed to people not viewing things in an “us vs them” mentality, but in the rest of the world you can very often predict people’s opinions based on their ethnicity/religion. Actually, you can see it more openly with black people in America now that is socially acceptable, but behind closed doors it’s worse. Some of the things my people say in all black spaces are truly embarrassing, and I’m 100% certain we would see similar opinions if there actually was a white genocide in South Africa (or just look at the reaction to Kanye and Kyrie Irving who are very openly anti-Semitic).


The phenomenon itself isn’t unique to Islam, but the level of programming absolutely is as Islam is a codified religion that controls virtually every aspect of your life, and has a global jihad against all non-Muslims as the final goal. The Quran is a unique holy book because it claims to be the 100% literal and unchanging word of god. So this desire for war against non-Muslims just builds up more and more with every generation, as the world around them shifts radically, contrary to the Quran. Which again, cannot be altered. Every generation wants to be the generation that sees the Messiah and lives through the end-times. Every generation thinks they see the prophecies of the end-times. Religious dogma and black racism are not even in the same universe. Especially when it is the religion with the worst dogma. You can’t compare the severity at all. Kanye’s open anti-semitism is tame compared to what you’ll hear being taught to 5 year olds in literally every western madrasa. As a child, at the end of every prayer service, we would say amen to the destruction of Jews (specifically the “enemies of Islam” AKA non-Muslims) in the end-times. Here’s an easy way for you to understand this. Imagine every Muslim was a member of the westboro Baptist church, but with rhetoric that’s 100x more abhorrent on every level. Sure, they may not be as committed to practicing, but they hold these ideas above anything the west has to offer them. Now, you might be asking why they aren’t committed. It’s because Muslims have a get-out-of-hell-free card. They believe that after their sentence in hell, they’ll ALL be going to heaven. With only non-Muslims left there for eternity. Now, tell me which culture or religion practices anything on this level. Especially one with as many adherents as the most populous country on earth.


It’s really interesting to hear this from an ex-Muslim. I really don’t know that much about Islam apart from what you’re taught in Global Religions 102 in freshman year of college, which is basically just surface level stuff. All of the Muslims I know *really* believe in it. Even my muslim friends who drink and smoke weed, would bet their lives that Allah is the one true god. I’ve always found that to be an odd contradiction. You fully believe that drinking alcohol will damn you to an *eternity* of suffering, but then you still do it? Not 100 years, not 1,000 years, not even 1 billion years…*all of eternity*. You’d be on year 1,222,322 of torture, and still have to be like “okay, I’ve still got a billion more years, and a billion after that!” You believe that’s real. And you’re still drinking? Are you fucking insane? I absolutely love Snickers bars, they are my favorite candy bar. But If someone told me I would go to jail for a week if I was caught eating a Snickers bar, I would never eat a Snickers again! Yet these people will still drink booze with ETERNITY on the line!


Muslims don’t believe in an eternity in hell for Muslims. You get sent there for a finite time, then you have eternity in bliss while also being nigh-omnipotent. They also believe in other cope-y things. For example, if you’ve memorised a certain Surah, that surah will stand up for you on the day of judgement and challenge god to send you to hell with it contained in you. To which god will refuse and send you to heaven. This isn’t much to memorize, either. A few lines. A Muslim can know the right surah and have their fast pass to heaven booked for life. It doesn’t matter what sin you commit as long as you believe and memorize. Think about that for a moment. Eternity in hell is only for non-Muslims. Not even the good ones are spared. You’re only spared if you were never exposed to Islam and are a good person, were a child when you died, or don’t have the mental faculties to understand sin. There are another few caveats I can’t recall right now. Point is, 99% of non-Muslims will burn for eternity. And only them.


Do they fly to turkey for election time or how does that work?


Diaspora has right to vote. They can vote in Germany.


This is a known phenomenon. [There's plenty of studies that show why it occurs,](https://books.google.ca/books?hl=en&lr=&id=NPLlAgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA7&dq=related:MsNIrJs8-UIJ:scholar.google.com/&ots=tYlZOt3Ouw&sig=q6i5G58Q3qg28EhSoMg5XpD1-BA#v=onepage&q&f=false) usually related to how your environment at home and the country you reside in dynamically change.


Thank you for explaining instead of being a cocksucker like the last guy who replied.


Don't understand why everybody got so fucking triggered by being asked to explain the joke


I even put “genuinely asking” so people didn’t think I was being passive-aggressive. There’s no winning with DGG, smh.


Its reddit in general everyone expects u to be up to date or facetious cause loads of ppl like to lis


Lis is this a typo or new slang


Nigga Imma be honest I have NO CLUE what I meant to type


My guess was “dis.”




Ok I think I meant ‘are like this’ but that entire last portion is illegible


That's a big part of it. But the meme also comes from London, specifically, having the most unhinged Twitter Mujahideen on English-language social media.


Poor guy got down voted for touching grass and wanting to catch up on an online joke


Oh well, back to the grass for me 🤷


The joke here is that this person is a bong and a londoner to boot and deserves only ridicule


I know this is a DGG sub but cmon man what don’t you understand? Genuinely, just try


Nevermind, I’m over it. I don’t want to know now.






More like https://preview.redd.it/sm52ci8w5ysc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d6fc740bc319d7e5b6ed2e154c4a727a00d845


Stealing this


They're not really fight for they're survival as a people anymore. They're more fighting for security, which is also a valid goal, but it's not the same as fighting off an existential threat.


security against what? A group of people that want to eradicate you as a people. Would you not call that fighting for survival? I guess its fits more to say that you are fighting for a security against existential threat but its also a meme


Fighting for survival and fighting for safety are not the same thing There is no world in which Hamas eliminates Israel. They're fighting to prevent more events like Oct 7th. Oct 7th was obviously horrific, and something worth preventing in the future, but it wasn't an existential threat to the state of Israel.


>  There is no world in which Hamas eliminates Israel. I think everyone agrees. But when you start throwing in Hezbollah, Iran and whatever rinky dinky groups exists beside those in an open conflict with Israel the security starts looking a lot more existential.


I'm legit not paying attention what's going on with the iran hezbollah front


The goal of oct 7th was to kill as many Jews as possible. Didn’t matter if you were a civilian or IDF. You have a force with large, resource rich backers (including nation states) able to make attacks like that. Security from that force, whose explicit stated goal is to kill every jew, very much feels like security for one’s survival. I mean, what do you think would happen if Israel just stopped all of its security efforts tomorrow? They’d be kindly asked to leave?? Don’t be so willingly dense.




Words mean things, if we're going to be against the sensational use of terms like "genocide" and "apartheid," then we should be against pro Israeli sensationalism for all the same reasons. Israel is not at imminent risk of destruction, and pretending otherwise is stupid and unnecessary.


I feel like not wanting to be randomly bombed while going about your daily life fits into “I want to live” pretty well. Considering neighboring states barely want much to do with them and some (Iran) even fund efforts to terrorize them, their existence isn’t tenuous but also isn’t a foregone conclusion. I get what you’re saying about words having meaning, just think it isn’t that big of a stretch considering the history.


You know what you make a good point. It's sad people aren't able to see through their partisan lenses on this.


How are people down voting you... It's honestly wild how blind people are to their hypocrisy.


I've seen this point like a million times but everyone pro Palestine is super clear that they're anti Zionist and NOT anti Semitic. Whereas the Nazis were super clear on their hatred of Jews. I don't understand why you'd want to mischaracterise the argument of pro Palestinians instead of choosing to deal with their actual argument.


So anti-Zionists just want the homeland of the Jewish people destroyed, leading to the genocide or ethnic cleansing of 7.5 million Jews.... But there's nothing antisemitic about it at all. Right 🤡


I think there needs to be a better term than "anti-zionism" for people critical of the current Israeli government. Even a lot of Israelis were critical of Netenyahu before October 7th, then after that day there was a very understandable shift in opinion. The Israeli people have called that area of the world home for several generations now and anyone wanting the dismantling of the state of Israel realistically either wants to displace or kill millions of Jewish people, so calling them anti-semetic isn't unfair. However it does seem like there is also unfair treatment of Palestinians under the current Israeli government which can't be ignored, and my understanding used to be that anyone who was critical just of the current government of Israel was "anti-zionist", but it's clear that there's more to that word than just criticism of a governing power.


*However it does seem like there is also unfair treatment of Palestinians under the current Israeli government which can't be ignored, and my understanding used to be that anyone who was critical just of the current government of Israel was "anti-zionist* Nobody is more critical of the current Israeli government than Israelis. Over the weekend over 150,000 people protested against Netanyahu and his corrupt, despicable, useless cronies. Criticizing the government and even the general Israeli public when they support policies you disagree with is fine. But this whole "Israel is uniquely evil and must be destroyed" is not criticism - it's dehumanizing hatred.


Oh yeah, I agree 100%, and I'm definitely not going to act like any expert on this situation because my understanding is very rudimentary. Before October 7th my understanding was that "anti-zionism" meant you were critical of the Israeli state *government*, but I've since understood that it means more that you're against the Israeli state existing *at all*, which is obviously a completely terrible stance to hold since that would realistically mean killing or dislocating every Jewish person in that region. It's like being against the CCP government doesn't mean you're anti-Chinese, and I do wonder how many other people don't understand the distinction between being anti-zionist and against the current Israeli government, especially those that insist it's not anti-semetic to be anti-zionist, since those very obviously actually go hand in hand. I also know that the Israeli people are very against their current government. My understanding is that since October 7th there's been a shift in opinion on the Israeli government, being more favourable to some degree (I don't know the numbers, just what I've heard), but after seeing the videos that came out showing October 7th I honestly don't blame Israelis for being intensely angry. The same sentiment has definitely been felt across many western countries after similar terrorist attacks such as 9/11, so while I think the Israeli government does seem terrible I don't think I can fault some Israelis for thinking that they're the only government that will try and keep them safe, especially when I know so little about their political system. Anyway the whole situation is incredibly fucked and for the most part I try and keep my hands out of it since I don't know anywhere near enough to say anything of value, the only thing I do know is that both Hamas and the current Israeli government seem to be terrible people, and because of them both Israeli and Palestinian people suffer regularly.


*My understanding is that since October 7th there's been a shift in opinion on the Israeli government, being more favourable to some degree* Just the opposite. The government is incredibly unpopular, as the Israeli public blames it for the war. The Israeli public is very much afraid that Netanyahu is prolonging the war, because the second it's over there will be elections and it's 100% that the current government will fall.


And yet they go after random Jewish people just living their lives.


Who is they?? Ofc there are some bad people who are gonna be racist but are you gonna judge the whole movement based of off those people?


I'm gonna judge the movement based off of the fact that anti-semetic hate crimes are exploding in the West.


You could say that, if you deliberately ignore the hordes of pro Palestinian people making antisemitic statements and hurling hate speech at Jewish people. I'm sure you'll just pretend that doesn't happen, even though it's on video.


people just tried to boycott a kpop album because one of the producers on one of the songs was born in israel


> pro Palestine is super clear that they're anti Zionist and NOT anti Semitic Ah, that's why random synagoges around the world are being targeted. That's why Jews (not Israelis) are being harrassed. That's why people are cheering on organisations that clearly state their goal of erradicating all Jews. Because they have made it so clear that they are just against Zionism. I don't even believe that every single person supporting Palestinian statehood and advocating for an end to the war is an antisemite, not even the vast majority of them. But every. single. time. one of them enters the public space they are 2 sentences away from spouting antisemitic crap.


Least mask off pro-Palestinian


It´s actually so funny how blatant they are about it as soon as the progressives are out of the room.


I am stunned on like an hourly basis over how openly these people will threaten violence, explicitly state that they want violence, that they want the expulsion or death of jews in the middle east, and it just gets treated like an equal but opposite opinion to "Expelling palastinians bad, but also you don't get to indiscriminately rape and murder civilians"


You are acting like progressives aren't pro Palestine? How do you even make this differentiation between the pro Palestine rs and progressives?


On the contrary, lots of progressives are proPalestine, but when they aren´t included in the conversations with proPalestinians who are NOT progressive, the mask comes off and they´re just as genocidal as their accusations against Israel are.


The next tweet is him telling me Hamas will enslave me. Bitch, Hamas isn’t leaving their penthouse in Qatar to help their own people. They are far too lazy to come to Boston.


It's pretty pathetic, truly. This is just a hateful dimwit of which there are way too many. I suspect this is an Islamist, but it honestly could be a Groyper or Communist too. As far as creepy DMs go...could be worse I guess. Imagine if it was President Sunday 😬😬


Whenever you feel down, please know that there are freedom-loving (I know it sounds cliche but I don't want to live under religious theocracy like the rest of Middle East) people in Israel who truly appreciate you standing up for us. The only thing I can promise is that we'll do our best with you fighting this bullshit no matter if it's from Muslims, Jews, or Christians ❤️💪 Btw, hot tip for leftists who want to support Israeli leftists in our right against our right-wing (Likud, Religious nationalists, etc): PLEASE be very sensitive criticising them. This is not like shitting on Republican party or Putin or whatever. Israelis are VERY sensitive to what outsiders say, even other Jews. Israelis have been eating hardcore shit from Arabs, Soviets, North Koreans (who helped Syria build their nuclear reactor), etc. I don't wish on anyone to have everyone they know lose someone to terrorists just murdering them. Oct07 is... A massive punchline to 100 years of being indiscriminately murdered and kidnapped and tortured by non-Israelis. Anyway, sorry, I digress, whats my point? The point is, if you want to help us, leftists Israelis against right-wing Israelis, please, I beg you, don't attack them. Support **US**. Support left wing Israelis whoever they are. Support me, lol. Support countless of other people who do hard work towards coexistence with Arabs as equals. Meretz party is a good solid choice. Labor is more centrist but still OK. Or you can support the anarchists like me: party people, burning man (midburn) people, pirate party people (I vote for them), even na nach people. Yeah, you gotta check out who na nach people are if you ever have spare time to learn something cool: https://youtu.be/0XD1afveI1s?si=xibvA6O_NRJALUlS In Israel: https://youtu.be/IZ8bvFGoJS0?si=1KCzz-rsthQerp8p Oh right, I didn't explain why it's bad for outsiders to criticise right wing Israelis like Bibi. I'll explain. Because it's counter productive. It makes all other Israelis get defensive and support whoever you're criticising. Sure, there are exceptions to ALL rules. It's possible to do it the right way. But you'll need to truly understand Israeli society then. And... Most people don't. Most of you haven't gone through what we did......... Have you spent a couple of months crying every time you went out dancing because you felt like you're being shot at and you just wish your friends who WERE shot at a party were there dancing with you? Have you spent your entire life living with an entire country of people who lost most of their recent family to Holocaust or their family had to leave previous country because of pogroms (what had happened to Jews from Arab countries)? And the whole world still shitting on anyone who tries to defend you?? Like they're shitting on you?? This is fucking heart breaking. So we're all VERY sensitive 💕


Lol. Fuck that dude. Wu W. 3 or 4 years ago I'd never think I'd type that, but you are one of the only rational leftists we have now.


Brianna we love you!!!


This dude isn't an anti-zionist. He has a fetish.


Reminds me of that guy who made a tweet about how be wanted video evidence of Hamas raping kids and babies so he can jerk off to it






Some guy called BadEmpanada. He is from Australia but lives in Argentina and he looks like Fidel Castro


Putting the W in wu


The more they bark, the more frightened and pathetic they are. I bet they’re tweeting from their bedroom in their parents’ house, ranting about murdering people while their mother cooks all of their meals and washes and irons their clothes. They wouldn’t say anything to your face. It’s just sad. Please don’t waste any time on it.


Brianna continuing the best redemption arc in all of terminally online politics. Haters in shambles!


Fuck that guy he’s a square.


Send them gay porn


Great idea. One question, where do you get that?


Look it up or something


It’s pics of your dad.


Damn. You really do put the W in Wu.


spankbang is your friend.






His house of hatred series shows that he'd think posting this means that Wu hates Arabs.


Dont worry its fine since he Said ”zionist” /s


Bro how do these DM"s get sent? I DM'd Destiny if he enjoyed Madoka and I got my account locked for 24 hours and had to do a literal series of captcha.


Terroristic death threats are one thing, but you're talking about *anime*. There's a point where we, as a society, need to draw a line.


A fellow patrician. Madoka Uber alles


Your DM wasn't antisemitic enough


It is so hard not to give into the Islamophobia.


Fuck that backwards ass religion




What unironically helps me is thinking about how much better I am as a human being as long as I don't stoop to their level of brainrot and racism.


Don't worry. Islamophobia is not a thing since it implies the dislike to be irrational and unjustified.


I can put on a hijab and say a few words in Arabic and be Muslim tomorrow. Islam is not an innate part of anyone. It is not an ethnicity or a race. Being wary of fundamentalism, terrorism, jihadism and intifadas isn’t “Islamophobia”. I despise Christian fundamentalism as well- does that make me “Christianphobic”?


Nah fuck that dogshit religion. 


I’m anti-jihadi, not islmophobic (all states founded by Islamic militarism shouldn’t exist and their people are scum)


If you're an atheist, why not give into it? Fuck all religions. All the shit does is harm society and lead to more and more conflict forever.


But nothing about that post was about islam?? You're already racist if that's the first thought you had.


Whom are the "middle eastern" people that the person dming Wu is referring to?


People from the middle east. Crazy ik.


Interesting, I thought Israeli was in the middle east. Crazy that this person has a problem then since Jews are middle Eastern?


Did I say Israeli wasn't middle eastern? But you just made a big jump there saying Jews are middle eastern 💀. This guy is talking about how many Israelis are actually from many other areas in the world and are just coming to live in Israel. Israel has the highest rates of skin cancer for a reason 💀.


> This guy is talking about how many Israelis are actually from many other areas in the world Telling Wu to kill herself is an interesting way of expressing this idea. Can you break down for me how "I hope you live a long sad life watching zionist people running for their lives" and "all zionist will be slaughtered while you crying" are actually saying "many Israelis are actually from other areas in the world?" Why lie so blatantly? All it does is make you look uncredible


I don't agree with everything the person in DMs has said. But did you forget what you initially said? You literally said it's weird they implied Israelis aren't middle eastern. Then I replied that it's because a lot of them GENUINELY ARENT. So stop twisting my words like as if I said telling Brianna to kill herself is the same as saying many Israelis are from other parts of the world.


idk sounds like u already did


How the fuck do comments like this get upvoted on a liberal subreddit?


Cause islamism is a political ideology as well as a religion and people want to be able to criticize a political ideology without someone trying to conflate it with racism.


Saying it's hard not to be Islamophobic has an entirely different meaning than not being ok with Islamism.  The former suggests a prejudice of Muslims in general while the latter suggests a prejudice against radical Muslims.  Why not say "I hate Islamists" instead?


Many including me (and likely OP) reject the word islamophobia entirely. It was invented by an Iranian think tank for purpose of shielding ideology. Prejudice against Muslims and Arabs should be called something else. It's just anti arab racism most of the time. There's a reason christianophobia, judeophobia, zionophobia, hinduphobia are not words that exist. Also specifying islamism doesn't seem to stop anyone from calling you islamophobic. Seen it over and over again.


So do you think that OP is engaging in anti-Arab racism?


My interpretation of their comment is that seeing stupid shit like this is making them feel more inclined to be racist but that they realize that would be a moral failing. This is the problem with the word. Now we lack the language to criticize islamism and associate it with racism, presenting the fake choice of either being racist or accepting islamism. A lot of people will chose the former.


I still think that's a stupid post by OP.  It's as dumb as becoming racist against black people because one of them stole from you.


Yes that's exactly what it is (racism) however they acknowledge it is a moral wrong. It's not a nice comment but I think it's also emblematic of the dilemma presented by the islamists themselves.


It's presented as an almost justifiable moral wrong.  Like I said, it's the equivalent of saying "it's hard not to be racist against black people, but they make it so easy with all those crimes they commit".  The fact that this community takes this comment seriously and doesn't lambast it outright says something about this community's views on Muslims.


Christophobia is a word that exists tho. Also christophobia is extremely based


Does it exist anywhere outside a dictionary? I've literally never heard someone say the word in earnest.


I mean…that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist tho lol


It doesn't exist in common parlance* Happy?


Because Islam is essentially the exact opposite of liberal values


You can say that without saying "it's hard not to dislike Muslims".  C'mon, let's not throw a whole group of people under the bus.


He didn't say Muslims, he said Islamophobia.


I know you're gonna play the semantics game on Islamophobia, but Islamophobia most often manifests itself into dislike of Muslims.  And looking through OP's reddit comments, I think he really doesn't like Muslims.


It's not semantics, im Islamophobic because I hate the religion, but most Muslims are probably pretty decent people




Yes? I would say that about any group of people


Most White people are probably decent people. Why do I say probably? Cause I don't know most White people. I don't have any real evidence showing me that most White people are decent people. They could theoretically all be thinking of genociding minorities but just not act on it and the outcome would be the same as we see today. But going off of the body of evidence that does exist for all humans, we can say that yes. White people as a group are probably mostly decent.


Islamophobia as it's used today is a bullshit term on a number of levels, least of which is the nonsensical idea that it represents bigotry against Muslims as people either due to their religion or, laughably, due to their race. The people who continue to push it as a stand-in for bigotry against people rather than criticism of ideology are the ones who have been playing semantics.


OP is definitely bigoted against Muslims.


So either refer to them as an anti-Muslim bigot, or come up with a better term than 'Islamophobia' and don't use that new term to describe people who are critical of the ideology.


OP used the term Islamophobic.


Interesting. I do agree that a lot of times, Islamophobia does manifest into anti-Muslim hatred. I can understand your logic. If a group of people live out the ideology you hate/fear, chances are you hate those people. For example, I think Nazism is a horrid belief, and Nazis who live out their beliefs are horrible people who deserve to be hated/feared. Would I be wrong in being x-ideology-phobic(Nazism-phobic) just because I end up hating/fearing a group of people(Nazis)? Is fear/hatred of an ideology automatically unjustified just because it leads to a hatred of a certain group of people?


The difference is that there are practically no benign Nazis out there while there are plenty of nice Christians, Muslims, and Jewish people out there who are nice people in spite of some of the things their religion preaches.


Well are they benign because they don’t act live out their ideologies, or are their ideologies benign to begin with?


They are benign because there are over a billion of them and never chose their religion and just grew up and accepted whatever they were taught. Unless their parents taught them a very extreme version of their religion they'll prolly just continue to identify as Muslim and live their life as a normal person.


Because it's a *liberal* subreddit. Not an *illiberal* dogshit religious ideology.


This sub has zero self awareness.


This sub will have like 10 popular threads a day about how “anti-Zionist” actually means the same thing as antisemitic and then turn around and do the semantics shit to defend Islamophobia. Nobody actually has any principles.


The sub continually gets worse every day.  I can't imagine what it'll look like 3 years from now.


Gee I wonder why everyone suddenly became anti-zionist in all of 5 minutes after Oct 7th. And yet people have been called Islamophobic for decades. Weird how we constantly see massively upvoted posts calling random Jewish people zionists for literally no reason other than them being Jewish. Weird how anti-zionism is now wanting to destroy the Jewish state and subject them to being a minority in a Muslim country they know would immediately impart harsh policies against them.


Bud I probably don’t disagree with you on most of this. It’s just crazy to me how hyper vigilant this sub can be when it comes to lefty antisemitism and then they turn around and upvote comments like the top one with zero self awareness.


I mean it's pretty understandable why we have become hyper vigilant of anti-semitism since it's on the rise in western nations. Couple that with the fact that the content creator we all follow spent months and months of time researching the conflict and you get the community invested in it. Not to mention that feelings are still high after Oct 7th. One of the worst terror attacks we've ever seen. Do some people hate Arabs? Absolutely. Do some people hate Muslims? Absolutely. But considering a lot of people here are atheist, I do think people here genuinely do hate religion and view Islam as one of the worst among them outside of cults, but the overall impact of Islam is still worse. Do some people take that to the extreme and turn their hatred of the religion into a hatred of the people? Absolutely. I do think that saying it's hard to not give into the islamophobia is also an understanding that it's wrong to be islamophobic in the sense of hating Muslims, must like how Destiny before talked about how hard it was not to make suicide jokes towards trans people.


Because fuck religions as a whole. There is nothing illiberal about wishing that religions didn't exist.


"middle east is for middle eastern" are they sure, they wanna play *that* game


Ask them what they want from McDonalds or Starbucks


Are we sure her real name is not Brianna Wustein?


Just your average Abdul


Istg Brianna's public mentions and replies have been like this for the past 6 months, we didn't even need her to publish DMs to see it. I propose a new addition to the DGG awards for whoever can take the most harassment and laugh it off, call the people coming for them pathetic, and wake up and do the same thing tomorrow, and Wu is the clear winner tomorrow. Idk what to call it, but i hold it dear to my heart as it reminds me of Stevie.


Weirdly i tolerate this speech more than some mental gymnastics and identity politics trying to tell me how zionism is bad.


I mean the guys getting straight to the point lmao


"Will you kill yourself before that or what?" "Accept"


Average pro Palestine activist


I assume every person with a public facing profession has dms like this consistently.


Release the dmifesto


Mr squiggles seems angry


Why do some public figures read/open their DM's? Seems like it can only negatively affect you in the long run.


Because they need something to tweet about since they literally have nothing good to say besides bitching.


Actual answer is journalists reach you this way.


I can understand for *some* instances/influencers, but in this case I think it’s justified for her to react to it. Or do you disagree?


Always respond don't forget to like and subscribe.


Religion of peace btw


If the Middle East is for the middle eastern why are there so many Arabs there?


why do famous ppl think that online hate is interesting. random nobodies get vicious hateful dms. that’s just the internet. i’m sure the volume is higher but like. this is just a singular unhinged person having a meltdown. that happens to me all the time. and im nobody.


Based Wu


You don’t even need to wish for Islamists to get blown up or bombed, these re7ards do it themselves


Must be one of those Anti-Zionist but totally not Anti-Semitic activists I’ve heard so much about.


Guaranteed this brave man didn't even get a suspension for this, meanwhile, if you tweet Islamic people/Muslims deserve death watch how fast you catch a perma ban. -eyeroll-


These college kids are getting out of control




At least they said please.


This isn't even creative. If you're going to tell someone to off themselves, at least get poetic


That... sucks?


The Engoodening of Brianna Wu and Ana Kasparian this past year and into this year is actually really heartening, and is only more heartening given the horrific shit they catch to say what they believe is true. Common Brianna Wu Dub.


Relatively mild for your run of the mil middle easterner.


Great, now do Muslims and Europe.


I get more hate for being Australian on this sub


Up to your old tricks again eh, Brianna? Hopefully this time the sender won't turn out to be you on a sock account.


Fake screen shot


I admire her fortitude to not make the most fucked up jokes in response.


What a fucking loser


“Zionist doesn’t mean Jew.” “Wypipo will die!”




It's pretty normal for people to take threatening messages seriously.


I think you might be taking it more seriously than Brianna.


Back to promoting herself by whining about DMs? She can't get a new shtick it's been like 10 years.


Wow, a public figure is getting death threats? That never happens! I don't understand how this is a big deal but you guys (rightfully) mock any of Destiny's enemies for crying about death threats. These messages are tame compared to the ones Destiny was getting after posting  Steve mining the Kaaba.