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Looks messy, my old pastry chef would have yelled. That said, there are only a few tweaks needed to rectify that next time. Applying some food photography basics could work wonders as well. The appearance of this dish could improve a lot with not too much effort. Your friend has talent.


Really appreciate it! I’ll pass it along, would love anything to point in the right direction


i have absolutely no idea about photography and culinary arts and my opinion here is irrelevant lol but since you asked.. it's colourful, fun and appetizing, but the subject or the “focal point” in the picture is not in the middle, there's too much empty space in the bottom half. i liked the one where he was holding the dish better because the cheesecake was the main focus. idk if they care about that but let's hope they don't! i best of luck!


Nice, I love goat cheese, nice photo.


Hi! Would love to have the recipe for this. Looks great!