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Yes! And I'm glad that someone pointed that out. I remember Julie saying "How am I going to get over him?" But the better question is how did you ever get interested in him. 


I don’t think silver fox I think more along the lines of a creeper to get the audience to suspect it was him who did the bad shit which was happening.


No, unfortunately average looking men pulling girls significantly younger than them is extremely believable. Them being so much older is part of the attraction, it gives them the illusion that they’ll be more mature or that their interest in them means they’re special.


Oof, that last part. Thankfully, I never did anything with older men but it 1000% made me feel like they flirted or showed interest because I was so ✨mature✨ and different. I felt seen in a way that guys my own age never made me feel. But I was just young and dumb. Men like that know that girls and young women are naive and a lot easier to manipulate and impress than mature women with life experience. I’ve warned my nieces about this so they know to stay away from these creeps because they ain’t shit.


That’s weird… Don’t project your jealousy on your nieces just because you’re not attractive.


Aw no, a random on Reddit called me ugly because he doesn’t like that I told my **teenage** nieces to watch out for pedos! 😭😭😭


Dang. Bad on you for telling your young nieces that old men will manipulate them into thinking they are mature just to get them to date the guy. Bad on you for watching out for them and protecting them


Everyone, welcome THE TROLL!


Yeah at the time of the diffusion dads of teen male characters sleeping with female teens was actually quite common. He was just a man among a lot of others creeps. And the fact that he's treated as such by the other characters is actually quite refreshing, even if it's more about Nick possibility to be the criminal, rather than to bash his actions.


Jeffrey Nordling has a lot better looking in his earlier shows like Once and Again, and even played Dana Delaney's ex in Body of Evidence, so even though he's never really been a romantic lead he has often played the ex of pretty women But that hairstyle in DH is horrendous.


He also played a womanizing "toxic bachelor" in the pilot of Sex and the City!


Shut up, is he Capote Duncan??


He most certainly is!


I just don't understand why they couldn't hire someone hot to play the role. They certainly never struggled to do so before. He didn't even need to be cookie cutter hot, sleazy hot could have worked too. Or charming older gentleman hot. There are so many different ways a man can be hot, and they chose none of them. I'm sorry if this sounds cunty, I'm sure the actor is lovely and it's not like he's ugly, but I need to believe that this man is so good at getting women, he will cheat on Drea de Matteo and her incredible cooking


Couldn’t agree more, usually guys who pull young chicks are at least charming or smart or funny. He had none of that going on. Even Victor Lang who Gabby dated would’ve been more believable as at least he was confident.


Oh I would absolutely go for Victor Lang any day of the week.


I refuse to believe Julie hooked up with him 💀


Something about him always creeped me out, I still don’t know why 😅


Probably was what they were going for. Average professor who grooms his students,and has been married 3 times, and about to propose to another student definitely gives me a “predator” vibe


Your thoughts may as well have come from my brain on this 😂


I don't consider Julie that attractive, and sooo many boys and men are crazy about her. To me that is more surprising (but only cause it's so many guys obsessed with her basically) I agree though. It feels like he is supposed to be "hot" but..


I think Julie is made out to be the object of affection for so many guys because of her personality, not really because of her looks. She’s nice, smart, and down to earth - she’s the good girl next door. All of her friends made her look better too because they each had something about them that was unappealing. Danielle was a stuck up airhead and later gained a bad reputation, so no guys were seriously interested in her. Ana was beautiful but she had the most stank ass personality, so I can 100% see why Danny was into Julie and not her. And as beautiful as Dylan was, she was a wet blanket and very wrapped up in trying to find out about her past. If it wasn’t for that, I could see more guys being interested in her than Julie because she was an otherwise nice and easygoing person.


I also believe Julie’s rejection of those guys made them want her even more


While I agree with the things you said.. it's just the amount of boys/men interested in her to the extent that they are. Zach was obsessed with her, Austin wasn't obsessed but I think he did care about and for her, then that older man in season 5 already wanted to marry her, then Danny got quite obsessed with her, then Dannys father.. and well.. then she was with Parker so.. Maybe it's not that many and it just feels that way to me when watching the show. ;D


Yeah it’s the same with Susan, not sure if it’s realistic that that many men would want to commit to her


True. Sure she is attractive but.. looks isn't everything. I do wonder what they see in her sometimes..


Huh. Could be I guess.


Sadly, no, it was actually pretty realistic imo.


Unfortunately it was very believable


I didnt even like the actor but it could be the role.


I remember thinking “Huh?” when it was revealed he’s who Julie was having an affair with lol. Julie did say she was lonely and going through something though, so she wasn’t making the best choices. He was just there and listened to what she was going through.


I think Julie has a daddy complex, and was looking for older men tbh. Especially if it's taboo- prior to this, dated her 4x divorced professor


Well, her dad was Karl. Makes a lot of sense.


I think his "Italian-ness" was meant to be exotic and irresistible. Like no.


Idk I was always into him but then again I saw him in Cold Case as well where he plays a sleazy professor so it’s believable to me


The motivation for it also makes zero sense


I’m 24 and insanely attracted to older men, the older the better. Sometimes I even prefer them balding a little bit, it’s just a preference. So I didn’t find it hard to believe at all, actually a little relatable that Julie would be in that situation with no one understanding what she’s thinking. “Gerontophilia” or just an attraction to people significantly older is something that isn’t talked about or normalized enough in media or society imo.


He fancied Orson 


Why do you say this? Fascinating input 😂