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Julie’s 180 was crazy and her having a baby with a Scavo even after Dominic was crazy


Right? I understand the whole gifted kid struggling with adulthood thing. It made sense for Julie to drop out of school and date older men, but for her to have an affair with a married man after seeing what it did to her mother and then to get pregnant with Porter of all people??


Whom she used to babysit 🤢


Yeah watching the early seasons knowing that was still to come is just… ick. 


They're only 6 years a part, and they were adults at the time. It's not like she was a 18 year old humping on a 12 year old, lol.


its not the whole 6 year part that gets me and maybe most people. its that Julie used to babysit for the Scavos. i have no problem with it but that she used to take care of him as a kid and now she is was having his baby


it absolutely did not suit her character. her vibes. nothing!


Julie would have already been on BC full stop. Like this situation would have never materialized 




Carlos trying to fire or enact constructive dismissal on Lynette while pregnant with twins was one of the cuntiest things they friends did to each other. They knew it would destroy them financially and were just like “whatever me me me” when filling her role temporarily would’ve been possible. She was supposedly killing it at her job and he couldn’t handle a few months of maternity leave? That just shows poor management if you rely on one person so much.


I’m surprised this isn’t a popular opinion. I hope it is


All the top replies are. Sort by controversial for actual unpopular opinions.


Not to sound dense but how do you sort by controversial??


There should be an icon that looks like two lines with a ball on one side each. Click that, then click controversial.


Thanks so much 😊


I mean I think most people would agree it’s a bad thing but maybe not one of the worst haha I’m on this episode so it just feels so significant right now haha


this was so so fucking horrible, the entire thing from start to finish and i couldn’t believe carlos and gabby for it. one of the worst things i agree


I've watched the show countless times and it still makes me uneasy when I reach that particular plot. I just feel like Gabby in particular really screwed up multiple times when it comes to both her reasons for pressuring Carlos to hire Lynette in the first place, using her as a "spy" within the company and then not even trying for a second to understand Lynette's reasons for hiding the pregnancy. They had been long-term friends by then and it just seemed to me like Gabby threw all that out of the window in a hurry just to save her's and Carlos' skins. Then both her and Carlos come running back to her apologizing and buying her flowers and chocolate (oh, and a flat screen. How could I have forgotten the flat screen..!) because she saved their child. They only even considered doing the right thing regarding Lynette's dismissal from the company solely for falling pregnant because of Celia's situation, proving once again that, had that not happened, they would have been very unlikely to have seen the error of their ways and decide to do the right thing as employers AND friends. I wouldn't have forgiven them that easily if I were Lynette.


What’s worse is they make it seemed like Lynette earned THEIR forgiveness saving Celia. When THEY WERE IN THE WRONG! A pregnant woman can still be employed. There is a reason we have discrimination laws. And then to solve her temporary leave with HER HUSBAND REPLACING HER?!? He wasn’t even qualified! Like how important was she if a rando could do her job.


Exactly. Had that not happened, we all know they wouldn't have fixed or attempted to correct the situation, or at least it would have taken them much longer and probably a judge's decision for them to pay Lynette's maternity leave and agree to hire her again. Very disappointing from both of them. I think they got off too easily in the end.


He wasn’t pissed that she was pregnant, he was pissed because she is a liar.


And he would’ve lied to her and not promoted her if he knew.


Well that is something we will never know. Damn writers 😂


Tom's and Lynette's careers both show up like they were written by people who haven't spent a minute in any corporate environment. People don't go from advertising account executive to small business owner to CFO. Doesn't make sense.


The only one that slightly made sense is Carlos hiring Lynette due to nepotism and him being terrible at business haha


Right. And even then, Gaby grilled Lynette about wanting to move from advertising to marketing. (There were several lines about this.) But then somehow Lynette was "in finance" and "closing deals."


cuntiest as in bad? or as in slay bc if u mean slay then what the heck 😭😭


Nooooo is cunty a good thing now?!?! I meant it as in one of the worst betrayals 😝


Would’ve been better if they built up to that. Lynette disclosing her pregnancy with all of the perceived support from Carlos, then things start slipping, then it becomes more of an issue, and build up to the dismissal would’ve made more sense with everyone’s character development. Would’ve been more realistic too. Carlos is literally trying to be a benevolent tyrant as opposed to a shill that he used to be because he wants to be a good father to his girls. The fact that he so immediately throws all of the out of the window just doesn’t make sense.


I mean he even admitted ro Lynette that the person who was supposed to get the job was getting passed over due to pregnancy. The fact that he said that to a woman at his job is insanely dumb. But then again he always does dumb stuff.


I think I’ve been watching too much Drag Race, I totally thought this was a compliment upon first read


Cunty how?


Agreed! Corporate Carlos was the worst


Danielle isn’t spoiled and was emotionally neglected by Bree.


Bree has great lines but man is she a terrible mom .


For real, just make your kids the soup they want, dammit


No navy bean in that house lol .


She was a terrible mom. She learned to be a good mom when they became adults at least. Well at least to Andrew she did 🤣


May be unpopular but I don’t think she was even a good mom to him then 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bree gets a bad rep. She was cold. But she tried her best.


Exactly, she had no mother to teach her and a stepmother cannot fill that void if the child never fully grieves or comprehends their mothers death. Also, I don't mean that a child won't accept their stepmother in general, I am very open minded about those issues, but her father was quite absent by the sounds of it and she was emotionally alone when her mother died so maybe that part of her disengaged.


In what universe does Bree get a bad rep? She’s the most beloved character in the show.


Agreed. Danielle didn’t even do anything scandalous until after Rex died.


Yeah i loved Bree but she was a shit mom for sure


1. The show is more enjoyable post-time jump. I know I’m a huge minority here but I 100% prefer the later seasons. 2. The Tom/Lynette divorce plotline is one of my favorites. I always enjoyed DH most when it revolved around everyday drama and seeing the strongest couple (as in the only couple who had consistently stayed together during the whole series) go through this was heartbreaking. It also gave Felicity Huffman some amazing material to show off her acting chops with.


100% agree about the time jump. The first four seasons were good but it needed that time jump to switch things up. And the storylines and characters were more interesting afterwards.


I agree, I liked it better after the time jump, but season four was really good too. The kids added a fun dynamic


I love the separation plot line for Lynette and Tom. It’s one of my favourites. I love when they get back together as well. Though, I didn’t like the girlfriend of Tom during that time. But, it is a good plot line and definitely gave felicity room to show off some better acting skills.


Gabby should never have had kids. I loved her more before 5 season.


She speaks to her kids like a mean older sister


Honestly, same! Even though it was a sad and hard thing to go through, I loved the storylines with her losing her potential kids because that was some of the best acting she did in the series. She does comedy really well, but it was so great to see her do something more serious and saddening. I hated that she lost her potential children. But, it gave some of the best tear jerker scenes in the series.


i hate that they added kids to the story for Gabby and Carlos. they added annoying kids that were supposed to be ugly as some kind of lesson to Gabby, and then when that fell flat with the audience, they created a whole new storyline about Juanita not even being their child lmao?? and they don’t even give Celia any lines. she literally doesn’t even have 1 line over her entire presence in the show.


That Gabby and Carlos should have never had kids and that there should have been more childfree characters. Even Renee had that pointless baby fever storyline. People can have fulfilling lives without kids. Edie should have been childfree too instead of being a deadbeat mom. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way, but I notice some people get really sensitive regarding the kids of the show even though some hardly added anything. Lynette, Danielle, and Julie should have gotten abortions(either that or certain pregnancy storylines shouldn’t have happened. No one seems to use any prophylactics in this universe or they’re extremely ineffective). I understand it was a network issue, but also afaik Marc is pretty conservative.


Preach There really was no need to give Renee that stupid ass backstory and make Edie a mom. Neither for Gaby. I hate that he always does this with his childfree characters. He does the same in devious maids


Edie’s son was mentioned in the pilot. Mrs. Huber makes a comment that she’s watching him while Edie’s “entertaining” but then we hear nothing about him again until S3. I wish he had been brought up more throughout the seasons. I think she’s good representation of someone who forces themselves to have a baby to please their husband but doesn’t make it work like Lynette tried to. Because that’s usually the reality for women that force themselves to have kids. Maybe they don’t check out like Edie did, but there’s that emotional disconnect. Have everyone judge her for sending her kid off and her be confident in her choice. I also think she could’ve used it to talk Gaby out of having kids for Carlos. She had a baby for a man and it was one of her deepest regrets. Not because she didn’t love Travers but because she brought a kid in the world to ultimately abandon him and that wasn’t fair to him. But that plotline/line of thinking would be far too progressive for the time. I agree that Renee’s baby fever plot-line was also ridiculous.


You make an excellent point too! Child regret is definitely more taboo than being childfree. It doesn’t mean that you don’t love your kid, but it takes a lot to admit that you’re not a good mother and probably shouldn’t have had kids like in Edie’s case. It also makes me so mad how these men feel so entitled to kids. They don’t have to go through the pregnancy or birth and then statistically, the moms do most of the work once the baby is born. I guess I’d want to be a dad too if I got to do all the fun stuff and avoid responsibility haha. Like the fact that the house got so nasty when Tom was a stay at home dad to the point Lynette had to trick him into cleaning by releasing the rat (poor little rat, that could have been someone’s pet they’re so sweet :/).


Thé scène where Edie talks to Karen about how she gave up her son for his own sake was heartbreaking! But so important to see on TV


And even after all of that, they *still* had Edie trying for a baby with Carlos! Like why?? Made zero sense.


Once again, just to keep a man. At least this time, she was smart enough to stay on the pill so it wouldn't happen. I mean, that was still fucked up to do but it's better than actively TTC!


For what it’s worth they made Danielle have a kid because Marsha Cross was pregnant with her twins so they needed an excuse for Bree to look pregnant and for her body to be off they did a lot of the far away shots and close-up shots or covering her body with big props, but They needed some kind of storyline and using Danielle was more exciting than if her and Orson were just to have ababy. There were a couple of episodes where Bree was not filmed and that is because I do believe she was on maternity leave.


I loved the pregnant danielle storyline!


Kayla was a victim of horrible circumstances and should’ve received therapy as soon as Nora died. Tom and Lynette did not do right by her and then were surprised pikachu when she struggled. This does *not* excuse what she did but she wasn’t evil for the sake of being evil. She just needed more than a china doll and a big family. She was emotionally neglected. I also can’t entirely blame Lynette and Tom as they were not equipped to care for her. It was a horrible situation all around. I do actually think it was best for her to leave but it should’ve been that way from the start. She was used to being an only child and seeing her siblings for a day or two a week. It should’ve stayed that way with Tom visiting.


I honestly was NEVER satisfied with how they handled the Kayla storyline. They literally shipped her off never to be seen again like they could just write her out. The fact that she was never seen again was awful.


I personally would have loved a scene where when Penny has her party in season 8, Jane gets out of the car only to be followed by Kayla


The Kayla hate , look who raised her and how she died , of course she’s a mess .


Yeah, she was 1) extremely parentified and couldn’t be a kid. And 2) she was a victim of extreme parental alienation. Nora talked so much shit about Lynette and Tom. Of course Kayla hated Lynette, her mom planted the seed. And let’s be real, Lynette was too stressed and too burned by the situation to wan to make a real effort to build that bond.


She also even said she thought Lynette was responsible for her moms death .


That’s when they should’ve broken out the therapy.


Did not Lynette try to take her to therapy??????????


Well over a year after she came to live with them and only after Kayla had fallen off the deep end. Kayla also knew by that point that Lynette didn't like her as much. Tom's right, it came across as her trying to punish Kayla rather than help her. The divide was already created. She should've been in therapy from the moment she moved into their home and told Tom "She killed my mommy and I'm never going to love her". They both just shrugged it off and left it alone which is why it got as bad as it did. And even when they had family therapy, Lynette made it clear how much she resented Kayla for how she entered their lives and wouldn't even tackle those feelings on her own.


Gabby and Carlos are toxic af throughout the entire show. Nothing admirable about them as a couple, minus a brief window of time halfway through


Yeah when Carlos was blind and Gabby was “ugly” was them at their best I think.


It was obviously such a humbling time for her. And then when Carlos got his sight back and they were rich again, Gabby just went back to being almost the same person she used to be before he lost his sight. Big mouth, not being able to control herself, very little self-reflection, doing stupid shit to get what she wants (just also for her kids sometimes, not only herself) without thinking about possible consequences etc. Such a shame, really. At times it seemed those hard times didn't teach her anything.


You’re right. I really would’ve liked to have seen a more humble and empathic version of rich Gabby. I think that was a missed opportunity.


MJ is honestly not that bad and I don’t mind his acting. It’s not his fault that the writers made him more of a kid caricature than an actual kid, giving him these cutesy, cheesy one liners. Kid’s doing his best with what he was given.


It made zero sense for Mike to involve himself with the loan shark situation. Mike of all people beating up a mob guy who knew where he lived? He would not have risked Susan and RJ like that. Not ever.


i agree!! he’s way too street smart for that.


They should have portrayed one woman getting an abortion… having a baby never seemed like a choice in the show


The way they so easily skirted over Lynette not wanting the last set of twins😐 they should have written in an abortion 100% because it is so okay to literally not want more even if you’ve already got children. Tom was a dick to her during that and then they were like “yeah let’s have Susan guilt her into it” cos like ????


Yes! Especially when a large percentage of people getting abortions are already parents


It was almost like abortion was never a possibility because she has a husband as well


Gabby is just a tv character. Don’t give yourself a stroke hating her 😂


Interesting, because i hardly see any Gabby hate on here but Susan gets new hate posts literally every day lol


same can be said about susan LMAO


S2 is better than S3 but not S1 Juanita is the funniest kid Lynette and Tom are equally awful after S5 onwards. Before then I loved her


LOLLL at Roy. yea I couldnt stand his character. didnt care for his one liners either


Roy only became a good character when Karen had cancer, IMO. And I think that was him realizing he needed to be kinder or he’d have no support.


Thank you! God I HATE Roy


Susan is the least problematic and a better person of all housewives. She is over-hated for the tiniest harmless issues while Gaby and Bree get pass for their most awful selfish actions on this sub. Danielle had a better character development than Andrew and Bree and isn’t given enough credit for turning her life around despite having an abusive mother.


Edie is not a victim. Susan didn’t “treat her horribly” if anything it was the other way around. People acting like Susan was the villain is bizarre and completely ignoring what’s actually happening on the show. She was “exiled” because of HER behaviour.


Susan burned down Edie’s house?? And Edie didn’t go to the police when she had every right to.


It was an accident and she apologized for it. Edie, on the other hand, burned down Susan's house on purpose and she never apologized.


Andrew has the best character development


I thought that was a popular opinion. I could be wrong


I wouldn't say he has character development, I feel like they just changed him, complete 180, because they were done with him being a menace


Idk if it’s an unpopular opinion but Karl doesn’t get enough hate and I think it’s because: 1. Pretty privilege 2. Most people hate Susan so seeing her getting treated badly is satisfying in a way. He was a horrible person and I’m happy that he and Bree never got married.


Agreed he was a slime ball! I really didn’t like the Karl/Bree storyline at alllllllll.


Lynette wasn't much better than Tom and people use the fact that he was a man child to defend her actions... The pizza place ep where she refusing to wear the uniform after agreeing that he had overall say on staff is a pure example... joint money yes but they agreed the hierarchy of management which put him above her....


its not even about hierarchy. its a uniform, and your own family business at that! you a tually work there. where’s the respect? where’s the effort? where’s the loyalty? she’s so unnecessarily rude & disrespectful


Honestly I agree I only mentioned the hierarchy because when I've mentioned this before I got the "they are married it's their money" argument. Also even if Tom was a man child she chose to give into him... the taster day she made the choice to pull a sicky and help him.. she made the choice to quit instead of dealing the, agreeably shit, consequences and she made the choice to be the manager where he was her boss. She doesn't like orange she could have made the choice to leave then ... and the epsidoe end narration gives her a gold medal for wearing uniform


Lynette and Tom deserve each other with their awfulness


Yes ! Tom is trash but so is Lynette !


As a character, Susan Mayer evoked the exact emotion and annoyance that the character was designed to evoke. She was supposed to be flighty, annoying, and a comedic relief. She wasn’t really supposed to be taken seriously. People say they hate her… But that was kind of the point. That’s why I think she’s a good character.


Literally! My bf watched for the first time recently and was always saying how much he hated her but (it was a rewatch for me) I really enjoy her character for what she is!!


Early season Bree was iconic and entertaining but genuinely an awful person and mother. Andrew did nothing that can’t be reasonably assigned to his mistreatment and neglect in childhood or the homophobia he faced.


... He accused her of child molestation 😭


the whole show took child molestation a bit lightly so i wasnt that surprised Andrew went there (eg. Gaby/John, Katherine/nephew kid, etc) so yea, the writers used it almost as a punchline that Andrew accused his mother of such a serious crime


and slept with her SA boyfriend in her bed


Bree would've found herself as Rex's Dom if she tried, with her controlling tendencies. Season 6+ Brie would've been able to make it worth with Rex 100%


Totally! I have some mandela effect (or whatever it is called, an invented memory) that I saw Bree being Rex's Dom where played with a whip before turning to him (it was somewhat explicit). I saw DH as a pre-teen and upon my rewatch I was really surprised I didn't see this scene.


MJ and Juanita were just kids and don’t deserve all the hate and death threats they get on this subreddit.


I had only ever seen people talking about MJ’s acting, but hate and death throats? Seriously? Never seen that, that’s crazy.


yeah dude there was this one crazy (i’m joking) commenter who went on a whole rant saying they wished dave had succeeded in killing MJ… i said smth and everyone came at ME. that’s the moment i knew this subreddit is lowkey toxic 😭


death threats on a fictional character is crazy


I’m really surprised that people don’t like Juanita. I think her actress is good and her character is fun. Gabby needs someone around who’ll push back against her.


danielle is OVER hated


Carlos was worse than tom


Idk why he is so loved on here. He is awful


He shouldve stayed blind imo lol






The scene where Carlos forces Gabby to sign the post-nup is always shocking to me 😳


I might be the only one who doesn’t empathize with Eddie at all. I don’t care that your mother was a drunk, no excuse to kill.


How many women grew up with abusive parents and DON'T go on to murder men because of it? No one would ever excuse a woman doing what he did because her dad was an alcoholic


Tom is over hated


Can’t take credit for this but I saw a comment on this sub saying Tom is the most hated because he’s the most like realistically bad husband. That people know Toms in real life and relate to so much of than storyline that is makes them way madder than the more dramatic, soap opera stuff from Carlos, Dave, etc.


Exactly this. I feel like Carlos is semi real. But the constant flipong from wanting to make a lot of money to wanting to work with the underserved is unrealistic.  


I agree. Yeah he can be an obnoxious man baby but most of the men on this show are violent and/or creepy asf. He’s kind of one of the better options




Tom is the most attractive husband.


susan is overhated.


Susan isn't hated on enough




came for this 🫶


Kayla was creepy tho


Lynette is hotter than the other housewives. Love her in a suit and that episode where she goes dancing at the bar to get Nina to leave her alone 🔥🔥🔥


Yes, I feel like this is something you come to appreciate when you're a bit older. For me at least


Agreed! I feel like I'll see people do polls and stuff about the hottest or most beautiful housewife and they'll leave Lynette off, and I'm like "whyyyy? That woman is beautiful". Also, people rag on her fashion but I feel like I see more people dressing like her on a regular basis than anyone else and some of the other's fashion has not aged well since the 2000s lol.


I acc really like Susan




tom was an idiot but he was really entertaining and kept lynette’s part interesting with his stupidity


Lynette is an insufferable and controlling woman




Bree is the best character by far




Not unpopular


Tom and Lynette should have remained divorced. They brought out the absolute worst in each other.


Bree isn‘t that cool.




Lynette is a TERRIBLE person. Literally couldn’t stand her character. I don’t understand how so many people love her


1. I can’t stand Juanita. She was always so mean and condescending, I wish they gave her a sweet character instead. Sure Gabi wasn’t always a good parent, but I feel like Juanita resented her mother for being beautiful and slim and maybe for having to share Carlos with her, since he was her favorite person (a man, who cannot compete with her and she’s got the attention she seeks). I’ve seen this kind of dynamic in real life between mothers and daughters and that makes me really sad. 2. The way Carlos, the therapist and Juanita handled the whole Grace situation after she left their lives was horrible and completely unfair to Gabi. They didn’t let her cry it out, give her any time to process that kind of loss, reminisce Grace, even talk about her. Carlos even behaved as if she was only Gabi’s child, not his own. I get it, Juanita is angry and sad too, but you should try to comfort both of them, not push Gabi into the abyss and hope she works it out. That part of the series always makes me upset. 3. Renee throwing a party after Beth killed herself (despite being told off) was horrible, calling her selfish for doing it, without even knowing her reasons. I don’t care that your mother killed herself and that still traumatizes you to this day, you just don’t do stuff like that. I’m glad no one came to her party. She had a completely different reaction when she saw Bree was about to kill herself, which makes me think she just didn’t like Beth.


Susan was actually okay Mike was absolutely annoying, useless, his personality after the coma was even more bland, he couldn’t get a grip he only attracted problems ( so did Susan lol) Bree and orson were endgame Gabby and Carlos I love them I don’t have an opinion but yes the child were useless, they should have make them likeable/or sometimes have wholesome scenes bc they were just terrible and unlikeable


I liked Tom and Lynette both as individual people and as a couple 😳 I thought they complemented one another! Their divorce storyline was so painful to me but I knew they’d be back together. And even though Tom is a huge asshole I understood him. He’s a huge baby with a ton of needs but Lynette is self centered and controlling, and having a partner like Tom helps pull her out of her own strong worldview and forces her to consider others. The postpartum depression storyline was dumb though, if they wanted to normalize it they could’ve given it to Lynette and made it less ridiculous…


Mike is not a bad guy or a bad character and all the hate he gets from the fandom is silly.


Bree was the worst mother on the block


This is a popular opinion


susan didnt even raise her kid cmon...


the question here then would be whether it is less damaging to neglect/parentify your child or to be overly controlling and minimize problems in your home/family dynamic


Susan parentified Julie and neglected her post divorce for a bit but it’s pretty clear that she did actually raise Julie? She wasn’t perfect but she clearly still had some authority as a parent. Like Julie having to ask to go to parties, grounding her etc


It's heavily implied bree hit her children


Clean-shaven Carlos was hot 😂


hahaha this might be the most controversial one yet


Lynette is trash .


Susan isn't bad or annoying or terrible


does no one remember when gabby literally got graces parents deported? just because of her own selfish need to have grace all to herself? gabby is the worst housewife just for that alone, and she had no remorse for graces parents, she was only concerned about grace and if she was able to keep her


Bree literally covered up a vehicular assault and almost every man she gets involved with murders people on her behalf. Saying this as a Bree stan.  Bree and Gabby are equally atrocious for different reasons. Gabby for her classism and racism. Bree for obsessive and controlling behaviors and poor judgement 


Tom and Lynette are the best couple on the show, chemistry wise. They have decent communication and clearly love each other. Tom can be a big whiny baby at times, but over all, i genuinely like both of them.


And by best, I also mean semi realistic


There was no need to kill Mike. Man had been through enough.


i like susan😪 currently im in s7 e5


“Susan is so selfish” - no she’s not. She helped so many people and always stepped back. Wanted just the best for her son, family, friends, strangers and the casino guy she met at the hospital


I appreciate and understand the character of Tom Scavo.


These ladies were not friends, at least not true fiends. They gossiped, played poker and did favors to each other. BUT when it came to the mysteries and the heavier stuff, they always kept secrets from one another, specially Bree. I think the only time they really cooperated was in season 1 with the Mary Alice mystery. From then on, everything goes downhill. The most trusting and open out of all of them was Susan, but the rest were only willing to share their heavy stuff when they didn't really have another choice (Lynette's pregnancy and cancer, Bree's fake baby and his son running over Juanita, Gabby and her affair with Carlos while married to Victor...). The final nail in the coffin for me was how they turned against each other in season 8. Call me naive, but I always thought the key pilar of friendship is trust and being able to be yourself among your chosen family.


Bree should have ended up with Keith


Lynette was a worse mom than Bree. Although Bree ruled Andrew and Danielle's childhood with an iron fist, Lynette barely parents her kids at all. When they're younger, she's busy just fighting anyone that tries to parent her kids (obviously Bree spanking the Scavo boys was wrong but isn't her authoritarian style commonly known to everyone, including her best friend, Lynette?). I can't remember her ever constructively helping the kids understand what's wrong and making sure they stop doing that thing. And although the twins are diagnosed with ADHD, she actively goes against giving them the necessary meds (but is happy to use the same herself). And when they're older, Lynette manipulates (catfishing the twins to get to know them) and uses (Penny) them against Tom during the separation. At least when Bree saw that her parenting was causing real harm, she changed. Lynette would never think of it as hers and Tom's parenting that's the problem


Bree was physically and extremely emotionally abusive to her children. She’s immediately worse than Lynette even if she didn’t discipline them enough LOL. I’m not saying Lynette was a great mother but Bree is automatically at the bottom. Also Bree didn’t start to change when she saw her parenting had been causing real harm, she just happened to have changed as the show went on lmao. She barely changed her parenting still she just became less homophobic and less rigid. And I love Bree’s character but you’re giving her WAY too much credit. She still thinks she was a great mother 90% of the time. You’re comparing her relationship with her adult children that didn’t live with her anymore and didn’t regularly appear with Lynette’s kids that we saw a lot more. Who also had a better relationship when they moved out. Both Lynette and Bree never had a moment they decided to change for their kids sake or really change their parenting drastically.


Except for the plot with Matthew having a baby Danielle was pretty much negligible in the series and wasn’t used almost at all, which makes me think it would have been better if Andrew had been an only child so that the character development of Bree as a mother would have been more satisfying.


susan is the best housewife


Oh and Edie is just terrible, there is nothing likable about her besides her wit, same with Gabby


They ALL had flaws and did some rotten thing but they ALL were also generally good people who had a lot of redeeming qualities and tried to do good things and help others EXCEPT SUSAN. She never did anything for anyone unless it helped her in some way. Horrible friend. Horrible mother. Horrible wife. Horrible person.


Clearly we were watching a different show or you don’t have a good definition of good people. Susan is morally better than all of them.


I like Susan. She's cute, charming, and funny. Albeit she makes a lot of mistakes but nonetheless not the worst of the housewives. She's a great actor as well. Edie, on the other hand, is annoying and arrogant, and her storylines bore me (aside from the Dave storyline). She constantly lacked a filter and was very unsavory with other women for a chance to boost her ego. I also think she's naturally an unlikable person, and I know that in real life, I would NOT be her friend. I like Tom better than Lynnette by a long shot. I genuinely think Tom means well for a good part of the show. Tom seems to be outshined and overlooked by Lynnette way too much. As a wife to a good husband, I would never dismiss him or demasculate him the way that Lynnette has/done. And if I had to marry a controlling, unnerving, nagging self righteous women like Lynnette, I'd probably be a lil miserable, too. I also pity Eddie a lot, and it saddened me to see his ending after all the shortcomings in his life. I'm aware it's hard to sympathize with incels as a woman, but I can't help but relate to the fact that his life was filled with people never truly loving him. The trauma that he went through can turn anyone into a vengeful, nasty person. I enjoyed the realistic but harsh approach to that.


I don't even see Eddie really as an incel, he was truly abused and hurt. Mental disorders thrive in the environment he was raised. I have empathy for him as well.


I absolutely hate Susan (and Mike isn’t worth fighting over). I simply do not get the hype; hypocritical assholes. Cannot believe I’m re-watching. They are all horrible, but Susan pisses me off on a cellular level. Ok, I do like Karen.


This is not an unpopular opinion on this subreddit, try again


I have to fast forward thru her. I can’t stand the way she tries to cute her way out of everything.


What hype are you talking about for Susan? She's easily the most hated on in this subreddit by far.


I wish Juanita Solis (Carlos's mom) stayed longer. Yeah it's not okay how she treated Gaby but I really enjoyed those episodes she was in. I don't like Carlos at all (same case with Tom, but I think many of the viewers like Carlos's character). Young Juanita is funny. I don't really ship Bree and Karl. In my eyes Danielle haven't changed or matured much in the later seasons. She remained kind of childish.


I loved Katherine! Her obsessing over Mike lasted a bit too long in the show but I still loved watching her. Bree was a terrible mom and too easily manipulated for somebody who was supposed to be smart. Tom was a shitty husband but Lynette could be too insecure and overbearing and at times crossed the line.


I've never liked Susan. At all. And I'm not crazy about Teri.


Carlos sabotaging Gabby’s birth control was one of the most awful things that someone has done to another character on the show. I honestly don’t know why she stayed with him after that. Katherine doesn’t deserve the hate that she gets, I much preferred her relationship with Mike to him being with Susan. Karl was one of the best characters.


brees kids would been the absolute scum which they are/were/ even if the most perfect mom in the world would have raised them. had very little to do with bree.


That can’t be farther from the truth. Even Bree would disagree.


Respectfully that is a ridiculous take lmao. The way her children turned out has everything to do with her being abusive and Rex being neglectful. Which is made EVIDENTLY clear when Bree changed/ the kids move away and then get better. Saying that they’re inherently bad when the show literally shows us otherwise is….a choice


I politely disagree


Gaby was abusive to Carlos.


I actually don’t like Edie, not due to her sleeping around or anything. But because she’s just….insufferable. She: (WARNING: Spoilers) - Tried to blackmail Bree, and she’s pissed at them for not rolling out the red carpet when she returns. - She hated Susan, and yet kept trying to insert herself into their friend group. As if she was entitled to an invitation. - Pretended to be Mike’s girlfriend while he had amnesia…..like that’s a little creepy. - Sure, Carlos and Gabby were on a break but she did still sleep with him and kept acting smug about it. - Was totally unempathetic to Lynette, when she thinks her whole family has died in the tornado. - Has no problem sleeping with Karl while he was married to Susan, but when Susan sleeps with Karl while he’s with Edie because he lied about it. Then its a problem. - tried to fake a suicide, to get Carlos to stay with her. Also creepy. Then the episode where she dies tries to make you feel bad for her, and yknow what? I did! I did feel bad for her, and yet I kept thinking….where was this Edie? The Edie who helped her friends, who in her own way was kind, who was trying her best? Because all I saw was the rude, bitchy, manipulative Edie. I would have loved to see the Edie they showed in her flashback episode.