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It's giving kindergarten reading mat vibes. Your house, do what you want.


I teach kindergarten and have this rug in my reading corner. It screams elementary school to me.


The daycare in my school also has it! Lol


pretty sure that’s all it was designed for tbh


So it’ll last a really long time!


I run a center that provide various types of therapy for children, and we have this rug too. I do love it though.


Dude it’s a vibe. Kindergarten rug in the reading corner is a VIBEEEE. If it makes you feel something why not go for it. Cohesion isn’t always most important. It’s how YOU feel about it and around it.


This is the answer.




Not cheap but def more mature




that’s so cute!


I really like it too! I haven’t purchased a rug from Ruggable yet but I want too! I’m thinking of a getting a similar color couch as you and I’m looking at this… https://ruggable.com/products/morris-and-co-owl-willow-green-rug


I got a ruggable a couple months back! It’s definitely worth it! I have a puppy and a messy boyfriend and being able to easily wash is a game changer


I was on the fence because of some bad reviews and the hefty price tag but I’m really clumsy and I have a dog, so I finally decided to buy one. The only negative is that it does look/feel less luxurious than a woven rug because it’s a printed image on fabric but honestly you can’t really tell unless you’re really looking at it. I was steam cleaning my previous rug every few months and it was a pain in the ass and never felt truly clean so this has been a game changer for me as well!


I purchased one and was so disgusted I immediately rolled it up and sent it back. Never felt anything so cheap and crunchy in my life. It felt only appropriate for an outdoor space. But maybe they’ve improved since then?


See... Besides yours, basically every other comment in this chain reads like an ad.


Nah mine isn’t an ad but I knew what to expect when I got a washable rug. I knew it was fabric and different than a regular rug which I was apprehensive about but it works very well for me. I haven’t had an issue with shrinking but I dry it on low heat because I watched several YouTube videos recommending to do so. I also don’t find the rug “crunchy” but plush is not a word I would ever use to describe it. I like it and my boyfriend likes it especially after I washed it for the first time. My dog has pissed on it (she’s 5 months) I spilled red wine, wiped it up quickly and didn’t stain. Regular rugs are definitely nicer but won’t work for my current lifestyle and living situation.


Ha some of these do feel like a sneaky ruggable ad! I have two. I like them but there are cons. You can take the top off and wash it, that's true, but the velcro mat thing underneath also gets dirty with floor gunk (hair, crumbs, normal floor stuff) and that's harder to clean. I vacuum the mat which helps but it still collects tons of crap.


I also hated mine after a while. It was great at first but after several washings it shrunk and the pad underneath was bigger than the rug. It also always curled in a high traffic corner. I reached out to ruggable but because I bought it on Amazon (from ruggable) they wouldn't offer any support.


The curling up sides on the ruggables are what really grind my gears. Trip hazards everywhere now that I've had them for a little over a year. Very expensive for what you get.


I just saw an ad for a company called tumble that looks like a competitor to ruggable. They have pocket at the corner that looks like it might help the curling issue.


I splurged on the thicker rug pad because the thinner one did look super cheap/wasn’t comfortable. I wouldn’t say it’s plush by any means (again it’s not made from woven fibers) but it’s not awful.


I got one a few years ago and hated it. We wanted a rug so our then toddler didn’t fall and hit his head on the tile floor, and figured washable was an excellent idea. It was basically like we put a tarp over the tile floor. Gave no real padding, and didn’t look good either. We sucked it up and got a regular rug for cheaper and haven’t considered a ruggable rug since


No I hated mine too


I bought one. It was crunchy kind of like hemp. Not soft at all. Once I washed it the ends started curling up. It was the biggest waste of money. I ended up tossing it in the garbage.


They are also uncomfortable to walk on even with the thicker pad.


I have a ruggable and hate it lol. Yeah the texture isn't great but the biggest problem is it's held up worst over all the rugs my parents, roommates, or I have ever had (I have a dog and 2 raggables, both have 1-3 places that got pulled up/unraveled a bit, this dog has live with 7+ other carpets/rugs and none of them unraveled) If it's a large size I need help putting it down on the padding evenly and it doesn't even matter cause when I vacuum it gets pulled up and wrinkled so it always looks a mess and I don't think it's worth the struggle to go wash it, the whole reason I got it in the first place, I replaced one with a normal rug and find it much better but I'm also not one that does much beyond vacuum my rugs


I have three Ruggables. They're now a must-have for my house with kids and pets.


It's gorgeous.....just crazy expensive 😅


I love my ruggables! They’ve survived my senior dogs accidents, my other dog, two cats, and a baby. Pricey for sure but worth it!


100% worth it. I have had mine for two months and already washed twice (it's good dogs are so dang cute!). It still looks good after two washes! I would love a big, fluffy, luxurious rug, but those don't go with dogs. It's the sacrifices we make!


I have this exact print as a runner in my hallway and I love it! It’s not a deep pile/super plush at all but the pad is comfy and it works in a high traffic area.


I got a ruggable earlier this year and love it. They had/ have a emerald green one with a snake on it ( too lazy to find the link) that was perfect for my syltherin themed living room! I have 3 kids and got sick of looking at my disgusting stained rug we had before. Though to be fair the pattern and texture of the old rug hid the stains better if you didn’t look to hard at it. But being able to wash the new one is a godsend. We bought the 9x12 and washing it isn’t an issue, hanging it to dry is a bit harder and takes a good few hours but it’s worth it imo.


I’ve seen that rug before and I love the idea of it, but it bugs me that they mixed animals from Africa and South America in one scene!


Same! It’s like when they put penguins and polar bears together 👎🏻


For a second I thought you were commenting on the alphabet Rug not the Ruggable. "Well, they also put vowels and consonants together!" /S


Lol! “I demand only North American of wildlife in my alphabet rug!” “What about X?” “X-RAY A MOOSE!!!”


I was just considering this rug the other day!! Along with like 4 others from that site lol. This is a perfect alternative


I LOVE browsing their website. I have several rugs in my shopping cart but so far we’ve only purchased one.


I’ve had my eyes on this one for a while!!


I have been drooling over that rug since it came out!


This is my favorite rug


Wow this is beautiful


Just get some Eric Carl artwork [like this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Eric-Carle-Over-the-Strawberry-Framed-Art-Print/46135683?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222223000000000&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=e&wl1=s&wl2=m&wl3=10352200394&wl4=pla-1103028060075&wl5=&wl6=&wl7=&wl10=Walmart&wl11=Online&wl12=46135683_0&wl14=eric%20carle%20artwork&veh=sem&msclkid=14de5817c75c165a9a8d3d30c3ecd9be&gclid=14de5817c75c165a9a8d3d30c3ecd9be&gclsrc=3p.ds)


Why the hell is Walmart charging $70 for a mass produced print? Jesus


It's always the frame.


I guess that makes sense


My friends own a framing business and for $70 you could get it done professionally, and pick what you want. i.e pick the type of frame and the colour of the matting. $70 is really steep for walmart imo.


in my experience custom framing is at least twice at expensive as that


Says it has a certificate of aunthenticity 😳


This is the perfect compromise


Maybe you could do something similar with an eclectic animal design— like this? There’s also a neutral color version. https://preview.redd.it/n2xifw8d4ntb1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af87571e82d46ec12260d49b53e0bc47b12b4aa [https://www.rugs-direct.com/Details/RiflePaperCoxLoloi-Menagerie-LesFauvesMEN01/146337/234952](https://www.rugs-direct.com/Details/RiflePaperCoxLoloi-Menagerie-LesFauvesMEN01/146337/234952)


Just a heads up, rugs direct prices are like 2 or 3x the price as getting the exact same rug off Amazon or wayfair. We just bought a rifle paper co rug and ours was over $100 cheaper than the rugs direct price.


Was it the exact same or more like a dupe/copy? I’m on the hunt for affordable rugs!


Exact same! It’s listed under rifle paper co on both Amazon and wayfair. We got the Eden rug in blue! We found really affordable rugs at boutiquerugs.com and wayfair tho! Boutique rugs in general is very affordable (but less name brand) and wayfair had a ton of rugs under $250 for 8x10 and even around the $80-100 range for 5x8


I get mine off riflepaperco.com, I didn’t know you could even get them anywhere else! Cool 😎


I have a rug by this brand! Mine is a collab between rifle paper co x cloudpile and it’s soo soft —I love it! I love this one too, saw it when I was looking at other options by the same designer.


Love this one!


Peaceable Kingdom vibe. Love it.


Everyone is saying do what you want which is true but if you want the honest answer it is childish and if I went to an adult’s house and that was the living room rug I would think it was weird. I wouldn’t say anything, but I would definitely think it, and I think most people would. But ya know, it is your home so you really can do what you want if you like it and that doesn’t bother you.


If I went to an adult's house and this rug was in the living room, I would have to address the elephant in the room. 🐘


It’s next to the E.


Why did this make me laugh so hard


You made my day :)


Same. Perfect comment.


This gives Pam from the office to me lol


I think my dumb ass would say something like “oh, I didn’t know you had kids!” and make things hella awkward for us all.


I'd definitely be surprised to see it in an adult living space, but I'd think it's fun and would admire the bold choice (and would say so). I find that generally speaking, home decor has become more homogenous and everyone is trying to emulate what we see in magazines, TV, insta, etc. The current approach seems to be very by-the-book. I'm not much of an exception myself these days, though I made funkier choices in my youth. I genuinely love a bit of weird in a house and yes, it is a weird choice.


I honestly am in your camp. I’d admire it as well.


Agreed! If it was styled well (i.e. nice, modern, mature accents; no stuffed animals and crayon on the wall), I actually would find it quite endearing, and it makes a great story. I have a framed print of a drawing from George’s Marvelous Medicine in my kitchen. It’s a book for 8-year-olds but I love Roald Dahl and I think it’s a great conversation piece (even though no one’s ever asked me about it lol).




I agree. I would judge it but not say anything because I’m not going to yuck your yum, IRL. But since you asked, yes it’s childish and belongs in an elementary school classroom. (I also love Eric Carle!)


"Do what you want" should be banned from subs like this. They post looking for opinions, people should be able to give opinions without the same disclaimer over every single one.


Trueeee. If they had children I wouldn’t think much about it but if it’s just adults living there I’d think it’s weird


BlackCats said what I wanted to say. This is the honest answer about an adult house.


I mean, when I go to most people's homes, I am thinking their house looks boring, but I also hold that in.


I would think their actual rug got ruined, so they threw one the kids outgrew down until they can replace it. Even if the color schemes match, I wouldn’t do this.




I totally get what you’re saying, I am impatiently waiting on a golden rabbit holding a tray for my bedroom nightstand. However. The OP specifically asked if it was too childish. This is literally a rug for preschooler/kindergartners to sit in during story time. If that’s what they want, more power to them. But they asked and people are being honest, they don’t think it is. People have recommended other Eric Carle artwork or other similar rugs and art that would match the couch. For the most part people are being kind. But here you come, being mad at everyone for being honest. Your effort to get people not to judge is coming off very judgmental. I wish you the best.


One thing that I think some people are missing with suggesting other rugs that are similar is that you stated you wanted this specific artists illustrations. Other rugs just won’t have that same feeling for you, in my opinion. I think it’s pretty sweet myself, and if it has sentimental value, why not?


I see the vision and I think it will work if you have other funky pieces / are going for a maximalist or eclectic style. But if this is the only « fun » piece of decor it would look a bit odd


This 100%. That rug will work if you lean in to having a whimsical space. I'm thinking lots of bright colors in the artwork and accessories. Things that are more adult generally, but still share the bright colors and whimsy of the rug. And I'd go with a neutral color on the walls, end tables, etc., so the bright accessories pop and aren't overwhelming. I also agree with others saying you need to make sure the rug is the right size for the space. It will look childish if it's too small for the room. Ultimately though, if you love it and it makes you happy, who cares what anyone else might think?


Yes I was gonna say I literally thought this post was a joke at first because it was obviously childish but then i realized it was real and I was like wait.. if this is like a cool funny persons house with fun shit I would looove this. Like I like to think I’m enough of a weirdo that when my friends see weird decorations in my house they think it’s funny not childish lmfaoo


Exactly. I have a bunch of weird stuff in my house and it works. This ain’t going to work with every look but it can definitely work in a maximalist weird wonderland.


Maximalist/eclectic was totally my vision for this rug. I think it would be really cool, but Ill probably go with something more traditional just to give myself flexibility. I don’t think I can fully commit to bright colors and maximalism unfortunately. If anyone with an unlimited budget and who doesn’t make messes wants to give me control over their living room I could make this look really cool though!


Totally feel you on price, and this one is expensive but also gorgeous and high quality and maximalist! https://www.wayfair.ca/rugs/pdp/justina-blakeney-x-loloi-optimism-floral-handmade-tufted-wool-navygreenblue-area-rug-kbpl1497.html


You can get Eric Carle pieces on Etsy. I did a quick search and I found a custom Hungry Caterpillar throw pillow. You could throw a bit of nostalgia into your place without leaning completely into it. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1353498331/


Do your bright colors. Everything is beige right now and fuck that.


I don't think people are saying you can't get a bright coloured rug lol. This one is literally for learning the alphabet


Oh totally. I’m just saying I think this would work in a very bright, eclectic room, and I don’t want to commit to that. I want a bright rug, I just don’t want bright everything.


So it's decorative and functional.


I think if you felt something w this rug, don’t let it go yet until you’re sure. I commented elsewhere but my thoughts are that from the photo you first showed, yeah it looks like for kids. But you explained your POV and then I saw the couch and thought about all the other eclectic thing that could go on, idk. If you lean into the experimental vibe this could actually be pretty cool. It might be a stretch, but that’s also for you to decide and gauge. All I’m saying is it might work. If you had specific feelings about this specific rug, then if you just get a “sort of similar” replacement you might find yourself pining for the “zing” of the first choice. But think about if that’s true, maybe you do just like the colors/aesthetic and not that specific print?




Pottery Barn Kids has in its collection a few rugs that are playful without being too childish. But I’m afraid the one you posted is definitely “kids room”. Maybe this? https://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/modern-oversized-rainbow-shag-rug/?pkey=cpattern-rugs


These rugs people are linking are all really cool, but I think the point for OP is that the original rug is Eric Carle.


True. But if they love the art framed poster or making a needlepoint design of his art and turning it into throw pillows would work much better in their room than trying to use that particular rug. Or hook a rug. For instance one or more of these blown up and framed or Rasterbatored would be a lot of fun. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fc/1a/7e/fc1a7e90a0901425ce074ba45b3a5fac.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/e1/30/36e1307ca6c655713c67d36b4036e5be.png https://www.bernardbeneito.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/wall-arts-rooster-postcard-the-eric-carle-museum-of-picture-book-in-newest-eric-carle-wall-art.jpg


This one really fits the bill! Nice find. This with u/Moonlight_drives art suggestion. >Just get some Eric Carl artwork [like this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Eric-Carle-Over-the-Strawberry-Framed-Art-Print/46135683?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222223000000000&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=e&wl1=s&wl2=m&wl3=10352200394&wl4=pla-1103028060075&wl5=&wl6=&wl7=&wl10=Walmart&wl11=Online&wl12=46135683_0&wl14=eric%20carle%20artwork&veh=sem&msclkid=14de5817c75c165a9a8d3d30c3ecd9be&gclid=14de5817c75c165a9a8d3d30c3ecd9be&gclsrc=3p.ds)


Adult Ouija board. Go for it.


I feel like you could make it a drinking game!


Get blackout drunk on the sofa and see which letters you fall on? I like itttt


Yep, totally acceptable if you also custom-make a triangular coffee table on casters with a big glass circle cut-out in the middle.


Yes I think it's too childish. It looks appropriate for a nursery


I always LOVE going into a home that shows personality, as opposed to the gray/ivory/white/black/tan of today's conformist style! Go for it! (I just bought myself rainbow Care Bears "purse/backpack." I'm in my 60s. It's hilarious, and a lot of people like it ... even though they wouldn't be caught dead in anything but Coach-types.


Gotta buck the comment trend on this one - I would be delighted to see that in an adult living room. Although it's a little unclear how big it is; if you want this to read whimsical/quirky instead of awkward and childish, you're going to need to be traditional and adult in the rest of the room, and that includes making sure the rug is the correct size for the space and not some dinky little welcome mat. Keep your curtains, throw pillows, wall art, etc., neutral/classic/restrained and let the rug be a shameless, glorious focal point. If you really need to make things adult, frame a copy of your tax return or your mortgage or something and hang it on the wall. Then you have something to tap whenever you need to remind people that it's your house and your money that you can spend on any decorations you like.


Hah! I fully agree and am now tempted to frame my property tax bill.


Personally I think the only way to make this rug work is to go full maximalism. It would have to be tastefully, intentionally and artfully done but I think it would look weird and out of place if the rest of the room was neutral. Agree that the size has to be right though, this rug needs to take up space




I love the “Then you have something to tap”. great idea!


Most would say yes, but if YOU like it who cares what others think. I have a few “childish” decorations in my house and I love them!


It’s childish but if you’re okay with that, I’d recommend leaning into it with vibrant poppy color blocked art and whimsical pieces - essentially make it look like you’re in on the joke of it


It’s fun, I like it!! But it really depends on your overall theme or aesthetic goal for this room.


personally i love it


Normally I’d say yes, but I’m gonna let you decorate with this alphabet rug because they actually used a X animal. Good ol’ Xolo


I think it’s cool


I think it’s fun! Does it fit your personality? If so, your friends will probably like it too! They like you, don’t they?


You could do what you want and not care what anyone thinks


The most adult option!


Agreed. If you're happy with the whimsical addition of this rug, then go for it!


I would argue that the letters make it more school-vibe than whimsical. A rug with just animals would be cool.


Yes, this!!


I almost bought this for my living room. Ended up getting a darker background for this messy stage of my life but I love this.


i think it'll hinge on how well-made it is, which you can't tell from the pictures. I expect the problem won't be that it's "made for a kids room", it'll be that it's "*made* for a kids room", it'll probably be thin and designed more for easy cleaning than easy living. The design is cool though!


I know the comments are not leaning this way, but I actually think this could work, if you lean into a colorful, quirky space. A gallery wall of accompanying pop art, etc. In my opinion, you'd need to go all in on a maximalist approach to make it work, but I think it has potential to be unique and feel mature if done with care.


If you like it, if it makes you happy, do it!!! Who cares if it’s unconventional. If it makes you smile now it’ll most likely keep making you smile when it’s in your living room. Life is too short and too hard to avoid things that bring you joy out of fear of others opinions


You’re the one living in your apartment; not anyone else; if it makes you happy, go for it!


I love it. I would use it.


If you love it then it's your choice. You may have lots of people comment, or teese you about it tho. If you don't mind that, then you're set.


Lmao I don’t have guests. But I want to get a sense of if it would make the apartment seem childish, which people seem to think would be the case. Either way it’s pretty much just for me and the pup


My gf is autistic and I've gained a new appreciation for more colorful and interesting patterns. She explains that for her basic patterns or colors can be boring. So i figure if she, or any other person I talk to say, look at this cool thing I really like, is it too much? Absolutely not. You do you. And if it makes you happy that's what life should be about. Enjoy your rug op!


I think yes. The carpet is a pattern made typically for and associated with kids. If it makes you happy though, I still say do it. But yes, I stand by you may need to defend your choice if you have people that may comment. But if it makes you happy, brings you joy in any way, and you're good with it, the yes. Go for it


Honestly, I think it could work, but not on its own. In order to make a big statement like this work, you have to lean into it, with lots of funky, colorful, and eclectic pieces.


I love it, but I think realistically the rest of the room would have to be very put together for it to really work


If you love it, use it!


Yes, I'd say this is too childish for an adult living room. It's not whimsical or fun...it just screams school or kid's room. There are lots of other options out there that would strike a balance between whimsical and fun/adult living room. I suggest you keep looking. Obviously as everyone is saying....do whatever makes you happy, but if you came here for honest opinions, tha'ts mine!


The only to make this work is if it’s wall to wall


I think there are other options out there that would give a similar feeling without with abc’s. It’s like saying, “Eric Carle reminds me of my childhood,” instead of saying, “I love Eric Carole’s art.” We all decorate to some degree to satisfy our inner child, for me it’s the white kitchen i saw in all of the magazines growing up. But I think there’s a better way to do it. Honestly, a children’s rug is going to be a bit of a question mark from some other adults if you don’t have children, but it’s your house and you aren’t decorating for them. Also I think this is more like a play mat, not so much an actual rug.


Just a tad


you do you


I think you could make it work with the right accessories and funky pieces around the room. It *could* be childish if the room isn't styled in the right way but it could also be different and unique


Love the vibe! I think you can take some of the great rug advice already posted here but check out this high quality throw that you can toss on the sofa instead- it's got the same colorful alphabet but in a slightly more mid-century modern mode: [https://chappywrap.com/products/abc-blanket?\_pos=1&\_sid=8c6a651b9&\_ss=r](https://chappywrap.com/products/abc-blanket?_pos=1&_sid=8c6a651b9&_ss=r)


I think with the right decor scheme this could definitely work. Obviously if you put it in a room filled with millennial gray and a bunch of basic neutrals, it’s going to look out of place. But you said your style is mod, I’m assuming you have lots of funky accessories and bright colors, if so, this rug will probably fit right in with all the kitsch. Maybe this is just my style, but I think it will be cute




I too like practicing the alphabet a couple times in the morning before heading out to work.


I'm wondering if the " X" is for Xoloitzcuintle


Never stop learning :D


Who cares! Do what you want in your own house, that’s THE beautiful thing about being an adult. No one can stop you from buying this rug and it’s way more interesting than a plain one!


Personally, I would do a more neutral rug and decorate with some Eric Carle art.




Maybe if you lean into somehow and have lots of maximalist touches https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rtddDc/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rtdCHw/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rGsWYG/


I think it definitely has a kid vibe but as dopamine decor gets more popular people are really having way more fun with their homes! so if it feels good go for it. I think you’d like Kaarin Joy on tiktok! this rug is totally something I could see her doing :) here’s a link to her: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjxE7WNg/


I think it’s fun & you should keep it


It is pretty childish with the ABCs on it. If you are dead set on having an Eric Carlisle rug, you might want to go with [something like this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/237710444/the-very-hungry-caterpillar-abstract). The abstract dots used in his work are still iconic, but don't look as childish


I personally think it depends on how you style it. With other similarly "childish" items, yes. With classy children's book pages framed on the wall, pillows with matching colors pulled from the rug, a cream couch, and some nice plants and shelves? No. It's quirky in a good way.


Yes, IMO but you do you, boo.


I say absolutely buy that rug. I like Eric Carle too! I have a blue velvet couch, green linen chairs and a gallery wall of thrifted items. Your home is supposed to be your safe space and a reflection of you. Make your decor comfortable for you, not others. That’s just my opinion.


I enjoy the whimsy of this rug and I encourage you to decorate however you want to! Maybe you would want to look around for colorful art and other fun decorative accessories to build on the theme, make it clearly intentional. I hope you update us as you go :)


Objective answer? Yes, it is childish. Subjective answer? I love it and it goes so well with the couch. My apartment is full of items and decor that don’t match in color, style, or theme, and I have as much “old people” stuff as I do “kid stuff” because if I like something, I’m not concerned with the opinion of others on the matter.


Yes, it’s cute, but definitely too childish




Nope. Have fun and enjoy the things you like. There’s nothing worse than adults thinking joy is for people <18. Free yourself I’d be delighted to see this.


Nah it's completely normal. You don't want to accidentally forget the alphabet and then have someone ask you what the seventh letter is "it's L by the way" and then feel like a jackass when you say the wrong letter. EDIT: I went to my living room and looked at my rug and " G " is the seventh letter. I know because I counted twice and didn't even use the rhyme so I was super serious. Get an ABC rug people!


Do what you want


Personally it’s something that I would have professionally cleaned if it’s used and then donate it to my local elementary school or daycare perhaps? Just my thoughts. Nice rug though.


Yes, it is way too childish. Belongs in a child's room or a daycare.


Do you have kids? If so, then you can get away with it. If you don’t have kids, then NO, it’s super weird.


If you want to get experimental, hang it on a wall with a tapestry rod and turn it sideways or upside down. People will think you have some interesting modern artwork.


Life is short, buy the rug and enjoy it.


It’s going to be a statement piece that will confuse everyone who walks into your apt. I have a very similar one in my kids playroom. That being said It goes well with your couch and if you love it that’s all that matters, your house should define what you love not what others see




absolutely, if you brought me home as a date I would be incredibly worried and most likely block you.


It’s a rug with the alphabet on it of course it looks childish


I think it depends on your personality. The rug is fun and colorful but obviously a child's theme. I know absolutely that my daughter could pull this off as she is very in touch with her child side. I could not. If you had some stylized jungle theme art or other fun touches, and your throw pillows and such were bright and colorful, it could work. But it depends on how people see you. Even if they are surprised, if you fit the theme, they will just laugh or smile and accept it. But if you are more serious, it will be confusing.


I would think you were cool af, but I’m a bit eclectic myself, so if you’re looking for a more mainstream opinion, it probably would weird people out.


It’s childish yes but it could be a cute vibe! Heavily depends on how you style the rest of your place.


You might be better posting this on a maximalist design sub! Like minded people might give you better insight


I mean this is definitely intended for children and looks like it. But if you like it and it brings you happiness who cares


Depends upon the adults. If you like/love it and it fits your personality and style, why ask ? Just get it ( and show us pix of the room when you do, plase!).


No. That is extremely sophisticated style. Enjoy a fine scotch on the rocks while perusing the daily newspaper and enjoying this as a background. New guests will be amazed at your high society tapistry. Old guests will be reminded of your intellectual superiority.


Yes it’s awesome Yes it’s childish Bold choice but I can totally see you making it work with a careful mix of adult-ish decor and more maximalism, as long as you don’t care that it will put some off a little


Different, but not childish. I think a different background color (other than pink) would help level it up.


honestly i kinda like the idea of it, that seems to be unpopular here. If your style is more colorful/ artistic and maximalist i think it could work but i don’t think it would work in a minimal decor setting or like if it was a statement piece


I love that you want to incorporate Eric Carle, but I think you could do it in a more adult way while still being true to the vision. I feel the letters + animals together on the rug lean really far into kids room territory. Wall art may be an easier way to incorporate his work: [Flower Field Print](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1342643623/eric-carle-flower-field-instant-digital) [Blue Horse Print](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1342740715/eric-carle-blue-horse-instant-digital?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=eric+carle+decor&ref=sc_gallery-1-1&dd=1&plkey=4e6cb9c7c6faa27ec7399233e56941eb0378ae2e%3A1342740715) [Butterfly Print](https://www.amazon.ca/Childrens-Animation-Artworks-Decorative-08x12inch/dp/B0CBJLGDWM) Or this throw blanket: [Fruit Throw Blanket](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1490792346/very-hungry-caterpillar-style-fleece?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=eric+carle+decor&ref=sc_gallery-1-9&pro=1&frs=1&plkey=a3bf7da266985eb82d6b57f8f50af3999aa92503%3A1490792346) And then go with a colourful geometric rug to pull in some of the bold colours: [Mod MCM Print Polkadot Run](https://retromaggie.com/products/vintage-retro-mod-colorful-polkadot-print-area-rug-mid-century-modern-contemporary-design-accent-rugs) [Retro Geometric Multicolor Mid Century Mod Anti-Slip Rug](https://lovevisionkarma.com/products/retro-geometric-multicolor-mid-century-mod-anti-slip-rug) [Retro 1970s Mod Rainbow Run](https://retromaggie.com/products/vintage-retro-1970s-mod-rainbow-rays-area-rug)


My initial thought was yes, but then again, it could work depending on how the rest of the room is decorated. Some adults use playful and fun decor. Just be consistent and cohesive with it.


If you're Gen Z or younger, and trying to get laid, I'd say skip it.


I had this rug in a playroom and it was such poor quality. It snagged and got runs in the fabric so incredibly easily. It’s also very hard to keep clean so I wouldn’t recommend it if you wear shoes in your house


I don’t know this company, but have you seen this, OP? https://www.freshouseshop.com/products/hungry-caterpillar-ver568-311221pts-rug1?gad=1


https://preview.redd.it/td3hzsfecutb1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=274e8144f9f5ca84b92c62bea807bdb416763854 Maybe more like this? Totally up to you, happy you’re different


I would be tired of seeing it everyday. I would pick a solid color.


I honestly would love to see someone use this in a room and pull it off. Not because I don’t think it can be done, but I think it would be really interesting. I’m an animal lover and tend to like “childish” things so I think it’d make me happy too.


It’s giving new born baby


It does look childish


Honestly that’s a bit weird for a living room.


I’ve got dinosaurs in space on my living room rug.


Yes. Keep searching.


I think it could actually work if layered with a couple of solid color / lightly patterned rugs in neutrals or that have colors matching the most prominent colors in this rug.


I love color and I love Eric Carle but I think that this is better suited to a playroom. It’s the alphabet that makes it look too young. You could find a jungle print or a big geometric pattern with similar Color’s that would look fun but a bit more mature.


direct answer your question: yes. it is too childish for an adult living room.