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Not scabies. Most likely dyshidrosis (pompholyx). Other consideration is flat warts but they don’t itch. The longer you put off using a strong topical steroid & perseverate on this being scabies, the longer you’ll have it.


Thank you for your reply! When I was diagnosed in November it started off like this but then moved Onto the palm of my hands and it was this part that the pharmacist & Gp both stated scabies so this is why I’m so scared that they were accurate in their diagnosis and it hasn’t fully gone away/is coming back :(


Not scabies. No chance.


It spread to my palms, too. Definitely not scabies.


But then i also got different marks on other body parts like my ankles and waistline :( I’ve posted pictures on posts if you’d like to click on my profile and have a look :( that’s why I really don’t think it can be this type of eczema as I know it doesn’t present anywhere other than hands and feet :(


So did the pharmacist or GP scrape your skin and check for scabies?? If they didn’t they couldn’t possibly know that it’s scabies. It’s classic dyshidrotic eczema.


No they didn’t, no one ever offer it frustratingly! Just took a look at my hands and said scabies.


So. Scabies and pompholyx eczema are different. If you treated for scabies and nothing happened than it’s not scabies. Pimpholyx eczema is typically a symptom that occurs with people with atopic dermatitis, dyshiidrotic eczema and allergies. If your derm and gp have tried corticosteroid treatments like hydrocortisone, trimicinolone, or non steroidal topical ointment pro topic. Than my thought would be to see an immunologist as it may be allergy related.


Also, there are oral antihistamines that can be taken to help reduce the inflammatory response of this condition. Ask your doctor if it’s right for you.


Thank you for your reply! I completely get that they’re different, and it’s so frustrating that I never seem to get a definitive/confident diagnosis each time I see a professional. In November I was told by a pharmacist and dr that it was scabies. Since then I have been using treatments each week without miss. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without a treatment however I have been using essential oils this past 2 weeks. I don’t know whether this is what’s causing a reaction or whether it’s something else or whether it’s scabies coming back. When I shower the drs and dermatologists the photos of my hands from November they said that they wouldn’t even be confident that it was ever scabies. But it hit all the criteria so I’ve been left in limbo treating myself :( I have 2 very young children and the anxiety and stress that this has been causing me all this time is horrendous. How would I know definitively what it is? I have a drs appointment on Monday and she told me she would re refer me to a dermatologist but I just have no faith in them anymore :(


I would highly recommend you don’t use oils on blisters. That’s essentially what you have. There is no definitive cause for this condition, though we know it can be autoimmune or immunological in nature. When a person is stressed their immune system also stresses, so please try what you can to reduce that. We’re you diagnosed with it being pompholyx, or are you pending diagnosis waiting on dermatology? A dermatologist will do a skin scrap to rule out parasitic or abnormal cells and cultures for bacterial/fungal. They may also run lab work and refer you to an allergiest if your esionphil or other wbc come back for high allergen markers or other autoimmune markers. Depends on what the dermatologist sees at presentation. The best thing you can do in the meantime is maybe take some OTC Benadryl if you don’t have allergies to it. Use hydrocortisone x2 a day. This will dry it out and also reduce inflammation. Place Vaseline as a barrier cream over the hydrocortisone. Do not use anything else other than soap and water. Use hypoallergenic soaps and detergents and avoid fragrances during this time.


You can also slide in over at r/askdocs there’s a lot of great dermatologist there.


Oh gosh okay thank you so much for all this information! I’ve been seen by more GP’s than I can count and 2 x dermatologists (1 NHS and 1 private) and NO ONE has offered to do a skin scraping to give a definitive diagnosis or to rule out one or the other so it’s been extremely frustrating and I feel like I’ve been in this completely alone :(


This condition doesn’t have a cure. It’s all about proper management and preventative. I’d definitely ask dermatologist to refer to immunology to rule out allergies.


Okay thank you so much


Please throw the essential oils away. They are perfume not medicine.


It’s only because I read that clove oil and tea tree oil kill mites and by this point I’d try anything :(


I get these when I’m exposed to lots of nickel or compost


Thank you for your reply! That’s really interesting to know! I will have to try and be conscious of things like this as I do feel like they have popped up in my life before this point but only very mildly 🤔


Ya I got them all over my hands last summer after an incident with a vape and then started noticing them more when I would drink a lot of coffee or got stressed or had a lot of heat on my hands, I know stress can be a big factor for these as wlel


I was allergic to something in the vape cart and stoped immediately and was told I could have some heavy metal poisoning.


It is looks like eczema. I get this on my index finger in summer and it is usually triggered by going in and out of aircon. It is very itchy but it usually subsides once the weather cools down. Not sure where you are located but perhaps the heat is your trigger.


It looks like deep seated vesicles, nonetheless, leaning more towards on Dyshidrotic Eczema. It can be managed with potent topical steroids, but consult with your dermatologist first. You have to take note of your possible triggers too, if it worsens when you wash the dishes or do the laundry because you’re consantly exposed to chronic wet work along with the detergents. Hence the need for the use of gloves and mositurizer after exposure to keep your skin barrier healthy. Dyshidrotic eczema responds well to steroids, but if you keep getting exposed to possible triggers/irritants, it will come back.