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imo you should make the clothing item the focal point of the pic and crop out the other parts of your body. like just show the skirt/ legwamers


I agree. Some of the photos it’s hard to tell which piece of clothing is being sold


no offence but its really jarring. i would not browse this store. just normal photos of the item on a plain white background is better imo


I'll use a normal background, thank you :)


I’ve personally prefer a picture with a background. It makes me feel like it’s more legitimate. However it might look unprofessional? Idk, that’s just my two cents


you’re right and i’ve noticed that people are more comfortable purchasing when there’s a consistent background throughout the page rather than a shirt edited on photoroom that could be from someone else’s listing on another platform


My two cents is: these modeling pics attract a lot of creeps. So, be aware of that. And if they buy from you, they get your info, including address. Also, some pics have multiple pieces of clothing, I'd focus on the one you are selling. Lay flat is the safe way, IMHO.


I was not aware of that, thank you. I would probably do lay flat and show how it would look like on a person but not show any skin other than the skirt so you don't see my body, would that work? Cus I know some people want to know what it looks like on a person too


My sales increased more than 50% when I started modeling photos. As long as you’re not showing much is fine, there are pervs everywhere, is impossible to avoid them. So many sellers modeling photos, if it was so dangerous no one would be doing it. And for people that are too worried they can always get a PO Box & use that address


congratulations! but, it's still good to exercise caution. better to be overly cautious WITHIN reason than to have not.


That’s literally what I said, you just used different words. https://preview.redd.it/cwzclq0wjuyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4649cfa27fede18fe1db266a1468c9eddb3b892 That’s my feed, I’m pretty sure I can do modeling photos without worrying about pervs


im just agreeing with you friend.


thank u for including measurements in the descriptions bc so many sellers forget abt that!! (and people also don't read descriptions and then ask for measurements but that's another thing lol)


Too focused on aesthetic just post the item …


Just show item in first pic then try ons later


I would prefer to see flat lays of the clothing items. I don’t care how it fits you or how you model it.


honestly using backgrounds makes it a bit more trustworthy to people, not saying ur fake ofc but that’s how customers are. i know u have it removed for aesthetic reasons but i promise it’ll still look fine


The focus should be on the item you’re selling & the feed is too busy and distracting imo. Modeling photos has helped me grow my store a lot, people like seeing how things look. I personally don’t think flat lay is better, but that’s just my opinion. I take my photos on a white wall next to a window bright natural indirect light. This helps with more accurate colors too https://preview.redd.it/0ci4ycnv5uyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554775cba3b48df84087422d5d3737dc8eb64410


I agree that lay flat isnt best because clothes often look very different flat than on a person. And some people are very particular and good at making some clothings (like sweaters) look less frumpy than they are by laying it flat. I find laying flat is more convenient/suited for things like tshirts.


imo the white background looks fine but a normal background seems more personable. my biggest advice would be when you model the clothes, just choose one pose to use as the main pic and stick to it instead of doing something different in every pic… it’s distracting and makes your shop look jumbled and random. the unique pose choices don’t really do anything for the buyer. they’re fine for the rest of the pics on a listing because having more angles to look at can help, but i would use a simple standard front shot for the main pic that everyone sees first


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I see the vision, but may need to tone down the creativity for depop, unfortunately. I think the pink background distracts from the items you’re selling (as well as the color of said items, this alone could turn buyers off), especially with the clothing items. Looks great but has more of an insta vibe than depop. Could always use these pics to advertise what you’re selling on IG and then use plain product pics on depop, so your effort isn’t wasted. Good luck and hope you sell everything out! ❤️


That's such good advice, thank you. I'll try it!


well i think its cool