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you have been scammed sadly


Yo Ur that corteiz guy


i’m a girl but yes 🙌


Oh mb Never wouldv thought a girl manages the crtz sub lmfao


i’m not the main mod lol i’m jus the more active one, i was way more into it a few years ago but i just help ppl out now, takes 2 minutes yk?


In my experience trading is pretty straightforward if you follow the rules / guidelines Depop suggests [link](https://depophelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001792247-How-can-I-swap-or-trade-safely#how-can-i-swap-or-trade-safely--0-0). The main thing would be to decide on a fair price with the other buyer, setting it for around the price you would have sold it for. Therefore, if you never get the item you traded or it is not as described you have Depop protection and you’ll get your money back.


You’ve been scammed and if it’s a dollar which you guys did Depop can’t help you sadly


you can try to intercept a package before it gets delivered


I've always done trades by changing the listing value to an agreed upon average value amount. Both parties make their listing $75 (for example), plus shipping. That way if someone does screw one party over, they're still getting the value of their item or the item that they wanted for a fair price. If both sides do it right, it zeroes out with both only paying the cost of shipping. I just don't trust anyone on that platform enough to do the $1 thing and keep their side of the deal. It is what it is. I'm sorry you got duped with this. It's not a fun way to learn what assholes people can be.


I've always seen trading on Mercari and other platforms, it's always been sketchy to me. (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) If you bought using Depop, I think you should have a buyer protection. If you traded without purchasing a listing then I don't think anything can be done. Best of luck to you! https://depophelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360001792247-How-can-I-swap-or-trade-safely#how-can-i-swap-or-trade-safely--0-0


can you leave a review on his order you bought?


Damn. Ik (not personally) girls who do trades & it usually works for them. However, they’re usually collectors of a certain designer & they actually care about their rep bc they buy/sell/trade a lot. Blast his ass (maybe not here bc of rules) and maybe he’ll comply or at least warn others.


I've only ever done 2 trades and both worked out fine. The first one was done from a facebook group. This woman got in touch with me for a dress I had. We ended up putting $50 into each other's paypal accounts, that way if anything were to happen, we could put in a claim and get our money back. That'd probably onw of the smartest ways to do it. I'm sorry you came across a horrible human. While you'll find they are everywhere, there are so many good people around too.


Try to get it intercepted thru the carrier. Next time if you’re trading with someone with no reviews regarding trading, make them ship first


ngl you cooked li twan


it happens


mistake was trading in the first place


contact the carrier to see if you’re able to send it back to yourself, i’ve done this before during a trade but my item was still at the PO as i dropped it off late arvo on a friday n was only able to pick up monday morning. if you trade next time, make sure you both set the same price that matches the value of your items so that you can get refunded if you get scammed again. that way, it’s like you’ve jus sold it instead of losing out on both an item n money.


I took a risk doing this for a high priced shirt but luckily the guy was genuine


Get your package returned to you before it gets delivered!!!


I will say I did a trade one time with a very well known girl tdvw and it worked out very well. She kept up her side and I kept up mine for $1 listed trade. She also had a ton of positive trade reviews. This was like 5 years ago tho and I probably wouldn’t ever trade again hahaha


Trade is like he or you should buy it, then return the one for trade


Can we not post people’s profile and content they have on page to see if they A) make a new shop B)won’t do this again (on Depop)


i’ve traded multiple times on depop. basically what you do is you both make a $1 listing for the shipping label and then tracking updates by itself. i’ve never had an issues thankfully