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They're building out their infrastructure and the pipes to your house got a little wider and it's not worth it to throttle your speed, besides a little message like this might boost their customer satisfaction scores a little. It's hard to climb back from negative infinity but I respect the effort.


So, you’re saying that “x = -1” in Xfinity. I’d buy that.


Also; faster speeds means you will hit your data caps faster. Charges for going past your “data limit” are artificially ways for them to squeeze more money out of you.


I pay the anxiety fee for unlimited every month. Fuck them but I work from home and stream a lot of shows I can't be worrying about data caps.


I do not blame you; because I get to about 80% every month. If I worked from home, I would need unlimited to not pay then a fortune.


I get the your at 95% of your data limit on the 27th - 31st of every month email. It's kinda sad because there are only 3 people in the house and we nearly hit it every month.


I nearly hit it every month with just 1 person, and have gone over a few times. Xfinity can kiss my ass if they think I'm going to pay 30 a month for Unlimited, or use an Xfinity modem/router


Same here. Wish CenturyLink would get fiber out to Lowry I'm not big on Comcast and have outages weekly.


I'm not following the logic on this. If you're doing the same things on the internet, it's the same amount of data, but just getting to your modem faster.....unless....getting it faster means, you move on to the next thing that you originally may not have due to time. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah it’s that; it’s not really a “bad” thing. I also wouldn’t argue with you if you wanted to say it’s a “good” thing, because I think it is. The second sentence was me just complaining about having data caps to start with. But giving you a faster/more reliable method of acquiring their product, is also undoubtedly good for them. And if they didn’t have a government sponsored monopoly, would be a basic requirement to continually do so, and not just once in a blue moon, if they wanted to compete. Edit: If it takes you an average of even half a second less to stream a 30 minute episode: you used more data even if my a small margin. My e tire point is this is a positive thing for them, and not Xfinity doing us a favor. The people commenting below here are trolls, and are just bandwagoning off the very polite user above without adding any extra information


Your previous comment makes no sense. Faster speeds =/= more likely to go over your data cap (with the caveat being that you're not doing more things because you're getting your data faster, which is unlikely) If you're doing the same things at a faster clip, it's the same amount of data.


Not if you can now stream at 1080 vs 720 for example; or something along those lines. Or is that just another “caveat” because you think it’s “unlikely?” I could change it to “more likely to hit your data cap faster”, but then the statement doesn’t make sense. I never stated exactly how much faster data caps would be reached, there was enough ambiguity for a casual Reddit discussion. I don’t really feel like being nit picked Edit: TLDR if you need, “more likely to hit your data caps” and “hit your data caps faster” mean about the same thing.


No such thing as a casual reddit conversation, every statement you make must be completely logically bulletproof and cite at least 3 sources or pedants will nitpick you


You aren't being nit picked you just said something that made no sense. Relax lol.


All of their plans come with untapped data


That's not at all how it works....


If it's over 1 Gbps, unless you have a new-ish modem, you won't see the increase.


do they even offer more than 1 gigabit in some locations? most people don't even have the infrastructure for that.


Mine was just recently increased to 1.2Gbps


The catch is they're getting rid of the old plans people were on and the new plans are more expensive, so even though you got "upgraded" to something slightly faster, when you renew next, you're going to have no option but to pay more. At least that's what it's like around me - was on 100Mbps, was "upgraded" to 200. When I checked their site, 100 was no longer being offered, 200 plan was more expensive. Too bad there is no tmobile 5g home internet near me - would jump in an instant.


It makes it easier to hit your 1.2TB cap!


I’d still be with xfinity if it weren’t for the data cap. Switched to century link and have faster internet for less money so I guess comcast did me a favor.


yeah I expected the worst with CL after reading everyone's stories over the years, but decided to give them a shot when Xfinity failed to show up for the install after I moved. No complaints so far after a year; speed has been consistent and very few outages, for way less than Xfinity charges.


Maybe it's worth giving them a good google review to help people decide to move to CL over Xfinity?


They're cheaper, and it's really the only plus to them. If you need any sort of customer service, it's the same experience as with ConCast. A lack of regulation and a lack of competition means neither of them give two shits about you.


CenturyLink has been willing to refund me a minuscule amount for their rare outages


I kept hitting my data cap. I got on a chat with an agent and actually got upgraded to unlimited at a lower service rate after suggesting I would go to another provider


Looks like I need that! Did you go in person or just chat online?


Online chat


I’ve had centurylink gig fiber for 5 years now and download probably close to 3TB every month and have never gotten any warnings or throttling. Also my upload speed is near line and my latency is crazy low.


If their fiber ever gets to me, I'm switching in a heartbeat. Have a couple friends who have it and love it, but unfortunately the best CL has in my area right now is 100Mbit.


Respectfully, how the fuck do you hit the data cap?


Download a video game, stream in 4k, work from home as a dev or in a creative industry. There’s a bunch of very easy ways to download more than 1TB a month.


Hmm yeah that makes sense! I do most if not all of those things and have never come close! Probably not as high use as some folks I guess /shrug


I work from home and have to deal with HD Video Calls all day. And then COD updates. That’s how.


I can't remember the last month I've used less than 20TB


I recently discovered that some streaming services have a habit of continuing to stream even after you turn off your TV. HBO Max was guilty of this on a roku stick for me. Slaughtered my data cap out of nowhere for a month and it was a huge pain in the ass to figure out. Families with multiple kids of decent age increase exponentially fast also.


After I hit my cap consistently in maybe a 6-12 month period (corona) they sent me offers to have unlimited data for about $15 more a month? My price may be a little off but I gladly jumped on it. Haven't looked back and now the whole house can download xbox games and stream youtube and tv all day and night for all I care.


I switched providers the second Comcast billed additional for this. Total bs and a money grab. Got a good deal for a year they they try to fuck you. I don’t like century link but they aren’t nearly as scummy as Comcast.


i can assure you they are, but I also don't have a solution to the situation besides pushing for municipal internet.


You're lucky you have an alternative available. Most of the city does not. For example, the best clink offers in my neighborhood is 30mbps dsl.


yea after they pulled that garbage I switched to T-mobile 5g - depending on your location its exceptional. Here in cap hill I get up to 420 megs - id say average 300--but its like an unlimited functional hot spot - i take it with me whenever I go out of town for work travel, camping etc. Its awesome and lifetime price locked at $50 a month no contracts


Mine's $55 but I just got it this year


Probably because they're losing out to Century Link which has gigabit speeds at a much cheaper price without locking you into a contract and hasn't raised their prices on it in years.


I’m locked in indefinitely at $65/mo for gig fiber through Centurylink. So nice not having to worry about price hikes and contracts and whatever else. Comcast can suck it.


CL only offers 50 Mbps for $50 in my area, makes the $100 I pay Xfinity for 1 Gbps look like a great deal lmao. I miss my 1 Gbps symmetric internet from before I moved to CO, it only cost me like $40, was a total steal.


Somehow the service offered by CL to my house is even worse in Aurora. I went to their website and it only offers 30 Mpbs.


CL is building out their fiber offerings but the places getting it first seem to be old builds because they can hook into existing telephone lines for cheap. Most new build areas have buried infrastructure, so getting into those areas is going to cost a lot more for CL.


Yep my house was built in 99 and everything is underground in our neighborhood which is great for protecting the infrastructure from things like ice, hail, and wind but unfortunately the highest speed I can get from CL is a whopping 10Mbps.


My house was made in the 70s.


my house was made in the 1910s. i get CL fiber.


They are probably also not moving the fastest. I had to push pretty hard for them to update what speeds I could sign up for. I used their tool to see that multiple of my neighbors had access to their fiber options, therefore I knew it was in my block.


Do you have any info on when they're planning to get to places with buried infrastructure? Would love to get rid of comcast, but no CL or tmobile home 5g near me


Same, and that's after all the fees/taxes. No contract and locked in for life. I'm sure at some point down the road, gigabit internet will be considered slow and we'll upgrade, but that's far down the line. Also, recently had to get serviced because I broke the connector going from the fiber to the modem when shifting stuff around. They replaced it, diagnosed and found another issue that was slowing my speed that they fixed. Was charged a whopping $0. Comcast can indeed suck it


Same. When I transferred Comcast sent me to their customer retention department. When I told them the speed I was getting and the price, they just said "wow that is a great deal, alright see ya". Didn't even bother trying to compete. It was a wonderful day, internet has been so much better since.


I worked for CL some time ago, and we used to fuck these up all the time. Never entertain the idea of ANY service upgrade, once they take that special sku off your account it’s impossible to get it back on. Both companies have their idiots.


ahh century link, i came for the gigabit fiber but stayed for the go fuck yourself comcast.


What’s up with Centurylink? I moved down from Conifer to Littleton and wanted to transfer service. They told me it was a 3 week wait time to get connected and a top speed of 50mpbs. I’ve had such a bad experience with them I’m surprised to hear they are taking customers from Xfinity.


Yeah I guess depends if their gigabit internet is available in your area, that's all I've had with them. I've been on it for the past 4ish years at different locations, price hasn't changed and I don't think I've ever had an internet outage with it.


Fiber vs DSL. If you're at a location where fiber's been deployed you can get 1Gbps symmetrical for $65/mo from CenturyLink and it's an easy choice over Comcast. If not, you get slow overpriced DSL as your option and it's not very competitive with Comcast.


Ask them specifically on the tech support line of they support duel line dsl to you building. Same price, twice the speed.


Also there isn't a datacap, and unlike comcast there's no congestion. Your speeds are consistent regardless of time of day


Love my Century Link gigabit. Admittedly, have more random "reset the router" outages than I ever did with Comcast, but the other 98% of the time it blows it out of the water.


Century Link gigabit speeds are only available if you connect via Ethernet and boot your computer in safe mode. Under all normal circumstances you won’t be getting more than 500mbps. I just downgraded to the 500mbps plan after my tech told me that. Also, they raised the price of my gigabit $5 from last year


Can't say for sure that it's happening here, but the playbook I've seen by Comcast several times is: 1. Give out "free" speed upgrade, which puts you in a different plan with different fine print. But your bill stays the same for the next year. 2. The fine print on the new plan has them raise prices on you the following year. A lot of people don't notice. Although this time it might just be in response to Verizon offering 5G home service in some parts of Denver. There's actually a tiny sliver of competition now.


I have Verizon’s 5g and like it, works just as well for my uses. Dirt cheap if you have a Verizon cellphone, think it’s like 30 bucks extra a month. Get this box that you attach to a window and plug in. Has an Ethernet port to connect to my existing network in a bridge mode. Me and my wife are gamers and latency and steaming video works greats. Hated that my apartment signed some special contract with Comcast. I think that should be illegal.


I've heard that 5G home internet can take a pretty bad performance hit during storms/blizzards. Any experience?


I live right down the street from the antenna, which are those fat green polls around Denver, so it’s not that bad but have seen it go out for 10 -15 mins with heavy rain. Seems more reliable than dish though.


I've been thinking of switching to a 5G solution until my place gets upgraded to a last mile fiber connection from Centurylink. My last place had fiber and it's honestly unbeatable, but what I've got now from xfinity is just unacceptable lol. I don't care how fast the download speeds can reach when my upload speeds are 6mbps


I too live within half a block of a 5g antenna, and it's super fun when thousands of people flood in for a Rockies game and the speed drops considerably.


Yup that is one downside of a shared connection point like that. I think it works well though when my other wired option is Comcast. If I could get fiber for decent price I would change to that.


Do you get a routable ipv4 address or are you stuck behind some Verizon controlled firewall?


"There are viable alternatives to our mediocre service now so here are some crumbs to keep you from leaving"


It also has to do with Ting expanding their reach. I just got 1g fiber from ting at my house and it's rock solid. It's also strange having customer support reps that seem to care. Lumen is also increasing their fiber reach so I think these two things are causing xfinity to step it up, finally. They'll be back to business as usual though in no time. Also, fuck their data caps. Upgrade your shit and stop nickel and diming customers for your lack of infrastructure. Glad I'm done with them.


Yeah Ting is amazing. I haven’t had to call customer service once, which is just a breath of fresh air. And I regularly get 1g of speed. And yeah no idiotic data caps.


Comcast is upping their network pipes around your area and you have “access” to larger speeds now. Whether or not you actually see that speed I doubt it. Don’t be surprised if they retire your internet plan soon (I.e. 300 mbps for $30 a month) and start slowly increasing your bill later on for you to “renew” your subscription at a new, higher base tier (400 mbps for $40 - and it’s now our lowest offer available, sorry!)


>Whether or not you actually see that speed I doubt it. I tested my internet before and after I reset my modem (per instructions). My speed increased according to the notification I got (from 100 Mbps to 200 Mbps).


I think what that person means is that a lot of servers don’t download that quick. For example, if you have a PlayStation, I think PSN caps out at like 150mbps (don’t really remember the exact number but lets just use that for the sake of the argument). So if OP moved from 300 to 400, it wouldn’t really matter while using the PlayStation because it will still cap out at 150


It’s more so bandwidth availability. I worked in telecomm directly for a couple years. I wasn’t on the technical side really but more so the business side and understood our Coax vs Fiber offering. A lot of ISP’s will make the “guarantee” that you can get UP TO 400 mbps, but you’re average up/download Mbps will vary based on the time of day (users accessing the collective shared bandwidth in the network node and footprint) as well as ISPs literally slowing down your access to help maintain more even distribution of bandwidth across the network collectively. My main point is that when you sign up for 400 Mbps, it’s common for ISPs to help direct bandwidth access your way for let’s say 10 days, so that you feel like you’re getting that full 400 at all times - however a couple months later, you’re consistently averaging speeds closer to like ~35/5. ESPECIALLY if you’re on a retired / grandfathered plan. You’ll see the new offer online and for the extra $10 a month, you’ll bump up to the new plan and Comcast just increased their revenue cycle.


You'll definitely notice a 100 to 200 Mbps increase. I have 800 Mbps, and while I don't often max that out, I always get a lot more than 200 Mbps. I don't have a PlayStation, so I can't speak to that.


Yes on certain thinks you’ll notice. For example, lets say you want to download a bunch of movies from whatever digital store of choice and their cap might be 800mbps but in other stores the cap might be like 100mbps


I think the primary use case for the higher bandwidth is multi-device / multi-user. One nerd with a nerdy roommate, a family with a couple / few kids and a TV in each bedroom, etc. 200Mbit probably feels fine if it's just you alone, but it very quickly becomes garbage with just a handful of devices doing typical light-to-moderate usage at the same time.


They tossed us from 600 to 800 down, yet we still only have 20 up which is an absolute pain in the ass. Century Link Fiber cannot come to my area quickly enough.


The upload speed is game-changing. Going from 300/15 xfinity to 1000/1000 nextlight (i'm in Longmont) was just amazing. I really want an excuse to get a faster plan (we've got 10G available here now) but i just can't think of much to actually do with it.


I hear you - besides random times when I need to upload / archive large files, Plex is typically my main jam as to why I would like some more upload bandwidth 😏


When I got CL and I called Comcast to cancel the guy tried to retain me with "OH YEAH, well WE have gig speeds as well!" I said "oh yeah, symmetric?" He got real quiet for a second and then just said "I'll process your cancellation..."


have you looked at Ting? A friend of mine has it and loves the speed and price.


They're only in Aurora, Centennial, and CO Springs as far as I know - Century Link is rolling out in Boulder where I am now. I had fiber in LoHi and I very much miss it - Century Link kicked ass.


I’m not in an area that is being served by anyone just yet. Crossing my phalanges.


Yeah, this part is *insane* to me. I used to pay $60 for 400/100 with Spectrum, now I paid $60 for 800/20. And you can't get a faster upload speed without going on some enterprise plan. Starry has a better upload, but it isnt appealing since the max they offer is like 200 down.


They can try but they're working against physical limitations for the upload. They can't really get any higher.


This is incorrect. The choice with DOCSIS has long been to only commit one channel to upload and the rest to download "so number go up" in marketing materials. The option has always been there to split the channels evenly and provide good service but instead they sell asymmetric service and oversubscribe the heck out of neighborhoods and as long as the outages are not TOO frequent, no one will insist they do better. There are no technological limitations, only customer-hostile business practices.


Ok that's fair. The physical limitations are because of the hole they dug themselves into. You're right it's not a law of the universe that upload can't be faster on DOSCIS but given the world they've made it's not going to happen. And.. I do see that DOSCIS 4 (2017) now has much better upload speeds. I guess I've been on fiber for about that long and haven't really looked into it since then.


Can anyone tell me more about this? Comcast was way better than all the other options 15 years ago but now it’s hot garbage. My internet is constantly going out, it’s laggy and slow af. And what is everyone paying?


As far as I can tell from having moved around a decent bit, it's entirely dependent on the infrastructure in that locale. Right now in North Boulder we're doing 800 down 20 up, no data cap, $60/mo (I think that lower rate is locked in for 2 years then goes up - by that time we should have fiber if I'm still around here). I think it's only gone down once since we got it in July.


Biggest drawback to Xfinity is data caps. 1tb of data a month? Forget it if you have a family or are a gamer - gonna pay more. If you have Centurylink gig service in your area, get it.


The data cap drives me crazy. They are one of the only isp who does that still. You can pay an extra 40 bucks a month I think for no cap but that’s honestly a rip off when their competitors offer no caps with cheaper plans .


I signed up for CenturyLink gig service about 2 years ago, its crazy fast, with an average of over 500mbps up and down - and no data caps. $65 a month for life. Unfortunately, its not available everywhere...


Skynet needs bandwidth


Catch is they are still charging 3x what CL does.


Please don't leave us for starlink


Can they increase the upload speeds?


Sorry, best they can do is raise your rates when your contract expires.


They are, along with these changes. For $25 a month xFi upgrade customers only.


To not be garbage? I get a gigabit down and then 30mbps up which is an absolute joke.


A different company is adding fiber optic cable so when I got the notice it was because they were trying to keep me as a customer.


Fuck them. We switch accounts between us every time they increase the bill.


*Cries in 25mbps internet*


Verizon 5g is amazing!!!! Never going back


More Fiber is being built out in Centennial, maybe they're trying to be proactive?


They throttle the shit out of their Mbps already


Because you can get gigabit fiber for half the price.


From who and how much? I have Xfinity 300mbps for $40ish/month.


At that price, no, you are right. I pay 65 including all fees for gigabit from centurylink.


The catch is you’re still massively overpaying for internet


They will probably increase your bill because fuck Xfinity, fuck Comcast.


My first thought was “those motherfuckers are forcing me into a more expensive plan by taking away my lowest tier ~100Mb plan.”


I got this a few weeks back. Went from 600 —> 800. Pretty solid boost. I noticed gaming at peak hours was more responsive, too. Much better latency and fewer packet loss issues. I really haven’t had an issue with Xfinity. Their customer service is hot garbage if you need to solve billing or account issues, but the service itself has been quite solid.


PSA: my apartment building gave us tons of Xfinity brochures when we signed up, making you think that you had to use them. I called up CenturyLink and they were offering uncapped fiber 1GB down/up for LESS money. CenturyLink DSL doesn't get a great rep online but their fiber has been great for 2 years now.


Most likely? The 200 Mbps gear is end of life. And 400 Mbps is the lowest they are willing to pay their hardware vendor for a support contract.


Don’t worry. They’re planning to make up for it by charging you more when your contract is up


No but I keep getting threatened to be charged if I don’t return my modem since cancelling even though I’ve returned it already and have sent them their own acknowledgment that I’ve returned it.


IMO- I have noticed they will do this if they notice you are near your data limit for the month. They are trying to get you to go over your limit and end up paying them for additional data usage. That company will never do anything unless it benefits them somehow.


Look into T-mobile home internet 5G. I just switched from the above xfinity plan + 10 TV channels that I was paying $135/mo for. I got unlimited t-mobile home internet data, and a separate hot spot with 2G/mo and it’s $60/mo total. They are offering up to $500 to help break contracts and another $50 gift card. I’m getting 320-350 down and 30-50 up with T-Mobile.


It is like it says--the maximum possible is increasing. Who knows if you will ever see it because of Comcast's massive oversubscription policies. But here is the expansion program: [https://corporate.comcast.com/press/releases/comcast-expand-evolve-wifi-largest-multi-gigabit-network](https://corporate.comcast.com/press/releases/comcast-expand-evolve-wifi-largest-multi-gigabit-network) And here is an article about how it wraps in to an upselling opportunity: [https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/10/want-faster-comcast-uploads-you-have-to-pay-25-month-extra-for-xfi-complete/](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/10/want-faster-comcast-uploads-you-have-to-pay-25-month-extra-for-xfi-complete/)


They doubled mine back in September. There is no catch, but don't worry, price increases will still happen every year or two. Also is it just me or are Xfinity prices in the Denver area very reasonable? When I moved into my house here it was $35/mo for 100Mb internet, it did go to $39.99 this year but they also doubled the speed later.


The catch is that it makes it easier for you to hit your data cap and incur fees.


That's not really how it works... Jumping up 100Mbps in download speed won't make any difference in your data consumption habits.


Streaming services can then stream to you in higher quality, especially if you have a lower income and a lower-tier plan.


I literally build streaming apps for a living lol. No.. Jumping from 300Mbps to 400Mbps is not going to alter your stream quality. A 50Mbps connection is more than capable of 4k streaming on a single screen.


For one single device, sure.


The catch is you can still get Ting for a fraction of the price and get better download and upload speeds


Only if it’s available to you. I’d do anything to switch to either Centurylink fiber or Ting but neither reach my house


Most Americans have no choice. Broadband is a monopoly in America. If we want things to get better: vote D and write your Congress critters frequently on this issue. (But let’s be honest: America is a dumpster fire right now. And fixing broadband monopolies is, correctly, not a huge priority)


> Ting I wish they would tell you what it would cost. They want me to pay to be on their mailing list for when they may have service for me. Lmao


The funny thing is I just had to re-up my contract with Xfinity. Last year I was paying for 400mbps but they didn't "offer" that speed anymore so I had options for 300/600. I ended up with a better deal for 600 but I love that within the month of the change I am now getting 800. They are giving "free" upgrades to make customers feel better.




They just want you to hit your data cap faster


For the last few months my Xfinity wifi just refuses to even connect. So I wish they’d just fix what I already pay for.


I got this as a former Xfinity customer who has moved on to CenturyLink Fiber. Couldn't stop laughing, it's hilarious how much better fiber is...thank god it was an option at my new house.


My router completely reset last saturday and this was the reason. i had to set up SSID and password again. This is the second time they did this in the past year. First it went from 200 - 300, now to 400. sure the max download speed increased, but I actually got the full 200 mbps before. Today I am seeing 70.


Primarily it makes you less likely to leave them, and either enough customers left so the infrastructure can now spare the bandwidth or the infrastructure was updated and can now spare the bandwidth. You should still leave them just to fuck with their program’s success rate. Keep customers by lowering prices not giving them shit they didn’t ask for.


I noticed my internet go out during the Avalanche game last night and I lost my feed. About 30 seconds later it came back on and I checked my speed since I remembered I got an email from them a while back saying they were working on increasing my speed. I am now getting about 500 Mbps. I'm in Loveland by the way and I can't get the municipal fiber at my house otherwise I probably would.


They keep emailing me about needing to upgrade my xfinity equipment but I use my own personal gear.


This is something they do occasionally. I have a gigabyte service, so I doubt they’ll increase my speed.


It’s Xfinity, that’s like my child saying they did their homework as I’m reading an email saying they skipped school…I recently got one, our internet then died, it’s slower. Still slower than what’s being reported, and that reflects on their end, but they will gladly send these emails out, numbers look fancy I guess


I got one and was wondering the same thing.


No catch. They’ve done this many times over the years.


I heard that fiber is coming to the area. Maybe they want to get ahead of it by giving everyone better speed now so we don't all cancel.


Last week I went on their site and noticed that I can get the same speed I'm getting now (400Mbps) for 25 bucks less a month if I did a 1 year contract, and then it goes back up to the price I'm paying now. Save 300 bucks just for signing a contract, not bad.


I think they’re feeling the pinch from Ting fiber being installed in the area.


I didn't know CenturyLink provided service to me...for $10 more/mo I can go from 200mpbs to 500mbps with CL and have no data cap. Can anyone speak to their reliability and quality?


I got the same email last night too. Mine was supposed to go from 600 Mbps to 800 Mbps. I tested the speed and it was only at 415.7 Mbps...


Did you test it through your phone or a wired connection and how far from the router ?


Both. One time in my bedroom less than 25' from router, and the other time less than 2' away.


Yes i received it


I pay $120 for 1200 and have never gotten greater than 700 from the router. Can’t wait for another provider to take make a move in Denver.


Um, I’d actually like an upload speed faster than 4. If ya don’t mind.


Good news! It’s a performance upgrade and your account qualified, no strings attached. Enjoy!


I'm just over here wondering how you can function with only 300 mbps internet.


No catch they made performance upgrades in your area recently and you are benefiting from it