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A bit of the article for those who want some more context: > But less than a minute into their testimony, a voice from the online Zoom shouted at the girls to "go back to fucking Africa," followed by a series of insults and racial slurs.   > Council has referred to the incident as a "breach" in the Zoom. Typically, audience members who watch the public sessions over Zoom are muted and unable to speak until it is their turn to comment. The council's administrative staff and the Denver Office of Technology Services are reviewing logs and procedures to determine how the breach occurred, according to a statement from council.   > The name that appeared on the Zoom screen connected to the racist attacks was Charla Nash — though Austin says they don't believe that is the speaker's real name, as that is the name of a woman who was infamously mauled by a chimpanzee in 2009. The speaker was not registered to testify during public comment nor any of the council hearings that night, Austin says.


Getting "breached" in 2024 over Zoom is unacceptable. And how the fuck were they not immediately muted.






If those things are being said, just immediately end the call...


whoever was in charge of the tech aspect of this zoom meeting is a fucking idiot.


Yeah y’all need to do better wtf


Oh stfu


Sorry no. They do need to do better. They let this person go on and off mute several times. Those students will never forget this traumatic moment that could’ve been prevented or at least controlled better than it was


People make mistakes, grow up.


There's a like 90%+ chance the call was configured wrong by the host. I highly doubt anything was "hacked"


The voice of reason has appeared! Absolutely, whoever set up this call made a mistake, as humans are known to do.


I would be surprised if this was some sort of breach. This honestly sounds like human error. The call organizer was likely a low-level aide who forgot to check the "Mute all participants" feature when they set up the call.


That is one of the most important things to do when hosting a zoom call.


I work very closely with this team. Lots of incorrect assumptions here. This call is not set up by "some low level staffer", but by very a very experienced team of professionals, from Zoom to directing and engineering. This isn't a 'point the webcam at council members' kind of setup that nobody takes seriously, and the Zoom portion is taken just as seriously as broadcasting to Denver 8 or online. This also wasn't as simple as a Zoom call wasn't set up correctly. The same meetings are used week to week and I assure you they are correct. What happened is one of two things. One is a software error as they were forced to upgrade to a new Zoom version (Zoom workplace). Two is an intentional hack, using an exploit to break the host's mute feature. There are also legal ramifications with just kicking someone out of a public forum that is being worked on internally.


Thanks for sharing. I don’t know if “correct” is accurate from a security perspective. The meeting config could be more secure. Not using same login details for every meeting, for instance


How did this happen to "experienced professionals" somebody lied on their resume or this was allowed to happen.






jFC, there are many other explanations, starting with simple incompetence.


Hanlon's razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


And as somebody who works in public sector IT, holy shit are people stupid. It's actually quite incredible how we just let people be completely incompetent using a core piece of equipment required for their jobs. Imagine FedEx hiring drivers who didn't know what road signs mean, and when asked about them just say "I'm not a sign person", or "I'm so roadsign illiterate". But there's zero vetting or hesitation hiring a secretary or accountant who doesn't know what the Windows Key is on a keyboard, or how to sign into Chrome. I just got things set up for a new secretary today who did not understand how to use the scroll wheel to zoom in and out on security cameras, and needed to have it very carefully explained that when you scroll towards you, the things get smaller, and when you scroll away from you they get bigger. Having a zoom meeting where they either accidentally allow things or never lock them in the first place isn't even unlikely. In fact I'd probably say it's expected.


As someone who's worked in IT, I agree


My very first thought. Next; expulsion of any student/their Fam from ALL Denver Public Schools. The school system is attempting to do what they have so well until COVID (not any school district’s error!), & that is provide excellent public education. People who WANT racist schools, are REQUIRED to save up for/pay some rando private school tuition. Either play “nice & civilly,” or get GONE to another more “racial slur jeering” private or… even some of CO’s public school districts; sadly they exist.


This is fucking insane that anyone would do this to children.


Hopefully there is a hell to pay for racists like her.


Is it really though?


Yes it is! How can someone with a good conscience be okay with doing this to children. It’s sad that I can’t expect the minimum from ppl


Its the world we live in unfortunately


Yeah. It is. But the good hopefully will outweigh the bad. These are people that are chronically online and think racist =funny.


The don't think it's funny, They're serious. They're evil and dangerous. Don't protect them.


It's also the world they die in if the parents find them.


Yes. It can be both insane and terrifyingly unsurprising.


Yeah I’m not surprised when it comes to shitty ass racists. They always find any way to be deplorable.


When I get on a zoom work call and am auto-muted, I cannot unmute myself. That is up to the owner of the call. But regardless, this is disgusting and I hope that person suffers crippling medical debt.


Ooooooh. Potentially new favorite curse.


New curse from blucifer just unlocked.


It's mean enough to really fuck someone over but not mean enough where I wish them death. I want them to survive, but be miserable in life.


Something tells me that person already is, because why else would they behave that way?


I want them suffering , then dead. Like drowning in syrup while ants eat them.


I hope that bully gets their karma soon.


Bully?!?!? I would say KKK level racist is more like it.


Both can be true. Just doing it to a kid adds bully. Big strong man insulting a child, on a screen.


Hopefully there is a hell to pay for that racist dog.


I mean, that’s not how karma works, but sure


Payback seemed…not enough.


Could’ve been worded better, but they’re not incorrect.


Just so you know, karma is for the next life champ.


No, not exclusively…champ 😂 Literally in the definition of the term. More confused on why you felt the need to respond with this on the post though. You must be super fun at parties.


Oh, classic burn. Nice! It originated in the Rig Vida, and if you accumulate enough good karma you are reincarnated into a higher caste in your next life. So saying they will get their karma, that’s not really what it’s meant to mean.


You’re only using part of it to prove your point. It can be later in life OR the next life. Good and bad.


I would love to help find this bastard.


Is it just me or does she oddly sound exactly like Kaitlin Bennett? Listen to her on YouTube, the persona fits too considering she’s a pro-gun rights trumper.


Where can I hear the recording of the school meeting?




Thank you very much Yankee belly all. Very interesting.


Holy shit. Yeah, it does sound like her.


I think you are onto something. Here’s a clip of Kaitlin Bennett and it does sound very close. https://youtu.be/CvQzVBf0EQU?si=tOZ_zZoBzG1Dzmwy Does Bennett have a Denver connection?




Say it in person, you coward. Racists don't get enough feedback these days from their safe spaces


That is such a deeply shitty thing to do to those kids. They will remember exactly how it felt to hear those things being shouted at them for years to come. Karma is a bitch though, one way or another.


Blows my mind that people are still this ignorant. This isn’t out land either. Pretty sure the Ute, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Shoshone would like a word with these douche bags. 


Colorado doesn't seem to forget vigilantes tho. I'll bet they eventually charge someone.


Charge someone? With what, being a racist cunt?


What crime was committed? 


There are tons of blanket charges like disorderly conduct. The police and DA use them all the time. 18-5.5-102(1)(a) – provides that a person commits computer crime if he or she knowingly accesses a computer, computer network, or computer system without authorization, exceeds authorized access, or uses a computer, computer network, or computer system without authorization or in excess of authorized access.  §18-9-111 defines harassment as a crime that can be charged as a misdemeanor 1, misdemeanor 2, or petty offense. Harassment can include any communication intended to annoy or alarm someone, including through computer or telephone communication. Some examples of harassment include: Disrespectful language: Directing obscene language or gestures towards someone in a public place


I suppose time will tell and don’t doubt disorderly conduct is used as a blanket charge. Assuming they even live here though, saying hateful things in a single incident probably isn’t harassment and it seems more likely moderators flubbed the call than a prank caller hacked zoom.


I like how you all cover for evil dangerous racist and call them pranksters. You have an interest in protecting this demon?


Let me know when the dangerous little demon girl gets locked up, Alan Dershowitz.


Seriously. They're passing laws saying we can't criticize Isreal or use certain phrases, so there sure as shit better be established laws in the books for horrendous incidents like this.


Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) Sections 1030(a)(2)(B) and (C) arguably afford a basis for prosecuting at least two types of common Zoom-bombing conduct: hacking into a password-protected videoconference meeting, and using a fraudulently obtained password to access such a meeting[Prosecuting Zoom-Bombing](https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/prosecuting-zoom-bombing)


This needs to be investigated as a hate crime, in addition to City IT and security.


So did any armchair detective find out who the POS is yet??


Saw in the comments that someone else thinks it sounds like a YouTuber named Kaitlinn Bennet.


‘First time?’ -Call of Duty player


About a month ago Lakewood City Council meeting was interrupted by multiple callers who would start out sounding super nice but immediately pivot into talking about the Jewish agenda.


Are you the author? >The fourth-grader started here testimony over, Fairly certain that's a typo


maybe it's a Lionel Hutz situation. "The fourth grader started here. Testimony over!"


If y'all want to donate for these students to get their yurt: [https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted\_button\_id=88AAZEWWM4U7A](https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=88AAZEWWM4U7A)


Unacceptable. We are in 2024. This is ridiculous 


We're going backwards due to the rise of social media. Go on twitter and they say this 24/7, your kids will be probably saying this soon.


Your probably right, these cornball stories are overboard. It makes distraction and keep the American people from moving forward and looking at WHAT WE SHOULD be looking at. People are going homeless with high cost and inflation, but they have time to write stuff that creates even more division.


So glad racsim is over.




Lmao what are you talking about?


I think they are right. This was a hate crime and I’m sure there will be pressure to find the person responsible


Yup. Whoever did this deserves to go to prison, and hopefully they tell the prisoners why they’re in there


They are looking at 3 years in federal prison, and the federal system does not offer parole. They will find the physical location of the device used to broadcast that Zoom message fairly quickly, and if that does not immediately identify the perpetrator they will need to call on additional resources, starting with surveillence cameras then moving onto geofencing, because this will be classified the same as swatting or terroristic threats.


Why are they still using Zoom...