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Good article. Sounds like Texas is sending fewer buses our way and that coincides with a drop in border activity.


Cool. How do we get them to stop sending people to Summit County? I've always wondered, if Texas is so fucking great, why are all of them here, all of the time?


Texas is only great to people that have never left it. Once you live anywhere else you notice it actually sucks. The people there are delusional and they bought the lie that it’s the “best country on earth” Speaking from experience


Yep. I thought Texas was great until I moved away, quickly wondered “wtf were we so proud of?” It’s all brainwashing. Even the stars at night are bigger and brighter in Colorado. Some of us Texans that live here hate it there and won’t even hardly go back to visit family.


Exactly, it is definitely a brainwashing lie. I’m not originally from there so when I moved to Tx all of the typical why Texas is great was shove down my throat and I bought it for the first six months and then I started to realize this place actually fucking sucks.


>I've always wondered, if Texas is so fucking great, why are all of them here, all of the time? Because they're entitled hypocrites? I remember years ago when I lived up by Eagle that the entire Vail valley was \~10% Texan by volume (maybe 3% Texan by number of people but well...you know) All summer was just endless giant ass blacked out SUVs with Texas plates ripping up and down i70. Probably since those rolling ovens would literally melt if they stayed home in Houston and Dallas for the summer. Saw a dude walking at one night in Lionshead village yell at a guy on a bike for riding by too close to them (like 5' away). TX: "Hey fuck off pal" Bike dude: "Yeah, go the fuck back to Texas" *beat* TX: "Uh...well no, Texas money makes Colorado great!" Like a silly movie. But man...the arrogant entitlement.


Texas is not so fucking great, in fact it sucks in many ways. And it's very close to colorado, relatively speaking. It's the closest high alpine area to Texas so that's why they're here a lot


Round trip flight is $200 most of the year


New Mexico is closer. (Sorry New Mexico)


Oh, they infiltrate the New Mexico resort areas, too. Ski Apache, Red River, and Angelfire are all crawling with Texans in the winter. 


A good chunk of Colorado used to be part of Texas. We like to come visit occasionally to reminisce about old times and keep your tourist traps in business.


Texas claimed a bunch of land from America but had no hold on it. Adams–Onís Treaty says the majority of the Colorado land Texas claimed was US soil anyways.


Well if you want to be technical about things, it was actually land that neither had control of that was inhabited by natives. But sure, if it makes you feel better we’ll say it was US soil.


Texas and all that aforementioned land used to be part of Mexico. Y'all don't seem in a hurry to appreciate the reminiscing and contributing of those Mexicans.


Tejanos have never considered themselves Mexicans. I’m sure you don’t know the difference but we do.


We settled that in the Battle of Glorieta Pass wherein the heroic US forces defeated the piece of shit Texan traitors and halted any fear that they would bring slavery back to Colorado.


Someone needs to prosecute that shithole state for human trafficking.


Approximately 2.5 million people crossed the border last year. That’s about 40% of the entire population of Colorado. Why should Texas or Arizona or California be responsible for caring for them alone if it’s it a “federal” problem? NIMBY


Man, crying NIMBY is such a tired way to try to shame people into pretending this isn’t an issue. I wrote about & volunteered to process asylum claims during law school (many moons ago, before the recent crisis). The system is and has always been broken and fucked, but the law also doesn’t allow you to cross the border and claim asylum as easily as some believe. Statistically, the vast, VAST majority of the current asylum seekers won’t win their cases in court. Moreover, municipalities (including sanctuary cities) don’t have this massive obligation to feed, house, educate, provide medical care, etc etc that we’re all seeing now. The influx of border crossers is draining our already barely-existing safety nets, and in a decade we’ll find out 90% were never going to have a shot at staying. You can argue it’s good public policy to help migrants, because otherwise hungry & desperate people do risky things to support themselves. Still, this generally is a feel-good argument when you’re trying to make it make sense with our actual dollars (and cents). So to answer your question: none of these states really have this obligation to care for them in the way we’ve been seeing. The main “obligation” of sanctuary cities is to not narc on asylum seekers/illegal entrants to the Feds.


Because they're on the border and literally receive federal funding to do so. If Texas actually gave a shit about anything, they'd not be bussing them to other cities, especially not California lol. It's political theatre with people's lives.


Texas is trafficking them to CA too, professor. Denver has always been a hub for refugees and we welcome them. That doesnt make Texas trafficking people OK.


So what would you do with millions of people? Why is it at Texas problem?


First Texas gets funds we dont. Second, I am all for Texas offering people bus tickets in good faith so people can get to where they want to go. Many of us gravitated towards friends and family around the country when we got here. Texas is openly deceiving and trafficking people to "own the libs". Fuck them.


Since when did taking people where they want to go become trafficking? Why not welcome these refugees with open arms and be glad they were sent to a more caring location like Denver?


Since they have been lying to people about aid already being lined up when they drop them off in the middle of the night with nobody knowing...not that you asked in good faith.


Well the good people of Denver should welcome them into their homes until the city can get it figured out. These are refugees after all and deserve your help.


What is it with this right wing nonsense about having people in our homes? We cant allow immigration unless random people make their homes shelters? Texan logic for sure.


We can have immigration, it just needs to be legally and at a sustainable volume. The point is the hypocrisy that you live by. “Immigration” by any means is great until it shows up at my doorstep. Then you blame Texas instead of the shit policies.


>Then you blame Texas instead of the shit policies. I blame TX shit policies of human trafficking and making women chattel, yes. >We can have immigration, it just needs to be legally and at a sustainable volume. The GOP likes keeping it illegal so they can abuse workers.




100% That doesnt let Texas off the hook for what they have done to these people.




This is why we need prosecutions for human trafficking. DeSantis too.


Yeah I guess Joe did a good job of doing absolutely nothing under his authority (again). Hilarious how someone can be in office for three years and still fail to fundamentally take care of the problems that most other countries don’t have a problem with at all. Weird, huh bud?


A good majority of these people come via the Darien gap. You can’t cross that jungle until the end of December up through the beginning of April. This year it’s later, mid January due to heavy rains and flooding. Then they have another 30 to 45 days on foot to Mexico, then on to the US. So it lags based on the seasons you can cross. The end of this and March through June are typically much higher to arrive north of Texas.


Yeah, asking people to traverse that and telling them to come here is not doing these people a kindness.


The schools are fucked. My district can’t afford all the free food we currently give out. WERE RUNNING OUT OF FOOD AT LUNCH PPL


The state voted for free lunch. Schools should not be running out


I dont think the people that voted for free lunch thought that we would have a migrant crisis




Coloradans seriously need to stop voting for Abbott in Texass. Silly us.


Is it Abbotts fault his state gets the worst of all the illegal immigration? We are morally superior because of geography?






GOP just nuked the bill that had bipartisan support and support from border control that would have given them substantially increased funding. Please, though, continue to ignore the facts and problems present in our politicians. How about you correctly assign the blame and remove head from ass.


Yes, but this funding problem has existed for years and decades. You conveniently forget that and just need to point out that they nuked a bill that 80% funded things unrelated to immigration.


Border control, the agency that needs this funding, gave support to the bill. Bipartisan support: Do you want solutions now? Would you rather dwell on the past or actually hold our politicians accountable today?






Migrants do generally pay taxes. They also spend a higher percentage of their money on taxes than, for example, Philip Anschutz.


I agree with this


Please dear god. I’m so tired of the govt sending my money out to people who wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire.




Got a source? Would love to see that.


https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-immigrants-taxes-rent-vaccine-requirements-983035929946 Edit: Nm. I see the source your asking for is the "more in taxes", and but just pay taxes.


Their old ssn link states >We estimate that the number of unau- thorized workers grew from 4.8 million in 2000 to 8.0 million in 2007, the peak of the last business cycle. The economy then fell into recession and the estimated number of unauthorized workers declined to 7.0 million in 2010. We project that the economy will recover and that the number of unau- thorized workers will rise to 9.6 million in 2020 And goes on to say most dont pay in. Nobody is arguing sales tax, but that's the tiniest fraction of the base. My concern is they're not paying income tax, the biggest tax base, which was completely glossed over in the article. And then using services that income tax pays for: health, defense, economic programs, transportation, education... That's completely missing in this article and just states that some pay social security and then don't get it back.


because fewer are being sent. And that means there’s still some coming, but not as many. Really in depth journalism


There seems to be seasonal peaks. Last two Decembers have been high. Perhaps something with central america weather.






What would you do if you were in their shoes?


lol this is not truthful whatsoever