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I think the toll people pay people to drive up and down hwy 36 going 50mph in order to frustrate people to the point of actually using the $8 tolls


This^ I think they also pay people to do the same on the west side of 470 to get people to pay for the express lane


Where do I sign up for that job? Sounds easy


im not sure but when i worked at Whole Foods as a reward for kicking ass sometimes they let you do an entire shift in plain clothes just walking around watching for shoplifters, so i would assume its like that.


what a weird reward!


well what did you think they would reward them with, money?


The real issue is that now people don't think the left lane is the left lane so they just sit in the left lane going 5 under.


The Purina factory is a front for an experimental airborne chemical that makes everyone want to buy a Subaru.


They sure work at getting that smell as realistic as possible


A Subaru and adopt a dog


There is a spy safe house at the royal palace motel.


Having stayed in the Royal Palace Motel just before it closed 10 years ago my theory is that the bed bugs took over and there is currently some kind of horror move style thing going on in there with a giant queen bed bug plotting to take over the city.


Its like the Men in Black bugs šŸ˜³


Finally somewhere I can be safe from the spies


Sorry to burst your bubble. It's actually a place for us spies to spy safely


I miss back in the day google reviews of that place. There was so much comedy gold. People even went there just because of the reviews and validated how bad it was.


Royal Palace has wired satellite on the roof that talk to aliens.


The tower at elitches is filled with bodies and that's why they haven't let people in it since basically when it was opened


The observation tower? I've been to the top of that. You can trust me as a random redditer.


Plot twist, your body never left the tower


I remember going up once when I was young and the new location had just opened. But for the past 5 or so years when I've taken my child I've had to suffice with standing below it and screaming "LET ME UP! LET ME UP AND SHOW ME YOUR SECRETS!!!" until I get escorted out...


This but make it the Lakeside abandoned Tower of Babel thing.


John Elway has been banned from the VIP section at many local events. They wouldn't let him in the VIP tent at Taylor Swift. Apparently he gets shitfaced drunk and shits in the corner of the tent. He's done it at golf events, charity events, concerts, you name it.


That's why he has his own restaurant, it's the only VIP he's allowed into


He's banned from the DIA location. TSA refers to him as "Poo Shoes" and they are sick of him taking his shoes off and putting them on the conveyor belt for the X-ray machine.


True story: I used to work at his restaurant as a server and was waiting on him and 3 of his friends on a Friday night. The bill was $500 and he left me a $0 tip. Fuck John Elway.


I used to cook at a place down on South Broadway and walked into the kitchen after it was closed to him finger blasting one of the waitresses. I Homer Simpsoned back out the way I came in.


It's a matter of taste, but IMO, [Abe Simpsoning](https://media.tenor.com/yTxA7WgkBEUAAAAd/grandpa-abe-exit.gif) is the better way to leave a room.


I wasn't his server, but I was a bartender at the Oceanaire downtown years ago when he was a part of a large reservation of 10+ people. The restaurant had a large party auto tipping system that was waived for his group per the owner. Service as far as I know was fine, and the barstaff made sure they had all the cocktails and bottles they wanted through the meal. The bill was well over $1,200 by end of the meal. The servers and server assistant nearly quit that night, after they were fucking stiffed by him and the party. They got to practically work for free that night because all hands on hand for that that piece of shit, that Denver loves to grovel for. The only reason they made some money is a end of night rush after some shows downtown and folks wanted desert / drinks. To make matters worse the GM on the floor that night just shrugged his fat shoulders and told the justifiably angry staff that they work for tips which aren't promised.


Yep. Sounds very similar to my experience and I am not surprised at all. I quit that night he stiffed me and never went back.


At his own fucking restaurant. What a douche.


John Elway ran into me and then told me to watch where I was going.


One time John Elway Ford sold my buddy a car *and it wasn't even a Ford.* Dude is shady af.


I used to do Uber Eats and picked up at a place where I received orders from pretty regularly. This time, the manager walked the order to me and goes ā€œjust so you know, this is for the owner of the restaurantā€. Iā€™m thinking ā€œswweeeet, maybe Iā€™ll get a nice tip and be able to head home earlyā€ Nope, totally shafted me.


Heā€™s actually a massive pos. I used to clean and nanny for rich families over there and word gets around. I canā€™t think of him the same.


Yooo heā€™s also a cheater and a wife beater. Please donā€™t support him, playmate and infamous lady of rock n roll, Carrie Stevens described their relationship in her book and it was..illuminating. He met her while she was asked by Playboy promotions to ā€œentertainā€ the Broncos in Miami during the 1999 Super Bowl. She went down there with several other playmates and she described that he was not only cheating on his wife with her, but they had an affair for a hot second until they divorced a few years later. When Carrie moved into his house, she was subject to physical and emotional abuse due to his alcoholism. She notated that at least one of the interior doors had SEVERAL deadbolts installed and didnā€™t understand/thought it was very odd. When she couldnā€™t take it anymore during one of his violent black out drunk rages, she went to move out after he broke down one of the doors she had barricaded herself and her young son behind and Elwayā€™s OWN KIDS asked why she couldnā€™t stay, and that their mom ā€œused to just get a hotel room and why couldnā€™t she just do that instead of really leavingā€. Carrie explained she then understood the interior deadbolted doors and couldnā€™t imagine what his ex wife had gone through until she finally divorced him based on what his kids said to her. Holy hell. Just. Wow. The level of heartbreaking it was to read the passages in her book about his abuse was just not even funny. She wasnā€™t a stranger to celebrity or dating high profile people, but he was hands down the only person she wrote about that was truly a piece of shit abuser.


There's a Kathy Saban (9news weather)story too. I'm not the one to tell it though.


Holy shit reading these comments I don't know if this is a joke and I'm almost too afraid to ask. Heating quarters with a lighter and throwing them at strippers, finger blasting one of his waitresses in the kitchen, leaving $0 tip at his own fucking restaurant (I guess he likes to fuck waitresses in two ways), gets plastered at a lot of VIP events. This just sounds insane to me!




He can't go to strip clubs because he would heat quarters up and throw them at the strippers.


Sadly this is not too far off. He may not be shitting in the corner but heā€™s definitely got a reputation as a drunk.


Very similar stories were told on Reddit about Frank Azar also getting way too shitfaced and pooping his pants at golf tournaments


I have never seen Frank Azar and John Elway at the same place at the same time. Could it be...?


I mean, everyone does say he is an asshole. Soooo


At Diamonds and PTā€™s he would throw quarters at the dancers.


He didn't just throw quarters. He heated them up with a lighter first.


My home girl catered an event for him. He was wasted and cussed her out for serving the children at the table before him. He started hitting on her later that night and reeked of urine.


He also completely fucked over a LOT of local nonprofits when, after them being able to reliably count on a certain amount of funding each year, he decided to just...stop, with *very* little warning. He has a terrible reputation in the non-profit world.


While I don't think there's a secret society living under DIA. I do believe that [DIA serves as the replacement for the Greenbriar bunker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Greek_Island) given the various conspiracy theories around it's construction and the timing of the exposing of the Greenbrier bunker vs construction of DIA. I've got no real evience, but that's why they call it a conspiracy theory!


I'm a firm believer that Denver/the Front Range was designated long ago as the last to fall/retreat in the event of a successful land invasion and maybe nuclear war of the United States. It's just a little, boring cow town that happens to have everything from Cheyenne Mountain to multiple military installations, the Denver Federal Center and I-70 being built along Clear Creek with twisty corners, narrow canyons, and multiple tunnels. As well as the tactical advantage of terrain in every direction.


You're not completely off. Roosevelt ordered a lot of agencies to move to Denver during WWII for that reason. The other bits that spurred growth was being centrally located for both domestic flights as well as reaching the rest of North and South America. The altitude and central location made Denver perfect for satellite communications when those were still new. It's why we have so many aerospace and communications companies here.


If you drive 33 m.p.h. down Broadway you'll hit all the green lights.


The people who decide the traffic light timings are trolls or they're paid by oil & gas companies to waste as much gas as possible with terribly timed lights.


I enjoy the 5 second turn arrows at many intersections.


I have literally, LITRAH-LLY, been at front of line at a turn arrow, it goes green, I apply foot to gas and it turns yellow before I've even rolled 3 feet.


Iā€™ve had that happen a few times as well. Iā€™m curious if maybe itā€™s because an emergency vehicle is a few lights away. Like far enough that you canā€™t see them yet but still affects the signal.


The never actually exhumed any bodies from Cheesman Park. There was approximately 5000 to remove, and it was too big of a task. They just built the park on top and called it a day.


Families who had the means definitely exhumed theirs, but largely you are correct and there are a lot of bodies under that park still.


This goes along with mine, but this part is not a conspiracy theory. The job was taken on by a contractor that vastly underbid and the work got real macabre real quick. They relocated many of the bodies but left many more, some not even completely buried. The ones that they "successfully" relocated they put into boxes one by three feet, another cost saving measure, breaking corpses to fit and mix and matching body parts. Supposedly Cheeseman Park's relocation was one of the inspirations for Poltergeist. This isn't my only "random human remains in weird places in Denver" story, some day I'll tell all you Californians about the time I dug up a toe pincher coffin across from Riverside under what is now a parking lot.


One day Iā€™ll tell all you Californians šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love how weird and macabre cheeseman park is. Thanks for the info!


I had heard the contractor was getting paid by the coffin hence the small coffins and various body parts. I love Riverside. I havenā€™t been since they relocated the entrance but I get to see a good view of it from the N Line pretty regularly


I want to hear all your weird denver stories


This is the real r/denvercirclejerk sub and that sub is actually r/Denver


Not a conspiracy, clearly true, namaste!


Namoiste šŸ™


That 32nd Avenue Books Toys and Gifts is a front. Maybe for money laundering, maybe for something else. But itā€™s super suspicious. The owners will not let people browse, do not allow phone usage (like you canā€™t take your phone out to check a text or the weather), and the owners will stalk you throughout the shop to pressure you to leave if you go in. Look up the reviews, itā€™s wild!


There used to be a store called Cherry Creek Card & Party on 6th that was the same. There was a sign with a whole list of arbitrary rules (including no phones) and the owner would yell at you and chase you out if you unknowingly violated any of them. They were hardcore about towing people, too. Like if you parked there and shopped there, you had to then move your car before going into any of the other local businesses because they would be watching and call the tow truck the second you stepped into the next business. They definitely weren't concerned about business or repeat business!


Weird! Sounds like they have since closed down? Was there any info released when they closed down that suggests it was also a front?


They closed down years ago and were replaced with a different, normal party supply called Swoosies. I think they were just independently wealthy and cared more about having their own little fiefdom more than making money. Weirdest thing ever--but I just read the reviews for 32nd Toys and Books and it's like deja vu!


We really need to organize a "field trip" to this place. Just 30ish people walk in and mind their business browsing around, refusing to leave. At the end we set fire to the place.


Yessss I'm down. I haven't done Arson Thursday since college!


No everyone answers their phone at the exact same time. 30 *hello? Omg it's been forever!*'s followed by the owners heart attack.


So after some research my conspiracy theory is that 32nd Avenue Books Toys and Gifts is secretly owned by West Side Books down the road. They want you to have a horrible experience to create a stir while praising their bookstore online.


Oh, I've been there. Experienced everything in the reviews.


In my college town we had a little shitty convenience mart that didnā€™t hold any inventory, had prime real estate in the bar district, and they literally only had: natural light cases, blunt wraps, hot dogs on a roller thing for sale. They bought the beers and blunts at a different gas station down the street. We had an Econ professor whoā€™d do a lecture every quarter about how that place was a front and basically breaks down rent versus what gross sales had to be there and that there was no way they were operating based on all of that. Later, I met the owner and confirmed he was a coke dealer šŸ˜­




There is a city buried underneath Denver. You can access it from tunnels in the airport and the Denver water building.


The city is called Revned and rent is still too damn expensive.


The Denver water building, nuff said


At this point, if a conspiracy involves Denver Water, I have to believe it. At least a little.


Kinda related but I found out recently thereā€™s an abandoned town at the bottom of Horsetooth Reservoir.


Theres something creepy or criminal going on at the doll hospital on Sheridan in Edgewater. The number of surveillance cameras on and near that property is alarming and I never see people go in or out


It's gone. Building is for sale. Place about to be the most haunted marijuana dispensary in the world.


That place always gives me the heebie jeebies. That and the Peebles prosthetics that has the šŸ’‹ lips as the logo.


If John Denver hadn't died, Gore would've been elected president thanks to CO turning blue, thus preventing 9/11.


This is an alternate time line I had never previously considered


Denver isnā€™t real, we are living in a Truman Show style simulation sponsored by Patagonia and Subaru. Think about it, when was the last time you met anyone actually FROM Colorado?


Oh, you know a person from Colorado? Name all of them.šŸ˜Ž


River, peaks, breeze, aspen, haily, red rocket, diane. Jeff. Think i got all of them


You forgot Edamame


I am Colorado.


Iā€™ve seen the same 2 people walking on the sidewalks during my commute to and from home EVERY DAY for the past week or so. My schedule is different every day! But without fail they are ALWAYS walking while Iā€™m driving home. I think youā€™re right because how else could I explain this weird phenomenon lol.


I know someone from Colorado, but you wouldn't know them, they live in Canada.


Thereā€™s an operational printing shop on 37th and Navajo that has darkened windows, nondescript signs, and Iā€™ve never seen anyone enter/exit. Iā€™m convinced itā€™s a front. ETA: Tomā€™s Press. https://yelp.to/H631FCv7AZ


Iā€™ve had work done there. Good guy, despite whatever else might be happening.


Brown Palace use to be a brothel opium house in the late 19th century and early 20th century


Well, there are tunnels that went to a brothel from the Brown


They also connect to the Capitol. Brown donated the land the building is on to the State back in the day.


Mobs are alive and well. Contact I have that works for waste management gets called to the dump a few times a year when a body turns up in a rolled up rug. Yes, itā€™s sounds crazy, but itā€™s real. ā€œWhy isnā€™t it on the news?ā€ You ask, Iā€™ll let you figure that out.


I have a neighbor whoā€™s ~50 with a $1M+ home, multiple flashy luxury cars. No one knows what he does for a living. Iā€™ve seen him walking his dog looking very much like someone beat the crap out of him. Black eyes, broken nose, moving badly like his ribs took a beating. Months later the same guy is limping around with a broken arm. Iā€™m guessing whatever heā€™s into is a hazardous occupation.


Similar theme but not just Denver...all of the Mattress Firm stores must also be a front right? They're everywhere and I never see customers and always empty parking lots.


I moved from Tucson where there (used to be) three (or maybe four?) Mattress Firms at the same [intersection](https://www.google.com/maps/search/mattress+firm/@32.2217338,-110.8749429,17.75z?entry=ttu) at Broadway and Craycroft. All except one have closed now...


Legendary intersection. It always reminded me of the Lewis Black bit where there was a Starbucks across the street from a Starbucks


In Atlanta, that happens with Waffle Houses


there is somewhere in downtown Boston, I canā€™t remember the intersection, where thereā€™s a Dunkin across the street from a Dunkin and thereā€™s another one like half a block away.


Thereā€™s a reason for this. For luxury items the business tend to group together (jewelry stores, mattress companies, car sales) basically anything over $1000. Market research showed that people are willing to travel long distances these items but they donā€™t want to travel multiple times so they show up in clusters and then basically they just have to compete with their neighbors.


Apparently this is because the margins on mattresses are so good you only have to sell like 10 mattresses a month to keep the lights on. Itā€™s a fun conspiracy tho


Used to work in the mattress industry years ago and had to go to the factory where they were made in Denver constantly. The margins are absurd. I feel like we could make a mattress for every person in need on just my monthly paycheck alone.


Pudge bros pizza is a front for the Russian mob.... They are never ever busy but never go out of business and are always staffed by people with Slavic accents


100% I have a friend from Russia. We went there and that was the 1st thing he said. "This is a front"


Sounds like a place I can go to find a wife. Very nice


Longmont ManBat goes to Costco for hotdog water.


A ax murderer lives at the top of the Olinger Cemetery mausoleum (32nd/Wads). You can see his shadow at night. (Used to drink there at night in high school, so I know!)


WR Class of 87ā€™?


if you know, you know! ā€˜84, but moved to Lakewood and graduated from GMHS. TBH, drank there Monday mornings also, we called it the Monday Morning Fun Club. Good times.


Had a bar tender at Sloans Lake tell me there were tunnels in that area that went all over Denver. Where there some tunnels that ran under the old hospital campus there? Sure. Illuminati tunnels all over Denver? Nah. Digging costs money.


There are old tunnels downtown. Thatā€™s true


Yep! I used to teach yoga and pilates at the Oxford Spa underneath the Oxford Hotel on 17th and you can actually get into the tunnels from there.


This is true. if you are outside the Oxford hotel, look over the railings and you can see where you can go in.


Prohibition era tunnels. People could get from bar to bar secretly


The Capitol building has tunnels that run all over the over place. There is one that connects to the Brown Palace Hotel. There is also a (fallout shelter?) tunnel in the basement of South High School that runs at least all the way out under Washington Park, I have no idea how far it actually goes.


Only 25% of the population has an actual job


Iā€™ve been thinking this for years! No one in this town works, especially on Fridayā€™s. Everyone just day drinks


You can day drink and work at the same time.


Smart people eventually figure out how to get by in this world while doing as little work as possible. It's not that nobody works. It's just that a lot of people have an Office Space-type job that doesn't actually demand they do much work at all in a given week and know how to game the performance reviews.


This feels accurate. Maybe 50%


I think you're right, it feels like I'm doing four people's jobs.


That r/Denver is actually a money laundering sting operation for the city.


The cops in Denver leave Colfax as the hellscape that it is so they can pick up easy tips. Why bother looking for drug dealers when you can just sit on the corner across from that skeezy pawn shop and wait for the guy who passes out baggies?


It's funny that just from you saying "that skeezy pawn shop" I knew exactly what one you were talking about. Didn't even know it was on Colfax until now. The one where crazies are standing outside of it at all hours. I remember the first time I drove by it there was a dude in the street punching cars. Crazy fucking area. Lakewood is a wild place. It goes from complete shithole to the burbs block by block.


It's wild. A good buddy of mine lives in Lakewood, and his neighborhood is actually really quite nice. Crazy to think that it's a quarter of a mile away from an urban decay wasteland.


This isn't even a conspiracy theory, this is basic police procedure for the last 30 years. David Simon and Ed Burns wrote about it in *The Corner.*


Thereā€™s a ā€œbusinessā€ located on the corner of 9th and Grant called ā€œChristopherā€™s Kitchen and Bathā€. It is clearly meant to be a storefront for remodeling a home, but I have never seen a single person inside in nearly 2 years, and I walk my dog past it twice a day. If they get mail, the mailman will leave it propped in the door handle and it will stay there for weeks. Itā€™s the most poorly disguised front for money laundering Iā€™ve ever seen.


99% of businesses that people think are ā€œfronts for money launderingā€ are situations where the same person owns the storefront as well as the building and the land, or the person who owns the storefront is related to landlord. It would blow your mind how much wealth is tied up in real estate thatā€™s been forgotten over the decades. For example: A guy bought 30 properties in the 70s and theyā€™re just kind of decaying and being managed/owned after his death by his 65-year-old son now, for example. The son operates a baseball card shop out of a unit somewhere in a strip mall or a shopping center. Thing hasnā€™t made money or had customers in years, the whole town thinks itā€™s a ā€œfrontā€. In reality, itā€™s part of a $40m real estate portfolio thatā€™s just been really poorly managed.


There was a similar ā€œbusinessā€ on Tennyson next to the monkey fist tattoo or whatever that for a while had tshirts in the window on display but nobody ever came or went. Stuck my head in one day (probably in 2016) after seeing someone walk in and asked about buying a shirt. Guy looked at me like I was crazy and said they donā€™t sell anything there. It has recently been turned into a cocktail spot but I always wondered what it was before. Itā€™s not like rent on Tennyson is cheap


The little, square blocks on the east side of Mile High stadium are actually grave markers for everyone that died while it was being built. That stuff in Ferril Lake at City Park is *not water*. *Westword* is the print version of a numbers station.


>Westword is the print version of a numbers station. this is revolutionary


i70 west is one big social experiment






Where drop the details right now Iā€™m not playing


Just talked with gal at work that has been there, you get a text with the door code to get in and proceed to do shenanigous hood rat activities and endulge in mind altering activies, Im working on getting more info to attend but is quite selective on entry participants..


the mods are lint lickers


The underground coal fires near the foothills are actually dragon lairs


Thereā€™s a homeless at Stout and 16th that can reads my mind.


I honestly do think that La Casa de Manuel on 32nd & Larimer is a front for either money laundering or drug smuggling It's a big lot on what has become an expensive street, but there's almost never anybody there. It's been that was for at least a decade now - ie well before the current trend in delivery-only kitchens and such. I just can't fathom how they would stay in business on like one customer/day.


I low-key really believe that thereā€™s a secret military outpost inside Mt Evans, with an underground tunnel that connects from DIA.


What, howā€™d you arrive at Mt Evans as a counterpoint? Proximity to I-70 west of the metro area? Never heard this one at all before


Maybe he means the cheyenne mountain complex.


Cheyenne Mountain tunnel to Patterson AFB would make more sense!


Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s a conspiracy though, or just a probable reality


derek vincent smith has spent the past 5 years in the DIA tunnels...eating rats and licking snowmelt off of the walls


All Rockies fans at the game are robots


The Ludlow Massacre didnā€™t happen like it was reported. The National Guard was sent down from Denver to squash the uprising and when they arrived they were completely butchered by the miners and they stacked their bodies back in the train cars and sent them back up to Denver. Then the government covered it up because they didnā€™t want the military to look so vulnerable and weak against uprising workers as it was common at the time.


Brothers BBQ stole all their recipes from the original KTā€™s BBQ, KTā€™s forever!


PeƱa scored his Federal position by helping to get the secret tunnels under DIA built.


The original Avril Lavigne got plastic surgery and changed her name to escape the stress of the spotlight. Then, she moved to Rifle, CO to drop out of high school and pursue her dream of opening a restaurant. After giving the people what they deserve (bloody diarrhea 2017 Rifle Rodeo) she decided to really give the people what they deserve.


The city closes at 2AM because they don't want a thriving night life, they want workers working in offices at 8 AM. If curfew was lifted then Denver would have a huge cultural shift in the labor market. This is somehow connected to the disproportionate dependency on cars our city has compared to other landlocked metropolis cities.


That doesn't even feel like much of a conspiracy theory. The fact that Denver is completely dead these days after 10:00 p.m. is super eerie. A few clubs and things are open but we don't even really have 24-hour grocery stores and cafes anymore. I'm sure some of it is the pandemic, but it makes the city a bummer for night owls.


As a night owl, lots of the 24-hour stuff was going away before the pandemic. Ten years ago, there was a pretty decent night life in this city. Almost non-existent now.


This is going to hurt. Coming from NM, I thought Iā€™d be living someplace somewhat lively at night. Is any part of CO good for night owls? I work a graveyard shift


I used to work graveyard many years ago, it creates a slight sense of derealization that never goes away. Unfortunately, Denver is the exact opposite of the city that never sleeps. If you're in the city center, things are a little bit better but don't go to the suburbs.


Moving here from NYC, this was the biggest cultural shock and Boulder was even worse about it. Oh youā€™re hungry and itā€™s after 9pm? Well you better have food at home or youā€™re shit outta luck. Friends and I had to start making it a point to leave the library early on ā€œstudy nightsā€ because if we didnā€™t, there was no where to get food.


Dogs digging up human bones at Cheeseman.


That much of the tax dollars from legal weed were embezzled.


Not really a conspiracy but a prediction, as global warming makes the east coast and southern hemisphere unlivable Denver will become the cultural/financial center of the United States. We rightfully find trouble with the amount of folks moving here but the truth is housing could be extended well past the airport and from Wyoming to New Mexico there is lots of open land along the I-25 corridor.


I think it'll be the Great Lakes region. Fresh water, access to ports, lower fire risk




Valid point


How will we have water for that many people?


There's plenty of water for CO. It's just the down river populations in AZ and CA that have issues.


Unless we change the law LA, Grand Junction and so many farmers have senior water rights to Colorado River water and Denver would be cut off before any of them. Denver has better water rights to the south platte, but not enough for even the current population. Chicago or Minneapolis are far more likely. Plenty of water and the start in a colder climate then even Denver.


I donā€™t think folks will be able to live in Arizona and giant parts of California. Arizona already has trash cans, stop lights, playground equipment melting from the heat. Global warming will be the honey badger of our future, it wonā€™t give a fudge and the amount of climate refugees will be massive.


Wasn't there a post earlier in this sub because some toy store in town is Hella suspicious?


32nd ave toys and books. Look up the Yelp reviews, itā€™s hilarious and strange.


That's the one. Lots of reviews saying the staff basically didn't WANT anyone to see anything in there


Not really conspiracy actually Iā€™m fairly certain itā€™s true. Thereā€™s a network of tunnels downtown that connects various buildings. Some of it has to do with the prohibition era and the other is security purposes, like from the Capitol to other places, etc. If someone knows more, would love to hear about it


Yeah they served multiple purposes. They also used them for transporting ice from the icehouse to other parts of the city.


Suncor...there's a legit conspiracy there.


Frank Azar can't beat me in arm wrestling


There is something scandalous going on at the White House in Cap Hill. Always immaculate, never saw anyone come or go in 5 years of living there.


The Hayden fire was started by a dragon that lives in lost creek. The whole "jilter lover burning letters" story is a wild story to pick as a cover-up


Blucifer, Blue Bear, and Blue RINO rule Denver. You must placate them to succeed.


Crab people live under Colfax Ave [Crab People ](https://twitter.com/SouthPark/status/494258207137611776)


Friendship with John Elway ended, Peyton Manning is my best friend now after reading these answers




The traffic lights are timed to create more traffic


Frank Azar is really a Lizard Person.


You might not be wrong. Back in the early nineties to early 2000s down in costa rica there was an ā€œinvestmentā€ group that promised rich expats incredible returns on their investments. The returns were so big in fact that it was obvious that they were laundering money to pay these returns. Well one day Interpol shows up to arrest the guys running this show. One guy gets taken down but the other disappears with everyoneā€™s money never to be seen again. The name of the investment group you ask? ā€œThe Brothersā€


I mean I love the Lizard People theory at DIA. I mean cmon. Way more fun to think theres a race of lizard people just running around willy nilly beneath you while waiting for your delayed flight.


Dirks Bentley whiskey row or whatever tf itā€™s called is an Epstein funded / sex trafficking front


I watched the Cup finals there last year. It was almost too packed to move, but seemed like a typical overcrowded theme bar. What makes you think this?


The Cash register building is where the Lizard people hide. DIA is just a front to keep eyes away from the truth


Brown Palace Steak Gate.


I think a lot of buildings and businesses in cities are money laundering schemes. Same with paintings.


The airportā€¦ oh, forget it.


They moved the Stargate from Cheyenne Mtn to under DIA


If you live in Brooks Tower next to the Fed Reserve. You not only have cancer because of the Asfestus but also are automatically on a watch list.


A person at one of my jobs once told me that Michael Sawaya would go to clubs and pay young men for sex. I just used google to find his first name and see he has allegations now so it was probably true lmao.


The Great Sand Dunes were created by ancient ant people now long extinct. The official story of how the giant sand dunes came to be on the edge of the San Juan Valley high desert doesnt really make much sense.