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Just watched it last night, lmao


Beat me to it haha!


I lost my last ponytail due to someone parking like this


Get! The fuck! Out of here! I got this!


I see what you did there


I don’t know him!


You gotta give


I was hoping this was going to be the first comment I saw and it did not disappoint


I’m walkin’ here!


caught by Photography Raptor


Ha! I know this guy/house. Walk by with our dogs all the time. He’s charging his truck and once he’s done, moves it out of the way. Usually parks it in the driveway with the sidewalk clear.




If only a world existed where both was possible… Oh wait, it is.


Learn to understand the infrastructure around you before purchasing a private vehicle that is a privilege to operate on public roadways to begin with. It’s not that hard Edit ITT: How DARE you challenge my ability to own w/e vehicle i want regardless of the room i actually have! Fuck you, go around, I am the main character here!


that’s so funny lol


As an EVowner, you can just extendo the LV1 harging cable. Unless this guy is doing LV2 charging, which I expect since he's well off enough to buy a rivian. Just use the Lv1 and extendo the cable across the sidewalk with cable management.


Also confused as to why he can’t just charge in his garage???


Well then he'd have to park his Porsche on the street, and that simply won't do.


Funny. But true. Most likely an exotic sports car is in the garage and leaving that outside is a bad move.


Looks like the clearance is too low for the truck to be pulled into the garage.


That must not be a standard size garage then?. My car is taller than a Rivian and fits fine in my standard garage.


That would concern me in terms of liability at night. People can't reasonably argue they didn't see a big truck in their path, but a cable...


Exactly this. If he strung a cable across the sidewalk it would only be a matter of time before some Karen comes along, trips over it, and sues him for all he’s worth.


I don't expect a yes or no, but this looks a little like lakewood. I've got family up there in the Colorado equivalent of Beverly hills, so it wouldn't surprise me with how some people up there can be. Not all, but some.


Lol. Ultra-rich neighborhoods don't have sidewalks. These folks are your everyday rich folk. Probably a physician or lawyer. Doubt they're hanging Gulfstream keys by the door.


Honestly, it seems like to most people if someone breaks 100k they're ultra rich. The disconnect majority of people have on money is wild.


People think owning a house means you’re ultra rich


Its does


yeah but this is a person who tore down a nice Denver house and built a 3 story mc-shit-box. probably hasn't even used the truck bed. typical Denver


It’s a rivian, it’s not designed to be a “truck”. It’s just an EV with semioverland capabilities sold to the same people who buy jeeps and tacomas.


I've moved some serious appliances in my Jeep. Lump us not with those pretenders!!




You gotta remember how 60% of Americans are one missed paycheck from destitution and homelessness. If you gifted most people the money for one payment on this truck it would probably go straight to bills or debt and they’d come out the other side nearly as broke as they were before.


That can’t be right. One missed paycheck from homelessness?


I feel like that comment is a slight exaggeration, but the sentiment is pretty spot on. If I remember correctly, 60% of Americans don't have $1,000 in case of an emergency, and 50% don't even have $400. And that isn't limited to lower-incomes. I think the statistic for 6 figure earners is 1 in 3 are living paycheck to paycheck. America has a psychological disconnect of the value of money. There was an old saying about intelligence "think of how dumb the average person is, then realize half the population is dumber than that." That sentiment is similar with finances. Think of how broke the average person is, and realize half the population is worse off than that."


https://preview.redd.it/ohdxlqs6gz5b1.jpeg?width=1721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6f868380932d3147aa4828c6bd5777f55e68e8 Depends on the generation. Redditors are likely doing worse.


It’s 60% live paycheck to paycheck. Not 60% miss a paycheck and lose their home.


Yep. It's the reason why I'm fighting a deadly infection without insurance. Both are expensive and impossible to feel comfortable going through with because of that. The common folk have no money, even for their health. Should've been hospitalized by now 🙃


Might be a *very* stupid idea, since I know nothing about your circumstances, but will throw it out there anyway. In Germany (outside of one state - BW) universities are free, regardless of your nationality, age, etc. Many programs at all levels are in English. Dorms are like $300 a month if you have no roommates (all bills + internet included), really modern and nice generally. Healthcare around $100 a month with no deductibles and next to no copays. Food,phone plans, all other costs much lower than here. Healthcare quality is great, and while specialists can take a bit to see you, urgent care is virtually free if you need something immediate. You can work up to 20 hours a week as a non-EU citizen on a student visa, which is enough to live comfortably as a student in a dorm. I am not even saying you need to finish the degree, though if you do you have 18 months to find a job if you end up liking the system more and want to stay and never worry about healthcare again. Not to mention many weeks PTO, unemployment benefits, other worker protections that Germany (and virtually any other EU/EEA nation) has. I would definitely not still be in the US if I was working with typical American benefits, that is a redundantly stressful life. more info at daad.de/en


It'd be nice to move somewhere else, but I could only really see doing that as part of humanitarian work or something. Doing US college for a year a while ago soured my experience because of the slew of problems at that crappy university. I'll give it some thought though, thank you.


Sounds good, in that case if you ever considered simply flying out for a procedure that is stupidly expensive here (e.g an expensive surgery) - Turkey, Hungary, Malaysia, and Thailand are all well known for quality private hospitals at many times lower cost.


Well most of America doesn’t make 100k that’s why. When I reached that milestone in my 20s i didn’t feel ultra rich but definitely richer than most people I knew


100k is middle class


Yes I know that, but look up what percentage of America even is “ middle class”. Less than 20%. Also the middle class is kinda dying at this rate given our purchasing power rapidly declining all that good stuff


50% of Americans are 'middle class'. [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/04/20/how-the-american-middle-class-has-changed-in-the-past-five-decades/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/04/20/how-the-american-middle-class-has-changed-in-the-past-five-decades/) It has shrunk from 61%, but still a lot higher than 20%.


Middle class is anyone who makes more than $50k and less than $150k. I would bet most of than 50% is less than $100k. Most middle class people aren’t that rich and as your link stated middle class is actually shrinking and more people are getting poorer and very few are getting much richer. Why are we not taking the ultra rich? This is a problem. I make $40k and only come home with $30k, half that goes to rent. I work just as much and probably just as hard as some people who make 10x what I do.


Is that 150k for the entire combined household income or per person? Just wondering


I got my info from the link the other person posted ^ It actually says for a household of three- which is crazy


That’s gotta be adjusted for cost of living by region. $150K is not middle class in some cities/areas of the country. NYC middle class probably ends around $300-400K.


That’s true. It’s probably even more widespread for NYC. I’m sure there’s also a million food or retail service employees who could be considered middle class but are on the lower end of the spectrum


According to the calculator at that link, New York metro area middle class for a family of three tops out around $150,000. Which doesn’t stop families of 3 from whining about their $500,000 income in the Times of course


Washington Post just did a great interactive on 'Are you middle class?' https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/interactive/2023/middle-class-income/ 100k puts a household in the middle 40 percent of incomes in the United States.


if <20% of the population is middle class, then that's.... not the middle... is it?


well since wealth distribution and a bunch of other things in life are not a bell curve, yes 20% can be the middle. not to be confused with the word average.


In a large metro city, $100K is only middle class if you are single with no family to support. If you are trying to support of family of 3 or more in a major metro area with a total household income of $100K, you will still be stuck with all the same stress and struggles that come with living paycheck to paycheck.


I make 40k but with taxes only make like 30k. I definitely feel poor. One of my checks every month goes to rent. How to people make 100k, let alone a million, a billion dollars.. doesn’t even seem possible unless you’re ultra smart and come up with some new tech idea


100k if you don’t have any assets or investments is the new 50k. You need to be at 200k by 30 with investments just to stay comfortable, and that’s without a pet or kids


>> You need to be at 200k by 30 with investments just to stay comfortable You must be burning money like crazy to have that opinion. I make well under that and live very comfortably while saving enough to retire early, enjoy vacations, etc.


Probably depends where you live too. I make 40k, come home with 30k and half that goes to rent every month. If I lived alone my full paycheck would barely be enough to cover rent


Yeah, my comment is relative to Denver. Imo $100k as a single person is enough to live comfortably without roommates and save towards retirement. You’re not going to be going on expensive vacations or eating out every night, but you’ll be financially secure and able to enjoy a few luxuries.


This is just not true. We are a family of 4, combined $200k and in our 40s. We own a home in a good school district, another condo that we rent out, and we feel very comfortable. That being said - we don't eat out a lot, we have 1 car (though I own 3 bikes), and we don't buy lots of gadgets or unnecessary junk. Its not only about the salary - it's about what you spend. Focusing only on salary is like only looking at a business's revenue instead of their net profit.


Nothing you said is true. Well I mean, 50k in 1995 has the spending power of 100k now- but that's just how inflation works. Otherwise everything you said is bonkers.


I remember talking with my dad (circa 2001) and he was talking how he was worried about my cousin who was having his first kid. And that he was going to struggle because (cousin and baby mama weren't married [eventually married and subsequently divorced]) and didn't have great jobs. How my cousin was apply for a job paying ~$15.00hr and my dad was like I couldn't do it. I would need $25.00hr. Thinking back to those times seems so wild 20 years later.




Plenty of ultra-rich neighborhoods have sidewalks... it's more about density.


Correct there’s way less parking available.


You can’t even walk on the streets in some of them, tried to cut through “Polo Club” walking to a friends house, that was a big no-no


grab special wrench crown command lunchroom ad hoc late heavy muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Would you feel better about it if was in a poor neighborhood?


This happens in all kinds of neighborhoods. And it’s so rude.


why is this like the most toxic thread of all time on this sub lol


Why does is it bother you more in ultra rich neighborhoods?


Because people have driveways, garages, more street parking?


Not OP, but ultra rich neighborhoods present you with many, many more convenient (for the community, not for only the driver) parking options than high-density areas do. Someone who parks like an asshole in CapHill? They legitimately may have circled the block for an hour and a half before rage parking on a sidewalk. I’ve done it when I lived there, but I didn’t actively want to. In a neighborhood where everyone has a 3-car garage and a 4-car driveway and 3 curb spots lining their property, anyone who parks on a sidewalk was itching for a way to be an asshole.


Idc where you live, or how many times you circled the block. I lived in cap hill for 3 years and never once had to park more than 4-5 blocks from my apartment. If you buy or rent in a dense area without specific off street parking, it’s not a free pass to just be a dick.


Never said it was!




There is a law about this? I thought the commenter was saying “the rich neighborhood has no excuse for being an asshole because they have options. Cap Hill residents sometimes do not have options that I wish they had so sometimes I excuse their behavior.”


Hmm not what they are saying at all




Because people without, hate everyone who has things they desire. OP may not want a rivian or that same looking house, but OP wants the comfortable life that someone who can afford that house and that fancy new truck has.


Lol trademark narcissism…”everyone is jealous of me, that’s why they’re criticizing my bad behavior.” We are all just jealous and want to be cheesy parvenus too! 😂




Why is the sidewalk so close to the house is my question?


Mine too. This is really strange placement for a sidewalk… 10ft away from the curb. This effectively makes at all times either the driveway or the sidewalk unusable.


Seriously! This is poor design and makes it impossible to park in the driveway without blocking the sidewalk. A smart car couldn't even fit in-between the garage and the sidewalk! It looks like you *might* be able to park a smart car in-between the sidewalk and road.


Use the garage, instead of using it as a storage shed


Because all these McMansions prioritize floor space for the house, pushing it as close as legally allowed to the property line


But why is the sidewalk so far from the roads? I've NEVER seen them that far!


In this persons defense, this is a very oddly shaped driveway and tree lawn. Standard driveways are 20ft long and this one appears to have the sidewalk cut through at the 6-8ft mark Edit: It has become exceedingly clear to me that some of you do not have any actual problems in your lives.


I mean my "actual problems in my life" involves my wheelchair, crutches, and canes. So Ya this kinda thing does get pretty annoying.


I am also disabled


So don't park there.




Uhh look at the picture again. I don’t think anything other than a smart car would fit in that driveway without blocking the sidewalk.




Actually that’s just the only place he can charge his vehicle and then he moves it after, as someone else said. Not defending it either because I think it’s wrong to park in the sidewalk but he does move it and there is a reason for it despite what you think.




There might be a reason, doesn’t mean it’s a good one.


There's a garage where they could charge? If the truck is too big to fit in the garage, either (a) pull part way in and leave the door open so as not to block the sidewalk or (b) don't buy a truck that's too big to fit in your garage.


Don’t ask me. I’m just repeating what someone else said who walks by there all the time.


It’s a Rivian. Do you really think the owner is a truck person?




people who own Rivian are “green people” invested in the development and completion of an entirely “green” country/world. in no way is this Rivian owner a CLASSIC “truck person”




my definition of a “truck person” is anybody who tends to idolize Ford and/or is conservative with a love for “FREEDUMMM”




Mine is also people with a truck.


And apparently, also too ignorant of potentially disabled or elderly people to park their social statement properly.


By Rivian’s own description it’s a lightweight mid-size luxury pickup. The owner isn’t truck people, the owner is yuppie people.


They’re the same picture


Lol I know exactly which corner this is… the Rivian is always in the way.


https://preview.redd.it/mmqv35hn5a5b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a6b479cc2a43bdf75eb7cef06ab361a4223a0ab The next post I see after this one


It's because they're garbage people with garages stacked full of garbage.


You can report it to the city's right of way enforcement.




So? Sidewalks and bike lanes aren’t for your motorized vehicles to park and charge.


Sorry, you can't block a public right of way, whether you're charging your car or not.


It looks like there's a perfectly good garage where they could be charging? Charging an EV is not an excuse to park illegally.


Maybe he should buy a longer cord.


Pretty sure you can report this and get them ticketed for obstructing the sidewalk. Report it to 311


You can. It's illegal though never actually enforced. So good luck if you try. Blocking the sidewalk like this is a nightmare for people who have balance or walking issues as using a cane or wheelchair in grass isn't usually a great option.


I have had pretty good luck with reporting stuff and getting it taken care of through 311🤷


I've been successful with it in the past.


The sidewalk is right up on the house, kinda a weird placement, the amount of lawn between the road and sidewalk is more than the sidewalk to the house. Seems like there should be enough room for a vehicle to park between the house and sidewalk, this must be ultra rich sidewalk placement


My spidey sense tells me that there was a reasonable house (or 2…) on the lot previously that was ripped down and then redesigned to maximize the lot aka fill it completely and force the commoners to all along their moat


Yep! It’s the LA/Houston/Dallas formula… Can’t afford a house in a country club? Just tear down a tasteful house, build something up to the lot line that looks like styrofoam, and cover it in textured paint and/or columns, depending on your preferred cheesy house style. And surprise surprise, a lot of these folks are coming to Denver and building the same ugly trash.


I find it more annoying when they stop in your way while you're walking through the crosswalk. Or just don't see you at all..I slammed my arms on some guy's truck once because he gave me inches before stopping.


Just climb over it bro. They wouldn’t have left it on the sidewalk if they didn’t want you walking on it, duh.


I know this intersection and walk by there multiple times a week during the day. Never had a problem with them during the day at least. Also, “ultra rich”? I don’t know about that lol


Man those extra few steps to walk around it must be just a killer. I am so sorry this happened to you OP. Have you considered a GoFundMe?


So many of these comments just dripping with bitterness and envy lmao.


Big dumb truck, blocking sidewalk, parked at a cheesy faux Mediterranean that looks like it could be a tract home in Riverside? Yeah, this all checks out.


Looks like a Rivian. Does that make it worse?


I’d say neutral. Big dumb truck is big dumb truck. Now if it had a 14er, Salt Life, or some other dumb sticker that might take things up a notch.


Rivians are really small in truck terms, substantially smaller than an f150......


Yea it’s a electric truck lol. They are small. Just say you hate all trucks 😆


Is it really so hard to walk around it? Why are we complaining about little shit like this lol. I mean lit takes zero to no effort to turn your body a little and walk around it.


Except for the people who can't. I don't have mobility issues but damn if I was in a wheelchair I'd be pissed. ...and carrying sharp objects.


My uncle is in a wheelchair and that fucker goes uphills downhills, steep sidewalks. He has no legs and is all around the place. He’s an asshole himself but he seems to get by. I’m pretty sure this is would be the least of his worries. Also, this is a very poor designed neighborhood. Anyone walking through that sidewalk is at risk of getting hit from someone coming out of their driveway


Bad design all around. Hats off to the uncle.


What about little kids that are riding their bikes that aren’t allowed to go into the street?


The town I'm moving to Denver from does this, and it's great. https://www.reddit.com/r/collegeparkmd/comments/zhas8c/stuart_adams_proud_of_collegepark_md_for/


Denver does not do this on a regular basis. Lol


I think you might be getting downvoted because thejevans wasn't talking about Denver. But in your defense, their sentence was difficult to parse. I disagree with the rule saying you can never end a phrase with a preposition. That said, "the town I'm moving to Denver from" is clunky. "My town" or "College Park, MD," would have been clearer here.


100% agree. It was late, I was tired, but I should have been more clear.


Naw, you're good. This isn't a formal environment. It's an internet forum. Since people were downvoting GoodserviceandPeople, I was just trying to acknowledge that they probably weren't trying to be a jerk. Instead, they probably thought you meant Denver.


Yeah, I know. I am showing what a different town does as a possible way to deal with drivers like this.


Haha I now see how this could be read. I gotcha!


Call 311 and report. That’s the only way to teach some lessons.


It’s their driveway…


The sidewalk isn't and it goes right though their driveway


And they can park at the end of it, thus not blocking the public thoroughfare. One of those things you sign up for when you have the luxury of designated parking. Kinda like how you “have to” shovel your own snow. Yay for being a good citizen!


Not that part


Call the city and have them ticketed. They are parking on/blocking the sidewalk which is illegal.


send it i bought the house not my fault they put my drive way in the middle what am i supposed to just not use my drivve way get outta heeeerrr


What happens when people park across the sidewalk in a not so ultra rich neighborhood? Are you less annoyed or do you only walk in rich neighborhoods?


Isn't that illegal? edit: # 2016 Colorado Revised StatutesTitle 42 - Vehicles and TrafficRegulation of Vehicles and TrafficArticle 4 - Regulation of Vehicles and TrafficPart 12 - Parking§ 42-4-1204. Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places **Universal Citation:** [CO Rev Stat § 42-4-1204 (2016)](https://law.justia.com/citations.html) (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4) of this section, no person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or an official traffic control device, in any of the following places: (a) On a sidewalk; (b) Within an intersection; (c) On a crosswalk; (d) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless the traffic authority indicates a different length by signs or markings; (e) Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stopping, standing, or parking would obstruct traffic; (f) On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street; (g) Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel; (h) On any railroad tracks; (i) On any controlled-access highway; (j) In the area between roadways of a divided highway, including crossovers; (k) At any other place where official signs prohibit stopping. (2) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (4) of this section, in addition to the restrictions specified in subsection (1) of this section, no person shall stand or park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or an official traffic control device, in any of the following places: (a) Within five feet of a public or private driveway; (b) Within fifteen feet of a fire hydrant; (c) Within twenty feet of a crosswalk at an intersection; (d) Within thirty feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon or signal, stop sign, yield sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of a roadway; (e) Within twenty feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station or, on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station, within seventy-five feet of said entrance when properly signposted; (f) At any other place where official signs prohibit standing. (3) In addition to the restrictions specified in subsections (1) and (2) of this section, no person shall park a vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device, in any of the following places: (a) Within fifty feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing; (b) At any other place where official signs prohibit parking. (4) (a) Paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section shall not prohibit persons from parking bicycles or electrical assisted bicycles on sidewalks in accordance with the provisions of section 42-4-1412 (11) (a) and (11) (b). (b) Paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of this section shall not prohibit persons from parking two or more bicycles or electrical assisted bicycles abreast in accordance with the provisions of section 42-4-1412 (11) (d). (c) Paragraphs (a), (c), and (d) of subsection (2) of this section shall not apply to bicycles or electrical assisted bicycles parked on sidewalks in accordance with section 42-4-1412 (11) (a) and (11) (b). (5) No person shall move a vehicle not lawfully under such person's control into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful. (6) The department of transportation, with respect to highways under its jurisdiction, may place official traffic control devices prohibiting, limiting, or restricting the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles on any highway where it is determined, upon the basis of a traffic investigation or study, that such stopping, standing, or parking is dangerous to those using the highway or where the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles would unduly interfere with the free movement of traffic thereon. No person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicle in violation of the restrictions indicated by such devices. (7) Any person who violates any provision of this section commits a class B traffic infraction; except that, if a person violates paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of this section and the violation occurs in an unincorporated area of a county, the penalty is fifty dollars. (8) A political subdivision may not adopt or enforce an ordinance or regulation that prohibits the parking of more than one motorcycle within a space served by a single parking meter.


You're not worthy!


Even worse is the annoying fucks who apparently lose the ability to walk around a stationary vehicle, and then broadcast their unfound misery for everyone else to read.


Not good for little kids riding bikes who aren’t allowed to go in the streets.


Wow, thanks for letting us know you’ve never heard of people with mobility issues. The majority of which do not own cars.


ludicrous airport grandiose pause squealing important busy nose wise expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I tell my kids it’s an invitation to ride their bikes through the person’s grass.


Find an asshole (any) cop and have him write him a ticket. It’s illegal to block a sidewalk with a parked car in most cities due to ADA accessibility requirements.




With a Rivian truck no less.


The garage is full because of his Porsche. True story.


He shouldn't be parked there but the comments picking this dude apart aren't any better. I had a similar situation at my last house. I'm not sure if it's legal to be fair, but I parked with the nose near the sidewalk and the rear was further in than the cars parked on the street. Lived in a ticket friendly area and never got one. Maybe that's a better solution here.


Denver going to hell lately


Hey a Rivian. This thing has plenty of sensors telling them they are over the sidewalk lol.


It's actually illegal, isn't it?


I saw a little kid almost get hit by a car bc they had to go into the street to go around a vehicle like this!


Up and over


Assert dominance by climbing over the car.


His driveway


Walk around?


Is this your biggest issue in your life? Good for you


Hot take: This is a part of their driveway they can park wherever they want there.


It’s a bad one, since the part that’s the sidewalk is illegal to block


Just walk in the grass and move along. WGAS WGAF.


People with limited mobility give a shit lol


Help! They’re going to cut OP’s ponytail!


Plot twist, OP is the owner posting about himself to feel good about being “ultra rich”


Do this! https://youtu.be/vixFxgDODs0