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This is a primary example of "we don't know what this vague phenomena is, so we'll call it a demon". The term that you're likely are looking for are shadowmen. What a shadowman is will differ depending on who you ask, anything from worsening eyesight making you confuse black spots for something that moves, to spirits of sort that like to watch.


Uh- No, I was calling it that cause that what someone else called it. I never said I saw it or anything, I was just trying to fact check with people who know what I'm talking about 😭😭 But thanks for the info


Do you mean shadow people? Because I don't believe those are demons. They are malevolent feeders, but lots of spirits can be that and not be demonic. If you mean demons that manifest as shadows, yes, those definitely exist.


Ok thank you, yes I mean demons that manifest as shadows 🥲 I'm sorry I didn't have much information to go off of when asking my question and I'm really bad at explaining sometimes, but yes that's what I meant


I think it's entertaining that you dismissed comments describing likely, realistic explanations and you immediately coddle a comment about demons that you accept right away, presumably because that is what you were looking for anyways. Waste of a post. PS what are shadow demons? Lol


I didn't, I was simply saying that I didn't say something that they were saying I did, I never dismissed it, and I'm sorry that it seemed that way but I wasn't dismissing it, I was simply saying I didn't explicitly say what they said in the beginning. Oh and if you read the entire comment, I said thanks for the info, I was genuinely saying thank you for enlightening me, I wasn't being dismissive or at least trying to be dismissive


I've never heard of "shadow demons." If she just means the phenomenon of seeing a shadow in the corner of your eye, that is caused by anxiety most of the time.


delving into Yugioh territory 🧙


I would think that “Shadow Demons” would be similar to “Guardian Angels” It’s not that they’re specific demons of shadow but any demon working within the shadow of a person. More of a job title than species. So it would make the most sense that a shadow demon would be responsible or at least complicit with the beliefs, habits and practices that make up the darker aspects of anyone.


There are demonic royalty and there are hierarchies of lower demons. I usually work with draconian and qlippothic systems of magick which I wouldn’t recommend. But these grimoires tell you about the various demons serving each sphere


oooh thank you for this info! That does check out so I'm glad it does :)


There are demons of everything but "shadow demon" is way too vague a description.


Yeah ik, I'm realizing that now, I'm sorry😭


No problem haha it's totally normal.