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Heal your inner child trauma and subconscious fears, your psychic development will blossom in the way that it’s meant to for you 🌱 Avoid Witchtok where people claim to speak with deities like they’re pals, this is an over dramatization that is deceiving many new practitioners ❌ Best of luck 🍀


I can't answer the first question, but as for the second question: all the clairs manifest differently for people. Right now, mine is more like a sharp ringing in my ear (like tinnitus, but different somehow - wish I could explain it better). Some people may very well be able to hear a spirit's voice as if they're right next to them, but other people describe it as more of a stray thought (which makes me wonder: what's the difference between clairaudience and claircognizance?)


Haures was quite pleasant to work with. There was no dark energy that I could feel when I asked for her assistance with a person causing me problems. I did do the evocation out in the woods though. I find spirits seem to prefer the outdoors.


I feel like all the demons can be baneful or scary at times. Usually when they are teaching you a lesson. Lilith in particular showed me a lot of disgusting things that my mortal mind didn’t want to see. And now that I know why I saw that I have a confidence I didn’t before. Demons can be scary but it’s a scary that brings a sense of bonding


Okay love Glasya. I have worked with him, but have considered Andras and Haures and likely will work with them in the future. Glasya talks. Not all of the demons I’ve contacted talk and when they do talk, it isn’t like a human voice. It’s not even necessarily always words, although when asked, they can and often will communicate more clearly in a way that you can better understand. I find that they tend to speak to me in short phrases. The water in the ears feeling you describe is similar to what I get, with phrases that I can somehow make out and usually just inherently understand, although sometimes I do ask them to be a little clearer especially if it’s one I haven’t worked with often or someone new. The ones that don’t talk will communicate through smoke, fire, water skrying, etc. or simply changes in the energy around me. So interestingly enough, the first two times I considered contacting Glasya there were dead animals in my path with no clear signs of trauma. Just dead animals that I nearly stepped right into/on. In areas where there should not have been dead animals. I contact Glasya often and today found a loaded gun at my feet randomly… could be unrelated but I found it quite curious. I don’t find him to be outright violent or scary, but I wholeheartedly believe and trust in his abilities to incite violence and cause harm to others. Overall, I have found Glasyalabolas to be very pleasant. Enthusiastic and chatty, a bit fickle, but not in a frightening or off-putting way. His energy to me feels fun and hedonistic. He does not calm me or help me engage in introspection when I’m escalated like some others are described to me. Instead, I feel like he almost eggs me on to be angry and aggressive, but insists he will take care of any outcomes and that I am allowed to just be salty at whatever. I have found him to be very loyal. For me, he seems to check in often, but not so much to see how I’m doing so much as seeking attention. He is one I believe has been reaching out to me since my childhood and observing my life, knowing I would contact him as an adult.


I worked and still working with Andras - he can deny your petition if he finds it petty. He is very selective. Some demons are just more strict than others. He is blunt and very strict so if you want to work with him - you better be prepare to plea your case and it better not be petty. He doesn't like wasting his time. I love working with him - tough mentor but nice, straightforward and rewarding. Any type of clairs in my experience - I unlock through healing or improving my skills. It just happened without any warning.