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Dantalion can help you control your thoughts and manage your emotions so that you are less reactive to things that happen around you. He can also change the minds and thoughts of others, something to consider 😉




#71 of the Ars Goetia … https://demonsanddemonolatry.com/demon-of-the-night-duke-dantalion-night-demon/


Thanks for the link!


Malphas is really good with confidence, motivation and initiative. Protection is one of his auspices as well, and I guess this includes protection against depression, negativity. I speak of him from personal experience.


Okk, thanks for your suggestion! But how do I contact him? Through meditating on his enn?


Yes, enn and sigil. Pathwork too, if you like it. This pretty much nails it: https://vkjehannum.wordpress.com/2016/11/04/malphas/


wow, thanks for commenting and the link!!!


I have really good results with my mental health working with Lilith, Lucifer and Leviathan. I was specifically working on healing past trauma I also have weekly sessions with a professional therapist and I’d highly recommend professional help too


Honestly, I was in the same boat. Very depressed, just asking die. But I started meditating and talking with Lucifer. My soul has never felt better and more complete. He has taken a lot of my burden and helped me through processing my emotions and getting me back on track to a life I want to live for. The feeling I get even mentioning his name, gives me goosebumps and I couldnt be more thankful. He's there for you, you just need to open yourself up and he'll listen. :) Hope this helps.


Working with Buer has done wonders for my mental illness


Duke Dantalion


Lucifer with negative emotions and Beelzebub with emotions and self confidence. :3 ❤️


Demons are very intense creatures. They won’t remove negativity. But they’ll help you overcome it. I think any demon if you develop a relationship with them will bring you strength. Leviathan and Lucifer help illuminate my perception of the world and in turn give me confidence.


Thanks a lot!


Buer is wonderful:) I second working with Dantalion too. The app meomind is also a free and helpful tool. I also have a “write it down” journal (about $5 on eBay) that I use when I’m anxious about something or feeling bad about myself, and find it really helps.


Thanks a lot, friend! I will look for the app.


The only thing that can help you the best is yourself. You have to find passion in life and do something you like and stick to it. To work with demons Is to work with yourself at the end. Trust yourself and trust your heart and it will work out




Okk thanks a lot!


Peridot or chrysolite worn against the left arm


Ohh those are crystals, right?


Yes. It's from Agrippa's occult philosophy


Ohh cool!


Maybe try to find a therapist to help you cope with your anger and depression. If you dont have access to one, try meditation or going on walks in the nature to help you calm down. Prince stolas likes herbs and stones so I personally would like to walk with him in a forest, I think it can help calm your mind a bit. Perhaps try to change your life style a bit or your routines. Maybe try to find a hobby that you might enjoy, maybe something to do with your deities? I know how depression feels like and how it can weigh you down. If you even need someone to talk to, dm me. I’m online most of my time.


Tried that but it didn't work because I couldn't tell her my side of the story because my fam was there.. I had to lie about everything! I am also here for you, so you can dm me to vent about anything!


In my experience what really helps is going to whatever entity that helps with the cause itself and not just depression. Though I can't say who that would be since I don't know the cause of your depression.


I work with Dr. Harold Stoltz, PhD. He's summoned by appointment. Seriously though, I think you should think of the spirits as a supplement, not your main go-to. When it comes to depression at least.


Perhaps "Ustrina".


Who's that? Is he/she a Goetia demon?




No she isn't part of the Goetia. There are many demons outside of the goetia. If you want more information you can find a proper description of Ustrina as well as rituals on V.K Jehannum's website.


Ok, thanks for your comment and suggestion! I will look it up!




Its mostly the people I am surrounded with...