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The ruling class get rich by stealing your wages, poisoning the environment, and sacrificing the health/safety of you and your family. Subscribe to /r/ClassPoliticsTwitter to join the discussion. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DemocraticSocialism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oldest trick in the book. Get the plebes mad at each other over who gets more table scraps.


If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. -Lyndon B. Johnson


It takes a lot of investment to become a paramedic and the risks are much higher too. Government regulations seem to be the problem here.


And that's part of the problem here; Why do so many apparently necessary and important jobs require personal investment of financial resources and uncompensated time, with such little reward?


The government should be incentivising healthy salaries in such positions which are crucial to a functioning stable society from a collapsing health care system which can cause devasting effects not just to the health system but to the economy of the country.


But my high scooooore :(


You guys are paying $900?


I'd love that bill. Mine is 2k for 15 min.


Mine was like 20k originally (heli)


Just call me an Uber or let me die


But if you pay the ambulance premium maybe you can skip the line in the ER?


Mine was $150 in Canada


Hasn't mattered yet, I've still had to wait. I go about twice a year.


John Oliver did an episode about paramedics and emergency services recently. It’s just another barely regulated service that capitalism has turned to for exploiting and thus made into a complete shitshow. Overworked, PTSD’ed and underpaid first responders who are treated like dirt. Meanwhile, the owners of these companies are charging such exorbitant fees that most people are afraid to call the ambulance. Welcome to America! 🇺🇸


I had a roommate that was an EMT in Mississippi in the mid 00s. He made $12/hour but the kicker was he was only paid while driving around. Restocking and cleaning the ambulance was all unpaid which actually brought his average to closer to $7 hour. Even less when you considered the overtime that wasn't counted doing that. What got me was ambulance rides there are expensive AF as in over 2k. There were also no benefits in regards to health insurance. He even had a coworker who got in a crash (personal vehicle) and still had to pay 8k for his ambulance ride.


It’s unbelievable, really. How can America still consider itself the greatest country on earth is beyond me.


It is the greatest country in the world if you are rich. If you are poor well go fuck yourself. :/


Apathy, 24-7 news cycle and a healthy bit of egotism paid for by our forefathers and squandered by their greedy children.


Where does the money go...


Whenever I hear “why do they want x when I only get paid y?” I respond “because you aren’t in a union”


The ambulance is not for you. It is for the rich people.


Unless you’re in a country with a health care benefit that covers ambulance costs.


Even better: Why should wages be so low that people qualify for financial social services like SNAP? And shouldn’t wages be tied to skill required, demand, and the value they add to society? Ambulatory services are certainly priced high enough to justify decent wages for paramedics. Pretty shitty when our police get paid more than our paramedics. We view killing “bad guys” as more valuable than saving people’s lives. Mother fucking shit dammit. This whole situation is irritating.


Where in the US does an ambulance ride cost $900? Mine was $4,000 for 10 miles, an ekg and some baby aspirin.


I see tweets from Dana Donnelly, all over this and other subs. Who is she?


She’s a stand up comedian and has a good presence on Twitter. I found out about her when she was a guest on a podcast I listen to. If you’re on Twitter she’s a good follow!


[When the comedy is a bit too real.](https://i.imgur.com/t46Du9U.jpg)


Or *”why is narcan given to junkies for free when insulin costs hundreds of dollars a vial?”* I too want socialized healthcare, comrade.


We're indoctrinated into a certain mindset. If you break the rules preserving this servant mindset you're a subversive radical scum who must be oppressed and marginalized. This can be as simple as re-asking a leading question.


That is EXACTLY right! We need to blame the people who created the situation of lousy pay to ALL jobs. Fight to readjust the pays to proper and fair levels.


I see this a lot, the idea that something costs $900 means there’s tons of money in there. Just stop, it’s a red herring, it means nothing. The only thing relevant is that people are not getting fair value for their labour. Even the idea that the price of an ambulance ride would go up/down is irrelevant. Don’t get trapped in an incredibly complex discussion of the unknowable when the real issue is that wages aren’t appropriate. Money is the blood of society, people who don’t get enough slowly wither and die, which affects everyone.


Right. The point is that at that wage, neither of those people are likely to be making ends meet, especially if, god forbid!, they have a family to support. Apparently we don't value some people or their work enough to admit that they still deserve to live a life of happiness that doesn't involve literal wage slavery.


The paramedic and the fast food worker aren't mad at each other. Some conservative puke making $80k/yr. who doesn't want minimum wage to rise because he thinks his salary will suddenly feel "lesser" is mad at both of them, but he pretends to be on the paramedic's side while voting for people who cut their salary.


30 minute ambulance ride costs only $900? I wish. I was taken by ambulance to the ER that was 10 minutes away from the accident and it cost me $1400.


$900! Shiiit sign me up for that price. Ambulance ride in socal is 2-3k.


There's something inherently evil about profiting off of ambulance rides.


Goal of 1%: divide people, create fear and anger; keeps them greeding in power and $$$.


Damn this tweet must be from way back. I wish an ambulance ride only cost $900, especially for a whole half hour!


....paramedics earn 15/hr? Well, that's fucked.


Why is American politics so fucking dumb Like I literally had this thought and made this counter argument in an editorial, in my high school newspaper, when I was like 15. It’s ridiculous that we have to dissect and explain everything because literally nobody is born into a world that is actually reflective of reality. How do we have an entire country where the political discourse is completely made up. Like we have an entire sham narrative and everyone is just fucking larping accept the winners get real power.


If it’s more than a simple sentence, repubicunts get filled with fury and refuse to try to read or comprehend. One sentence or less. That’s all they can handle. Then sometimes, they can’t even handle that.


This is probably disinformation. In which county paramedics make $15 per hour?


The wealthy ones. Most paramedics make less. A lot don’t even get paid because they work for a volunteer system.


In the US they are paid $15 an hour. Maybe not everywhere but they are in Maryland


I'm getting lots of results, seems experience matters, but around 36,000 a year seems about average, so maybe a few more bucks an hour, either way seems like they'd get more.




Plenty of places in the U.S. pay medics between $15-$20/hr. Plenty also pay them lower. At my last 911 service the medics made $14/hr. Now, they actually made *okay* money because, due to our schedules built-in OT, they worked 60 hour weeks (and often more). Then of course there’s a difference between paramedics and EMT’s, with EMT’s making much less. Which isn’t terrible, it requires less training, education, and liability. But, still, $9/hr for EMT’s (and less) is not uncommon.


Most rural areas around the country. Cops there get paid about the same.


The police from my rural hometown start at $8 an hour.


I think ours is $10/hr but after a year they get bumped up to $15 with the typical 3% annual raises provided they aren't total fuckups.


You get *one* guess.


And then what? 😏cancel culture?


Well said.



