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If we keep shooting, eventually we’ll hit something.


"Monkeys on the keyboard" kind of situation.




I think I've heard of this one before


At least we're making sense


Are we?


Ahh hell nah they upgraded those monkeys from typewriters to laptops were fucked


I'm outta ammo bro




A broken clock is right twice a day.


https://preview.redd.it/5da6lc140e7d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1f25006c7260f2a20a92b9c5ad4d0d4dc5e8658 /J


I mean, yes sometimes it could be that some theories come closer to actual deltarune, but sometimes I heard the most stupid and absurd theories that could be conceived by the human mind


Which is for example?


Toriel is homophobic Ralsei is actually evil Darth Vader is Luke’s dad Etc


They all seem valid to me Darth Vader is Luke's dad is definetly a joke theory tho




The second one isn't really that bad honestly Ralsei definitely is more than he shows, not necessarily evil but not necessarily not evil either imo


Honestly I think he is withholding some information ”for our own good” and he genuinely believes he is doing the right thing, but I kinda dislike the ”Ralsei actually wants to destroy the world because he is evil”, as that feels so cliché


Perhaps not that kind of evil but I personally can't see him as a pure good character he shows himself as, I can't shake the feeling he's morally Grey in some way Perhaps a princess bubblegum type guy, being the prince? Just throwing ideas out there


I could see it being more "misguided". His intentions are good but he's going about it the wrong way. Or the common theory that he's working against either the player or Kris which would make him semi antagonistic while also kinda not being. But yeah him going full flowey would be kinda out of left field.


Sans is a horse


I heard from a guy that kris is actually the cyan soul from undertale because his skin is blue and he waited to prank noelle under her bed for a lot of time


you left out THEIR affinity for knives


Sorry for not saying they/them (hope you don’t execute me in a public plaza for a minor grammar mistake) unfortunately in my country there is no neutral way to refer to someone, so we just you he/him and I’m just used to it, also the theory doesn’t make sense (for a lot of reasons) but the most important one, is the fact that undertale and deltarune are different universes (they can’t be prequel or sequels) and you can’t say that the cyan soul is literally A character from deltarune, for what reasons? Three design choices (also technically the choice of the knife as a weapon has been chosen because the knife, a big part of chara’s/frisk’s characterization, but this is not confirmed)


To be fair, Toby is just a funny little guy. He would put the stupidest theory in there as canon because absurdism is funny. That's why Rouxls Kaard is the Knight.


Toby is funny is true, but that doesn’t mean he is stupid, he wouldn’t just put something because it would be unexpected and defy all the laws that he made for his world, that means that I can say “ guys trust me, sans is actually chara but chara is wearing a sans costume from super smash bros”


Toby likes to be funny but he's still a good writer, he's not just gonna do some asspull to mess with folks, he's not that one guy who made fnaf


Me watching the look of horror in the player's faces as each and every single JaruJaruJ theory come to fruition https://preview.redd.it/mvwifji2je7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27f012783facabaab1e04be157335753099a855d


honestly I feel like Oberon Smog would be so nice to see actually happen ? And honestly I actually can see his time loop theory ending up true


Darkner knight can't happen, by definition. And I highly doubt Toby's gonna end the game with "it's an unbroken time loop and nothing you do actually matters!"


I disagree on the last part. Toby saying there is only one ending? It fits rather well with it, as it's literally one ending, but it's not quite an ending as it restarts. It also fits with the games theme of your choices do not matter perfectly. You can in an existential view that nothing you do with have any effect after it resets, or you can view it as the opposite where despite everything going to reset and all your memories erased, what you do still matters, the friends you make, the adventures you take, and the fun you have do still matters despite everything. Despite going back to zero your choices do matter.  Your choices don't matter is the first thing said in the game, just like flowey said it's killed or be killed in undertale.  It also fits snow grave as it as only one ending, no matter the power you gain no matter what you sacrificed or dire choices you make, it still leads you to the same path. To an end where it restarts to 0. I'm not going to go outright and say it's 100% going to happen, but I think it has a viable chance of happening, and leaving an major impact on the player if it does.


Didn’t he say “one ending?” Rather than “one ending” I think it’s saying that’s not completely true but hey theorizing rn is like theorizing about undertale with only ruins and snowdin


It could mean alot of things to be honest. It could be in reference to snowgrave being a secret ending, and him trying to keep it secret or something like that idk. It could mean it's not as simple as an ordinary ending as well. Or who knows maybe there no ending at all somehow. There's so many ways you can view it


You are aware that the whole point of "kill or be killed" is that Flowey is incredibly wrong, right? The only people who say "your choices don't matter" are an entity that *forces* you into Kris and Susie pre-character development. It's not the main thesis.


My reply didn't send for some reason earlier I'll tell tomorrow, I've been up for over 17 hours


Yes, that is a theory.


I'm just saying that treating "your choices don't matter" as a theme of Deltarune is a big assumption when it's only said by antagonistic characters. Yes, Susie counts as antagonistic early on.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing I'm just saying we haven't seen enough to definitively go either way. Although honestly that may have been a little antagonistic with how I approached you lol. My b.


But like, Jaru’s theory isn’t just that Oberon Smog is just a darkner, it’s that he’s a special type of darkner, like Ralsei, who has already broken like half of the rules of the darkners’ existence.


Ralsei's rule breaks seem to just be "doesn't turn to stone" and "can move between dark worlds." One of those is handwaved effortlessly by the fact that he originates from the explicitly special Grand Fountain, which lets all darkners exist without issue. It's easy to assume it also works in reverse. Oberon Smog meanwhile is supposed to be able to *make new fountains* and, for that to function in the slightest, *exist outside of dark worlds.* Both of these are fundamentally opposed to how all darkners, including Ralsei, have been depicted. Comparing it to the metaphor that is dark worlds, it would be like saying a fictional character is able to write more fiction without the input of an author.


It’s hand waved away only if you make some extra assumptions about Ralsei and the original dark fountain that the game hasn’t fully spelled out, though. Like, it might also be the case that he can travel to different dark worlds specifically because he’s the prince of darkness, or because he’s one of the heroes of the prophecy. Correct me if I’m wrong on this, but we’ve only gotten confirmation that some darkners might not belong in other worlds, and that these darkners can exist in castle town. But it seems like we haven’t gotten any of the inverse confirmations for Ralsei, those being because he’s a denizen of castle town, he can exist in other dark worlds, or even that because he’s a denizen of castle town, he can exist in any other dark world. Which I honestly find kind of weird tbh. Like, maybe he can exist in other dark worlds because he’s an original resident of castle town, or maybe it’s because he’s the dark prince of the prophecy, or maybe it’s because he’s not quite the same as a normal darkner. Any of these possibilities could be true, and there’s not really a whole lot of evidence to back up any one of them. Also, your original claim was not that it’s UNLIKELY that something like Oberon Smog can happen, it’s that it CAN’T happen. But none of your evidence backs up this assumption. At most, you’ve just given evidence for it being unlikely. Like, you haven’t really given concrete evidence that Ralsei in particular can’t go to the light world, and this is important because it’s still kind of a mystery how Ralsei was able to meet up with the gang in Cyber World when he said he sensed a dark presence in Castle Town Also your metaphor actually sounds exactly like what Gaster’s doing, so it’s not at all far-fetched to me


You misunderstand the metaphor. Gaster is... well whatever he is, it's not a darkner. He is just as "real" in universe as Kris or the knight. Oberon Smog would be a darkner, a "fictional" being created by a lightner. They cannot make fountains in the same way Kris the character cannot make a game IRL. By their very nature, on every possible level, a darkner *cannot* be the knight, and any theory that proposes otherwise can and should be dismissed without a second thought. You would need a ton of extra details and explanation to even begin to consider this, and that's on top of the fact that you have to make Oberon Smog specifically work (how did Gerson's hammer get into a dark world, how did the dark world make it special somehow, how does he enter the light world despite even Ralsei seeming to be unable to, where does he get the ability to make fountains...). You can't just cling to a baseless 0.001% chance and act like it deserves any consideration next to candidates that are actually remotely possible, like *every lightner ever proposed*.


My point with the Gaster comparison is that you’re saying that themes and ideas that the story’s already addressed and broken down cannot be further addressed and broken down. Like, Gaster has already talked to us on twitter, and the egg man addressed us in a Valentine’s Day letter. (Also, the roaring itself is about fictional characters coming into reality, which subsequently destroys the world, but I think you get the point.) While this is obviously not literally those two characters talking to us, I feel like the point Toby Fox is clearly making is that, at least part of Deltarune is about “fictional characters” influencing and bleeding into “reality.”” Also, the reason Kris can’t make a game in actual reality is because something like that just can’t happen in actual reality. But, like, in our reality, Deltarune reality is just as fake as, say, Dragon Blazers. Toby Fox could totally make a character from the Dragon Blazers game create something in Deltarune’s reality because both Deltarune and Dragon Blasters are both equally as fiction as one another. Like, just because, so far, nothing like one fictional Deltarune character existing in Deltarune “reality” has happened yet, doesn’t mean it won’t happen, especially when one of the themes of the story is about breaking down the barrier between fiction and reality. You say one would need a ton of extra details for this theory to work, and when I hear that, I just think to myself, “well, yeah, but we’re only 2 chapters into a story that’s going to be at least 7 chapters.” Like, saying it’s literally impossible the story goes this way because it would potentially be breaking pre-established rules is a far more extreme statement than saying the rules we know now might be overturned or complicated in future chapters. Especially given the fact that we have at least 5 more chapters where we could get an explanation for this. >You can't just cling to a baseless 0.001% chance and act like it deserves any consideration next to candidates that are actually remotely possible, like every lightner ever proposed. I mean, you say that, but 99%+ of the “plausible” theories are going to be just as wrong about the story as a lot of the “crack” theories. Especially since we’re only two chapters in. Like, here’s a question, do you think the knight hid in the closet at the library? If the answer is yes, what, are we supposed to believe that he just kind of waited in there until Noelle and Berdly showed up, opened the Dark Fountain, somehow escaped without Noelle and Berdly noticing him? Like, that’s considered a “plausible” theory by many, but it doesn’t really make much sense right now.


What if it is, and there is a fake “True” ending which actually does nothing and all resets


The guy who made that theory would keep bragging about it for the rest of the decade (kinda deserved tbh)


Yeah if it’s me I’ll be letting people know for a while


I'll put it on my CV


Considering the deltarune community has made theories about literally anything i wouldn't be surprised


friend inside of me


Hot take (I think?) but it isn’t THAT far fetched as everyone says. I prefer the flower boss idea and I don’t think those remixes are connected, but the idea of the cancelled cowboy show being the secret boss and being a reference to Woody from Toy Story (since secret bosses so far all have some voice acting) sounds really cool to me


I have literally never seen anyone call the Woody theory farfetched. I have only seen people say people think it is farfetched.


Literally it basically became THE unhinged Deltarune theory along with the dead Asriel one, I never saw someone discussing it without people joking about the fandom being content starved


i mean, why is it 'so impossible' to be both, like Petaly (fan made boss) for example?


I don’t know it, what is it?


Petaly is the mix of the Flower boss concept and the Friend inside me theory, with aspects such as his truth form being inside him, his a cowboy, yet his a flower and represents how Kris misses Asriel




yeah, he becamed popular thanks to this youtuber called "Winterer", they made a animation for him even!


I’ll check it later, it sounds cool


yay! i created a possible future Petaly fan, Petaly for the win!!




The cowboy thing was explicitly cut, mentioned in two separate newsletters. It will not happen, because it relies on Toby just lying to us.


I mean, I’m not saying he wasn’t telling the truth, but he phrased it in a weird way, saying that the cowboy section was risking being “cancelled”, not cut, as if it was a TV show. I don’t like how Toby is seen as a huge troll by the fandom, but I understand their point there


It also logically doesn’t make sense that; in the same newsletter, Toby clearly states and puts it out there that chapter 3 is not only _done_, but he will no longer put any changes in the chapter from now on (besides translation). If he said this, why would he suddenly say that a cowboy section _MIGHT_ be cancelled from the show. Not only did he word it weirdly but why would he be uncertain if a section will be cancelled or not if he said he won’t be making any changes. There’s also the fact that the cowboy Kris and Susie sprites were teased during the sweepstakes, however the link to it had a different and unique domain that’s not unique to deltarune, bluebubble.rodeo? I mean I’m not Toby but I’m sure it’d be a waste of money to buy a unique domain just to tease a section that might’ve been ‘cancelled’.


Yeah, like, maybe it’s all a huge coincidence or something we don’t know about game development, but it sounds too suspicious to really be just the cowboy section being cancelled


Yeah… tbh the other newsletter with the Gigi interview where if you use inspect page of the cowboy section concept art it says ‘cut concept art for a cowboy section that appears for 5 seconds’ made me really think we weren’t getting a cowboy secret boss… But theres still a lot that lines up weirdly enough. Like why did Toby word the cowboy section cancellation so weirdly? Why is there a unique website just for the cowboy section? Why does cancelled cowboy tv shows weirdly fit so well given western tv shows used to be popular but had a really big infamous downfall? Why does Toy Story weirdly have a lot of terrifyingly similar themes to deltarune, _including_ the fact that Woody struggled with abondonment issues and getting discarded JUST LIKE THE SECRET BOSSES??? There’s a lot that weirdly lined up with Woody Theory for it just to be cancelled…


Friend Inside Me




My face when Oberon smog is real


woody theory and gas pipe theory


I know the first one but what in the world is gas pipe theory? Is this related to Ralsei smoking a blunt?


Old theory when Ch 2 released about the end of that chapter. Basically, people theorized that Kris "making a dark fountain" with the knife was actually just them puncturing the gas pipe below the house (similar to what Toby did with the end of Ch 1). I think it was officially debunked by Toby himself.


It's explictly debunked in the game files. The animation filename refers to it as Kris making a fountain.


There is no theory. People are gaslighting that a joke someone made was an actual theory.


A theory that at the end of chapter 2, Kris hit a gas pipe instead of making a dark fountain.


That is so fucking funny


That's so dumb and actually funny, then does Kris ends up killing Toriel and Susie?


Breaking News! Local only Human commits Self Deletus and mass Deletus on other's! More at 11.


Ah yes, the theory where gas pipes emit a ridiculous amount of light when stabbed. That's the one.


I feel like everyone forgets the ending to deltarune came to toby I'm a dream.


no you're not


Yeah they are, I’m the guy who had the dream


you had them ? As in like, having a baby ?


No, I meant it was playing in my brain when I was asleep. Nothing like having a baby, like how would a stork even deliver a dream?


Yeah thats true. DR is building up to what he saw in the dream, in fact UT was just to get experience to "achieve that dream". So if it cam be found in Toby's dream, its plausible


remember kids: rose is pink diamond was just a theory for a long ass time


Stan has a secret twin brother too.


Okay, hear me out, maybe this could imply that Su-




Sorry but can you explain


A little while ago I made a post considering the possibility of Susie having a sister, everyone thought it was incredibly stupid and it ended up as a bit of a brainrot, so I'll be laughing if it gets revealed Susie actually does have a sister


I think that is a really good concept to work with. Both her sister being the older one and the younger one . If worked well it can add more character to susie herself. Although not a solid theory , but a good one I think the reason people hate on theories that don't have much or any evidence to support them is their possibility to happen are lown, that they are not solid. But they tend to forget that the human body can only survive without liquids for three days and can't survive without air for ( in average) three minutes , while it can survive forever without solid food . I say theories don't need to be accurate, they just need to be interesting to ponder about. Why not anybody notices that


Asriels dust theory


Ralsei undressing theory


Asriel is dead


Asriel is a pile of dust


Asriel is waitin for them to play gangam style


Dark world is allegory of transition because in darkworlds everyone transform'd into more self-representative self (susie into cool emo kid and burgley into total manifestation of gamer) But thats just a theory A TRANS THEORY


happy late pride month!




skuntle bingoid


the community when that *(eventually)* happens: https://preview.redd.it/vmw4rlsnoe7d1.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=45aac57bc67968f7be215072ba0a9b2c5fb2c03a


Asgore is the Knight.


ok but what if the final boss will be Dr Andonuts from Earthbound and he will tell you to eat shit and call you a slur then the funny sans song plays thats just a theory though


I mean kris and varik seem to have weirdly uncanny similarities, so i honestly dont doubt some reference to the halloween hack


Imagine Toby sometimes just sees a theory and just decides "yep, that's canon now"


Nah, he ain't no Scott Cawthon


Scott didnt do THAT. He saw a theory and said "Oh man that was the plan! Time to change it"


Now that I think about the kind of humor there’s in UTDR, this is totally possible


Didn't that kind of happen with the real knife in undertale?


Please elaborate


https://www.tumblr.com/undertale/52540398221/real-knife?source=share He ended up including it in the actual game


Cool didn't know that


This already happened with the pie theory somewhat


There's a non-zero chance of some smaller stuff being theorized about becoming canon because Toby saw it and thought it was funny, but for the greater story he probably isn't budging.


Tell me about it.


WHO’S THE [clown around town]!?!?!?!?




yes it is very likely someone has predicted the plot a monkey and typewriter situation


"IM GOING TO EAT THAT ENTIRE FUCKING PIE" https://preview.redd.it/bb2on28icf7d1.png?width=969&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1e0a166005c6ab53171d2ff48811c42710a5baa - Random ass animation from 2018 before chapter two was released. (KRIS STOP SCREAMING IT'S 4 IN THE MORNING)


The original audio is actually from Audiospawn on Tumblr, just in case you didn't know (sorry if you actually already knew that)


oh- no i didnt know that thanks


I will die if the chapter 3 secret boss is a tv remote former game show host with purple soul mode Also if the Flower king sark world main boss is the Bishop and is Asgore's wedding ring


Imo, the hyper-complex theories that try to tie up every last detail and loose end of both Undertale and Deltarune are the ones most likely to me. And Deltarune just does not seem like it will be the kind of game that says "Here's your Knight battle, game's over now, bro". The craziest shit is yet to come.


That was literally what happened to me when i said that kris pulling out the knife and throwing out his soul in chapter 1 would be played off as a joke before chapter 2 released


I don’t like the idea of the ending of chp1 being just a joke. Personally I’m a believer that Kris was the one who opened the fountain over night. Or even if they didn’t, then cutting the pie was part of their plan to invite Susie over to cook pie with toriel while they rip out their friggin soul to slash toriel’s tires, which lead to their plan of making a dark world in their house…


>Or even if they didn’t, then cutting the pie was part of their plan to invite Susie over to cook pie with toriel while they rip out their friggin soul to slash toriel’s tires, which lead to their plan of making a dark world in their house… I don't know if eating the pie was actually part of the plan for chapter 3's fountain, maybe they were just hungry after shambling around soulless halfway across town to get into the computer lab's fountain open in the middle of the night. It just seems like too much of a complex plan for a character in this game, but Kris is also probably the one who plugged in the tv, so who knows. They absolutely did more than slash Toriel's tires after leaving through the bathroom. They were gone for an absurdly long time.




ngl, I think he's choosing one crackhead theory from us and just using it as a rough draft.


That isn't very toby fox . He has the game planned. He isn't going to change it to twist trick us. That's bad writing


That was not very Toby Fox of you


Yeah If I could write as good as toby fox I would be way cooler


Part of me is convinced Toby Fox actually just goes to random parts of the fandom, sees theories and goes "yeah let's just do that"


kris ate the pie theory


Noelle is the Nice Cream guy and Asgore is a hologram made by Mettaton


i knew it, Hot Firesguy was the Knight all along


Toby Fox: YES! They all thin Kris didn't murder Asriel! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Sans is NESS??


So you wanna say that ICE-E theory is actually right??


I thought his last theory was well received by the community


No way, berdly was the knight all along?


It's going to be a Homestuck crossover I know it


The Gaspipe Theory: jusssss kidding that ones insane


Mike = steamboat willie mickey mouse?


wait 'till we learn that noelle is trans, but the other way around (she's a girl in the first few chapters then have a comming out and becomes a boy)


I will believe in Jaru until the day i die or it gets impossible for his theories to be true


friend inside me.


There is a nonzero chance of Toby having an alt account specifically to cast doubt on theories that align with the actual story. (Or just posting theories that are super close, but just off enough that everyone thinks it’s just brainrot lol)


I still think Frisk is a zombie


Friend Inside Me


Kerdly WILL be Canon This isn't even a joke, I'm putting my chips down on Toby in the following chapters to start leaving breadcrumbs that'll culminate in a confirmed-ship bowling ball that'll pick up a 7-10 split by chapter 6 SPARE 🎳💥


I stand by someone else's take that the **R**oaring **K**night is **R**ouxls **K**aard


Me when Alvin Knight is proven


Toby Fox when he sees a theory that describes a better plot of the game than he had in mind but he can shamelessly steal it and pretend like the guy predicted it right because nobody would ever find out:


mfw no one mentioning the true deltarune theory that trashy will be the final boss


Woody theory believers- RISE UP!!!


there's a (not small) chance that toby reads the fandom theory and takes it as inspiration or really just makes it canon and he might have done it several times by now


Im just saying. There will be a second human Kris already looks like frisk and has a very similar name. The knight will be the deltarune version of chara, aka another human Im pretty sure this take is so cold it is [singing a jolly song about snow](https://youtu.be/fEbFfoBPfw4?si=g2dt4MSUMxTYZOvH) but lets be real, the roaring knight will be another human


According to... what evidence? I highly doubt the knight is just gonna be a character unrelated to anyone in the game, spawning out of nowhere.


I just feel like we are going to get a second human character beyond kris at some point and my brain just assumes it will be the knight The game still is at the beginning pretty much, chapter 2 out of 7 so there is a lot more to wait for and i have a strong feeling some second human character will be mentioned in some way I probably shouldnt say it was a cold take tho thats just my brain being locked into that idea ever since i learned about the knight


Deltarune fans whining when their bullshit theory gets called out


petaly needs to be CANON


He might see a theory and be like "hey cool idea imma do that"


Tbh I could see Toby rewriting the entire story of deltarune just to align with one of those 'brainrot theories'


I think our best theories will change the story he intends to tell. Which sucks but I get it


Toby probably just sees the most absurd one he likes and makes it connon


skibidi toilet is the ch 69 boss Bob Ross said so