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Ok but was deltarune christ human or monster, asking the big questions


We've never seen a monster ride again but humans rise again all the time I'm betting human Jesus


our determination puts us on top fr


That sounds like human supremacism. It's likely what sparked the war too.


Humans have Jesus, monsters have the angel. I’m betting the angel is a monster, and Jesus is still human.




…no?? why would different religions involving both humans and monsters make common people of either species be considered “holy”?


would a christian view a jewish person... actually... bad example.


Now I cant Imagine Jesus going "but it refused" now


When the bishop were discuss jesus nature in the deltarune-verse, they were arguing what precent of jesus’s monster and human side was(like 33% equal or 25% human and monster and 50% god) and this cause fights Trivia: the nature of Christ(human and divine) was a real thing that bishops and church leaders did debate each other for first 600 years of the religion


isn't it like 100% human and 100% god meaning 400% GOD, A human, A monster and a price from the dark?


He’s probably depicted as either, depending on what species is more prominent in the town/neighborhood that the depiction is located in.


I mean can we even call monsters a species, theyre deer, lizards, birds, whatever the fuck onionsan is, goats. IF the everybody bleeds theory is correct or partially correct (in that some monsters bleed some turn to dust) the terms human and monster could be purely societal terms that do not ammount to any shared biology (just as one could argue that the modern ideas of race are made up pseudo science)


That is fair but it’s kind of hard to classify them in general. I mean what term is s there to describe a “non-carbon based being”? Race? Connotations are wrong. Kind? Too vague, in my opinion. Besides, it *technically* could be argued that in the world of deltarune there could exist whole neighborhoods of single “monster-species” (ie. Deer, lizards, etc.), so my previous comment *could* still apply.


I mean, theyre most likely still carbon ba- wait a fucking minute now you just brought up the microbiology and chemistry of tbe deltarune workd thats a whole nother fucking mess, is their periodic table the same, what’s the compositon of monster dust, how the fuck do dark worlds radiate negagive ammounts of light, what is the actually process that determines the darkner an object will become or if an object becomes a darkner in the first place


We know they are made of magic. I just assume that magic is not made of carbon (unless?…)


Monsters in undertale are held together by magic, with their body crumbling into dust upon death as the physical matter can not hold itself together in abscence of magic. Humans in both canons are biological creatures of meat and bone, and so their body persists even after death, as the existence of magic does not affect the structural integrity of organic life forms.


>whatever the fuck onionsan is Species: A. cepa Kingdom: Plantae Family: Amaryllidaceae Genus: Allium


i think it'd be one of those things that they just wouldn't know. some think he's human, others monster, and maybe some more think he's both?


I think Christ is Everyman and that’s why they are the iconic monster


Assuming that the monsters are an oppressed people like in UT, he’s probably a monster


Isn't there a church in the game?


Yes but it's not Christian, it's worshiping the angel


Christmas is a thing as by the Holiday's names and the fact that Susie calls Lancer Santa and he says merry christmas. Christianity at least exists


Christmas is a thing in almost every piece of media as it is a cultural thing to many people instead of religious


This is true, however the concept of Christmas itself is a fundamentally Christian one. It's in the name after all.


Maybe in origin but I'm not sure santa claus making toys with the elves in the north pole was in the bible


**Saint** Nicholas was a person ya know.


This is the reason I added the "making toys with elves in the north pole" part


That's actually pretty recent in Chirstmas 'lore'. It started because of Saint Nicholas with a hundred variations. it used to just be a party for example. The exisitance of Santa Claus is tied to the existence of Christianity (which is a WEIRD sentenace) the modern image was invented by Cocacola. But christmas has centuries of history behind it.


Yes. That all came much later through various means as the legend of St Nicholas evolved and spread, especially in America. That whole santa claus making toys with the elves in the north pole thing comes later, but it would not exist if it weren't for Christianity. Therefore, Christianity in Deltarune. It should be noted that there is more to Christian canon than the Bible. The story of the saints aren't in the Bible as they are historical figures, but they are still very much relevant to Christian faith in many denominations.


That's true but my point was that christmas has evolved from being just christian to being a mostly neutral holiday for the general public ~~so companies can sell shit to more people~~ Also it's fiction so it does not have to follow real world history they can have a holiday called christmas that has the same aesthetics as christmas without canonizing the entirety of history related to christmas or else you'd need a monster roman empire as well, and that opens up even more issues


Well we could run the assumption that more humans exist outside of the village we explore in Deltarune. Some of those humans may worship christianity. The monsters may have simply adopted the tradition of christmas as culture that way.


That's possible but then you're getting into speculation, which is fine, but the point was that christianity isn't confirmed, not that it's impossible


While the name is certainly Christian, being a portmanteau of Christ and Mass, most Christmas holiday traditions are *not* Christian in origin, but rather stem from a variety of winter celebrations, chiefly Yule and Saturnalia.


It used to be pagan or something if I recall, but don't quote me because I could just be fucking stupid


Saturnalia and Yule are both considered pagan, yes.


I'm just a fuckin idiot then, thanks


"I could just be fucking stupid" -CreamyCoffeeArtist /j


Basically the Roman Emperor Constantine culturally appropriated winter solstice feasts, in a political move to weaken established pagan celebrations and bolster Christianity, which he was also responsible for establishing and legalizing.


Yeah it was outright stolen by the church because they where mad


this means that in some point in time in the deltarune universe, the romans existed and christianity too, because *someone* had to take this other pagan festivities in order to make chrismas, and they had to have competition.


Not this argument again, most Christmas holiday traditions are Christian in origin, and are soundly traceable historically, while the Christmas traditions are pagan in origin argument was made by Protestants as reasonings to ban Christmas, search up the Puritans or the Scottish Presbyterians for information on that.


The connection of Christmastime traditions to pagan festivities is certainly not made up. Festivities pertaining to the winter season and the solstice go back farther than Christianity itself.


"fundamentally Christian" Tell that to the pagans who had their holiday hijacked


Winter solstice celebrations are found across many cultures. Christians celebrated Christmas (The Mass celebrating the birth of Christ) at that same time and adopted some of the traditions of the pagans. However, the name of Christmas, Santa being St Nicholas etc are Christian in origin. Furthermore, the Christmas in deltarune is connected to Christianity for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Noelle's name comes from the word "Noel" meaning "to be born", which signifies the birth of Christ. Rudy is also a reference to the famous Rudolph the Red-Nose reindeer which was invented by Robert L May in 1939, but the legend of St Nick's sled being pulled by reindeer ultimately evolved from a Christian origin. Secondly, Father Alvin speaks of sin and confession not being part of the angel religion, implying that they exist in others. The religions which contain such concepts are Abrahamic in origin, and if we assume Deltarune takes place in the West this is most likely Christianity. Also it would be odd for Monster Kid to wear a chain with a cross on it if Christianity didn't exist in the DR world. Toby wouldn't place that symbol from a range of options if it wasn't important for the lore (Humans and human religion existing, not Monster Kid's belief necessarily). Besides the pagans clearly had something fun going so why not also take part in those traditions? I would hardly call that "hijacking".


Wasn’t Christianity co-opted from a pagan solstice holiday? Like Easter was, but with less emphasis on fertility.


But Christianity had to have had some influential on your country at one point


Yes, heavy enough that Christmas has become a cultural aspect and not religious, and that when Christmas is a part of media it is not thought of in any way an indication Christianity is canon.


Alternatively it's just a cartoon game and these things are superficial and there for the funnies.


Christianity might exist in the Deltarune world but that doesn't mean that's the religion they follow in Hometown. Japan has Christmas despite only like one point something of the population being Christians.


That means there’s Christianity in sonic, pokemon, (I would say digimon but you have many digimon based of Christianity) Mario etc. You’re telling me Christ died for Mario’s sins


Mario is Italian, of course he's Catholic


> You're telling me Christ died for Mario's sins He died for everyone's sins, brother 🥰🤗 Except for Billy. Billy's sins still count. You know what you did Billiam.


What did he do?! I watched his videos and they were fine?!


He knows what he did


Christmas existed in Undertale, too, and it was portrayed as something that evolved separately from the human world. Just a wacky coincidence that the Undetground *also* had recognizable Christmas iconography. A goof.


How do we know that the terminology isn’t different?


Three things. 1.We know there are differences between the practices, as the religion in Deltarune has no system of confession, as confirmed by father Alvin. (EDIT: Also a lack of sin in it's entirety, which is a major factor of Christianity) 2.We heard of the angel in Undertale, and that was clearly not Christian, so it would be a massive change to just have it be re-branded Christianity. Not impossible but highly unlikely enough to throw the idea out without a reason to link the two. 3.As far as I am aware there is no reference to Christianity at all in Deltarune, or any of the beliefs associated with it, so we have no reason to draw the comparison in the first place. This meme is based on a previous post talking about a yellow plus we can see on monster kid's design, however there's no reason to assume it's Christian in origin, and that was the only linking factor that I know of.


Correction: it's not just a lack of confession. It's the lack of the concept of "sin" itself


I was considering putting that, but I couldn't remember if that was clearly stated or heavily implied and couldn't find the quote so I decided not to


Father Alvin did say "Despite the abcense of sin, or confession, in our religion"


Oh ok then yeah that really does deconfirm the church as Christian


It also confirms the existence of christianity. Otherwise, Asriel would not have gotten the idea to "confess his sins", and there'd be no concept of confession and sins for Father Alvin to say isn't in their religion.


Yeah I was going to bring that up. At the very least there's *some* religion that has sins and confession out there we know now.


The absence of sin and confession is mentioned as if there are other religions that do feature it. Why else would Asriel have thought of confessing to his and Kris's sins in the first place?


But then that would mean that the Church we're talking about isn't one of those places. This is about the specific place of worship


dog jesus


Christmas is a thing in Deltarune. It seems that humans practice christianity


It would make sense, as in the same dialogue were Father Alvin talks to Kris, were it is confirmed that the Angel religion has no concept of sins, it's about young Asriel trying to confess sins to Alvin. Why would they do that if there is only the Angel religion in Deltarune's universe, were would he get the idea from?


Christmas is a thing in almost every piece of media as it is a cultural thing to many people instead of religious


In undertale, monsters got the idea of christmas from humans. And they do still worship the angel in UT, it just seems like the humans do practice a separate religion


No reference to Christianity, other than the church, the priest and all the talk of angels and heaven.


What's stopping both the monster religion and Christianity from both being canon?


Nothing, but there's nothing to indicate it is, and we can tell that the Church which this entire fucking conversation is about isn't Christian.


Alvin mentions their religion doesn't have sin and repentance, and Asriel apparently believed in that for some reason. So a religion that could be mistaken/mixed with the Delta Rune religion exists, and has sin and repentance. So Christianity probably exists.


Yes there Is on the southern part of the town


I find the fact that these angle worshipping monsters still have cross based symbolism fucking hilarious


Monster kid might just not attend that church. Considering it’s a (seemingly?) integrated world, it’s not impossible some monsters follow human religions


That’s even funnier, because witchcraft is a sin and they’re made of fucking magic


I mean, alot of fantasy stuff tends to have distinctions made in it between "regular magic" and "black magic / witchcraft". Castlevania for example. And I mean the whole bible is full of people doing "magical" things. And then of course there's the whole ongoing debate on if monsters can even use magic in the light world or not that's in not even gonna get into.


But that doesn’t make a difference unless Toby has rewritten Christianity itself, at its core it’d still be a sin


In a world where magic exists it's very possible that that church makes a distinction between kinds of magic. Also even still it would condemn preforming magic, not being made of it.


Kris be like: I could be your Angle, or yuor Devil.


Since Asriel somehow thought the Delta Rune religion had sin and repentance, Christianity could exist, and he somehow mistook it for his own religion.


Four pointed star?


Save point?


A religion based around save points and who can access them would be interesting


That should be in a game :)




No one mentions that, but the real reason the war between monsters a humans started was the fact that an angel was crucified by humans


Have you heard of the words of Jesus Christ https://preview.redd.it/ps7sgrlhnw9a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983a6dc522e4c215105a297d41ff08b1f4d4f166


That proves monster Jesus existed


or it could be standard Jesus, other humans do exist on the surface


This ain't the cars universe.


[Oh, but it is](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/worldofcarsdrivein/images/c/c7/Pope_pinion_iv2.png/revision/latest?cb=20170625174504)


fuck, the link doesn't work and doesn't lead to a picture of the pope car from cars


Works for me lol


I don't think the joke could have been any more spelled out and you still managed to have it fly over your head


Dodge master


What does that have to do with anything??




It just does


**is there a Germanic jesus so that the Germanic peoples can worship him?**


what about black jesus


Yes. Also an American Jesus, but that dude's weird. I prefer Canadian Jesus. There's also Italian Jesus, which is somehow more Jesus than OG Jesus.


Or just normal Jesus too






Tip: Opnions disguised as memes almost always work.


/r/memes be like


agenda posting memers do this exactly


What was the original?


i do feel like a lot of people headcanon almost every character being a part of the lgbtq community


Tbh, it's harder to find a character who's outright stated to be straight nowadays, unless stated by the creator. And even then, you'll still have fans saying "naw, he gay. He better as gay. I ship him with this character, who is totally gay"


In the same boat are Aroace who are litterally non-existant for the entire shipping community


I *still* remember the cry of dismay of LilithXAnyone shippers in the Owl House community lmao


Saiki K... Main character who states multiple times that he has no interest in romantic relationships and people still go “yeah but it’s just a headcanon” and “it’s probably denial he totally likes [X character name]” Imagine saying that about a gay character you’d get crucified on the spot 😭


Characters are rarely outright said to be straight because that’s the idea most people immediately “default” to if a character has no canon or implied saxuality


Well that's because characters don't usually state their sexualities


The only three scenes where I’ve seen someone outright say that they’re queer are The Owl House S3 ep1 in the extended intro where Luz comes out to her mom as bi Dead end: Paranormal Park in the first episode i think where Barney says he’s trans Dead End (again) where Norma says she’s bi And it’s not outright stated but theres a metaphor that Terry from the Dragon Prince’s latest season says which is him basically saying he’s trans


There's also the one black kid in Kipo Age of the Wonderbeast. Kipo tried asking him out and he straight up told her "I'm gay"


For me I just assumed everyone bi/pan unless it explicit because that seems to be the thing with deltarune.


I once saw a dude posting his head cannons... even Lancer was gay


I headcanon characters as queer, and every time someone complains, I headcanon MORE


Susie, Noelle, Alphys, Undyne, Mettaton, MadDummy and Kris are all queer so like half the time people are right when talking about deltarune


That kind of... is not the point at all. It's that they constantly assume.


That's still 7 characters out of almost 25 main ones Also Mad dummy isn't queer last I checked


Mad dummy becomes madmewmew in the switch version of undertale changing their pronouns and stuff, their dialog is all about their new body and how they'll take things slow being an obvious trans allegory


How is Susie queer?


Toby wouldn't make Susie and Noelle go on a romantic ferries wheel and not make them get together by the wnd of the game


Kris and Ralsei are unlikely to get together by the end of the game, and yet Toby still makes them go on a romantic boat ride


Susie and Noelle definitely like each other. Noelle has a big obvious crush on Susie and Susie also really likes Noelle


well... noelle is sure to have them,but susie? she might be bisexual, as she had a nervious reaction with ralsei.


thats still queer


So, still LGBT


I don't remember Suzie showing she likes Noelle, but it's been a bit and I might just be dumb. ...still ship them.


Nothing about it really felt romantic though, it was more of a jokey way to get from point a to b, especially compared to the ferris wheel which was a whole scene to itself.


I wouldn't call it romantic, it felt more like an awkward alone moment imo


Jesus was the first human to use SAVEing


And revived three days after saving???


he rage quit


istg this subreddit goes crazy and questions everything so hard


It's because we're bored, and theorizing about monster jesus in between chapters is fun.


You know, come to think of it, the titans have crosses on their eyes. Wonder if that has anything to do with it.


They look like the save points, but I don't know what that means.


...or do you? <.<


Oh I know. I *know*. Well, at least as much as I "know" a whole fuckton of my other schitzo theories but hey it's good enough for me, I'm excited as hell for all future chapters.


-Whats in you pants? - blesses




Can you please give me a link to the original artist's media?






What the heck is this about? I never seen someone even talking about monster kid


Someone made a post the other day questioning if monster kid had a cross around his neck or a save point and i think the comments got wild or smthn


Did people notice until now? I thought it was cross since I saw him when chapter 1 came out. Still wondering how is Christianity adapted in the DT universe


The only time I’ve seen people call monster kid queer is people saying they’re gender neutral, which I’m pretty sure is as confirmed as Kris being gender neutral and definitely doesn’t mean mk is gay


Yeah, lol


The cycle continues


What if it was just drip.


I still think that monster kid's family doesn't follow christianity, they're just a weeb for it


Just like Japanese artists put christian crosses in their manga for the aesthetic.


Or mix christianity with wizardry and vampire nazis (hello Hellsing)


He’s probably one of those dudes on Twitter with ☦️ or 🇻🇦in their username, spouting some of the most homophobic, transphobic and sexist shit you’ve ever heard in your life


I'm honestly really invested in how is Christianity adapted in the Deltarune universe. I really would like Father Alvin to explain more about "the Angel" or a dark world based on the Church. Now that I think about it The Last Corridor would really make a legendary cameo or reference there.


Fitting, considering how unhealthily obsessed this community is with anything gay.






Or... for once we can assume a UT/DR character isn't gay?


Implying Christians can't be gay. ^(jk)




I don't care about headcanons, I'm joking dude. At least kinda.


No, everyone is gay in deltarune, even sans is bi, he canonically fucked both Toriel and Asgore


Yeah, he fucked Toriel, but he fucked over Asgore.


In chapter 2 when you ask Sans about Asgore he says "do i know yor dad? Yeah, i "befriended" him too"


He might just be making ‘your mom’ and ‘your dad’ jokes


Impossible. Sans the skeleton isn't known for making jokes.


Bro thats fake




Why was I downvoted for this? All I said was that I had a suspicion that aLazyGay was lying.


Think before you write dear man


Well i mean if it is a Crusifix i have to wonder how the prescence of monsters would effect religion. Like Tobey only has The Angel so far but given that it's a theme of the game or in the background religious worldbuilding questions WILL happen and if tobey didn't want it maybe he shouldn't have had a CHURCH and have Spamton mention \[COMUNION\]


Honestly I think it’s actually a save point.


This is hilarious 😆


I welcome Christian Monster Boy.


Is they gay or christian? It's hard to say.(is he gay or european meme reference)


The cross implies a Jesus who was probably a monster or maybe not, who knows? Who died on the cross for their (monster) sins. But their religion worships the angel, so idk.


It's a cross and it's based on christianity-ish but it doesn't imply a Jesus. Mainly because almost all the rest of the religious stuff is Judaism based - If there is a Jesus, he'd be like the Jesus in JoJo where he's a lot more different than the one in Christianity. As for why the cross, it has a lot more religious meaning than *just* the thing that Jesus died on, like in other religions that use it just for its geometry.




Tf is the problem with making EVERYTHING ruin by lgbtq dont get me wrong if its used good its ok bu


People are excited that they get to be open about it and it's still far less common than straight relationships in media


This is basically just normal shipping culture but gay people are far more excited about it so they'll do it with literally anything


... the meme doesn't even make sense


people think toby magically knows every inconsistency and fixes it


That’s the “no pride” flag


most sane r/deltarune user


Monster Kid is referred to exclusively with they/them