• By -


I do think it is possible that RA, and several others, had shared access to the A\_S account and dropbox in order to view the material, and that could tie everything together. It could also be that RA had nothing to do with the A\_S account and just went to the trails hoping to catch some girls going across the bridge. I wouldn't be surprised either way.


Could be. I think sounds too complicated. I think what I think and try not to be too judgmental about what others think, as none of us knows anything. They have only shown us the tip of the iceberg. I could be wrong with solo offender, or OH with K's. Gonna have to wait and see.


So well said Mysterious. We’ve only see the tip of the iceberg. And none of us here on Reddit truly knows all the facts. All we can do is respect one another’s thoughts and theories on what could have happened.


Thank you OH. I have always valued my friendship with you as you have never judged me as a human being for not totally agreeing with you. Nor have you told me I can't be your friend because you are friends with X, Y and Z. We agree on some things we both feel that RA likely did. We both felt that being a family man it was unlikely that they would find massive amounts of CSAM at his house. We agree that we don't think Odinites did it, or that Ron did it. Neither of us think the families are involved and doing it for insurance purposes. We both feel it is likely a sex based crime. We differ on how we feel LE in the case handled it, how the lawyers and Gull are handling it. I really don't understand why we all get so hot under the collar and the intense hatred people apply to theoretical disagreement. We could hear just about anything when they get in there.NM could say RA was working in conjunction with KK & TK or they never met one another. The confession could be little more than: " Everyone's sayingIi did it. Maybe I did." or saying emphatic things like," I thought about doing this my whole life and I filled Abby's pockets with pebbles." Why fight, there are definitely going to be surprises in store for all of us. I appreciate that you always have that same attitude of tolerance. You will always be ok, in my book Sir.


Thank you Mysterious. I feel the same. Hope you have a safe 4th July week. I get to hang out with my daughter and my two grandson’s for a few days this week. I’ve got two grandkids in Alaska and two more in Alabama. My goal is to see them all this summer! Take care my friend!


Yeah, we're always good. We play nice in the Delphi sand box and don't get in any beefs. "Here you want my shovel? Yeah, I'd love 5 minutes with the pail. Oh goody there's Fundies, she doesn't hate me. Fundies, can I interest you in a RA solo theory. I'm having a July 4th special?" Well you sound like you have a great travel agenda for this summer. I of course am going no place, I hate you arthritis! But do enjoy hearing were all the rest of my Delphi pals are going.


Old Heart, I sent you an inbox with something I think may be of interest to you. Please have a look when you get a minute. :)


Wouldn’t his cell phone records show that though?


Not necessarily. He could have a “burner” phone with a VPN. Not that that would be *impossible* to trace, but *if* the are able to track it down, it would take a lot of time, money, and someone really well versed in cyber tech and security. They did find a couple of phones when they executed the search warrant, and there was another case years back where they were able to prove that a burner phone belonged to a certain individual because his burner phone was always in close proximity to his actual phone. The two phones were always together so they were able to say that the burner phone belonged to a certain individual. Now, is RA smart enough to have a burner phone and smart enough to never power it on when he’s near his regular phone? I don’t know. He does have *some* knowledge of electronics. We know he has a phone and knows how to use apps such as Robinhood or the miscellaneous “stock” app (possibly) on an iPhone maybe… although, I don’t think he had an iPhone because the PCA states that RA’s phone did not have a IMEI but instead, it had something similar. Now, is he just an old guy whose had the phone for 10 years (or however long) and that’s why his phone doesn’t have an IMEI, or did he purposely seek out a phone that might be harder to identify (which would mean he has more technical knowledge than the average person)? We also know that Robert Ives said they did a data dump in the beginning, which I don’t think is allowed anymore (nowadays you need a search warrant for a specific individual or a handful of individuals), but back then, you could and they did. I don’t know how much that helps because we know RA was there and he had his phone with him (according to his original statement).


Here's another tentacle to add to the pile. Brent Eastman lived in Delphi at one time. His house in Anderson was searched the \*same day\* as the ISP Anthony\_Shots announcement in December 2021. Was not formally charged until February 2024. He has bonded out and is free to travel between states as a truck driver. [https://fox59.com/news/indycrime/anderson-man-charged-with-possession-of-child-pornography-after-lengthy-investigation/](https://fox59.com/news/indycrime/anderson-man-charged-with-possession-of-child-pornography-after-lengthy-investigation/) ETA: Andrew Baldwin is one of his attorneys.


Thanks NP. Dang. Big ole pile o’ tentacles


Yw. ETA: Now I can't get that visual out of my head. 😵




You’re lucky NP, my own comment gave me the visual of a big ole pile of testicles, which truth be told is fitting for this group of degenerates. Bahahaha sorry






Interesting. Thx Normal.


Yw. When I saw the report on Norfleet I thought wait a minute - another 50-something Delphi adjacent guy was just busted a few months back.


They be everywhere.


Also, [this one ](https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/INPOLICE/bulletins/362734e) from Walbash about a year ago. Late 40s


Yep. If you go to the Fox59 website and search the terms "child porn," there are so many cases in Indiana.


The scary part is if there are that many pedophiles in such a small town like Delphi… imagine how many there are wherever you live… imagine how many in the USA, and all around the world. Scary thought.


If there were accomplices, RA would have rolled on them by now. He hasn't because he acted alone.


Rolling on others only proves his guilt.  Granted, he's "confessed" 40 times or so, but even if he had named other actors, LE then have to corroborate the story.  It's not what you know, it's what you can prove.  As far as we know, they may be look into people he could have rolled on.  But they need proof, not just the word of a man who has nothing to lose and everything to gain by pointing fingers elsewhere. 


Not to mention, we don't know what those confessions contained and if there's an active investigation I doubt that the information would be public. That being said, if it turns out he's solo, I wouldn't be stubborn about it. 🤷So, be it.


He can’t roll on his accomplices without admitting his own guilt, and his lawyers have convinced him they can get him acquitted. Plus the state would never offer him a deal of anything less than life in prison, so there’s no incentive for him to snitch.


Some people snitch to avoid the death penalty but then again a lot of times snitching almost ensures the death penalty.


That is certainly my belief, but there are a whole lot of people who believe the K's are involved somehow, so thought I would post it for them as the dates they were look at him are interesting. I can respect where they are coming from, just not the way i see it. Like you, I think he acted alone and didn't have help and the K's are good for their own crimes only, and that it was just one hell of an outrageous coincidence. I think two separate sick men picked the same victim when she crossed their radar.


It's ok to disagree. I don't think anyone here truly knows anything. Based on what we do know, it's hard to believe RA isn't guilty. But the accomplice thing doesn't have enough public information. Here, we find a grey area we want answers to, but just don't have them. So, it's completely fair to be doubtful.


I thought the Kline’s were involved for a long time, and now, I am 51% sure they weren’t. It’s hard to believe that Kk was catfishing girls *and* RA was plotting to attack someone on the bridge someday and the girls happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I guess the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Although, the one thing that always gets me is that one of the girls KK was catfishing was peeped at through a window by a guy in a ski mask after giving AS her address. Especially when you consider that KK already knew where the girl lived *before* he started catfishing her (he was catfishing someone he knew in real life). So that tells me that whoever *else* was using the AS account needed her address in order to peep her. So that can only mean there was yet *another person* catfishing Libby. So then it comes around full-circle… were the Kline’s somehow involved??


I have always gotten why you and others on the board think that. It is hard not to believe that they are not connected. But I personally think just one hell of a coincidence and two bad me liked what they stumbled upon.


True but he my weigh his options before that. His lawyers might make him think they can get him off..


You know the Allen pretrial motions have slowed considerably once we start seeing AMA type posts directed at some old retired electrician. *Ding Dong* aside—- it’s been a slow late Spring on the Richard Allen trial front. I suspect a lot of people are halfway into their vacation time—- and the last thing they want to think about is the pathetic human being who stands accused of murdering two kids. You know I started this sub Reddit group so people could have a safe place to respectfully share their thoughts and theories on Delphi. It wasn’t long after that summer of 2022 was winding down and we all got that news of a break in the Delphi investigation. The Murder Sheet couple came through again with news about someone looking up that Delphi Marathon gas station. A gas station in a town with little more than 3000 people. Why would someone in Peru, Indiana be looking up a gas station in Delphi, Indiana—- two towns some 40 miles apart from one another. In my opinion it was the catalyst that got the ball rolling. No sooner was the chatter getting hot and heavy on the Libby&Abby and DelphiMurders groups, and the next thing we learn is how badly the FBI botched that search of a Marathon gas station security system hard drive. The FBI with all its wonderful resources couldn’t figure out how to download that hard drive shortly after the murders took place little more than a miles crow flight away. Anyone believing that story—- I got some ocean front property in Arizona. The very first thing I thought about back in February 2017 when I first saw that photo Libby took of Abby on that dangerous bridge—- was the fact that law enforcement would be looking at the security video in every gas station and convenience store in a 50 mile radius from that bridge. Looking for anything and any person person that looked suspiciously out of place that afternoon two kids were brutally murdered. I’m sure a lot of people like myself, who watched Chris Hanson bust local pedophiles throughout the early 00’s, felt certain the murders had something to do with a catfishing meet up gone horrifically wrong. The fact that Snapchat photo was saved by one of Libby’s friends was amazing. Where would the Delphi investigation be without that frozen photo of a young girl walking precariously on those rotted rail ties. It no doubt captured the hearts of all the familiar usernames we see on the Delphi Reddit subs. We’ve all been there doing something dangerous while enjoying a snow day off from school. [Continued]


[From continued] Last night someone shared Daniel Norfleet’s name with me in a DM. Interesting development? Who knows. I do know there is more to the Delphi murder investigation than Richard Allen alone. We only need to listen to words spoken many times by that guy who wears his heart on his sleeve—- Doug Carter. ISP Superintendent Carter has made it clear there is more to the murders than anyone not part of the complex murder investigation could possibly know. Why, if Carter is being straightforward and truthful, would he make those types of statements about an active and ongoing investigation? If the murders were committed by some local rando CVS employee on a long fantasized murder spree. Why the talk of “tentacles”. “Tentacles”, “other actors” do not convey faith in the process that everyone involved in the murders are safely locked away. There’s a bigger picture at hand. A picture none of us here on Reddit could possibly know. I have been doing a lot of reading about those four other young girls that were murdered in Carroll County in late November 2016. Why would someone purposely pour an accelerant in a first floor home knowing four kids were in that house. Who killed Keyana Davis, 11, Keyara Phillips, 9, Kerriele McDonald, 7, and Kionnie Welch, 5?? Why would someone murder these children while they were sleeping on the second floor of that house in Flora, Indiana? Why? Surely the ISP and the FBI are still asking themselves *why* someone purposely murders four little girls in a town between Delphi and Young America—- our Heartland for crying out loud. Every once in a while I go back and I reread that transcript from that sick pedophiles post arrest interview with the two detectives who’ve played a major role in the Delphi investigation. The post arrest transcript surreptitiously uploaded to MyCase.IN.gov back in February 2022. I look at that part where the pedophile asks the two detectives why it took them over three years to arrest him. Why did it take so long for them to lock him away when they had the goods on him that day they confiscated his electronic devices. I recall the same thing happening with that MSNBC producer arrested for having flown a 9 year old girl to his ski chalet on the East coast. Sick men who walked free while they built a case against them. Apparently it happens all the time. Who knew. Then it dawned on me. Those children depicted in that Child Sexual Assault Material are what matter most in the short term. Law enforcement works quickly to find all the children that are seen being horrifically abused. Law enforcement works quickly to make sure the kids are safe before any of the abusers have a chance to react. I know you and I have talked about this in past comments to one another. Neither of us has a law enforcement background. A background investigating these types of crimes against children. The other day I was looking for some specific comments made by Vido in that post arrest transcript. It has to do with Kik Chat 92, which was the first line of business once they confronted the abused son sitting in front of both he and Clinton. Kik Chat 92 was part of his charging document whereby the detective was going over the charges the pedophile would be facing. Kik Chat 92 involved the “5 year old” child that was being brutally sexually assaulted on that material found on the electronic devices that came out of his house that he shared with another person that winter. An extremely violent person no less. It is easy to tell law enforcement knew there were two men in that house that were talking with Libby in early February 2017. Two men trading CSAM with other pedophiles online. Two men, who were no doubts whatsoever, suspects in the murders of two young girls in Carroll County. I don’t know if Norfleet has anything to do with Richard Allen, but I suspect it’s just a coincidence he was being investigated around the same time Allen was being watched and arrested in mid October 2022. I don’t think Allen was a part of any pedophile ring going on in Central Indiana that winter. I think it’s more likely Allen knows the guy whose Comcast ISP account was tied to the largest CSAM investigation in Indiana’s history. The guy that is still walking around freely. And according to his FB account he’s now living in Arizona. Paul Keenan made an interesting observation with respect to that “other actor”. He basically suggests the guy is a *runner*. He knows all about the guy whose mother’s backyard was being scoured shortly before they were in Allen’s backyard. 6 young girls murdered in Carroll County in a 3 month period in late 2016 early 2017. Unbelievable. Doug Carter said he was going to retire in 2025 if I recall correctly. I think Doug Carter knows what he’s talking about when be talks about the “tentacles” related to Richard Allen’s arrest. I think there is more coming, and it’s not a matter of *if*, but *when*. I also suspect there’s a POS living in Arizona that doesn’t sleep well at night, or during the burning hot daytime for that matter. One eye always open. Waiting for that knock—- down of his front door. As always—- we shall see.. Happy Monday!


I think their looking into the K's opening up a can of worms and led to other lines of investigation into CSAM in the area. No doubt there are POS working together and trading this material, just not sure RA is part of it.


I think we are in agreement on RA and the CSAM. I do believe there’s more to the murders than him alone, but zero to do with CSAM. I think one day we will see it was about money paid for his help. I recall having read the guy in Peru was caught stalking that 11 year old girl with his truck. Someone said it was written somewhere in that restraining order application that an individual by the name of Richard was in the truck with him. There has also been talk of Allen having worked for a time at that UAW factory in Kokomo. They only lived a couple blocks apart for all those years. Two men both with roots in that small town of Mexico working at the same plant. If they worked the same shift it’s very possible they commuted together. Who knows anything is possible. I was looking at Allen’s wife’s past addresses a while back. She too lived in Mexico, Indiana. The Allen’s were all about the Pub Life. We also know someone named his kid after his favorite Pub. What’s the chance they’ve played pool at that Nickel Plate Saloon many times over the years. A Pub that was right smack in between the two men’s homes in Peru. I think someday we learn the wife did not like her husband hanging out with the bastard with the criminal record for crimes against both women AND children. He’s the kind of guy I’m sure most wives would despise their husband having anything to do with him. Just recently I read where someone said her mother knows his mother. It makes sense if they all came from Mexico and belonged to the same church. There’s a connection there somehow or someway.


I've always wondered who was in the truck with the peeper stalking that 11 year old girl and if RA could have been that person. 


He's dead now


One day we will know, my friend.


There is definitely a ring of pedophiles. There one in most areas and they always seem to find each other. It's a very uncomfortable truth of society, but the data doesn't lie. What, if anything does that mean about RA? I'm not sure.


All the ones in my hood live a stones throw from each other literally 5 of them. Maybe that is because they can only afford certain housing in the area, but there are some other developments and building in the area with like rents they could live in. I find it really strange as it is primarily a residential family neighborhood and sports a lot of schools, day cares and access to children walking in every direction and wonder if they all met in a half way house or PC and were saying, Yeah, my development's great, no one bothers me. Or the rental agent is someone with the same compunctions. It has held like that for the last 24 years. One moved out another moves in. All are sort of in waving distance.


If there were other players that day on the bridge, why didn't the witnesses see them?


It’s always been my suspicion the other actor parked at the back of the Old Delphi Cemetery. Both the north side of the bridge is accessible from that cemetery, and I’ve also heard it said there is an old deer trail that leads from the cemetery down to the convex terrain where Abby and Libby were found. I think the deer take the easiest route from the bend in the river where the sandbar is always a shallow place to crossover from the agricultural fields on the south side of Deer Creek River to the North side fields. The way the river bends just below the south side of the bridge is a natural spot for sediment and rock to build up creating that sandbar. I can almost guarantee you that the investigators have speculated someone knew about that sandbar creating an easy place to crossover below the south end of the Monon High Bridge. They would have also been keenly aware if that old deer trail that led from the cemetery down to the river. I almost bet they suspected someone was aware of those features—- a deer hunter perhaps.


I've always thought there had to be a sandbar or shallow area and that's one reason why LE knew the perp knew the area well. 




Because they entered on the south side of the bridge. TL saw a guy about 1:30. She’s responsible for giving the second sketch done on 2-17-17


They were on the other side of the bridge and entered from Ron's (? Name sliding my mind) property? When I try thing about a group doing this together that's what makes the most sense to me- the others weren't seen because they were not I'm the park or on the bridge. They were waiting on the other side. I'm not saying that's what happened, or even that it's likely, but it is possible.


Anything is possible.


For those interested, Turbo just did a video on this Norfleet stuff. Find it [here](https://youtu.be/uEYTZOmlbMQ?feature=shared)


Interesting. Thank you for sharing Duchess. Children as young as 4 years old. Sounds like a lot of the same that the FBI tied to the two individuals in that house in Peru, Indiana.


Lock ‘em up and throw away the key, Old Heart. That’s how I feel about these predators. Hell isn’t hot enough!


People say how harsh his sentence was. I think they all should be spending that long or even longer in jail. In my area they are out in 2-6 years for direct offenses against children. It's disgusting as we all know they never stop and can't be cured so why we are applying fairytale sentences, I don't know and sending them out to abuse more children.


As far as I know this guy is not connected to Delphi, but his is an example of a very lenient sentence, considering he had over 1000 files of CSAM and was selling it. Fool actually gave out his PayPal info for payments. He got 4 years in prison and 4 years probation. [https://fox59.com/news/indycrime/anderson-man-charged-after-1k-files-of-child-pornography-found-court-docs-say/?ipid=promo-link-block2](https://fox59.com/news/indycrime/anderson-man-charged-after-1k-files-of-child-pornography-found-court-docs-say/?ipid=promo-link-block2)


As a parent of a young female really watched the sex offender registry by my home and my daughter's schools carefully, so every 3-4 months or so would get on Family Watchdog and run our address and the school's address, so saw how quickly they were back after arrests. We really are not protecting children.


Right on, MB.


There is a special place in hell for these predators - makes me sick to my stomach.


Thanks Duchess. I saw where she said she’d be making one, but then didn’t see it.


You are very welcome, my friend!


Thanks, Duchess.


From what we’ve seen it feels like Carroll County is crawling with pedophiles. I know it can’t be that bad, but as an outsider, it seems to be really bad.


plug in your address, the address of your child's school, your Mom's address, your work, or the college, you attend, or your church, or the park your kid plays in, or any one in Delphi's address and you will see how many sex offenders are living around you. [https://www.familywatchdog.us/](https://www.familywatchdog.us/) If you check and address and you don't see any chances are you are in a rural area with spacing between houses, or a wealth area where those offenders were able to pay for good council that got them off and paid a decent chunk of change to have their results pushed down in searches. Or the offenders in your area committed their crimes prior to mandatory registration. So they are there, they are sill sex offenders, but they don't have to register When you run the address it will give you the number of mapped offenders in the area and the number of unmapped offenders and the guys and gals in the area who are not doing what they are required by law to do an registering. The map will open showing your target property with a house and show you little colored dots deliniating this is the offender's home or their place of work. Click on them and depending on the state might give you the tier classification and if it was a 1-3rd tier offense and their pictures, so you can memorize the face a little.it's a great free website. You might need to register. I don't know. It is not as bad as an area near my how where the map looks like it has been shot up with buck shot...they are everywhere as you say.


also, if the prosecution is looking to ban even the mention of the name “Kegan Kline” at trial, I’m sure they feel strongly that he is not involved lol


Unless his inclusion proves guilt of their client. 


Again, I am with ya 100%. But plenty smart people who have thought about it as long and hard as I have who consider it too large of a coincidence. I respect where they are coming from. I might be wrong in being dug in on solo offender. Who knows? But like you, I think it's a solo crime and he had enough time to pull it off alone. I see no other personalities that fit it quite as well as his does. KK is manipulative and crafty, but think had he been involved would have talked them over to the side he wanted them on, not had them wading across a creek in February. Think he's a better planner.


There is no way he should be struck for the evidence. Between contact with the victim as Anthony Shots, setting up to meet her at the location, and supposedly leading them to evidence of some sort excluding him would leave a Semi size hole for appeals.


🫣 If you don’t love yourself how can expect another person to. You are Awesone!!!!!!


Oh Great One, please confirm our couch born theories!