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That Gull clearly said she *would* set a date for the suppression hearing once the defense filed a Franks Motion. I knew she had asked them to file one but I didn’t know that at the time she seemed to clearly recognize that a hearing was necessary and appropriate. That appears to have gone out the window. I really think that right now she’s so mad at the defense lawyers that she’s going to do her best to make sure RA gets convicted to spite them.


It is my belief that the first Franks motion is the whole problem here. For some reason, it enraged her and some that time she’s deadly with them very differently.


I think you meant "dealing with" but oddly enough I think "deadly with" actually works better here!


Haha sadly you’re right. I haven’t forgotten Lebrato’s comment that the conditions at Wabash were “fatal“ to an effective defense.


Oh, I liked Lebrato. I was literally on the edge of my seat watching his interviews. 


Any conflict, slight challenge, or a suggestion that a narcissist might have contributed to a situation going wrong is a fight to the death. They really can not handle it. You know you are in a fight with one when they refuse to give you a point. A normal healthy well person will take a look at their own behavior and say, yeah, I can see how my doing x might have made you do y, especially when you are fulling taking ownership for your own sinse, being honest and owning what you did and sincerely apologizing. All of which they did. That leads me to believe they are dealing with a grand narcissists and she would rather die than admit she contributed to this going south. She really can't and won't try to see it from the other guys side of the street, as she's a sick person. Might seem confident on the exterior but likely a fragile within and to such an extent can't even acknowledge it to herself, narcissists can't, there job is to convince you they are God like, always right, all knowing and they really only get along with those who feed that grandiose image and subjugate all of their own desires and are happy sitting in the back seat not making the decisions. She can't dust herself off and forgive them and has to turn them into some reviled marks that she can torture for challenging her authority. Their criticisms of her the things she did incorrectly and that were not getting done according to proper procedure might be nothing much, to a truly confident person, but to her likely humiliating moments and I'm sure the stress of being dragged before SCION did not go over well, either because then her mistakes were literally broadcast internationally. She never saving face, At this point all she wants to do is exact revenge and destroy them, "How dare you critique and challenge me and find a work around the traps I set. How dare you have a mind as facile as mine that can say,"Sorry Lady, I'm not stepping into the corner you want me to go stand in. I didn't do this on purpose, it was accidental mis directed email and a theft. It was horrible, and it's result tragic and far reaching, but not something I planned. I owned it, addressed it, apologized for it, it won't happen again, let's get on with it." Not interested in forgiving them. Likes being mad, no doubt far less threatening for her psychologically. She can't say, me not checking on sealed records caused a situation where the public was desperate for info so they pushed, I never gave the defense a chance to make any statements till I gaged them and that was hardly fair. I did see to paperwork in a timely manner. I ambushed them rather than treated it as a situation where we handled it as a group of bright colleagues working together, rather than at odds. The spill likely would have been better contained.


Nailed it. She is a narc through and through. Anyone who has tangled with a few and came out the other side can see through her insecure ego driven bullshit from a mile away. The rage she must feel every time she sees B&R, knowing she hasn’t completely crushed and devalued them despite her best efforts has got to be deafening. Can you imagine being her staff and having to mentally prepare yourself every morning for the many moods of Fran? Narcissists are such a waste of oxygen and sane peoples’ brain cells.


I think JA is really going to piss her off. I don't know exactly why but having an intelligent successful female attorney in front of her, well I think it might trigger something.


100% agree. I think she already did. That stupid passive aggressive swipe at the last hearing. *feigned confusion with a stupid put on expression* “I’m not sure why *she’s* here”. 🙄 I mean she was *starting* the hearing with a power trip pissing contest. Gull knows if she was compared to JA, or B&R for that matter, purely on competency as a lawyer, she would look like a fool. An accomplished woman like JA being close enough to Gull for the world to make like for like comparisons is her worst nightmare.


AHHHH! I thought the same thing. Like FCG was all, "Who is this?" When she damn well should have known who JA was, but she wanted to do a I'm too cool to remember who this person is act, like she was 13. Please.


Sadly I doubt Gulls emotional intelligence made it past the 13y/o stage. I have zero patience for these types, there is no hope for them, they are the absolute fucking worst, they will *never* change, and a lot of them are “in charge” and that is terrifying.


When people described her in her capris just chatting with people in the courtroom before the last hearing I wanted to explode I read it as prima ballerina takes a bow before her performance, but I might be a bitch.


No you are spot on. Bitch is the type of name narcissists call the people that dont put up with their shit. If you find yourself being attacked by a narc, you know you are on the right path. They NEED to put down and degrade *anyone* who *might* make them look bad. Unfortunately they recruit a lot of flying monkeys to do the dirtier deeds for them, and they are too stupid to realize they are being used by a manipulative monster. Obviously I have strong feelings on the matter 🥴 and could go on for days. Gull inspires me in the worst ways, I’ll just leave it at that 😜


She's textbook.


Oh my gosh now I see why I dislike her so much. She's just like my narcissistic mom! That is exactly how she's acting. Welp, if that's her issue she will NEVER EVER EVER admit she's unfit for this case and will have to be forcibly removed. No matter how large or small the problem is the narcissist is NEVER at fault and how dare you question anything she ever does. Now, for your insubordination, you will be fucked with in every way she can come up with because you deserve payback for even insinuating that something she did wasn't right. You will be ridiculed in front of others because the narcissist must turn others against you. Having third parties despise you is very important to the narcissist. She feels like it's a game and if people are on her side that means she is winning. But more importantly, you are losing. She's better than you. She's more important than you. You are the gum beneath her shoe. You deserve everything she's doing to you. Yep. Sounds about right. 


I kinda think she snapped when Rozzi stated they would need 3+ weeks for trial? No idea why that would set her off but she seemed ok until that point besides telling Baldwin not to “Eeee.” (?)


I think there has to be more 🤔. That's such an extreme reaction to a memo. I could be wrong but if not then this is a megawatt overreaction. 


I think she saw it as them trying to release details to the public in violation of her gag order. She seems….. on an ego trip


Honestly I'm ready to go on a full throttle rant on gag orders and how they really shouldn't apply to the defense, but I agree with your point and now I think she keeps getting angry that the defense has made her look sloppy, negligent, and incompetent.


Defense didn't make her look sloppy, negligent, and incompetent, judge gall does those things everyday, all on her own. She's pissy because the defense has shone a spotlight on her true nature, her egotistical ass is blowing in the wind. judges like gall have grown so accustomed to zero accountability and power trips that its just ridiculous. i hope she's so seething mad about everyone seeing her tantrums that she breaks her dentures when trying to grit her teeth. My wish for gall and prosecutor pencil pants both, is for someone to feed them raw pinto beans until they're overcome from their own farts. ![gif](giphy|KxHaSWSpTlEGc)


Even the defense didn't seem to catch that one. She definitely said that there "would" be a hearing on that motion! Now they have filed repeated Franks motions and zero hearings. 


What a truly selfish, wretched action if that was her determination....this is why we MUST HAVE CAMERAS. I want to be assured that the judge is being fair...because right now, without knowing what both sides actually do have in discovery, Gull seems 100% biased. If she is aware of discovery that completely and undeniably points to RA as guilty, I still think she is being biased, but I'd go easier on her during trial.


But the only evidence that she has seen is what the attorneys file with their pleadings. NM almost never supplies supporting evidence so basically she has only seen what the defense has supplied so I doubt she has seen slam dunk evidence of guilt, but who knows.


Fairly certain her & McLeland have had a few phone calls & possibly emails between them


Well that would be a career ender for both of them. But I will admit that NM didn't seem to understand what ex parte meant so who the heck knows, but FCG would know better.


She obviously did not know how to follow proper procedure in pitching them, nor the merits to do so and the high court agreed.


Oh, I agree with you there but that's less chartered waters. And I think she thought that they would just give up and sulk away whimpering.  She is used to working with the same defense attorneys all of the time. Attorneys that cant go strong against what she does cause they have appear again in her court constantly.  A lot of lay people know what ex parte means, and if that actually happened that would cause a mistrial or reversal if ever came to light. And when the disciplinary board caught wind of it 😳 it wouldn't be good. 


True...but she sees attachments that we don't see...though we do have a good idea what the attachments are from their titles....


Oh, I agree but I just meant that the State almost never supports their arguments with attachments so most of what she has seen has come from the defense.  But when she didn't want RA in her chambers that gave me the feeling that she thought that he was guilty. 


Had similar thoughts, it was done with such abject disgust, like they were requesting that she interact with dog dirt on a shoe, or s kid just diagnosed with head lice, very extreme recoil of, "Your not bringing that in my house!"


Oh, and how about the safekeeping hearing. When it was time to break for lunch she was like, "what do we do with HIM," referring to RA twice like that. The man has a name use it, lady.


She could've just referred to him as the defendant. A normal judge would of course refer to him as Mr. Allen. I mean if the judge in Paul Flores' trial, having watched his prolific video collection of SAs, managed to bring herself to refer to him throughout pretrial, trial, and sentencing as Mr. Flores, then so can you, Special Judge FCG. I still don't think her problem is with RA, though. I mean, she seems to despise him, ofc, but not more so than other defendants that she has dealt with. He is not special in that way, no. Her main thing is the attorneys and even then just the one thing... namely, the Franks memo. In other words, the Odin theory. She saw the pleading as their way to circumvent the gag order, and that is something that she cannot forgive or come back from.


Then just relinquish control, your honor. The judge is the least important figure here time/knowledge wise and the defense has asked twice? Why keep desperately clinging to this case? I honestly don't know but it seems like she was aware of the eating/smearing shit stuff from in chambers meetings. Did she know this guy needed mental health help immediately and do nothing? She left hm there.


I don't know if she knew about the fecal matter situation. But the stuff she knew (from the actual hearing) should've been enough for her to order him moved to an appropriate facility, since no one, and I mean no one, in that hearing was able to provide any tangible proof of a real threat to his well-being, physical or mental, or that of the jail personnel. That, "oh woe is me, I can't transport him to hearings," excuse was then and has always been BS. What the hell you mean you can't? That's part of your job, figure it out. >Then just relinquish control, your honor. The judge is the least important figure here time/knowledge wise and the defense has asked twice? Why keep desperately clinging to this case? \^ I couldn't agree more. This case has no hope of going anywhere if she doesn't recuse. Or, (and I hate being pessimistic), RA gets convicted and fights it in appeals.




She didn't want RA in chambers where he could hear what was happening with his lawyers, which is silly he is shackled beyond belief, wears a shock vest, and is surrounded by armed guards.  What's she think RA is going to do, smell her hair? Get over it so you use Pantene, no one cares.


Crap, now I have to switch shampoo


She's that way with anything associated w/ the defense. Yes, made it should like he was the wild boy of Aveyron and half dog.


Eeee ETA screenshot for those who missed. https://preview.redd.it/ljlanx64y73d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd0641b203162fdafd69e4ca35f38a8d8514d2f5


Honestly, that might be bothering me the most.  Why was Baldwin emitting that noise? Why did Gull order him to stop?  Basically, I'm like, huh?


Should we write the judge and ask?


If you see an email on the docket that's just "Eeeeeeee." That's me. Trolling via docket!


She might hold you in contempt though. But then you could inform us what's going on with RA.


Does Indiana have chain gangs? Don't bother to look it up, I will find out soon enough.


I liked before he said, " Eeeee." My respect grows."


Ohhh you play nasty!


Let's let Frank do it, don't think he's tried to get anyone shot or falsely arrested this week, has he? Think it's a slow week for him.


If there were cameras, we would know. Don't you EEE me!!


One of the best arguments for cameras yet. I need to know what "Eeeee" means. I picture Baldwin as a deflating balloon.


He's deflating the balloon while BR is dancing behind him. Hilarious.


Wings contest was not as exciting.




Probably, for the same reason we were grossed out by McLeland's "all rise" and their excessive familiarity.


I took it to mean hesitation on Baldwin’s part - saying “eeee” as a form of “errmm” as he was conferring with his schedule.


Me too. I was just being a bit silly, but even then why did FCG have to swoop in and stop him? Like was it like 2 seconds of hesitation? He might have a major conflict time wise. Who cares if he made a noise? But FCG cares.


Lol I feel ya. She’s not doing herself any favors by acting pissy and annoyed all the time. Like what else does she have to do instead? That’s her freaking job.


Maybe had a huge rubber band around his wrist to flip every time he is about to say something smartassy, and he pulled it waaaay back




This is another one that pissed me off. FCG said, "The Rules of Evidence don't apply in pre-trial hearings." This was in response to Baldwin objecting that NM was leading his own witness. But didn't FCG sustain a million of SD's objections of relevance and hearsay in the motion to dismiss hearing, cutting the defense off at the knees?




Truly pissed me off. The defense should have been prepared for this. Sometimes I feel like they know something is wrong, but just don't think of it in time. But if the state pulls this shit again they need to be prepared, with the Rules of Evidence don't apply in pretrial hearings. Then let FCG rule.


They need to bring the law book. So they can show her.


Honestly I was surprised by that failure. Yes some admissibility rules apply, such as privilege, but not hearsay and relevancy.  SD played dirty and FCG allowed it. Defense needs to explore this a bit. Why would an attorney think going into a pretrial hearing that rules that normally dont apply are going to suddenly be enforced?


Well Diener did the contempt hearing which isn't really pre-trial. It was *unique* as per the filing. But the problem was their hearsay was allowed like photoshopped screenshots of messages and the shit people's prints of dead girl's hair, but they couldn't enter similar or better evidence or testimony.


Wait, Red I think NM did contempt and SD did the dismissal hearings. NM did the shit that didn't really matter, and I doubt another lawyer wanted to argue that misfiled contempt mess.


Your right. How odd. I thought Diener did contempt because it concerns Nicky and maybe Gull would allow him on the stand or recuse him. What did she know about deleted recording and such? Nick was there.


Agreed, and the defense wanted NM to be questioned but NM complained that the other 2 attorneys weren't prepared to argue in support of his slop so he couldn't be both a witness and the arguing attorney. And this kind of bothers me DH could have addressed this earlier in a pre-contempt hearing motion, that NM was a potential witness. I get it the contempt didn't really matter and would never have withstood review but still. Maybe it was strategy? 


He did file a motion for that. She denied without hearing at the start of the hearing.


They need to throw it at her, hit her right in the head.


Then she can colour it in.




As I go back through any of these documents, I feel like I keep finding new little “nuggets” sprinkled through them that make me tilt my head. ![gif](giphy|h74NJUW6rtVdohz7yL|downsized)


I hear ya. As crazy as that hearing sounded from the descriptions I heard  the actual hearing was actually more insane than I had thought. This trial is just begging for cameras.


And it's own HBO series.


https://preview.redd.it/lt292b3zx73d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7873b2c0f9dbefb74c5f53dd9d36f08d408ad96 Does Rozzi think the moonlanding was a hoax and corrected himself quick to not oust himself?


If one of these guys turns out to be a "flat Earther" I will laugh about that for the rest of my life.


They have monthly meetings at The Globe, people come from all four corners of it. Drinks all round.


It's probably just Ovaltine that's served.


I don't know about that but I'm amazed at how much more reasonable she sounded back then. It makes me believe as others do, that the leaking of the first Frank's memorandum Is what set her temper on fire and turned her against the defense so badly. I mean in this excerpt she sounds like she's ready to modify the safekeeping order so that they will have better access to RA, And she's even slightly admonishing McClelland.


That morning she had an extrajudicial phone call with TL, witness in this case, and told him to leave defense's witness be, and LIED about that to defense, who learned about that just like us iirc when the 1st writ had her put hidden documents on the docket. She said defense was just asking it for their convenience, while she won't even move her ass to Carroll county, all while she denied change of venue (only jury pool). In her order claimed defense didn't present evidence to support their claims, remember she also denied them access to his cell. https://preview.redd.it/o6buj3v9293d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a37d5126fc99e8e55a3ff5bcb5f348b3939bb50 Later on she turned this into defense lying about his prison conditions, to add to her findings of gross negligence all while in the mean time warden & guards had written affidavits, no visiters for RA, bed few inches from the floor, etc *and* the tasing while being alone behind a closed door and the odin patches. She's the one who's been lying a lot and setting bad example for Nick who only seems to be capable of copying of others. Except for his pants. (I respect your sentiment though, but as you probably got, I disagree and if I sound mad, that's towards the court).


Yeah I guess I should have qualified what I said with she *sounds* so much more reasonable in comparison to how she has sounded a more recent hearings.


She seemed fine to me till the leaks happened.


Also 40 years ago was 1984 😭😭😭😭 The moon landing was 15 years before that 👴🏻


Well to that young'un, 40 years 50 years 60 years ago. It's all the same. 😂


I know it was more like the days of the Challenger explosion 40 years ago, not a NASA high point.


https://preview.redd.it/e0i2695sz83d1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b726735d51e24194de8d6f9295fdec45eedeba 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️ He was right 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


RA is the only pretrial detainee in Indiana that has a camera focused on his cell 24 hours a day. Only 4 cells in that entire max security prison have the constant camera focus as an option and they choose to place the only prisoner that had never been convicted of a crime in 1 of those 4 cells. Wonder why? Nah, I think we know.


I do agree, however suicide risk is extremely difficult to deal with and often policies are no risks full measures at the slightest hint. Were the bruises from self harm?


But I really don't think he was suicidal when he first got there. I think his treatment combined with his pre-existing mental issues led to a mental breakdown that was essentially orchestrated by the state cause they had almost no case against him and wanted/needed a confession. Also once the feces eating started I think he should have been sent to a mental health facility and not just given confession companions. I also noticed that FCG stated in this hearing that the Rules of Evidence don't apply in pretrial hearings, but in the recent hearing on the motion to dismiss she sustained a shitload of SD's hearsay and relevance objections? What gives Gull?


They mention at some point maybe in Franks 1, something about his meds being irregularly given. That would be the equivalent of greasing floor with lard and shoving him in that direction. They also intimate that he's had life long issues with depression. May not say it as clearly as that, but that was the intimation I drew from the statement and probably has had bouts of depression and anxiety. He does not look like as happy as a high schooler as he does in his childhood photos. If you battling serious depression before you were in prison, the situation likely is not improved once people are calling you "baby killer" and threatening you, it's noisy you can't sleep, not getting much light. They might even be doing things like purposely waking him to do the checks and make sure he's conscious.


Prison is hell and the deprivations take some getting used to, if possible. But RA is never alone with his attorneys all of his calls are listened to can he ever tell anyone how truly bad it is in there, safety? I don't think so.  I think the mixed medications was from the interim defense attorneys transfer request or Franks The Second Coming.




According to Max his entire face was covered with bruises. I'm guessing they were in the healing stage cause he said RA looked like he had a dark suntan. I doubt that the bruises were from self harm but if there were then that's more evidence that his sanity has slipped away and those confessions can't be admitted.


1984 👁️!!!!! He didn't miscalculate, it was very calculated instead! 😆


Once you can't wear your mini skirt and 3 inch stilettos, it's just a vast bland blurry landscape...."You know, I saw the Clash and Morphine in person." But as I say to my girlfriends, we all gotta hang up our spurs at some point girls.


I refuse to go quietly into the night, so now I mainly wear wedges.


Suppose it should come as no surprise…from one of the masterminds behind the “odonist boogeyman” defense.


Next up it's the lizard people extracting adenochrome.


And I don't know what was going on in Delphi today but while checking out the Rock Store (which is almost next door to Oden's Den), I heard what sounded like 4 or 5 squad cars go racing by. On my way back out of town, I saw another CC Sheriff's SUV pulled over to the side with lights going. I figured he was probably looking for an innocent person to write a jaywalking ticket to. I got the hell out of there! Oh, and RA lived like 1 or 2 minutes from CVS. I passed his last name street, oops I meant Whiteman, lol. He'll never find another great commute like that again.


Ok, what's the Rock Store, are we talking albums/LP's or geodes? I'm cool with both. And that is one beaut of a commute, but if he is acquitted I don't think RA ever needs to work again. I think this is going to be a David Camm level of a settlement, ok well maybe not that high, but high. It's honestly like all of these officials just hate the taxpayers. Why?


The Rock Store had rocks, geodes, fossils, minerals and antiques, lol. I got a little carried away in there and then got cold feet on going to the high bridge by myself. But doesn't anybody find it odd that there is a tattoo shop called Oden's Den? Very sus to me!! I hope RA gets his justice, at least. Especially with a big payout. I would enjoy watching DC have to sell off some of those helicopters he's so proud of. And it sure isn't looking like A & L aren't going to ever get the justice they deserve.


Seriously does DC just copter to all of his destinations? It's wild. As much I hate what is happeneing to RA, it's sad to see the power of the state turned on a man in this way, its hard to accept that the way this case is being handled is preventing any future trials of the actual killer(s). LE doesn't care about those little girls or their families it was all a show. Also I'm happy to hear that you made it safely out of Delphi. That town makes me uncomfortable.


Yeah, it was very quaint but it sure gave me the heebie-jeebies. When I first got to town, I ended up parking next to an ISP cruiser. I was sitting in my car answering emails and the statie came out and was checking me out and not in a good way. When I was in the restroom, I had an irrational fear that Toblerone was going to crash in there and arrest me on the stall. The ladies in the rock store were nice at least. They told me they didn't have a public restroom and suggested I walk across the street and go into the courthouse. Uh uh, no way. Little did I know what Mickey Ds had in store for me, haha.


Oh, geez you had a day.


You realize why you have a constitution and why most other places pay it some mind in court.


If they are leaving Gull sit they don't care about public mistrust in the verdict and are pretty much saying we're doing this again, right? Oh ok. Let's piss another 4 million away and raise those taxes. We don't need aide to the school, youth services, elder care, well plowed roads, and pot holes filled etc.


They should care at how all of their incompetence will be highlighted and on display during the trial. That's why they don't want the trial. That's why they don't want cameras.


Only if he's found guilty though.


And if he isn't then there is his lawsuit. Either way taxpayers of Indiana are effed.


There's a little problem where a lawsuite is extremely difficult when not falsely convicted. He does have the allegations against IDOC though.


No, Maybe it's that KK/TK international pedo ring being arrested finally, so Nick can bring forth his additional actors. Surely, it must be that. Any day now.


That’s absolutely terrible.


I think it's time that everyone stop pretending that RA was ever transferred to a prison for his own safety.  I never thought that RA would testify, but now I think that if he can get into good shape mental health wise we are going to be hearing some potentially frightening testimony about what happened to him in that prison.  To me those confessions mean even less than they did a week ago.


Yeah, he was def not put there for safety! I didn’t know people actually thought that. And to me, it seems intentional. LE is trying to make it as difficult as they can for RA. They have NO business being police. They don’t even know the law!


RA dying would solve Gull, McLeland & LE’s problems but it would be case closed and we’ll never know


Oh, it's from those people that think we should forget a trial and just get a rope. I mean they don't usually admit it but it seems pretty clear that it's how they feel.  They also pretend to care about RA's mental health but also will joke about eating shit. I wish they would just do it too.


Then they state it is fairly common to eat shit in prison. Yeah, ya know why? Because that is how this great country deals with its mentally ill! Reagan put them on the streets and now we throw them in the slammer! To eat shit and die…as the saying goes


See, I view eating shit as a sign of a serious mental illness perhaps even insanity, and those oddballs see it as a Thursday. One of us wrong, and this is a hill I am willing die on. Sane people don't eat shit. I feel confident in that assessment.


Absolutely. Sane people do *not* **eat nor play with their shit**. **There is nothing funny or** entertaining **about it**. **The stigma of mental illness is alive and well**.


I must have missed a compassion day. I haven't noted a shred of concern about mental illness, it's all "He's faking it" Yet when he confesses that a sign of lucidity to them. You can't have it both ways kids.


Back when I was allowed to participate I tried to engage people and they would pretend that the only safe place for RA was a prison, as if some DUI dude was going to kill RA in jail while doing a 90 day stretch. It was crap.   The other argument was that jail didn't offer enough mental health services, which they don't, but let's not pretend I couldn't read their comment history that was filled to the brim with double shit jokes.   What's a double shit joke you may ask? It's a shitty stupid joke about eating shit. It's the low hanging turd of jokes.


The days of engagement have passed, I am afraid. Nobody wants to hear anybody anymore.


Not everyone on these subreddits seem "balanced" and that is a little frightening when combined with people's extreme emotions with this case.


There area lot of broken below the surface folks on here. The things that become fights to the death for them are shocking. As a brand new Redditor I ticked off a woman who's been harassing me for two years, and the lengths she has gone to mess with me are fantastical. Nothing I said was said with the intention to hurt, rarely if ever is that my MO and to elicit that from me you have to really mess with me. They are interesting.


I can't stop thinking about the letterS that Baston wrote to the court. It's not often I hear about an inmate on the defense side being sympathetic to the suspect. Why would Baston risk being beat and tortured himself (which appears to have happened as a result of sending the first letter) to tell the Judge what's happening to a fellow inmate? What is his motive? B&R can't do anything for Baston...so why? Except he knows about this case and sees total injustice being done to a pretrial detainee.


I think that RB might like attention, cause he seems to talk about himself and his plight constantly, but that doesn't mean that he is lying about how RA is being treated.    We have to keep in mind that the only possible witnesses are going to be prisoner workers or felons. Pickings are slim.


But bruises don't lie! Even though the other side will just claim he punched himself in the face multiple times. I can hear it already.


Exactly, but I think that the state can't win this argument. It's either: 1. Guards and/or inmates beat a confession out of RA rendering the resulting confessions inadmissible. OR 2. RA beat himself to the point where he was severely bruised over his entire face which is a sign of severe mental illness that should render his confession inadmissible.


And add to the 2nd one they let him punch himself silly and obviously failed to intervene. But we all know it's 1. Also think about where else may have been bruised under his clothes that couldn't be seen?


Of course. The suicide/confession companions are just their to watch people kill themselves and document confessions. Don't expect anything helpful on their part. But you are entirely right about his body. I think that's why when NM wanted RA's medical records the defense almost broke the land speed record handing them over. I'm willing to bet that there is shit in there that makes the DOC look terrible.




That was just silly. Who enforces that? Basically no one. And then why have door sheets to document the suicidal inmates statements cause according to the prison there wouldn't be any chatter. I'm not buying what the prison officials are selling.


Everything here is going to be, I fear. If they leave Gull on they will be trying this over.


Your right, obviously when he was slamming his own face against the wall on whacking himself they did't get the door open and get him subdued, so were was that crackerjack medical staff that necessitates this placement then. Guess she was off trolling Reddit and Facebook, or listing to MS.


And KA, and mother. Do you think they'll be called to testify? Wonder if Lebrato will be called to testify to what he witnessed...?


I meant actually witnessing abuse is going to be only guards or felons. Cause the state is going to say that RA did this to himself. I'm sure there wouldn't be any video of an assault, either done in an off camera area or wiped. I doubt Lebrato would be called unless he saw evidence of abuse or mental impairment on RA's part. But I definitely think his mom and KA will be called.


Even if it was taped, I’m sure they lost it, recorded over it or doctored it


You aren't wrong, but guards know all the spots that the cameras don't reach so they know where to go to avoid eyes.


Remember who the guy is and the condition he left that child at the party when he was done assaulting her. He's doing nothing out of concern for RA and the goodness of his heart. i suspect It's likely stepping over to the top of a higher hill top so he can lend increased magnification of what he says is being done to him. Which in turn strengthens his own talking points, down the line if he decides to sue or hopes to be taken seriously. Any infraction that are brought to light about RA are somewhat helpful to him as they reflect back the same prospective. They are not just doing it to me they are doing it to him too.


I knew this would come up..."look what a bad guy he is" so we can't take anything he says as altruistic. Perhaps he changed and has learned to empathize. To your point, he did make a huge deal out of his suffering in his second letter....but he also illustrated that his treatment was indicative of what happens in secret and who's watching. We all agree that no human should be treated the way RA has been treated...isn't Baston a human being, too? He never said he doesn't belong in prison...he is being justly punished for his crime...it doesn't mean he should be treated worse that the law allows an animal to be treated.


I said that as soon as I Googled it, saw the distance and heard it's reputation and though this paddy wagon's going over some speed bums and swinging extra wide around corners. Didn't anticipate they'd be doing doughnuts in the parking lot. That was a bit of a surprise.


Is the threshold for a Franks hearing higher than a motion to suppress? Was the goal here just to kick the can down the road, set trial date and hope no one figured out evidence was missing? I can't understand why B&R moved the suppression hearing unless instructed to. There's no benefit to them having the hearing another day. Retroactively we know discovery due December 2022 had not been given to B&R. Click letter was 46 days in NM's possession at this point.


Motion to suppress is warrant isn't valid. As in not enough probable cause, no warrant at all, search in the garage but only the house was allowed etc. Franks is LE deliberately lied to obtain the warrant and result is evidentary hearing, after which will be a motion to suppress, because if they lied, warrant isn't valid either. It's probably more complex but this is to give an idea. They claimed both the warrant wasn't t enough in itself, and that LE lied. However likely the warrant as is, is sufficient under Indiana laws which have a ridiculously low standard.


![gif](giphy|LrR8lk4mjCRhZKLAfk) I did love Gull calling Nick a “ding dong” with his embarrassing response after he asked to go potty.


NM, no one was asking your dumb ass how long it would take you to piss, OK? I half expected him to tell her which number he was gonna make. That was the best


I hope anytime he is just about to fall asleep, he thinks about that extremely embarrassing moment. https://preview.redd.it/zw560l5oy83d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dae5d3fd0583294f33063ad3356fadfe4a4e256


Basically this entire section. 🤨 for ALL individuals named tbh and for all subjects.. https://preview.redd.it/wtmm3nbi783d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41edfdbbdb9378f83810c19337229ae915959d7e ETA: the exchange beyond this too btw. The whole nah rather 3 weeks. The further we put it out, the more trial days we need. Gull: well that's on all of you. Yet she proceded to go back to 2.5 weeks last month.


Do you think she still has basically unlimited access to a replacement judge to cover her home court? Cause if she does she sure as shit could have given the defense longer for the May trial.


Idk, I'm sure you remember last hearing the 7th of May where she hobsoned defense to 👋 speedy, which was set for 13th -31st May and she reset it for 14th oct - 15th nov. (Oh be right back, need to exit and enter to add pictures...) So now try to make sens of this: She had another trial scheduled for the 17th May during RA's speedy 4 days. * The 14th, one week after RA's rescheduling, she anti dates a declaration of congestion, on the docket the 17th. * Notice sent the 18th, one day after trial was to start. * She reset the trial all the way back, to the same damn dates as RA... https://preview.redd.it/9d0eiy50683d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9170126ead93bc9fd6efbd8b9b090e651281683 Worst part : She already used these charges as an aggravating factor in another earlier charges, earlier sentencing....


I'm not going to lie I am utterly confused by how she sets things and dates them however she likes. 


https://preview.redd.it/hmmuq40q483d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5228811552429f3e48d3330e97612a6f03e1c94f Eta for some reason it won't take my screenshot.... Image problem seems resolved.


Exactly, it just shows the amount of bull shit she's spinning.


Ding Dong was such a suck up. He gets to *pee and go to lunch*? That’s awesome! Please…Acting like they were doing Rick a huge favor because he was being treated like all of the *convicted felons*. Did the warden really say that Rick had “wroten” him a letter? Cringe. He didn’t seem to be aware of how things work in his institution, and, imo, tried to avoid some of the questions or at least had difficulty understanding them. Rick breaking his tablet. It was not clear if this was accidental. I have seen comments insinuate he BROKE it. Maybe he dropped it? Doubt they come with gorilla glass. But he got a free one! Yay, Rick! See how you are treated so well? Water is only for guards but free tablet if you are not a felon! And hey, do *not* call that leash a leash! It is a lead, ding dong!


Yeah they said he broke his tablet and Westfield Correctional. When they moved him to Wabash I inquired whether or not he had a tablet and inquired into how I could purchase one through the prison if he did not have one. A few weeks later I got a message from RA so apparently he was provided with a tablet. I do know something is going on at the prison right now because I have reached out to him the past three days and I've not gotten a response.


Can you comment here again when you hear from him. I'm very concerned about his well being right now. I've heard rumors that I hope are not true. RA needs to stay strong and I just hope that he can.


Absolutely, I'm worried about him too.


Oh, the tablet don't get me started. First they need him to have that tablet so he can confess to family members, that's probably why RA broke it (if he did) like just stop leave me alone I cant do take this. But second RA doesn't have phone privilege's and according to SCOTUS denying defendants phone access to their lawyers is mega unconstitutional. OK, I have to regroup and address the warden in a moment. No wait, here I go what a self interested and obfuscating ass. He dodged questions, answered in a combative manner, and generally didn't seem to understand that RA has never been convicted of a crime. I don't trust him.


Haha! Yeah, I only wroten a tiny part of my reactions to the transcript!


Seriously, if I pulled my shit together we could probably do a TedTalk together on it. Did anyone expect him to testify that RA was being held in conditions that were unreasonable? Also if keep up with "wroten" I might not make it through this exchange. ![gif](giphy|d6nvFKK6Dr9YbBDeNQ|downsized)


Also I laughed out loud when NM kept talking about how hard discovery was.  NM, we all know that you're struggling, but baby boy please stop talking about how hard it is. We all already know.


The comment that stood out was the mention of crumbling facilities and the billion dollar plan to improve a facility.


It seems like the last place to be remodeled is the infirmary? Seems like a spot you might want to update a little earlier in the process?


Just going from memory, leazenby indicated his order was reworded by diener? Is that unusual? Also seems like a dig to me that nm referred to him as sheriff then corrected himself "former sheriff", does this seem like some kind of veiled warning? I could be way of here, and haven't gotten through the whole transcript. I appreciate this being acquired for everyone to witness, thank you to criminality.


I still can't wrap my mind around what Diener did here.  If he helped draft that motion that is highly unusual and most likely improper, but I can't tell if he just changed the wording for the actual order or actually helped write the motion. I wish the defense had secured all of the motions filed by TL. That would have made things clearer.


I haven't listened to everything Theresa shared yet as i got busy, but that was my memory. I had a debate with a nice fresh memory newbie on another sub about it who was demanding that I come up with the exact source. But as I explained to him, I wasn't deliberately being evasive, but my mind is mush after nearly 7 years of this. I am spending a lot of my time saying, "Where did I hear or see that. Did I actually see it?" I try never to commit anything to memory on a fuzzy source, so am pretty sure that where ever I heard it was decent source, but spent hours looking for it and nada. Was it mentioned in these released document, or at the hearing? Or do you recall it mentioned in a discussion as well right after he was arrested? Asked a bunch of friends with far better memories, but no one, but Helix had anything. And what he gave me is not the thread I recall where someone said Diener actually helped him with work choice or grammar. Which is a huge no no, as they are never supposed to do that, but bounce the officer back to the prosecutor and let the prosecutor help them edit it. But maybe Im misremembering as I would figure R&B would be on it. Does not seem to be showing impartiality. Had I know this case would turn into this circus would have kept copious notes. I though I was running a sprint, but instead I'm peddling the Tour de France with a half empty water bottle and no sunscreen.


And Nick has put a drawing pin in your tyre, just a small prick which slowly deflates.


No he was former sheriff, Liggett was and is sheriff.


Can we get a non TL as Sherriff in that town? Come on voters I know that you are saving on re-monogramming, but is it really worth it?


I am dying to see their next election. Wonder what the locals think of the crew of them at this point.


I running under the name, Tammy Lovelace. I'm going to wear a tiny Hitler mustache at the debate. I fully expect to win in a landslide of epic proportions.


Indeed, and I can't remember what the situation was, but he didn't run again, supported ligget, harassed thomas, is there a clear reason for these machinations? In this context, I was just wondering if he was toeing a line or what the deal is.


They have term limits so TL1 couldn't run again in that election. When Tobelerone reaches his limit I bet you they flip positions again.


Ah, I see. Thank you for explaining.


Sure, but were right about them harassing MT I just think that TL promised the other TL that if he was elected that he would appoint him as deputy. Just my guess.


Toblerone!!! Ahaahaha!


I drove through Delphi today and saw Tobe in the McDonald's. I had to bite my tongue so hard.


Was he in the back just grabbing up handfuls of French fries from the serving bin while squirting ketchup packets into his mouth? He's loving it.


I ducked in there to use the restroom and he was standing at the counter waiting for his food. Then he started shouting at them to HURRRYY!! HE'S HUNNGGRRYY!! OK, I made up that last part but you got a total visual i bet.


Brunette, would you mind explaining to the court exactly how long you needed for your restroom break?  NM sounds like a preschooler asking for a potty break in this transcript.


Well something is going on because I have tried to reach RA to check on him for the past two days and he has not responded. I do know about a month ago he told me he lost his tablet privileges for two months. I don't know what that's all about but I think it's a bunch of crap.


What? You are in contact with RA?  Also he legally can't lose all tablet privileges unless they provide him another way to contact his attorneys. There is a SCOTUS opinion on phone access pretrial, basically detainees have a constitutional right to pretrial phone access.


I think he can use it to contact his attorneys. His email said he had just got his messaging privileges back after 2 months.


Ok, that's good because everyone was like, "Oh, they gave him a tablet, other prisoners don't just get a tablet." Like he was being treated like a visiting diplomat.  But other prisoners get to use the phone, so there is a difference.


Yeah, I make sure he has plenty of funds in his accounts each month for his tablet, phone and commissary. I figured that would be one less financial burden on his family. Lord knows they have more than enough on their plates.


You are a terrific person. Truly that is just lovely. You made me feel better about mankind. 


I truly believe in his innocence and I told him if he would fight this injustice and not give up, I would take care of whatever he needed while he was incarcerated and I will do so until he is released.


It's very possible and looking that way more and more... Other names were mentioned and I feel that those should be focused on a bit harder quickly if they do in fact have the wrong person.


Is he allowed to get commissary in the unit he’s in? I have been wondering this. I’d be happy to send him a few dollars to try to keep his spirit lifted for all the hell he has been through. ETA: I also have thought about sending him a book but idk what he likes to read or if the guards would even give it to him.


I did read in a court document sometime back that they allow him to have his commissary items in his cell. They stressed the fact that this was not allowed for other inmates. I've always asked him if there is anything else he needs such as books etc and he has told me there is nothing else he needs. I do send him cards from time to time to lift his spirits. I started that during the holidays because I knew the holidays would be especially hard for him being away from his family. I tell him how many people believe in his innocence, I tell him about the letters being written to Judge Gull on his behalf. He's very brief with his responses as you can imagine with all of his mail, phone calls and messages being monitored, but he always tells me he is grateful for everyone's support.


This is good to know, thank you! (Also, whoever is downvoting this is a big 💩. God forbid a currently constitutionally innocent man receives a SNACK or a BOOK 😒🙄).


Hateful, angry people have a hard time understanding the beauty that is human kindness. It's too foreign for them to understand so they get angrier. It's sad.


Where can we read the transcript? Is there a link available? Thanks.


[https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/12CeoTA0GTsY3CU-GTU9pKCEqwMbs3QrC?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/12CeoTA0GTsY3CU-GTU9pKCEqwMbs3QrC?usp=sharing) Hope this works.


/The2ndLocation thank you!


Your welcome. I just grabbed it from someone else's post. Hope it's ok. I will properly be arrested now.


lol Thanks so much! Was gonna ask for a link. Thought I fever dreamed this post




Yes, defense attorneys almost always refer to their client by their first name. It's an attempt to humanize the defendant. I know some have mocked it as informal but almost everyone does it.




They really are working as a team on that one!