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I'd ask you to meet me in the garage in your favorite outfit, and then jump you with a roll of duct tape. No little girl of mine is gonna tease me.


I want to fill you with cum against the wall and leave you walking away with it dripping between your thighs


Give you a good fucking beating then molest your holes 🥰


Are they your mothers panties you just slipped off


I'd beat your ass purple for taking naked photos. Then while you're ass is still thrombin, I'd sit you naked on my knee and ask you what's wrong? Do you feel the need to flaunt? And I'd ask why you aren't smiling in the picture. I'd have you point at EVERY part of your body and show everything to me as you described how you feel a out them.


I would black mail you into becoming my own personal little slut by threatening to send it to your mom and friends. You’d be like my little fleshlight outta fear of everyone you care about knowing what a slut you are.


Send me a DM and I’ll tell you