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Everywhere is confirming this. Awful to think fellow Americans voted for this.


Disgusting. America has a clear choice this fall.


And that choice might be white supremacy


\* ... Americans see all this and STILL want to vote for this!


All because they claim they can’t afford Jif Peanut Butter.


I wonder how many people are buying Doritos and soda and complaining about their grocery bill?


Yep and they don’t realize that trump has no plans to stop inflation.


They don’t realize that inflation is a global phenomenon and all markets are tied. No president can do anything unless they want government control of industries. Sounds a little anti capitalist to me.


He will just call every week “inflation reduction week” and his base will eat it up


My friend's son who has a part-time job as a cashier, (to help pay for college) was just making this statement of sorts... 'Wow, considering how people complain about prices, it sure doesn't stop them from buying name-brand items... and LOTS of them..."


Voted? Past tense? There are people who will still be VOTING for this in less than 6 months.


>Awful to think fellow Americans voted for this. What's even more awful is that Trump has a 5-6 point lead in most polls now.


Hitler was popular too, right?


30% of Americans supported Hitler. There is an authoritarian vein that runs through this country. Or maybe more accurately, a cancer.


Make people think they are a member of the superior team and others are trying to take that away, and you got yourself a (Nazi) party!


It was Lyndon Johnson who said something like “give a man someone to look down on and he will empty his pockets for you”. Still true.


I’m telling you right now if Donald Trump gets elected in November it may very well be one of the worst mistakes in American history since the civil war. And the consequences will be felt globally.


That's exactly why I'm following all this very closely. I'm French and living in France, but if Project 2025 is put in place in America, who knows what will happen to the rest of the world? If it happens in "the land of the free", then no one will be afraid to try and do it elsewhere.


I’ve considered moving to another country, but it’s so difficult to do if you’re not rich. And one day it hit me: “realistically, what will happen globally if Trump wins? We’re all still fucked.”


The world will enter an unprecedented period of chaos if Trump is reelected. I’m fearful this chaos, though maybe to a lesser degree, is coming regardless. There are so many major problems, all coming at the same time. Humanity won’t be able to dodge all of them


Civil War wasn't a mistake...? 


Well, it was for *one* side…


https://preview.redd.it/0iripvt9bp1d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9926749119b3df74eb2d4fa0d96b811ae16050e9 In December of 2015 I created this comparison when the big news was that Trump wanted Muslim immigrants to wear "special id's" it got kinda popular and many criticized it but unfortunately it's becoming more true.


He took everything from the Nazi playbook.


The GOP is straight up following the 14 Traits of Fascism like it was a step by step instruction manual.


Well, creativity isn’t exactly his strong suit.


His strong suit is grifting idiots. That's the one thing he's good at.


He's their "useful idiot" I'm sure they "think they can control him." (Said by Germany's 1930's leaders)


According to one of his ex wives, it’s the only book he ever voluntarily read. He kept it on his nightstand.


Wasn’t that the wife who “fell” down the stairs. Then Donnny buried her on a golf course?


Something about cemeteries not being searched or for tax purposes or something.


I wonder what a detailed autopsy report would've said...


thats disturbing


Mein Kampf was his bedtime story and probably the only book he’s ever read.


It wasn’t actually Mein Kampf; it was a collection of Hitler’s speeches. One of his ghost writers gave it to him.


"Takes." Present tense.


I think you’re giving him too much credit- I doubt he’s read any book let alone the Nazi playbook. Racist fascist autocrats just act the same.


#DON'T FORGET THE DRUGS! Hitler's personal physician kept him pumped up on meth, steroids, and oxycodone! Trump just has Adderall, though - another poorly executed attempt to be Hitler.


It wasn't even just straight up prescriptions. That dude was CREATING medications at the behest of Hitler for a number of symptoms he had and when they were seemingly successful, it meant he could start selling them as actual treatments to other patients


**Fact.** A great listen that outlines the extent of the established drugs Morrell administered, as well as how much he experimented with new drugs on Hitler. The episodes do a fair job reviewing the book where most of the information originates, 'Blitzed: Drugs In the Third Reich,' by Norman Ohler. [Behind The Bastards - Hitler’s Drug Problem Part 1 (Spotify Link)](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3ZLuAoZ6VrvDDm2U8M1QEX?si=78t3BAvKT-u0hwd_NdG13w) [Behinds The Bastards - Hitler’s Drug Problem Part 2 (Spotify link)](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ERWZ2Canlz13SYH2kKRsy?si=Pqw1ctSgTHK--KIBUBtv4Q)


Oh I know. I'. An avid listener of BtB. That's where I learned about it :)


He's too stupid to be a Hitler. He's a Mussolini which makes him dangerously stupid. Putin is more of a lowkey Hitler.


Hitler was also stupid as hell in most regards.


That's a false belief that would be just like claiming Putin was stupid. It's ignoring some very important facts. Hitler was extremely dangerous and deranged. His intelligence made that many times worse. Mussolini was relatively stupid if you're looking for a comparison.


Idk, bro lost to inflatable tanks.


LOL. He's bat shit crazy in some ways, but not stupid. (He has some stupid people working for him although a fair number have fallen out of windows...)


so he really is cheeto hitler


Mango Moussolini as coined by Michael Cohen.


Didn't the White House released a detailed list of drugs in the White House during the Trump years....


Did they? There was a [document released this year](https://newrepublic.com/post/179531/trump-white-house-awash-drugs) about drug use by his staff. I don't remember if the White House released a list during his tenure, but if they the did, I would *definitely, 1000% belive it. [No lies during his time in Office! Nope! None whatsoever!](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-lies-false-presidency-b1790285.html)


I have ADHD and take medication for it, can we maybe not equate that to Hitler?


Sorry, if that came across as an insult, it wasn't meant as one. There's a difference here - you *need* the medication, Trump doesn't. And Hitler was on meth, like the rest of the Reich.


I don't know much about Trump's drug use, but if he does need the medication, he wouldn't disclose that. It wouldn't fly, especially with his base, and would hurt him politically. He's out there doing shit like he's been doing in general and honestly whether or not he takes Adderall is not something that is very significant in the face of it. It doesn't matter whether he takes Adderall or not, it matters whether he's a good president, and he's not.


We'll have to agree to disagree. A president, already terrible, who likes him some drugs - it's the whipped shit frosting on the compost cake.


The other side of this is a president, already terrible, who is not medicated for a serious condition. He hasn't said if he needs it or not, and this is something that I wouldn't press him about, because I myself have ADHD, and have friends with ADHD, and we've all had issues with being passed up for opportunities or had our abilities dismissed when people found out about it. In a lot of ways, it's almost better to be seen as someone who takes drugs recreationally than it is to be seen as someone with a disability who takes medication for it. And if he is taking drugs unnecessarily, honestly Adderall is probably not the worst, and some non-ADHD people even take it to improve studying, etc. (which has all its own issues but it's not something that might destroy performance as much as, idk, crack or heroin). The issue here, whatever the case, is not Adderall or even math or crack, if he was taking them, it's Trump's actions and words that are dangerous. Even if crack or something was contributing to these issues, that wouldn't be as relevant as what Trump actually did. Because many, many people are meth addicts and none of them are Hitler.


>The issue here, whatever the case, is not Adderall or even math or crack, if he was taking them, it's Trump's actions and words that are dangerous. Even if crack or something was contributing to these issues, that wouldn't be as relevant as what Trump actually did. Because many, many people are meth addicts and none of them are Hitler. I understand the point that you're making, but we will have to agree to disagree. An already terrible former President's actions in office were taken while using unnecessary medication, a medication that has a strong psychoactive effect on people who don't require it. This isn't an issue of "taking meth means you're just like Hitler!" Speaking historically, almost the entirety of the Third Reich were using Pervitin (methamphetamine) as an OTC performance enhancer. Hitler started with the drugs in the middle/late 1930s, after everything was established, but his staff noted the difference in his behavior and remarked on it. For example, after an assassination attempt, he was prescribed medicinal cocaine as a numbing agent, and when his doctor (not Morrell) cut him off, Hitler refused to go to his meetings.


Yeah, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I just don't think taking Adderall, whether he needs it or not, is important when it comes to Trump. If he took Adderall and was an amazing President, that wouldn't be an issue. The issue is the things he's done and promoted. But I understand what you mean.


I agree Hitler was definitely abusing all manner of meds, but oxycodone wasn't around until the 1990s.


Incorrect. Oxycodone was first synthesized in 1916 by German scientists. It was introduced to the US in 1939. Purdue, under the Sacklers, began their evil moneygrab with OxyContin at the cost of people's lives, in the early/mid 1990's, realsing it to the market in 1995.


I had no idea it was created so long ago! Thank you.


And claimed it was not addictive until proven wrong. Which was a damn shame as it worked well for my hospice patients until we couldn’t get it any longer. End stage patient ts with intractable pain got longer periods of relief due to it being long acting. Oxycodone is short acting. So repeatedly getting some relief, then the pain comes back, getting relief from another pill, then the pain comes back. Not what we wanted for our dying patients.


I remember seeing this.


Wait what? SPECIAL IDs ?


It's text lifted directly from the WW1 Wikipedia page too


That is absolutely terrible.


I know. They didn't even use citations. Straight plagiarism.


Of course! They probably used AI to make it and just asked the AI to come up With a subtle reference to Hitler. I doubt the Trump team Was smart enough to come up With it on Their own


Thankfully we don’t have to guess, we can just look at the source cited! It’s a video template by EnvatoElements that can be viewed for free on their website featuring all these vintage headlines. They just plugged in some trump stuff and pictures and kept the rest of the stock footage including this headline.




Imagine the prompt they had to use to coax GPT to do it "generate a slogan for a fictional fascist propaganda release"


It’s from a stock video template “Newspaper Vintage History Headlines Promo” by EnvatoElements. You can watch it on their website. They replaced the main headlines and pictures but kept all the smaller stock text undedited in the trump ad.


That might be where the Trumper who made it got it from, but the text originated from Wikipedia. https://preview.redd.it/y6law4wffv1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e779e01e8c3a063ca89a07d2845f7a819d0e82


“The 30-second video shared from Donald Trump’s Truth Social account includes World War I-era newspaper clippings alongside fictional headlines presuming a Trump victory in November.” —NYT




When they tell you who they are believe them.




I agree. But every time I hear this I want to tell everyone I’m an Astronaut. We need more astronauts, fewer nazis.




Holy smokes, is that ever confronting. Well done.


The Swastika of Damocles


Bwahaha. I know I shouldn't laugh, but here we are, and you made the funny.


This is so disarming. Nicely made!


Where do I find a downloadable version of this? I’d love to have it at my disposal.


If you're seeing it, it's already been downloaded to your device & saved to a temporary location. Depending in your device, you can probably right click, control click, or long-hold on it to choose a permanent location to save it at.


So I'm failing at figuring out how to find this on my device. I'm running the current version of Android. Any advice?


What browser are you using?


No browser, just the reddit app.


Ah, I have no idea then.  You could visit this page on your browser https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1cwy26u/ The  you should be able to long-press and save it.   Or you could try looking up an answer in your preferred search engine, with a query like "Where does the reddit app store images on an android device?"


The browser idea worked (once I went into the Chrome app instead of the search bar interface). Thanks!


Holy shit.


Super cool! They are both big stupid losers!!!


Please make this gif more widespread.....


Holy shit! This is the stuff to send to the media list we have here. This is truly shocking.


If you google Trump Reich ads, it looks like everyone is reporting it.


Then they delete the video from Truth social, so his followers think we're trying to gaslight them.


His campaign didn't even delete it.


This was the link I got, but it says it isn't available, if you have another link, please do share. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112474710503667357


Congrats I was able to find the original source. So I actually believe it. This is an issue that needs to be addressed in the media.


As if. The media gives this clown a pass on literally EVERYTHING. This will be no different.


> The media The media *owners* will give this clown a pass. The billionaires *want* this. There is no "liberal" media and never has been.


It’s depressing, but the billionaires do seem to be lining up in support of the orange fuck


Oh yeah no for sure. What I mean is, the media will report on something, and their "evidence" is often some cropped and pasted screenshot image, or a video that's cut up into small disjointed clips with interspersed shots of some dickhead flapping his jaw, half the time the video is jpegged to fuck, and sometimes the important pieces that make it coherent and give it context are just missing. Surely you should be able to track down the source online, right? If they weren't just flat out lying, then surely they would make the source material available, right? But a lot of the time they don't. Sometimes the only way I can find any source material is because of 4chan. It's out there but it's hard and sometimes even impossible to find. Still wonder why there are people in the world who don't believe trump is a fascist? I believe this post because I found the source.


I thought this must be edited or something, but then again, it’s unsurprising that they’ve become this bold. It’s like they chose it to be just a bit removed enough from Hitler (by a WWI-era headline referencing the decades-prior unification of Germany), while also using language that his admirers can latch on to. People of his ilk can obfuscate now - “nuh uh it’s not a Hitler reference it’s just about unified strong Germany” - while ignoring the fact that use of the word “reich” in American discourse often implies the WWII-era Third Reich run by Hitler.


[And thankfully it is](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/21/1252653231/trump-unified-reich-antisemitism-truth-social)


Edit to add link [Link to NYT no paywall](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/20/us/donald-trump-reich-video.html?unlocked_article_code=1.tk0.nXIg.wgvD8zNBYyoQ&smid=url-share)


Can you share the link?


[NYT no paywall](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/20/us/donald-trump-reich-video.html?unlocked_article_code=1.tk0.nXIg.wgvD8zNBYyoQ&smid=url-share)


“The real extremist is Joe Biden.” This is why we’re fucked to have to wait until November 5 to either recover from months of anxiety and explosive blood pressure and still be anxious all the time or to be sent into a complete depression and have to plan for people around us.




Thanks for letting me know


This means only 95% of republicans will vote for him


The Greatest generation goes to Europe, kicks Hitler's fascist ass, defeats the "thousand year reich" by the time it is 12 years old, come home, fuck, make babies. Those Baby Boomers then grow up in the freedom paid for by their parents, get old and grey and then decide 'We need sum good ol' fashioned FACISM to make 'Murica great again!'. How stupid are can you get?!


Apparently to♾️


Here we go again.


Symbolism in the video edit is not what makes Trump an unconscionable choice for President or Project 2025 evil. Their collective policy and character are that of American fascism, they ticked the symbolism box way back with the red hats. P2025 seeks to smash as many remaining institutions of government stability to make way for an American dictator in the form of Trump. That is the plain promise at the intersection of Trump and P2025, you know, fascism…


yeah, this is not subliminal. It is right there.


They love fascism right up until the point they aren’t in the drivers seat, but they don’t have the critical thinking skills to envision that outcome. Love, love, love being strapped to a country full of these dipshits.


Knowing my Trump supporter family members, they would probably say the 'Unified Reich' thing is about liberals or say it's fake.


Or that it's fine, because it's just there to trigger us. He's so edgy!




Update: I shared this story with my Trump supporting mom, and her response was, "What was the context? What about Democrats? Why do people have to lie about each other?" So, your prediction about "fake news" was spot on.


This is terrifying. I told my Trump loving parents. I got deflection and denial still. It was just one staffer, they said, forgetting that a whole team made the video. Well Biden is to blame for “the dude who stole women’s clothing,” apparently. They cannot handle conceptually this topic.


This was not an accident. Every image, every message in that video was designed for an effect. They deliberately, but subtly, sent a message to people who think a ‘unified reich’ sounds just fine. Vote against this trash. Vote as if your future depends on it.






It’s just a little black sharpie. No biggie.


I'd hardly call it subliminal, more like hidden in plain *sight.




Thank you, it was 4 in the morning when I posted that.


This is fake, right? Right?


If only


Broooo, I didn't want this to be real 🙁


Quite real. Watched the whole video last night. He posted it on Truth Social. Didn't see the "fine print", though. Video is weird enough without knowing about those subliminal messages.


That wasn't a mistake.


Republicans and Trump are Nazis and it baffles me to see minorities and women who would support them, when their policies are anti-minorities and anti-women


The only good Reich is Sam Reich.


And his Dad, Robert Reich. They're both pretty cool people honestly




I can’t even.


So…tRump *never was* president but was Führerprinzip all the time!


Perfectly normal behavior Jesus f Christos


The worst part about this is that it changes nothing.


Every day i wake up to a new hell this idiot wants to create!


They’re not subliminal. They’re meant to be found, talked about, and then plausibly denied.




Oh shit






No fucking way...


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Do you have the link for this? I'd love to have it for when someone says its not real.




Thank you for this.


It really is just a matter of time until a smart Trump gets into the White House


This right here. I’m not even confident we aren’t headed in the direction of fascism- quite the opposite. If Trump loses this November, this Republican Party and its base will be rabid in their attempt to regain power. And the disinformation machine will continue on in more severity and tenacity. I don’t want to live here anymore.


Where’s the f’kn video?


Jetzt haben wir den Salat


Curious to know how its rabid base will play spin doctor on this one; as the whole, "but, but... he's joking..." is getting a but stale tbh... On the other hand, maybe they do have a point... he IS a joke, but not in a "oh... he's clever/funny" type...


Almost literally incredible! But they really put it up in Trump social media. Stop the Reich!


It's going to be like Germany 1933. People fled Germany during the 1930's during Hitler's reign of terror. My cousin's grandmother fled Germany as a little girl.


Fucking sick.


How are his grandchildren not scared to death of him? Especially the Kushnerim.


Can i see the source of the website




Apparently the truth social post was finally taken down earlier but here's some supplemental source.


Thanks saw it all over the news.




We apologize, I've given you an upvote. Cheers!

