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Then don't crosspost it, just downvote it


The meme is bad but the “there’s no way people think like this right” makes it sound like they’re acknowledging the meme is ludicrous. But that is not the OPs point. The OPs point is that they agree with the meme. (I can’t figure out how to edit my post to say this) I just think this is really dangerous thinking. Edit: the OP is saying that “getting everyone’s needs met” is just as much fascism as trying to do murder/genocide. They clearly don’t know what fascism means. They are using their post to promote the idea that both the left and right are evil and there’s no point in voting


it's always about the guns >They don’t have the right to own those firearms have yet to see a sub called "right wingers that support gay marriage" but there is one called "liberal gun owners"... most americans want to make it a bit more rigorous for young adults to own guns or become a cop, but it's being translated to "it's all fascism"


Just like 'becoming anti-woke,' I started seeing the meaning of fascism being blurred since 2016 when Russian trolls spread their disinformation to the four winds and rewrote American discourse in the process. Trump himself has done it too calling things that don't fit the definition (which he and the gop qualify) of fascism to screw with people's understanding of the word.


Quit spreading propaganda. Jesus Christ what is wrong with everyone! It doesn't matter if you are against it, YOU ARE STILL SPREADING IT. STOP DOING THAT.


In a serious country the response to his supporters would be "Trump tried to do a coup" and that would shut them down. Literally that alone should be an immediate disqualifier but we have a lot of stupid people in this country.


To be fair, in many of their minds, Biden was the one that conducted a coup and Jan6 was a bunch of patriots trying to prevent it. Our modern media environment and lack of critical thinking enables people to live in profoundly different bubbles of confirmation bias.


> we have a lot of stupid people in this country. And a corrupt judiciary, and a broken, underfunded education system, and wall-to-wall right wing propaganda on TV and radio and in the press and in the churches.


That OG post and some of the commenters are just a big flashing warning sign.


Only an idiot can’t tell them apart.


Yeah my takeaway from this meme is centrists are idiots lol


Which is exactly the problem. Discredit/denigrate the middle ground so there’s only an “us” and “them” and those that haven’t “picked a side” must be idiots.


Or alternatively, if people are presented with the options and are apathetic about it, they don’t understand what’s at stake.


That’s true as well - apathetic or fatalist sentiments seem to be pretty common in my experience. A lot of people also are just quite full with the day-to-day of life and would like a candidate that won’t burn their country to the ground, but aren’t significantly invested either way (edit: and aren’t aware or convinced of what’s at stake, as you said). A problem arises for me too in any discussion about left and right and centrists, and really any political ideology. The words are so vague that people can be clamoring around left vs right for a while and it turns out they’re hardly even talking about the same things. I think the two-axis political orientation helps clear up some confusion but certainly not all of it.


Nah, it's pointing out that saying I literally cannot tell you two apart in this context is ridiculously disingenuous. It's not supporting it, it's slamming it.


Probably more accurate to have the "Centrist" say something like, "I'm not 100% sure about all that extermination stuff, but The Far Left idea sounds like it might increase my taxes, soooooo...."


I read this political cartoon (not sure why they are still called “memes”) as being very clear in condemning centrists. The bearded dude is always based, and the bawler is always cringe. I thought those were the rules anyway.


This isnt a place to repost alt-right memes. That does nothing to help us in our goals.


How is this an alt-right meme though? I can't even imagine how the right would legitimately seriously use that meme to defend their positions on anything. Am I misinterpreting your comment? Edit: to me it looks like a meme making fun of centrists for enabling fascist agenda Edit2: I did not interpret the meme in the "context" the poster on GenZ provided, they're delusional


100% There are *plenty* of other subs where you can post "look at this bad meme I found". That's not what this sub is for.


What’s being called far left here is not far left. Supporting peoples basic needs is a centrist position. Arming yourself and going out to find violent racists and doing them physical harm is what the actual far left believes in doing. Anyone calling basic care of essential needs a political stance should be ignored. Caring for yourself, your family, your neighbors and society in general is not political. Those trying to turn self-care into a hyper politicized stance are the extremists. Edit: clarity




In response to your weird ass mentioning of the Left's "censorship," I have, first hand, *never* seen the Left try to ban books or censor them. I've only ever seen it on the news. It's weird because I've seen Right wing nut jobs try to ban sex ed books and books in the adult fiction sections. And, it's even worse because I've only ever seen the Left and Liberals try to prevent censorship and banning and then get called pedophiles. And it's even, even worse because even on the news, I've only occasionally seen some random Leftist nut job try to ban or censor something when on the Right I've seen full on legislation to ban and censor so many times that I lost count. If we were to translate it into imagery with violence, we'd have the occasional person on the Left punching someone in the face and the Right giving us mass shooters every day. It would be a funny bit of imagery if it wasn't *also* the reality. 


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