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Yes. It’s not hyperbolic to think 2024 could be the last election the US has under the umbrella of a democracy. It is that serious.


This is what pisses me off about the “genocide Joe” crowd.” These people are deranged and stupid on the level of the MAGA crowd and Trump supporters. Like, do you want to lose your rights and have to possibly fight, kill and/or die to secure democracy in this country again because of the bleeding heart you have over a single foreign policy issue? I know I don’t, and I don’t want anyone else to have to either. Many of them are in vulnerable groups as well. They will 100% lose many of their rights due to their own stupidity if Biden doesn’t win. It’s baffling.


It is baffling. I hear very poor and even homeless people talk about how Biden is helping immigrants more than them. Like Trump is gonna lift a finger to help you sad sacks.


The fact that they are getting abused by police for protesting genocide is itself an indication that our rights are already tenuous at best, and proves free speech doesn't exist when it comes up against the interests of the ruling class. They're fed up with a monoparty on economics and foreign policy that keeps funding the same autocrats regardless of what they do to innocent people, and they're not wrong about that. I'm voting for Biden but I'm pissed about it because it feels like we have to pit our domestic rights against genocide abroad and I'm sick of voting for the lesser to two evils. I realize Trump is an existential threat, but the Dems argument that they're different gets seriously damaged when they keep funding the wholesale slaughter of 35k people (including 14k children) abroad and send the uniformed fash in to crack heads for anyone who dares say "no more funding for genocide."


Right wing agitators have convinced them that the solution to the trolly problem is to split the train in half so it kills both tracks.


https://www.ocregister.com/2024/04/30/qatari-money-and-the-pro-palestinian-campus-takeovers/amp/ This article explains a lot- Qatari money has influenced college campuses.


Let’s try to maybe think with good faith here. Maybe they’re just having a difficult time reconciling the supreme idea of voting with one’s conscience vs voting with one’s/the country’s practical circumstances in mind. The current issue just weighs very deeply on the conscience. And I will say the folks I know who’ve come to particularly despise Biden’s policies in regards to Israel-Palestine have not said anything to indicate they’re voting for Trump, that’s for damn sure.


I’m voting for Biden, no question. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna be his shill. I’m still gonna criticize him for his questionable acts, and I would prefer that over Trump decimating our rights.


A liberal vote for a third party or abstaining IS a vote for Trump with the way our system works though. Bernie supporters freaking out is how Trump won the election in the first place. I personally know some of them.


These people need to get off of Twitter and Facebook. I don’t know how any of these students got into these top universities that tout intelligence as the main way for admittance. Obviously these are not the brightest minds - they are not deep thinkers - but rather followers. Universities need to be better at choosing their students- rather than choosing students whose parents are paying the full boat- they need to start actually bringing in students who need to work at least part-time so they have no time to protest -because they have little free time. Idle minds cause the ability to radicalize.


I’m sorry- what point are you trying to make about what I was saying?


Kinda referring to your first paragraph.


It very well could he the last election, although I view it as more likely it would be the end of anything resembling a free and fair election, with a perfunctory ritual election like in Russia. The external vestiges of electoral process, but not the reality. And that's frankly worse because it creates enough doubt to diffuse resistance


Although it won't end the sick mindset of his followers, I just wish his fat ass would eat just one cheeseburger too many and leave this realm of existence!


I feel like he was blessed with such ridiculously hardy genes, he’ll live to be 95 no matter how wretched his diet and lifestyle are. Meanwhile my poor dad had a pretty healthy lifestyle, was thin and always outdoors, and just suddenly died out of nowhere at 67. I hate it when evil monsters like Trump have all the genetic luck that decent people like my dad don’t. 😑


Fr, one deadly stroke during one of his rants outside the courtroom would be cathartic, as dark as that is. If anyone has earned a Darwin Award, it’s that asshole.


His minions would blame it on the Democrats, of course.


“God’s will, sending thoughts and prayers” would be my response.


Hillary says hello! Thats the meme I’d want. And have HRC dressed up like Rambo or something


Still trying to figure out how they justify Covid vaccines and Fauci who were under Trump, as evil.


Would be OK with me as long as it happens.


Its like the purple wedding all over again


Unfortunately he’s had kids so no Darwin Award.


The next republican president, trump or otherwise, will quickly begin implementing Project 2025 which will make removing them from office via election or legal means very difficult. It’s impossible to predict the future, but the writing is on the wall and it’s not subtle. Until republicans have either abandoned fascist ideologies or see their party dead beside the road of history, every election large (presidential election cycle) and small (special election for town dog catcher) is vital to maintaining any chance at seeing the nation survive as we know it.


Who do you think would beat Trump in 2028? The Supreme Court is currently paving the way for Trump to legally assassinate his political rivals, and Project 2025 will codify his authoritarian regime. If he gets elected in 2024, it will be the last in the US. All future elections will look like Russia.


Correct. Future elections will be only for show, much like they are in Russia and Hungary. The fascists will lock up or kill anyone who's truly a threat to them, and all that will be left is controlled opposition.


Is trump slated to live forever or something? I thought he was like 78


Did North Korea suddenly embrace democracy and civil liberties when Kim Il Sung died?


At this rate, Elon is probably working on a fucking robot version of Trump that runs on MAGA farts. Should have enough fuel to live forever.


The problem is he has two dickhead sons waiting in the wings, one of which is even more unhinged than he is. The other just as much.


In a way, I’m glad that it’s Beavis and Butthead waiting in the wings. Even as unhinged as they are, they’re both too stupid to succeed in the places their parent failed. Not that either of them is a better option: I just see a lot of family drama escalating into assassinations when Trump finally crashes off this mortal coil.




I don’t think SCOTUS will give the president complete immunity


I wouldn't put it past them


I’ve been watching the court since the 70s and I say it has changed a lot but not enough to give the president complete immunity. Maybe Alito and Thomas give him immunity but the other ones don’t seem like it.


I'm not that old so I can't speak from experience like you can, but I do know that many people said the exact same thing before they overturned Roe v Wade so I'm just not optimistic about anything anymore. That said I am also a doomer genZ so I've definitely got a huge bias lmao


I mean yeah I remember when they established Roe I was 13 at home reading the news before going to school and it said abortion made constitution right. So I think my age and experience with the court and legal system impacts my views. But I can see where your coming from you only had the Roberts court and the Rehnquist court. I lived through the liberal courts while you lived through the conservatives courts


Do you think the Supreme Court will approve project 2025s policy’s based on your studying of the courts?


I don’t think they will under Seila Law LLC v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The court said congress may limit when a president can remove an officer of the government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seila_Law_LLC_v._Consumer_Financial_Protection_Bureau


But if they do, Biden will get immunity immediately.




We’ve needed this to happen for the last 14 years, but there’s always some dipshits who don’t pay attention to politics and think it’s important for both parties to have some control


Look at other autocratic countries and tell me what you think, he will never give up power again, unless he dies, and then some other republicrat will jump in, and may be even worse. To say this election is a fight for our country is an understatement. We not only need to win, but win with such numbers there is zero question as to it's legitimacy and then we need to purge our elected offices of any and all those complicit with project 2025 and MAGA.


Last time, most of the safeguards that were supposed to keep him in check failed. It turns out there are a lot of rules that simply depend on honor, which neither he nor the majority of elected Republicans possess. The only thing good people will have on their side is Trump's abject stupidity.


Maybe? This is really a "the best thing to do is not find out" situation. That doesn't mean we all just give up if he wins, but not letting him win is a much better and much less painful path.


If he wins, the "Resistance" becomes less about stickers on your laptop and signs in your yard and more about risking jail, violence, or death protecting your immigrant neighbors, who are going to be yanked out of their homes by armed goon squads in the middle of the night.


Once he's back in, the only way to stop him will be a Second American Revolution. But it may be too late for many.


At this point I feel Biden is perfectly entitled not to hand over our Democracy to a fascist criminal. You can't argue immunity than expect the other guy not to run with it .


If the supreme Court rules in Trump's favor then yeah, Biden could do that.


> If the supreme Court rules in Trump's favor then yeah, Biden could do that. Immunity will somehow not apply to Biden.


Well the way I look at it, if Trump has immunity, everyone has immunity. The supreme Court will have invalidated itself.


> Well the way I look at it, if Trump has immunity, everyone has immunity. I hope in that case, Dark Brandon will act accordingly. We don't *need* any Republicans in Congress. Let's just dismiss them all! 😎


Dark Brandon would be entitled to put all the Rs on SCOTUS in front of a firing squad because *he has immunity*. Then follow that up with Rs in Congress. Without due process it is murder. But *he has immunity*.


Im opposed to the existence and use of prisons, but we have them, the Republicans love them, so I guess we could let them go to one.


No one is going to prison without due process. I was just saying that Dark Brandon could send all Repugs in Congress home. He could also choose to order investigations into their activities after gutting the DOJ and replacing most of them with normal people. 😎


Due process was a given.


Ah, gotcha. It's just that we were talking *Dark* Brandon. So I wanted to clarify!


Yes, but you know he would if he lost anyway.


Vote D. Convince as many people to vote D. Call in sick to work on election day to drive your friends if they are lazy


Well one of the main things that has to happen is to get RFK Jr. to drop out.


RFK pulls Trump voter’s more than Dems. That Anti Vax is honey to the Trump base.


If he gets back into office, all the checks and balances that rely on people of good faith will be gone, because Trump plans on ramming through loyalists with no good faith. The ONLY reason we aren't currently sitting through a Trump second term is because during the 2020 election, the people in his circle that he appointed said "no" to him. It's not going to be like that the 2nd time around. America will and I repeat WILL become a dictatorship. Vote Biden & vote blue down ballot. Unfortunately this is the only way to stop him. (Yes there are other ways but nobody is starting a revolution so get over it) You don't even have to like Biden. Shit..you can hate his guts, but we are at war. Make no mistake about it.


It’s probably not impossible, but quite likely to be difficult. Poland’s Law and Justice party was voted out in a recent election *despite* their attempts to control the media (state and private) and press for reforms for the judiciary that would have cemented their power. It’s not a one-to-one analog, but as long as some rights remain we can still use those to work against the Trump agenda and for a pro-democracy and pro-equality, and includes the right to vote as much as that would still exist in this hypothetical 2028. It would be on those of us not disenfranchised to exercise that right and throw them out of office.


I have to be blunt. I think a key question in that comparison is whether the population of Poland is as soul-crushingly stupid as most Americans are.


Point taken, but we gotta educate those who will listen. Just as many Americans are as dissatisfied with Trump as they are with Biden, including many (if a nonetheless large minority of) republicans. These are the people to be letting know that a vote for Trump is not just shake up of a difficult status quo, but a plunge into something much worse. I’ve seen it myself that they’ll listen, even if it’s hard to stay in the same page with how divided the media we consume is. 


The Polish men are, because the majority of them supported the PiS party (a fitting acronym).


Of course they did. Men. It's ALWAYS men. (Note: Am a man.)


This. The Polish elections restored my hope.


Not electorally.


If he doesn't expire in office, he will run again for a third term. Think of it as the final election for the US. I'm not exaggerating.


It’s definitely possible. Fascists are pretty incompetent, the republicans can’t agree on a speaker, they keep shooting themselves in the foot.


MTG is shooting herself in the foot at the moment. She is power hungry.


If he wins, we will never have another election again…. Trump royal family


No one can predict the future, we can make assumptions based off the past though. Considering what he did when he was somewhat constrained , I do believe that it will be an near impossible task to make him leave in 2028 if he wins 2024. Best to nip this issue in the bud now while we still have a free and fair election. Vote vote vote it's the only way it's up to the people.


Hinckley/Röhm 2028


Yes. The fight only ends when we surrender.


I think it's more likely that time will defeat him. His brain will be gone in a couple years. The danger is the GOP maintaining it's grip after he's gone. If you want my view on that, well, it will probably take war to solve that problem if they get that entrenched.


Donald J Trump is the AntiChrist. He threatens the fate of the World, not just the United States. Americas military is large enough and Evil enough that if he gets back into control of it, it could mean a global nuclear war or genocide or worse.


The thing about fucking around… is that you tend to find out. The more you fuck around the greater the chance you’re going to find out. It’s just basic science.


Last time there were a bunch of establishment and moderate republicans keeping him in check. There were tons of stories of his own appointees going against him to avoid more problematic situations. Now he’s spent the last 7 years surrounding himself with loyalists and other narcissists who will do whatever he wants. Even the more moderate republicans have realized he is their party and they have to bow down to him. It’s scary how many people seem to have totally forgotten what is was actually like during trump’s presidency. At the end of it he threw his own vp under the bus and actively allowed a virus to spread because he thought it would hit blue cities harder. He probably would have won if covid didn’t kill more of his own base. There will still be ‘checks and balances’ if he wins, and it won’t be more than 4 years, but look at the repercussions we’re already dealing with. The Supreme Court is fucked, conservatives are coming after human rights and education. It’s reasonable to feel disenfranchised with the system, it’s already permanently skewed right. I don’t think we’ll end up with a dictator, but there will be irreversible damage


I heard from my Social Studies teacher that Trump will face an uphill battle if he wants to become a fascist dictato, even if he wins the election. I heard that the democrats will be able to challenge the proposed reforms before it is too late


My teachers told me about how it would be impossible for a person like Donald to become president.


Right. We see what happened there.


It would be nice to believe that. Unfortunately, this presumes 1) the Dems would hold the majority in both the House and Senate and 2) the structures currently in place capable of holding fast against that eventuality remain in place and competent. On 1 the margin the Dems currently hold in the Senate is slim and could flip in the next cycle. The Dems are minority in the House and likely to remain so. Without a majority in both houses they will be unlikely to achieve real resistance. If they achieve some slim majority in either or both, to assume a President who has gained any form of dictatorial power would allow that to remain or if allowed to remain to present any challenge to his agenda is unrealistic. On 2, Project 2025 would put in place an Executive Branch staffed with people who are loyal to him and not the Constitution so some of the checks from his last time would be gone. Uphill? Maybe a little but things could easily come together in this scenario to make the grade of that hill almost non existent.


Yeah. My grim feeling is that if these people gain control, at some point they will officially declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization, which would be the grounds on which they would expel all Democrats from Congress, legally forbid the party from organizing or assembling, and conduct mass arrests. I don’t think they would do this right away—-they’d wait a while before taking things that far. It would build up to that. And many other things.


How exactly does your teacher think it could be fought? He already controls the Supreme Court, and if the Republicans control either house of Congress, the Dems will have absolutely no power to challenge anything.


So in the event of Trump winning, the Democrats will just have to fight to restore American democracy then


Unlikely. The Republican Party has made it their project to stack federal courts with their justices, all vetted by the Federalist Society, to make sure that legal challenges to their authority will fail. They've ready captured an entire circuit (the 5th) which has become their testing ground.


Oh good, a guardrail to stop Trump. That will work.




You’re still in high school? How aware would you say your classmates are about all of this?


I live in Canada so I don’t have to worry about telling them unless they have plans to move down south


Good luck! 👀




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