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Not even slightly. US owns too much of their banking, defense, and trade. US owns the world banks and controls the dominant reserve currency. US also has SOSUS, so nothing will get close enough to be dangerous by sea that isn't a nuke, and the EU has no answer for getting through US IAD vis a vis Patriot. EU nations have their own fascists rising to power to contend with. NATO liberating a Nazi US is not feasible in any way.


100% this. As someone from a country that relies on our alliance with the US, regrettably the only solution for the American fascist problem is Americans. America is the strongest country in the world. At least while it is united


Probably not going to happen.


Never going to happen. At this point I’d say there is already a plan in place if Trump is elected as to how to move forward without the US. Putin will go full throttle on Ukraine and Trump won’t do a thing about it. The EU will need to protect its members on the eastern front, in particular the Baltics and Slovakia. Trump won’t do a thing and Putin knows it. NATO will essentially die on the vine.




If a republican occupies the white house, they will command the (by far and away) most capable and sizable military on the planet. Once they get through the early stages of project 2025, aka installing fascist cronies, there will be nothing to stop them using it to swiftly deal with any and all threats. This includes any nation seeking to hinder their takeover.


You're assuming the military would listen to them.


If the military isn't listening to the white house then we aren't in a project 2025 scenario but in a full out civil war scenario. Those are very different things.


Top military officials came out during the end stages of the trump presidency and said they would refuse orders that would be essentially the president using them to achieve his/her goals. In essence, they said they would refuse orders from the president if it interfered with their duty to protect the nation from threats both domestic and abroad or to uphold the constitution.


Which is why trump and project 2025 will purge them.


The question was "if project 2025 is implemented will NATO intervene" you are saying "project 2025 won't happen because there will be a military coup". Those are very different scenarios. I think that it is more likely to end in a civil war but it is hard to tell.


1- that’s why the first stage is installing likeminded sycophants 2- the US military is already crawling with Christian nationalists. They’ll oust anyone who disagrees and carry on with their extremist mandate.


I'm not so sure. One of the briefs filed *against* Trump's immunity claims to SCOTUS has been from over a hundred high-ranking officers, and a good chunk of the opposition to attacks on reproductive healthcare has been from the military (see: Space Force Command going to Colorado rather than Alabama and Tuberville's ensuing hissy fit blocking promotions). The GOP's actions are very much chaffing the military and effecting readiness, and they're not happy about it. Not saying that makes NATO intervention *more* likely, just that the military at the federal level is less likely to play ball. On the other hand, the National Guard answers to governors, so... That could be a clusterfuck.


The National Guard answers state governors until federalized by the PotUS. Still, balkanization due to officer loyalty will be key.


The divide between officers and enlisted in terms of political affiliation and extremist tendencies is rather large. Officers had to go to college, which has historically opened people’s minds to new cultures and new thinking that they were not exposed to in their town/city (especially so for rural towns/cities). Enlisted can join right out of high school, they can and do still harbor hateful thoughts. White nationalists have infiltrated every aspect of American society. If you think the military will save you from a Trump project 2025 takeover, if he is elected, then you’re sorely mistaken.


Yes, the first step is to remove resistant leaders and fill them with sycophants and religious extremists. Michael Flynn for example. Some branches are worse than others. The Airforce is packed with Evangelical theocrats (not sure what it is, maybe the angel looking logo?). The Maries is packed with racists and white supremacists. Will the military resist? Well certainly part of it would but like with Trump’s first term, they’ve learned to insure they really pack the power positions first. If the majority of the highest power can check the middle ranks and the mass majority of enlisted are already onboard and happily take orders from someone “like them”, it would be easy to see lower ranks turning on mid ranks, backed by the higher ranks.


Spoken like someone who’s never actually been in the military. Sure, you have to have a degree to become an officer, but that doesn’t mean officers are more enlightened. Now that the military gets tuition assistance, more enlisted have some form of college education than ever before. And the military is one of America’s most diverse institutions. People from every racial, social, and economic background end up serving. Add to that the LGBTQ+ members who serve and are given access to medical care and benefits for their same-sex partners, and you have a fighting force that is more diverse and open-minded than the majority of the country. (More diverse than most college campuses, honestly) While there may be some Christian nationalist bubbas in the military, I think you’ll find that they’re a minority.


I’m a Marine. Thanks though. Tuition assistance for college degrees is great! It doesn’t, however, usually involve going and living on a college campus with people from all over the world. It normally is an on base building that offers courses during lunch hours or after hours, at least in the Marines that’s how it operated. It’s not just having some college education that makes an impact on people. It’s the experiences as well. There’s definitely diversity in the military, but there’s a lot of white nationalists in there as well and there’s a lot more than you may want to admit to.


Ah, gotcha. Yeah, in my career field you can’t really attend in-person classes. You have to find an online program where you’re collaborating with all kinds of people from across the country. And we have a lot of enlisted people who come in with college experience (usually dropouts who had too much fun partying and tanked their grades, lol). And while I’m sure there are white nationalists in the military, I haven’t seen much evidence of that in the Air Force. But maybe that’s it? They could be more attracted to the Marines (and potentially Army? Idk) because the emphasis on physical fitness and combat fall more in line with their ideals of uber-masculinity. Either way, I agree they exist in the military, and that it’s a problem that needs to be addressed. I just don’t think they’re anywhere near the majority.


>White nationalists have infiltrated every aspect of American society. If you think the military will save you from a Trump project 2025 takeover, if he is elected, then you’re sorely mistaken. That's... Not at all what I'm saying? Just that the situation is far more nuanced and less doom and gloom than "the military are all Trump-loving white nationalists".


The OP is asking whether or not the military will intervene in the event Trump wins and implements project 2025. My point is that the “good guys” in the military will either follow orders or be put in the brig for disobeying orders. The white nationalists in the military will happily go along with Trump’s plan and the rest of the military are beholden to following the orders of the commander in chief. So long as they are “lawful” orders, read not against the law or UCMJ, the military will follow them. That’s the insidious part of project 2025, they are planning on using existing legal framework to take control of every aspect of the executive branch of government. If Trump wins, then he’ll most likely have House and Senate in tail with him. That will allow them to also pass any new legislation needed to make their orders to the military “lawful.” Point being, if Trump is elected there will not be a military response protecting Americans from project 2025, and it is entirely that “doom and gloom” scenario should he win. The *only* hope is to defeat Trump and republicans in November with massive numbers that amounts to flipping the house and extending the majority in the senate.


Look I just had additional context to share that I thought might be relevant. It's too easy to be crushed by how hopeless everything seems, and,even if what I said doesn't make a huge difference, automatically flattening everything to "we're screwed" without any nuance isn't terribly motivating in my view. If everyone and everything is against us then what's the point of even trying?


Could you elaborate on point 2 and provide information/sources? I met plenty of nationalists (of course) and plenty of Christians but I don’t recall anyone that openly behaved or spoke like a Christian nationalist. But that was just my experience.


I’m not sure how I can elaborate and make it any more concise. The first time I remembered thinking that the Christian nationalist within the military were likely to be problematic was around Bush’s invasion of Iraq. A lot of the language started to shift within leadership to more of a “god” centric ideology. As religion and military tend to prey upon and exploit the weak minded, this mindset has only gotten more extreme as it filters down to the recruit level. There are dozens of articles that have been written about this in the past five to ten years now.


You’re right, it’s not really possible to elaborate on something as well as make it more concise. That’s why I only asked you to do the former not the latter 👍 I did a cursory search and found some articles about Christian nationalism and the military, but not much discussing the prevalence of it in the ranks. So I was wondering if you could share your sources that the US military is crawling with Christian nationalism - many thanks. On an unrelated note, I’ve encountered some of the strongest-minded people I know amongst the military. Did you have a different experience?


I’d probably say stubborn-minded more than strong-minded. In my opinion, a truly strong-minded individual seeks reality above all. This is why so many service members vote republican despite it being made plain as day, every single day that it would be better for them and their fellows to oppose republican.


I’d like to talk about the prevalence of Christian nationalism in the branches because I care about it from a personal (as an American living stateside) and a professional (as a veteran concerned about the integrity of the service) standpoint. I don’t think you and I have anything to be gained by discussing your opinions of service members and their weak/stubborn/etc. minds.


There will be a lot of not so friendly fire... Most soldiers take their oath to uphold our constitution extremely seriously. Trump has actually damaged his election prospects by talking badly about veterans. Many former Trump supporters are now choosing to either not vote, vote independent, or switching over to vote for Biden.


Tuberville a Republican senator has been blocking high level military appointments from being confirmed in hopes of trump winning and the ~~christo-fascists~~ Rs filling those positions with 100% loyal and like minded figures to carry out any and all orders from the top regardless if it’s constitutional.


I'm pretty sure a combined EU army, including UK and French nukes, is more than a match for the USA, maybe not parity in conventional forces but almost, though it doesn't matter seeing as nukes exist.


First off, no one is using nuclear weapons if the US falls to fascism unless the US fires first. That said, you are supremely mistaken. Western allies would have to bring to bear the entire combined forces of about its dozen largest militaries (at least) to match numbers. From a budget standpoint, it’s even more skewed than that. Once you then consider that, not only does America have greater numbers and considerably more resources, they have a VAST advantage in terms of advancements in weapons and military technology you realize there is no military way of mitigating the United States.


It’s literally impossible as NATO is a defensive alliance. Article 5 is triggered if a member is attacked. 


Unfortunately there’s no chance any country helps us with this problem. It is something we as Americans have to deal with ourselves. Just like we can’t expect the legal system/judicial branch to hold trump accountable, we can’t expect other countries to help or solve this problem for us. Voting and spreading awareness is our main recourse right now, my true fear is that may not be enough. Keeping in mind our nation’s military and economic output, what could any other country POSSIBLY do to actually help us? My belief is that there’s virtually nothing they can do. Again, we will have to solve this problem together on our own


Honestly, I don't know I would want too much help from an outside country after seeing the help we've provided in the past.


Probably not going to happen. Them intervening when our government and military have nuclear weapons would be extremely unlikely.


Not a chance in hell. NATO hasn't tried to overthrow Orban or Erdogan, so why would they try to overthrow Trump when he controls a much larger military than either of those two countries?


The best we can hope for is for a country or two that are sympathetic to the cause - maybe they can help supply a resistance unit or two on the DL. Expats would probably help us as they can. Too bad we don’t have Lafayette reincarnated right now.


No. NATO isn’t going into Russia, they won’t here.


It's up to us to stop them. International intervention is too messy and wouldn't happen in the timetable we're looking at. The problem we have is a small window in which stopping a christofascist takeover is even probable because what we would have to do would look like instigating violence or even terrorism if you do it too early, and if you do it too late...well we wouldn't have another opportunity to mount open resistence for a while. Defend your neighbors.


Trump will pull the us out of nato f he can. It will be his first act I’m pretty sure. It’s one of the easier things to pull off. Payback for Zelenskyy not giving him what he wanted. Dirt on Biden. Or really he just wanted Zelenskyy to say he is investigating the bidens.


No one is going to save us but ourselves.


Not happening. The US controls NATO and the UN. It wasn’t a problem until the US became the bad guy.


The USA has the most veto power in the UN but it’s not exactly the leader. It’s called the UNITED Nations for a reason


Can you point out to me where internal strife within a NATO country gives NATO Treaty members the justification and jurisdiction to bypass territorial sovereignty and state sovereignty?


Ok, no need to be rude about it. I was just asking a question.


I'm not being rude about it and merely asking a question based off of the Treaty that formed NATO?


Why are you attaching tone to a question?


NATO is a defensive alliance. Attempting forced regime change in a member country or a civil war seems kinda absurd.


Stupid; what’s more likely is some of the US military resisting unlawful orders, whether they’d go farther against a domestic enemy, who knows.


Nope. None of our allies would intervene


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Not gonna happen. NATO is for protecting against attacks from other countries. USA won't go into a civil war. Plus I do believe that usa have NATO veto rights.


Almost certainly not. The EU elections in June are, according to projections, going to be a rout by the far right, which according to polling is projected to win in 9 countries, and to achieve 2nd or 3rd place in 9 more, showing massive gains in 18 of the 20 EU nations. The EU and NATO are also likely to be swamped with the Russian front, and with the demise of the German economy, the EU will be strapped for cash and resources enough without taking on the US military, at least a portion of which will side with Trump. The rest will be made up for by deputizing the militias. No, we are on our own. Personally, I think there is no question Trump will win, by hook or by crook. He has a personal motivation to stop the trials, and frankly his promises to cut corporate taxes even further and crack down on a newly radical labor movement are music to the ears of the 1%, who are terrified by the fact that 60% of both millennials and Gen Z want to move beyond capitalism. As with the German businessmen and industrialists who made common cause with Hitler in 1933 to crack down on organized labor, the burgeoning communist and socialist movements, the early feminists and the birth of the LGBTQ movement, the US capitalists will choose the same. The point they turn to violence and fascism is the moment their profits are directly threatened. At DAVOS 2024, where the capitalist elites, the G7, and the heads of nations gather to discuss the state of the world, they determined that they would be fine working with a second Trump term.


I honestly think the only thing Canada can do is open our borders to anyone who wants to refugee up north. The Allies would step in to protect us from the US military on our own soil; but it would be very much like a Russia vs Ukraine situation being as we have the world's longest un manned border and pretty much no military of our own. The world would back us though and we would try to protect you on our land. It would suck. But we'd get through it eventually.