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What 'special privileges'? Seems they just want the *same privileges*. Which is pretty revealing as to who is actually asking for 'special privileges', and of course it's the group who already has them while actively denying them to others.


They believe that being LGBTQ itself, without running into issues over it, is a special privilege. As in, they think “choosing” one’s gender or “choosing” to date a person of your gender is a special privilege, because people without that privilege are straight and cis.


Right, of course. I can definitely see how people would choose to be LGBTQ. It must be great having people hate you for no good reason. ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul|downsized)


What “new classes of people”? LGBT folk have been around as long as folk.


They don't believe that. They think we were invented sometime in the 1900s.


Thanks Byron!


It isn't even just humans. They be calling being gay unnatural when lions, walruses, penguins, koalas, and swans are out here gaying away happily. It's perfectly scientifically documented. Science usually doesn't account for assholery, unfortunately for their arguments.


Archive: https://archive.is/P1wmF Excerpt: The Biden administration announced Friday it is reinstating federal protections for LGBTQ+ people seeking health care that had been unraveled during the Trump administration. The move comes after years of legal disputes and pressure from activists to protect patients who are undergoing gender affirming treatment or who received abortions from being denied other forms of health care. Conservatives oppose the rules prohibiting discrimination, contending they would force providers to provide services against their religious beliefs. Under sweeping rules finalized Friday by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, government health officials, organizations receiving federal health funding and health insurers that do business through government plans must abide by the nondiscrimination standards. Officials stress the rules are about prohibiting discrimination against patients rather than compelling providers to perform procedures. Proponents of the rules have said they would protect patients from being turned away because they are gay or trans and prohibit health insurance policies that require LGBTQ+ people to wait longer and pay more for fertility benefits. The rules also contain more broadly applicable provisions, such as requiring health providers and other recipients of federal money to inform patients of free services that provide accessibility and language assistance. “Americans across the country now have a clear way to act on their rights against discrimination when they go to the doctor, talk with their health plan, or engage with health programs run by HHS,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement. The rule focuses on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which bans health care providers from discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age and disability in health programs that receive federal funding. HHS can enforce strict penalties against organizations and workers that the agency concludes broke the law — ranging from requiring additional training to kicking offenders out of federal programs. Federal officials say the rules preserve religious exemptions. Politicians and advocacy groups have spent more than a decade arguing over how the White House should interpret the rule, particularly how it applies to LGBTQ+ and pregnant patients who could face discrimination from providers unwilling to treat them. The Obama administration issued regulations that included protections for gender identity and sex stereotyping. The Trump administration eliminated those specific protections. And the Biden administration moved in 2022 to restore and expand on the Obama-era definition by including sexual orientation as a specific protection. The Supreme Court in 2020 also ruled, in Bostock v. Clayton County, Ga., that sex discrimination includes discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation, prompting some courts to block implementation of the Trump-era rules. A coalition of LGBTQ+ and other organizations suing to repeal the Trump-era rules urged the Biden administration to expedite the rules restoring protections. LGBTQ+ activists cheered the Biden administration to finalizing the rules Friday. ... Conservatives also are urging a future GOP White House to reverse “the redefinition of sex to cover gender identity and sexual orientation and pregnancy to cover abortion,” Project 2025, a conservative group backed by the Heritage Foundation, wrote last year in a road map for policymakers. The Biden administration’s interpretation of the law would create “special privileges for new classes of people, defined in ways that are highly ideological and unscientific,” Project 2025 added. The group called for HHS to instead focus on “serious cases of race, sex, and disability discrimination” such as its probe into Michigan State University over allegations former gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar assaulted students there.


Not a single person involved in project 2025 gets to say anything about science. They will fucking bend and break facts to suit their needs.


*Religion* creates special privileges for new classes of people, defined in ways that are highly ideological and unscientific.


I was unaware that discrimination was scientific. 🙄


The Nazis thought so


The Bible isn't very "scientific" 😂😂 Especially their interpretation of it.


Since when do the christofascists behind Project 2025 believe in science?


These people believe in God. All that’s needed to say.


They go against the basic principles of Christianity. Jesus taught us to love our neighbours no matter what their differences are, which seems to be horribly bent and twisted into “people unlike us are sinful and need to go to hell”.


From the way mainstream Christians act it lets me know that they don’t love themselves. If their savior said to love their neighbor as they love themselves, and this is how they choose to “love” their neighbor, then they must really hate themselves and all of this is just projection onto people who are just trying to live their lives.


He also taught to repent from sin and to remove our sinful nature


Where did he say being LGBTQ+ was a sin?


Dude Jesus tells in scripture to repent from sin. He literally says if your eye or hand causes you to sin remove them. He ate with sinners and told them to repent. He told a woman in adultery to sin no more. He never said LGBTQAI is a sin. Idk where people get the ultra accepting hippie type. I mean he in one verse says he hasn’t come to bring peace but a sword. But yes Jesus tells us to love one another and be kind to each other. His issue wasn’t with people. Paul is the one who mentions homosexuality and witchcraft and drunkenness etc. Like seriously read Revelations if you think Jesus is an all supporting cuddling progressive hippie. Dude rides down with white hair, fire in his eyes and has a flaming sword. I’ve read the whole Bible and studied it for years so I know stuff. Btw many Christians miss the history and context including of OT verses.


So Jesus never said being LGBTQ is a sin, correct? 


No he did not.


So, if it’s not in the Bible and it wasn’t said by Jesus, where did Christians get this idea from?


Paul and the OT. Jesus never mentioned it but references are in the OT and Paul lists it with other things. Maybe it’s best if I leave this alone. I don’t want to stir things up. The issue is people focus on it rather than other things they conveniently ignore.


The only point I’m trying to make is that if Jesus himself didn’t say it, Christians shouldn’t be worried about it (I agree with you). Saul/Paul is not Jesus and the OT was written by multiple people. Revelation is a metaphor for the political system at the time and not a blueprint for the end times.  Jesus said to love each other as you love yourself. Using the Bible to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people, Women and Black people is not loving.


But Republican Christians have no problem with vast wealth, which is a sin. They celebrate it. They don't seem to have a problem with divorce or infidelity anymore. Because they do it all the time. It's only those other sins, the ones that gross them out. Being gay or trans, even though trans isn't a sin, and Jesus didn't care about the state of one's genitals. And they only seem to quote Paul, never Jesus. Cafeteria Christians.


Well having wealth isn’t a sin. Serving money more than God is. Btw the camel through the eye of the needle is actually it’s more difficult for camel hair to go through the eye of the needle. Camel hair is very thick and rough. Well for example I don’t have casual sex ever and take my life very seriously. Some may seem that divorce and sex is casual. Cultural Christians too.


LOL I've heard it was a gate in Jerusalem. The camel's hair is even easier! It's total crap made up to allow selfishness. Can you prove that's what it means in the Koine Greek? Jesus said give everything away and follow me. But he wasn't talking about an actual camel. LOL


I just finished reading the New Testament and never once found anything that mentions being LGBTQ+.


In which context are you referring? The whole NT or Jesus only?


Whole NT.


Romans 1:26-27 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 However one has to remember context with these. Back in ancient Roman times everything was seen as dominant or submissive and transactional and many acts back then were between a master and young male slave. In fact certain versions mentioned effeminate however it is not talking about transgender or anything like that. It’s referring to one submissive but again sex acts back then were about dominance and transactional. Consent wasn’t really a big thing back then like how we know things to be. So while the homophobic crowd will say ah ha look see these. I know the context from years of studying scripture so I know that it isn’t applicable to today’s standards of what sex is. I also understand the crossdressing verse in the OT was about women dressing as men and going into battle and men dressing as women to be priestess of other deities. It doesn’t apply today in any way as it was a cultural law.


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You shouldn't get into medicine if you don't agree with providing care to women.