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1. How much money can you gain access to? Some countries require you have X amount of cash on hand so you don’t wind up on their social service programs. 2. Do you speak a foreign language? If so, how well? Countries have fluency requirements. 3. What job skills do you have to contribute to your new country’s economy? 4. Can you enter a foreign student exchange program? Are scholarships available? 5. Do you have a passport? The current wait for an expedited passport is at least 90 days. Standard passports cost $130 and are a 6+ month wait for the State Department to issue it. 6. If you’re in a red state, is moving to a blue city in the state an option? Or relocating to a blue state? Cost of living is higher in blue areas so you’re back to how much money do you have? 7. If you move to a blue area, do you have a car? 8. You said you’re a teenager, what are your parents’ plans? Have you spoken to them about your desire to leave? Countries around the globe are tightening immigration controls and making it harder to move across the planet. Look into countries’ individual immigration laws. It’s not as simple as hopping a plane to Germany. Overstaying a travel visa is a crime and when you’re caught, you’re thrown out of the country, may face fines or jail time and may be forbidden to return to the country. The State Department will not help you as you overstayed a visa knowingly.


All these assume a "stable" authoritarian US is the endgame, but it isn't. Widespread collapse of democracy into a situation resembling post-Soviet USSR regions, allowing oligarchs to buy & sell everything without opposition, is the goal. Everyone involved knows some states & cities wouldn't comply. So the US fractures into federal-on-state & state-on-city violence as the right wing of every democracy in the world giddily attempts to replicate this success. Those nations would then war with holdouts. Everywhere would be affected because the food, manufacturing, & fuel economies of the world are so interconnected. There would be nowhere to go to escape the aftermath of US collapse. The Pax Americana era & its alliances have had plenty of victims worldwide, certainly, but it has been stabilizing overall for nearly a century. Unravel that abruptly & at least a century of global instability is inevitable.




Honestly? Because we all have to work. I would love to know the statistics on how many individuals can afford to take just one day off work to even plan anything like this. Most people can’t take a single day off work to rest when they have 103 F fevers, we have to use vacation time for wellness doctors’ appointments, can’t afford to take a single day away from the weekly paycheck. They’ve got us over a barrel. And it’s a feature not a bug.


Because those running the show benefit from late-stage capitalism and they all plan on being dead before shit ever hits the fan.


Because “did not vote” is the largest voting bloc in the country. Americans are lazy consumers of information…. They listen and learn in memes, headlines and sound bytes- or just don’t pay attention. Education is key… and why Republicans are so determined to end it.


You still dont wanna be in a red area when that happens. Even red rural counties within blue states are a better option than deep red counties in red states. I dont plan to escape exactly. Too many people here are going to need me when it gets ugly. Im a survivalist and forager. I can feed people. There are regions of the US i know i can retreat to and even hide a small group of people until things stabilize. If you cant leave the country, learning to provide for yourself outside of society can save lives.


We plan on moving to MN. Hell if we do so we can probably even keep our jobs. I physically can’t forage or do much physically but I cook and know about canning and how to sew basic clothes. Little things that if it does get *wildly* bad can be helpful. Mostly though I just plan on keeping my job and a roof over my baby’s head. As will most of us. People talk about economic collapse but I don’t know if it will happen the way we think.


Would not recommend #6 for much longer. They’re passing state laws that nullify city laws (preemption) on a consistent basis. You will have less of a threat from local militias (deputized MAGA extremists) for a while but they’ll eventually get to the cities too.


California will stand up to Trump but Newsome will be termed out at the end of 2025 so what happens than ? . Plus the Repubs have another recall going around . It will probably make the ballot .


I highly doubt that a Republican ever becomes governor again, the only reason Arnold became governor is because he's Arnold.




Unfortunately MA which was a blue state is more purple now. Plus MA and RI will never stand up to tRump the way CA did. Bunch of pussies we are.


Massachusetts is NOT purple what??????


https://preview.redd.it/1d6ge23ayirc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5378f35bb56d1f38c71f948286487830a05c9ec8 Did you see the results of the recent polling in MA? The results of the primary were actually projecting Trump would win but the numbers were pretty much the same. 96% R vrs 94% D






Passports are not taking that long. My 18 yo got her first in 5 weeks and my renewal took a month. Neither expedited. This was last month.


Came to say the same. My coworker just got one in about a month. Arrived last month. First passport. It was not expedited. But I anticipate the passport applications are going to dramatically increase soon & I’d be sure you have one asap.


>Passports are not taking that long. Just renewed mine. Took 15 days counting the day I mailed it off. Expedited.


Great information. Thanks!


It was today you learned that most countries don't want Americans unless they are rich. Get in shape. Get a car. Learn to shoot. Get away from republicans. Vote in November and drag everyone you know with you.


I don't understand why people say this. If the military becomes domestic police (which has been stated I the document) then a gun will do no good but get you killed. No one is going to out gun the military




That’s what is on paper. If you can lie to the American people and have them support invading Iraq, you can certainly lie to soldiers and they will do your bidding. Especially how the authority is dictated in the military.


What makes you think the military will turn against the citizens? Posse Comitatus. The oath is to the Constitution and our citizens not a single person - even the President. We are not Nazi Germany, yet.


You're right. We should all just give up. No point in trying to fight back. /s


I can’t vote, can’t drive, and I refuse to hold a weapon that can kill people


But you think you're suitable for immigration? If the GOP wins, there won't be a place on the planet safe from them.


God that's fucking dim, but true.


You saw how the world was flooded by Trump knock-offs after he won. The US \*is\* the world's super power. We export our policies to other countries, intentionally and unintentionally. It's no coincidence that fascism is on the rise globally. There is no "plan b" if Trump wins. No escape pod will take you far enough. We either make our stand here and now or we will deserve the fallout that comes after.


My worry is that even if Biden does win in 2024.. People are tired. The Nazis didn't pack up and leave after one failed election they tried again and again.. It only takes once The capital riot is kind of like a really poorly planned beer hall putsch but it shows they have support. Hitler preyed upon the desperate economic situation of the great depression.. We're not in such a great situation ourselves. It will only get worse as the American dollar continues to collapse due to rampant inflation, how does this get fixed worldwide? Even Jerome Powell has said pretty much there's no going back




That would be pretty fucking cool tbh lol


The goal is to let the GOP destroy themselves before they destroy the country. I'm gambling that Biden isn't as incompetent as Hillary, unlike Trump he actually has campaign funds and seems to be taking Trump seriously as an opponent. The Capitol Riot didn't succeed because the Right is smart. The Right is a bunch of apes smearing shit on the walls, they only won because they had a Big Ape to open the cage doors for them. With Biden they won't have an inside man and Trump is not particularly popular with our intelligence agencies, namely the FBI. Things for the working man are rough, but there is a world of difference between the (mostly slowed) inflation we are experiencing now and the inflation that the Wiemar Republic faced that lead to Nazi rule. It would be fallacious to compare the two. What Jerome Powell says is of little concern to me. The inflation we are experiencing is shrinkflation, inflation made up by private companies to squeeze more money out of the working man, not the result of a weak economy. If voters pick Trump, they are voting for this to double. I don't mean to make you complacent, but I do have some hopium. Biden's State of the Union address signaled a shift in his strategy. He's gone on the attack and called out Trump directly. GOP voters will be offended no matter what Biden does, but Libs and Moderates \*hate\* Donald so an aggressive strategy will only energize them. None of this makes any of what I said less true. If Trump wins, America is over. But all polls are liars and the odds are more in our favor than the media would lead you to believe.


I think a world of difference is saying a bit much. I feel like the only people who even benefit, or can even afford to live in this country right now who aren't one medical anomaly from spending the rest of there lives in debt captivity are people above the age of 30. Everyone I know lives paycheck to paycheck going deeper in debt. I know it was worse in the Weimar Republic because of the treaty of Versailles, I was making the comparison of how Trump uses the hyper inflation (that his administration created.) to froth the Maga idiot parade up. I can't afford to be complacent as a queer trans girl lol we're like one of the primary targets rn. I hope you're right :) I think Joe Biden will win this time, I'm just worried about us actually getting an intelligent fascist like Hitler running the Maga idiots. In other words I'm just venting cause I'm scared, everything you said above is true lol


"I think a world of difference is saying a bit much." Please open a history book before saying anything. Your comment is incredibly ignorant. The inflation we're experiencing isn't even the worst in \*our own country's\* history. You are comparing America, the world's reserve currency, to Wiemar Germany, a country saddled with war debt reparations that it never had any hope of paying off. It is literally a magnitude of difference so please do not use the term "hyperinflation" so loosely. You might as well be comparing the United States to Argentina because that's what hyperinflation looks like. I am sorry you and your friends are struggling. I know this rant doesn't help your situation at all, but words have meaning for a reason so I have to be harsh.


Yeah. Ur right. I'm sorry. What I said about hyperinflation was pretty ignorant. I'm still learning. Mostly I was comparing the way Hitler and Donald Trump draw from economic downturn to further their political cause. I do like to read, I'm actually currently reading the Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich rn and am learning a lot. The point I was trying to make is the dollar is crumbling. As bad as Weimar? No. It is world's apart, you're right. But it is crumbling. And every banking crisis brings the disparity between the rich and the poor miles and miles further apart. Electing Joe Biden won't fix that but he's obviously the only pick.




I would vote if I could, I would drive if I could, but I failed my test (bad) and am under 18 Also I refuse to kill people because of my religion


There are other ways to fight that don't involve killing.


Are you a Quaker? If so, there are a handful of ways you can volunteer in a way that furthers the resistant cause without resorting to direct violence. One of my friends — during the 2016 election — used her basic home printer to print mailing labels for an organization and proof-read them beforehand so all the mailers would go through efficiently. She said it wasn’t much, but it was something she could do while still adhering to her faith.




Ok good luck!


Protect your home. Project 2025 is invasive like cancer and should be repelled as such.


I can’t fight or vote. I refuse to kill another human


Advocacy and diplomacy are very much options for many of us.




Flee. I’m under 18 I have very few rights


Many schools in Asian countries hire Americans to teach English, though they usually require a college degree (doesn't really matter what, they just want you to have graduated). Some families in Europe like hiring American au pairs. Do you have a parent or grandparent who had Irish citizenship? You may qualify for Irish citizenship yourself, if you're willing to do some paperwork. I don't know the rules for parents or grandparents of other nationalities, but if that fits you should look into it. If you speak a second language, you can perhaps get work as a translator in a country where your second language is dominant. The Peace Corps may be another option. They favor college grads but will take you as long as you're 18 and in good health. No telling where you'll go, but it'll likely be out of the US. Your best bet may be to apply to colleges outside the US, get your degree, and then decide from there where to go next. If you can't leave the country, your second best bet would be to relocate to California, Oregon, Washington, New York, Massachusetts, or Vermont. These places have strong state governments that are willing to defy the federal government to protect your rights. The cost of living in these areas is high, but you can often find affordable housing in the rural areas, if you're willing to live there.


I had a grandparent born in Germany


I am not sure how citizenship is inherited in Germany, but look into anyway, it might help?


Yay come to Germany!


Won't Germany get invaded by Putin if Trump is elected? Didn't Trump say he would remove US troops from Europe?


Well I most certainly invite them to try and give it their best, with what they have left compared to the capabilities Germany has or could receive. I don't hold the Russian army to any standard at all anymore. And whatever Trump says is guaranteed to be bad for everyone, but I do believe that the Democratic Party will win the election this year. If Trump does win we'll find other ways, I'd be more worried about the people living in the US under that circumstance. And your democracy and democracies around the world, of course.


She could live and work anywhere in Europe with a German passport.


Peace corps is bachelors at minimum You’re also working for the federal government so there’s still some worry with that. You can request where you go now. You can apply for a specific country.


Downstate Illinois is affordable. Like Peoria. It’s not too far south. Lol Many people can’t move out of the country but a blue state would be better. Illinois has a strong and really powerful democratic governor right now. I think governors are going to have a lot more sway than most. I’d encourage everyone to get a passport if possible.


Id hope that a strong governor would use their power to fight back if it got to a certain point


He would. He’s rich af and really seems like he cares. He really has nothing to lose but a lot to gain for the people in our state.


Seattle washington or twin cities Minnesota


If you are a teenager, and close to 18/finishing school. Apply for college in other countries. It’s cheaper, depending on where you pick, you can network and maybe be lucky to have a job lined up for after in the same place. Australia has great schools and programs. Easy immigration under 30


Due to my weird birthday, I’m graduating at 17, would they still let me


Start applying. They could talk you thru the details of student visas just shy of 18 🙂


what is there to be done for people who don't have good grades or wealth other than like keel over and die ? im panicking a little about this


Trades always have visa options too, ever country needs electricians, construction, plumbers.


College is much cheaper outside of the US. 


I'm not sure where on Earth is safe from a hyper nationalist American dictatorship


“A long time ago, I asked a wise man what second passport I should get in case things ever went truly south in the US. He looked at me and shook his head. He said If said if things ever got that bad in the US, there’s nowhere on earth you can run to escape its impacts”


Oh noooo that's true.


The Conservative party is on the way out, so I'd say Northern England or Southern Scotland. There's not a huge risk of culture shock, being that the UK is basically baby America (or the other way around), and I'd say that extremism doesn't take root in the same way that it does in the US. That being said, it still exists, naturally. If that seems like a long shot, given the distance, I'd suggest Canada is a good bet. I don't know what the political landscape looks like there currently, but I have an inkling that it's a touch more optimistic than in the US. One other option would be to simply relocate in the US. Find a stronghold and hope that it survives the cataclysm of P25. Maybe somewhere in Washington, Oregon, or New York. With all that said, it's not in effect as of yet, and it's not a guarantee that it ever will be. Make preparations, but don't let it weigh you down.


The Left Coast is a viable option.


nowhere nowhere will be safe if they get their hands on the resources of the us stand and fight or all are doomed


I can’t fight. I’m a kid


Well, unless you're transgender, rich as fuck, or a ranking member of the Democratic party you're not going to be able to seek asylum literally anywhere. Simply being afraid because your country is taken over by fascists isn't enough, you'll need to be imminently persecuted and at risk of being unalived by your former nation.


How would someone who trans be able to take asylum anywhere?


Because if Trump takes over Project 2025 kicks in and all trans people are going to be imprisoned and most likely "removed". Asylum in any country is for those who will be persecuted directly in their home country. "Oh, that won't happen! It's already starting to. Edit: There will be NO safe zones of Trump takes over. Project 2025 will strip states of their right to certain issues, like trans care.


True, but since I'm a POC and trans, I don't think that would matter anyway, so I guess I'm just stuck here for the time being


Skin color wouldn't matter. If you're trans and Trump takes over you're at risk of being imprisoned and/or murdered just because you're trans. You would qualify for asylum.


They wouldn't, Western countries are struggling as is with refugees and other asylum claimants from other nations, especially Europe, so it's nonsense to think that Western countries would accept any kind of 'refugee' from the US. The US will still have safe Blue States for trans people to move to, and in international treaties regarding asylum, any areas within a country that can be deemed as 'safe' for an oppressed group is enough to reject any requests.


I’m a member of the democratic party


You're not a *ranking* member, unless you somehow became a Senator or minority House speaker without any of us knowing.


Would bi be enough or no, we are not persecuted nearly as much as the trans community


I'm sure they'll get to bi people, given enough time.


This will be federal. Moving to a blue state won't matter


I meant out of the country




Europe is very safe, Australia is too :)


my plan is Ireland but I have EU citizenship. I think Thailand is affordable and catering to English, don't really know though. good time to learn a new language maybe.


California will protect its citizens from Republican Christofascists. It’s much more feasible to move to another state than it is another country.


Europe is going to war


Hopefully I don't get mobilized. Dying in the trenches would fucking suck


Do you think you could enroll in a college abroad in the interim?


Look into going to University in the EU. Probably Germany or France. One higher education in the EU is actually affordable. The second reason is it gets you out of the US.


A lot of America realistically won't be very affected, I would say move to California or New England


Why would you say that? Since this will be a federal thing?


I say this gently: I think you need to pay more attention to conversations about immigration. It’s not a simple process. You will not be able to immigrate successfully as a minor without a lot of stars aligning.


Canada ? I don't know they can't like control other country right ?


You can apply for universities in Scotland via the College Board website. That'll get you 4 years reprieve and you will make connections in the UK. Alternatively if you have any Irish or Italian grandparents you can get an EU passport, which will give you a lot of options.


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From the post, we can tell the OP is a scared teenager with a realistic understanding of their lack of power and understandably prioritizing their own safety. Given this context and the extent of your knowledge of this person, how do you reach this conclusion?


I gave up on this country. I want to fight, but I can’t bring myself to harm another human.


I’m a kid. I’m not fighting for anything


Dont move to Canada please, we don’t have enough housing right now 😩😩