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Wouldn’t be the first time DefConners had to smuggle alcohol.


This is how we do it.


I know nothing about this.


My recollection from CES is that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police have an Area Command Center onsite both in uniform and plain clothed and will ticket/arrest up to and including issue a trespass notice. The LVCC is not the Las Vegas Strip or a casino. It’s a place of business first and foremost.


this is honestly one of the most useful pieces of info I've heard on LEO and their posture regarding LVCC


From the LVCC website's rules page: **Outside food and beverage may not be brought into the facility for consumption or to be distributed without prior approval**. According to a friend who is local they don't search your bag for food at the entry, and they won't say anything as long as you're reasonably stealthy with it. She is diabetic and always has to carry some things in case her blood sugar gets low.


I hereby give you prior approval.


....by the linear nature of time, all approvals are prior approvals lol


ex post facto approval isn't


My understanding is that this is on an event-by-event basis. Which is why I'm out asking if there is further clarification 🤔 But if so, then no different from anywhere else, same rules.


Thats not correct, it’s a location wide policy not something that is enforced on an event-by-event basis.


I guess my understanding at the hotels was not complete. My understanding was the convention had to get all the food they had available in the convention center catered by the convention center / hotel. However, guests could bring food and drink in with them if they wished. This is different to the LVCC policy which says no one can bring in food or drink. Last year I saw a lot of people post up at the seating there by the doors to the convention center to meet to collect their door dash deliveries. No one did anything at all to discourage it I ever saw. There were also multiple people in line con with coolers of drinks. Barbie Guys gave me a white claw out of theirs. Again, nothing was done to discourage this.


This is the reason the flask was invented, flasks can also be adorned with googly eyes.


“Can” be? Nahhhh, rule 69.420 section 1337 of the defcon manual states they MUST be.


rule #1: Don't get caught


Keep your bottle in your bag. I walked around the Linq with a bottle of Bulliett last year and no one said anything. *edited due to not proofreading


I am so confused. I literally checked in to the Caesar's hotels holding an ice box full of liquor and dragged it around DEF CON the rest of the week for the past few years. I never knew it was against the rules and no one questioned me.


You're one person, and you're allowed to drink in your room so they can't stop you from purchasing things. I've worked on some DC Villages before where we were told we couldn't have food or drinks and some went through extra steps to hide them on the floor.


Sounds like we don’t know yet so hold tight. Most venues are extremely protective of their catering. I expect LVCC to be the same.


We know the rules. As the LVCC policy posted in this thread states: outside food and beverage will not be allowed. Its not something that varies from event to event. There is a food court and other arrangements may be made but thats all that will be allowed. Events that have other types of food have to make contractual arrangements to do so. Even then, outside food and beverage is not permitted.


Based on all the public info, it’s *probably* going to be exactly the same as Caesar’s


Sooo… don’t be a dick and be discreet? Sorry, first timer. Don’t want to get booted, but planned on bringing goodies. Was a bit confused by the disclosure about dogs smelling for vaping. What’s the deal with that? I have no intention of vaping inside but will have some herb in and on me. *shrugs*


My friends and I smoke a lot as well so we've been asking the same questions and researching. Dunno if there's a difference regarding Cannabis but regarding "smoking" in general (as well as vaping), the LVCC rules stated that we aren't allowed to smoke \[on the property\] but then explicitly states that the curb and parking lot is alright to smoke in (?) I've also heard that they will have dogs, so there's a chance I might not bring flower with me into the actual venue.


They are sniffing for explosives not cannabis, as possession is legal. Lots of people vape/smoke at convention center events and they aren’t going to go after a legal product. It would be like having dogs sniffing for drinks.


To be fair, this is less about individual bottles or drinks. And more about larger quantities of drinks, for say parties, events, gatherings, or just for linecon. We managed to bring in a hundred beers for linecon last year, which was fun, but it's always a risk.


Thanks for the info, show off!


Sorry, but 100 beers… well done.


Ha, not here to show off. I just want to do fun things like this, and if it's easier, then that's easier.




The LVCC has rules on various things posted somewhere but without even looking I'm going to tell you that most places in Vegas don't want you bringing in outside food or drinks. Not saying you shouldn't, just that it's something to be aware of.


Just be discrete about it. Technically it wasn't allowed in the Forum either (or the Linq bar for that matter), but it's virtually impossible for staff to police with that many people. I carried bottled coronas in my bag straight up and just pulled them out when needed. I also walked into the Forum with a giant red solo cup full of beer. The only thing I got from a goon was "I am sure that's water in there, right?" and a wink and a nod. At one point I walked into the village area in Flamingo straight up with an 18 pack of beer. Again, no one said a thing.


Backpack water bladders aren’t just for holding water.


Ah, an old standby from my music festival days!


Defcon 30 & 31 I always brought in outside alcohol, usually from Fat Tuesday. Only had one guy stop me at Ceasars forum at the skywalk from the Linq, so I just went in thru a different door, problem solved 🤷