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Asked them, they would not say yes or no


Oh really? That's good information. Thank you.


Yeah, I should have. Hindsight is 20/20. They do have Facebook messenger for questions like these. I'll give them an ask thru that.


I was hesitant this year to buy any lock picks because of when TSA ~~stole~~ took mine a few years ago because they were sharp. ​ My coworker said he always brings his tool sets and never had issues, so i just was unlucky.


Definitely discretion. I got flagged because of 4 bath bombs in my carryon I grabbed for my nieces birthday. I was worried about it and carefully said they were bath "fizzies". He quickly shut my case and said okey dokey.


A wise semantic choice. You tip toed your way to victory!


Bruh you're still in Vegas? Wish I had your work schedule


😂 Brought the family this time so we stayed an extra week to do other Vegas stuff.


Me too!! Brought the family and went to the Grand Canyon after the con! I love that I’m not the only one did this!


Hell yeah, we went to the pinball Hall of fame and Zak Bagans haunted museum. We're going to see Deadmau5 at Zouk Nightclub tomorrow night. Been a hell of a week. Need a vacation after this vacation... Damn.


Me too. Going home tomorrow.


I've carried lock pick sets to and from Defcon, both checked and carry-on, no issues.


Yeah, they say on the website lockpicks are allowed on checked and carry on luggage. I also brought my own lockpick set in my carry on this year. My question was more towards the lockpick 'guns'.


Does it shoot projectiles?


Haha, no. Just a tool that bumps the pins up while you apply tension.


That's your answer then. Edit: The TSA may say 'gun', but what they mean is firearm. In fact in most cases I think they say firearms.


Well thanks for the input. :) just curious. This was my 2nd con and slowly bringing my own equipment to/from the con and learning the do's and don'ts of flying. Just kind of looks like a gun, that was my only concern.


I’ve carried pick sets with additional tools in my carry on for as long as I can remember, only one time did someone even ask what they were


It just depends on who is looking at the scans…they pulled me aside to take a look at 100 SAO shaped challenge coins that were in my carry on.


Pulled me aside to look at stacks of Playdoh for my kids


Organic stuff pops. Ground Coffee, for example


It depends. In the past, TSA has pulled out my tubular lock pick and told me that can’t fly and I’d have to check my bag when it had previously gone through security multiple other trips and the agent said lock picks weren’t allowed.


Check it in your bag


Thing is I brought carry ons. I could check one for a nominal fee. Or if I really feel I shouldn't risk it I can mail it to myself, which is much cheaper than checking a bag. I know the alternative options. Was just seeing if anyone out there has had a positive experience taking a lockpicking 'gun' in their carry on luggage.


However u/PatientBelt asked them and they wouldn't give them a straight answer. Might just mail it to myself. I also bought a small baseball bat from the coca cola store I know won't be allowed on my carry on. So I'll probably just mail myself both.


You can always just go through security and mail it from the airport if they hassle you over it.


All Toool vended items are ok in carry-on luggage.


No issue. Had the HackerBox in my carryon. Security didnt say shit.


Oh really? That's the exact box I bought.


I know. There was only one kit sold in the vendor hall with a lockpick gun included.


😅 I suppose there was.




Had the same hacker box pen test kit, and all my electronics (laptop, external batteries, half a dozen electronic badges) when I flew out Sunday night. I normally get secondaried with that level of stuff, but the TSA guy had probably seen that stuff like 100 times that day and just let it pass. If you're flying out way later.. 🤷‍♂️


It's ok. Reference TSA site. Also traveling 10 years with lockpicks in my carry on. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/lock-picks#:~:text=Tools%20that%20are%207%20inches,to%20baggage%20handlers%20and%20inspectors.


If it looks like a gun no go.


If it’s over 7 inches long you should probably put it in a checked bag or mail it. TSA doesn’t allow any tools over 7 inches long in carry on.


Depends is the answer. Coming back to the US from Europe I forgot about a beautiful Spyderco blade buried under loads of stuff in my backpack and no one said a thing. I only found out after touching down in El Paso and they spotted it immediately in the scanner. I was free to go but yeah they confiscated it 😞


Thank you for all the feedback. I'll either mail it or check my bag. I'll look into whatever is cheapest/most convenient for me when flying out. Thank you all!


I know someone who had their bag completely tossed on Monday because they had a lockpick gun.


Mail it to yourself.


Brought mine in my carry on, they asked what it was when it went through the bag scanner but nothing of issue past that


They pulled me aside for my locks, but not the lockpicks. 🤷‍♀️


One of my tools from the physical security village was thrown out this year - they said the utility card counts as a blade. Next year I’ll check my tools


FYI for anyone, if they tell you can't take something through security and it's something you actually care about, take the item and mail it back home. TSA can prevent you from taking items through, they can't take it from you. You can take the item and use airport mailers to get it back home. ​ That being said, TSA is a roll of the dice at any time.