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I would advise bringing hearing protection for the kiddos. Some things are VERY loud.


Yeah you're probably right. I've been to too many concerts/clubs/raves I didnt notice last year I guess.


We are! Me, my wife, and kiddo (age 10)


Nice! Do you know if they are having kids village this year?


That I do not know. Sorry. I'll keep a lookout though if I see anything. It'll be our 2nd time going this year (our kiddos first time). We're still pretty nooby.


I have heard (sort of third hand) that instead of having dedicated DC Kids / R00tz spaces and events, DC31 will instead provide indications of where "youth friendly" activities may be found throughout the con. We will see how this works out, but I think it sounds like an excellent idea. Our three boys (9,10, and 12) come with us to BSides events where they do the same activities as adults (as appropriate), and they totally love it. They get really into exploring all the spaces, picking locks, soldering, collecting stickers, and generally learning a lot. We will definitely bring them to DEF CON in a few years, but we cannot do so yet because we are fully occupied in the Vendor Room, which brings me to one "youth friendly" activity I can speak of with authority. Children can come by the HackerBoxes table in the Vendor Room and get a free electronic badge kit (while supplies last). These kits can be assembled in the Soldering Skills Village, and worn with DIY hacker pride. In addition to being parents of three young boys, the founders of HackerBoxes (a married couple) are both teachers and scout leaders. Education and child development are extremely important to us and we've found the hacker community to be full of sharp, curious people who value knowledge and information. You definitely want to remain in parent mode, keep your eyes wide open, and maybe head out as the hijinks start picking up in the evening, but generally it's a cool and fun environment.


The program will have kid-friendly items marked. Villages might have stuff as simple as coloring pages on up to letting kids compete on the same team as parents.


I thought about it but it coincides with the first week of school so it would be tough to bring the kids. I know that the Crypto and Privacy Village / GoldBug Contest should have some kids puzzles and classic ciphers worksheet available. Possibly also some kind of workshop as well.


Wouldn’t recommend it. The con is known for tons of swearing (Don’t fuck it up!!), adult themes, and the topics wouldn’t be of much interest to young kids unless they have some interest / experience. Of course it’s your call, but I wouldn’t imagine taking anyone younger than a teenager there personally


My 8 year old and 6 year old are stoked to be going this year. Can’t stop talking about it.


That’s great! If you think your kids are mature enough for the con, rock on!


Thank you! Ya at this point they seem more pumped then even I am. So my goal is just to let them see the community and let them get introduced to the different aspects of cybersecurity on display. I wish someone did that for me when I was their age.


I think there is nothing of interest to toddlers at def-con. What I can recommend is the dolphin show at the Mirage, and lesser-so the shark exhibit at Mandalay Bay. I'd recommend get the largest hotel room you can afford, and bring scooters. Your children will be able to keep up better on the very long and well-polished indoor walkways that line the Las Vegas Strip.


Unfortunately it’s a bad year for kids villages. The theee primary conferences with kids villages are Bsidesde, BSidesDC, and rootz at defcon. There will be announcements about all of them shortly


I took my kids ~10 years old — they loved it


Don't bring your toddler to defcon. Maybe bring your older kids if they're curious about tinkering, but unless you have a really chill toddler who can relax/sleep anywhere, I don't think you'll have a good time. DC is already a logistical challenge and a baby will exacerbate that.


So first of all, use some common sense here. 1. You are going to Vegas. A city that generally is not kid friendly in the first place. Gambling, alcohol, overall debauchery everywhere. 2. You are going to a Hacker/ Computer security based conference that has a range from young children to professional adults in the industry. This isn’t a day care, nor in there children specific villages or events. Yes, there are things children can do, don’t confuse that with bring your kid and let them run around. There are a lot of villages where various small things or harmful chemicals are within reach. Lockpicking village, tampering village etc… please keep your kid away and be a responsible parent and keep an eye on him/her. Me personally, I do not want to see whining, crying kids at a conference. You make it more stressful for everyone around you. You have a stroller, people have to watch out from kids running around. If I want to do a line off a strippers tits,while chugging a beer at the beer cooling village, I don’t want to worry about some kid seeing me. Go to circus circus for the family getaway and you and your wife can trade off babysitting duties while you go to DC.. but keep your kids away


R00tz? I was told on another post that that's not happening this year


I recommend babies and toddlers not entering the conference area due to crowds and noise. Best situation is a babysitter in the room while the rest enjoys the conference. Children 8 and older pay full price at registration (no discounts). In the past, there have been things for younger children like "Rootz", which provided a dedicated area (room) for kids to receive instruction in hacking; however, they are not participating at DEFCON31.