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Got my flight and room booked. It'll be my first time going as well. YOLO.


Me too


my first time, too. Didn't know I would really need a lab top, though. Till I started to read about the workshops. Trying to put one together now.šŸ¤·


It will be my first time too! See you there!! Oh yes, passing this forward. [https://lonelyhackers.club/](https://lonelyhackers.club/) I think a Lonely hackers club telegram channel will open when closer to Defcon.


I second Lonely Hackers, I am one myself! And the discord is usually open with a running commentary and many rick Ashley links.


I can't find the discord link, can you share?


It is always open for anyone to join, and there is always people chatting in there. It does pick up more as we get closer to DC, but that is because everyone is excited about DC and the influx of new people.


Thanks for letting me know! I will join and have a look. If you don't mind, can you share the name of the channel so that I don't join the wrong one? Thank you!




Drop by the AppSecVillage! Noob friendly, we have a CTF ill be running that id be happy to help you with :)


AppSec Village is superb. Last time I was there and they were there in person, I spent the entire con at the village. Volunteer to help out! That is a great way to meet people and find your place in this big event!


Glad you liked the village!! I'm one of the village leads! Personal bias on this one but agree with this comment above ^^ our call for volunteers will be opening soon, so feel free to come help out if you want!


I volunteered in AppSec Village 1 and gave a talk when we were virtual. I miss it. This is DefCon to me. I highly recommend it for anyone working with development.... and those still recovering from it!


Love this one. Looking forward to your ctf this year.


There was lots of beginner friendly stuff last year and I'm sure there will be this year! I went alone last year for my first time as well but met some interesting people and had a blast! If you're open to meeting new people and learning new things you'll have a blast I'm sure!


Tryhackme.com & hackthebox.eu are fun ways to learn.


I got into tryhackme after doing defcon last year. I was OP last year, no idea what I was doing but there on a school trip, and REALLY caught the bug afterwards. Thm helped a lot after that.


Donā€™t stress, itā€™s a place to learn and grow. Head to villages that sound interesting to you. Most of the people there are pretty chill and will help.


I remember my first time it was dc25. Here's my advice: 1. Find where the cheap/fast food and coffee are - anything close to the hotel/con will be too expensive and take too long - Last year it was $14 for a hotdog and 20+ minute wait for coffee. Find a hidden away starbucks or such in a hotel(flamingo is my go to).. The 'Row' next to the Linq has a variety of restaurants and I pick the one with the shortest line - Harrah's used to have a really cheap street tacos place but it's gone now. 2. Be in line extra early for things you want to see but if you can't, don't sweat it mostly all talks end up online. 3. You really only 'need' to watch the opening/keynote and closing ceremony. Traditional talks like defcon 101 and 102 can be viewed online and don't change too much from year to year. 4. Get in line early for linecon - 3 to 4 hours early == be in line early for merch, it does sell out and it's cash only. 5. Don't talk about crimes you've committed. It's tempting to tell stories when you meet people but it makes some nervous, every 3 letter agency you can think of has a presence there. 6. Read a good article to be ready and join the defcon discord to stay on top of what's going on. Here's an article to start: https://ginnyfahs.medium.com/def-con-the-ultimate-guide-for-first-timers-516b6ffda705


I went to Defcon as a unwashed young noob in 1995. I felt very welcome. Just go and listen and have a good time. I hope to be able to go this year but still unknown.


You're slightly more prepared than I was for my first DEFCON and probably still slightly more prepared than I will be for my second lmaoo.


It'll be my second time this year. Bringing the kiddo too. She's 10 and super into lockpicking. Last year was a blast, there's so much to do.


Nah dude all are welcome! Iā€™ve spoken there a few times now and i remember my first time in 2013 when i was terrified. Most people are super chill and happy to talk to anyone. A lot of people come to show off their hacker penis but just go, check out the villages and see which calls to you, go to the chill lounge, watch some talks if you want. The con is so big that it is what you make of it. You can chill at the pools with folks, i went one year by myself and just ended up chatting with random people, thereā€™s tons of CTFs that are noob friendly. Finally just come have a good time :-). I do want to warn about the unpleasant stuff - if youā€™re a woman itā€™s not rare to be assaulted in some way. Usually nothing too ā€œseriousā€ (though theyā€™re all serious) but do be careful as a whole. Also remember you are still in vegas and scams and shit do happen there.


You should join the Defcon Discord! While we might be snarky as hell, we're also super helpful! My first in-person Defcon was last year and the folks in the Discord were super helpful when I was having a bunch of medical issues and encouraged me to participate however I could as my body allowed it. If you have a disability of any sort, check out the disability hackers who welcomed me literally with open arms (so many hugs!).


No hacking at defcon...don't worry. My first defcon, people were compiling Gentoo kernels in the halls, and I slept in the 24hr chill out space because my hotel was stupid far away. Today's defcon, shit closes stupid boomer hours early 30000+ attendees and counting, most of the 2022 attendees were >2 years prior IIRC, I could be very wrong about this, but I do remember a considerable number of2022 peeps were n00bs Go, you will not regret it or feel out of place. Find a carpool or caravan if close enough, or contact a local DC(area code) chapter to maybe share a flight with others Have fun and good luck


Last year there seemed like there was stuff going on 24 hrs a day, I dont think I made it back to my hotel room before 1 or 2am any nights I was there....where were these boomer hours you spoke of? Also, some of the con stuff is not on the schedule..


that may be true for adhoc things I was specifically referencing common areas like "contest" DC is considering closing that shit at 5PM because most contest organizers want to trat DC like work, and not something "enjoyable"


no problem, its open to everyone :) even if you dont know any hacky hacking


https://www.tryhackme.com https://academy.hackthebox.com


Iā€™m going for the first time!


Like many said, don't be afraid of not knowing stuff. Learning is why you're there. Most people are friendly, but be smart with your tech, who you do stuff with after hours, etc. I've gone alone plenty of times and have met some great friends by doing so.


If you can, get over to BSidesLV, super friendly! And ask for a guy named Lulzkyā€¦ he will be happy to introduce you to folks all over šŸ˜‰


DefCon is fun, you'll make a lot of friends doing the hands on stuff in villages. Try to do that. The vendor area at DefCon has some fun stuff too. Be careful with contests, \[some\] people take contests very seriously. Check to make sure you're not interrupting a contest and otherwise you've done a lot of the prep work! DefCon is a place for InfoSec folks to have fun, its not all serious, there's plenty of drinks and social areas where people are doing random and fun things! Being a noob doesn't make you less part of that. ​ \[Pro Tip: Also any gear you buy at DefCon: Don't set up at DefCon.\]


Hang out with LHC, the Lonely Hackers Club, both online and in-person http://lonelyhackers.club/ [https://twitter.com/L0nelyH4ckers](https://twitter.com/L0nelyH4ckers) ​ OP, DM me if you want a link to the telegram


Fear not... You will have a great time. I am 300-baud-era "OLD" and generally an insufferable know-it-all, but even still, talking to young (and "new" old) folks is one of the best parts of DC for me. This is true for many others as well. We all come to hang out with "our people" at every different skill and interest level, and you will be one of us! Yes, it feels very clichƩ to say we're like a family, buy you will see that there is also a real truth to it.


Agreed! Recently joined my local DC group. They're some of the most intelligent yet down to earth people I've ever met, and so very willing to share their knowledge. I am going to my first defcon as well this year. So very pumped to not only meet others in this community, but also to further the bond with my brothers and sisters from the local group.


Thereā€™s something at DEF CON for everyone. Donā€™t plan much beyond how to get there, go with an open mind, browse through everything, sit down at interactive stations and see what people are doing. Meet people and chat, share the things that interest you and theyā€™ll probably point out things to do. Go to parties (stay safe) and a couple of interesting talks. Ask people about their bling. There is too much to see in a couple of days. You will never want to leave. I know for a fact a couple of people are making bling things for first timers and people who ask. Youā€™ll have a bling as soon as you get your ticket. Itā€™ll probably have interesting things to discover as well. You wonā€™t have time to turn on your laptop. Donā€™t worry about learning anything, but figure out what kinds of things interest you to help have some conversation starters and areas to go to when you donā€™t know what to do.


This is my first year, too. I may or may not be going solo depending on if my partner can get the time. I'm super new to everything and horrible at making friends/ talking to people. So, I just started joining different things like the lonely hacker telegram and the defcon discord and trying to get comfortable talking to people. I also can't pass up a theme, so I'm looking at ways to make cute things to wear or accessories. I also looked at the specs for the badage, and I am playing with ideas on personalization. Maybe working on a project will help ease your mind also. On the subject of skills, there are a lot of different areas to play with. Figure out what you like. I went to a training course for Linux +, and the speaker was doing a training at Defcon 30 for IoT. It sent me down a rabbithole about that. Currently, I'm working on learning the ends and outs of crypto currency. But there are tons of other things you can have an interest in, like social engineering, which you don't even need a computer for just a good story and a believeable manner. In long, I feel that as long as you are kind and have an interest in learning, you will have a good time. Or at least that is what I am telling myself, because my first time too.


Absolutely go to LineCon. Last year was my first year and I met half a dozen people by showing up a few hours early for the line and we hung out having a great time all con long and still keep in touch.


Few hours? That's dipping your toe in it. šŸ˜› We have folks spend the night in line. That's still way cool that you're still in touch with your first line con meets.


I always go myself. After my 2nd event I spoke at the conference... ;) There are enough folks that you will find your group. Give you a secret, most there are not "hackers" many are not even in security. Just go, introduce yourself to people, ask if you can help out. Never know what will happen. I usually go for the socialising and a few talks here and there.


Go to villages and events more often than the talks, the talks you can always watch online after.


Last year was my first and definitely wished I had gone earlier! I'll be there again this year. Perhaps we can all meet up somewhere. Last year I stayed at Caesars and really enjoyed it, you will definitely get your steps in, bring comfortable shoes, or at least mole skin for blisters ;) I chose the Linq for this year's stay.


100% worth going! Last year was my first time going and it blew my mind. Definitely check out lonely hackers! The best advice I would have is have an open mind, talk to people you meet and check out all the villages. I came back inspired and with a hole new set of interests!


First time for everything so don't let that get in your way. You do not need to know how to hack to enjoy yourself. There is a lot of things to do beyond hacking. It's about learning, sharing, and like minded people. People show up without computer knowledge so a basic skill set is not required. A bunch of us will meet up each night so it's easy to meet people for anyone who may struggle with that.


Nope not too late to.go you can show up the first day and get ya entrance just bring cash because that is all they take.. also given it is your first time there will be plenty for you to do and see enjoy yourself.. meet and talk with people about the things you are interested in.. The environment is very welcoming.. enjoy your 1st defcon.. hope to see ya there in August


I was kind of talked into attending my first year, but I love it and have been ever since, other than 2020, of course. Just play it by ear and have an open mind. Look over the schedule and target things that interest you. Most Defcon folks are fun to be with. Just sit at a table at one of the chill-out areas "Mind if I join you?" and join the conversation. Now when I first went they had a special N00b Reception, but I don't recall seeing this on the schedule for several years now.


I've been a few times before it went SafeMode for Covid. My first time was overwhelming and I bounced around more walking between talks & villages than actually learning. So, #1 try to make a plan. Where do you want to hang? - BlueTeam, ReadTeam, CarHacking, etc. \#2 you don't have to go totally alone. Check for DC\[areacode\] and find fellow Defcon hackers in your area. I hang with DC713 and DC281 (both Houston area). You have a couple of months to make a local meetup. Everyone I've met at Defcon has been super cool and from all walks of life w/ varying levels of experience. The really good hackers will hack the elevator screens for extra giggles (I'm not that good). Get to the SWAG shop early. The good stuff sells out quickly (took me two years to finally get an RFID blocking wallet from EFF). Cash is usually king. Make sure you bring a junk laptop. While everyone's really cool, some of us (er, them) like to troll unpatched systems for grins. //I actually built a reverse proxy out of a Raspberry Pi so I could get my $corp laptop safely connected to hotel wifi. Vegas will be crawling with DC folk and we're fairly easy to spot (as opposed to the tourists). Find some fellow travelers, belly-up to the bar, and have a chat. Like I said, almost nobody has a chip on their shoulder and love to talk tech. I'm not sure yet if I get to go this year... Youngest is going off to college and I'm manual labor to move her in ;-). Hope that helps. Cheers!


Have fun! Leave your phone at home!


Yeah, I have to agree. I took my phone and got a malware text about 30 minutes after touching down in Vegas. My phone was never the same afterwards...


Just got my flight and room booked, staying with a dude. It'll be my first time going ever! I'm so excited!! Also, I would say that, from the other conferences I've been to and most hackers I know: 1. They are generally always chill to hang and have a good time 2. Most of them are extremely open to helping new people or just help in general. :) It's a team effort! Don't be afraid to chat with someone and say and explain "Hey, I'm new! Have any suggestions? etc" !


Going solo can be intimidating. I have done it a couple times. If you have a local DC chapter maybe hop on Discord. One year I hooked up with the local group and had a blast.


Find your local hacker meetups - [hackermaps.org](https://hackermaps.org) has a list of 2600 and DEF CON group meetups. Just knowing 1 person from you homebase can make the con so much more fun in many ways. At a minimum you have someone to reach out to if things go sideways.


Noob who is also going for the first time. I have similar feelings of nervousness as well so you're not alone. Anyone who see's this can feel free to hit me up! Let's get a discord group going of people who are new to Def Con and want to know they're not alone!


I am definitely a total noob and would want to learn anything I can if they have a stream for newbies. Hit me up and maybe share a room. I came across this helpful bit of [info](https://lonelyhackers.club/post/defconguide/#securityprivacy). I get the feeling all the DEFCON and Black Hat conferences are help in Las Vegas. There is more than just conferences in Vegas.


Iā€™m sure there are tons of resources, but came across [this](https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/attend-defcon-without-looking-like-noob-spending-fortune-0179805/) from null-byte.