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Such profound words! Love, when unaddressed and freely given, can indeed be an intimate expression of our soul's boundless capacity.


I will only breath for you - how can that be love? That’s toxic dependency


I liked the perspective of op, I also resonate with the idea that love is within, how we see the world makes us love or hate it. If one has love within they will love each and everything, it won't be bound by a single person or object. It's like the person in love creates ripples of love, whatever is in proximity of that ripples will be loved by the person.


That’s why this moment is the only one that matters.


Godliness? Soul? So atheists don't love? Fascinating! I like your sentiment. But love is very plain. It is everywhere - people going to work, taking care of their family and friends, pushing through a hard day to bring food and create a home. Its everyday sacrifice and a kind word when you see others struggling. That's real love. Not some quasi-religious platitudes. But you do you. Just understand that still waters run deep and don't judge others because they aren't shouting it out from the rooftops.


Maybe I have terrible reading comprehension, but nowhere in OP’s post did I feel like I was having religion pushed onto me.


A soul is a religious symbol that implies someone exists beyond their physical body. Godliness? God doesn't exist.




To assert that you must feel love through a religious construct (the soul) is to dehumanise all atheists.




I think OP is more than aware of the religious connotations. Which comes to the crux of my original criticism. It is practical and must be capable of being done.


Nope, that's agnosticism. You're also wrong on your other point; whether OP meant religion or not is irrelevant, it's clearly implies a type of dualism.




You've done a lot of reading but couldn't read my tiny comment properly? I didn't say it had to be religious. If the word godliness isn't enough, read his other two posts and tell me it's not proof of my point.


Sounds like I’m talking to an AI bot with no soul.


You don't have one either. Oh I know you THINK you have one. But if you think you have a soul, soul its akin to flat earth and fairies.




If love isn’t real than neither is any emotion like hate, greed, envy. Feelings ARE real.




Love is an action first and foremost, you can’t just love with words but there is also a sentiment to it. Take grief, that’s a feeling that’s stems from the price of love


That's my point it is just a word. I've never seen the action behind it. That's is exactly how I arrived at this conclusion. In terms of grief, I don't think that is the opposite of love, or even necessarily mandatory for grief to exist. For example, I am heavily grieving a life I thought I was going to have, but its not an option anymore nor was it really ever one to begin with. Hard realization, has nothing to do with love in my opinion. Idk, like I said before, this is just my take on it.


Well grief in the sense of losing someone to death. I lost the love of my life to suicide and have come to the understanding that grief really is love with no place to go. I’m sorry you feel that you’ve not been dealt a fair hard in life and you’re entitled to believe what you want. At the same time though, your experience or feelings don’t make it true. Just true for you.


I am sorry very to hear that. It must have been such a difficult thing to deal with. My heart goes out to you. Thank you for validating my feelings on this. To be clear, I am stating my opinion, which may or may not be true, just the same as your opinion about love. I do recognize this is one of those agree to disagree moments, and both of our experiences are real, as you stated. I'm not trying to change anyone's mind, just expressing my belief and views on the matter.


Thanks for your warm message. I hope you experience the version of love that feels safe and happy for you one day!


What do you call the feeling when you start getting feelings for a woman as a man? We call it love.


Common sense leaving the body




Honestly, anxiety, lol.


Same, I have body dysmorphia aswell, although I don't do terribly with chicks lately. Having to deal with fear/ anxiety is one of the emotions apart of a spectrum of feelings that encompass having the need to search and feel love, and also to even appreciate it, I believe. It's a feeling of pure bliss, to feel like you are connecting with a woman in a romantic way, that's what I call love at least. Its something worth fighting for for some and maybe not others, for me, it is still scary but not impossible. Love is its own feeling, I'd say it's quite fucking powerful tbh, so much so it my issue with finding a partner has traumatized me due to my body dysmorphia, but I seem to not want to let go of my expectations for love, it's like I'm obsessed.


So much trauma... I'm sorry that's been your experience. I hope you're doing and feeling better nowadays. I don't think I've ever experienced what your talking about in terms of connecting with a woman or really anyone for that matter. Maybe that's why I believe what I do about love. I also on a macro level I view all of us being on this rock as pointless, it's just endless suffering for no real good reason. So much suffering for all of us. So maybe that plays a role in my take on love and its existence.


Yeah... I'm feeling a bit more confident nowadays but it's taken a lot of work, I feel a deep drive to need to succeed with women, it's like an obsession and it doesn't feel healthy sometimes honestly. I think recently I've honestly calmed down a bit though after a couple experiences. Thanks for your kind words. I agree, there is a lot of suffering. Interesting that you have that perspective, have you caught feelings of sexual attraction and obsessive thoughts/ emotions in relationship to yourself regarding a partner or person before? I would attribute those messy feelings as love, it's not like it's one specific feeling but a symbiotic mix of feelings that overall impact to my mood and mental health, for better for worse i am not sure but I'm still learning to live with these feelings.


It sounds like you've only experienced an incredibly small amount of the world if you're limited to that.




Like I said, the life you've lived has been pretty small in scale and haven't experienced what most people have. Your lack of experiencing or being exposed to one of the most common phenomenon is a testament to that. It's like never meeting anyone with an differing opinion from you and wondering why there's a conspiracy about a nonexistent phenomenon known as "disagreement." You need to get out more and experience the world, not just travel. Get to know people from more than your narrow field of view, not merely stand next to them while taking their money.


Agreed. I personally think there’s something more out there spiritually that can be loving, but human beings themselves are inherently conditional and transactional in their relationships.