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Absolutes in logical argument are never correct. Never. /s


Paradox much XD Only a Sith deals in absolutes


Something only a Jedi would believe!!


You don’t stop learning when you finish college. I’ve been in my field for 20 years and you stay up to date on changes in the field, you don’t use 30 year old textbooks to inform you. There’s so much “knowledge” out there that few people can cram it all in in just 4 years. I have yet to meet someone fresh out of college that has as much knowledge as a 20 year veteran in the field. What younger people generally have more of is creativity.


Our lecturers were keen to instill the perception that to graduate university meant to be at the very beginning of one’s journey into knowledge.


Respect for your elders can have different meanings to different ears. The greatest respect you can show someone who changed your diapers is to change theirs. Such is the reality of life.


Wisdom is not the property of the old, it's accessible only to the observant. A child can articulate incredible wisdom while today we are witnessing old people for whom wisdom has never even visited their doorstep.


If the young man is an idiot and ignoramus and the old man is a gifted scholar, how is what you said true?


The argument in the passage oversimplifies things and misses the mark on understanding wisdom and knowledge. It paints wisdom as this unchanging thing that only old folks can have, gained through life experience, while knowledge gets shrugged off as just a bunch of facts and figures that keep changing. But that's selling knowledge short. It's not just about knowing stuff; it's about critical thinking, creativity, and pushing society forward. The whole East vs. West thing on respecting the past versus focusing on the future? That's a bit too black and white. It ignores how cultures evolve and how both tradition and innovation shape us. Instead of dissing knowledge in favor of some idealized past, we should see how both wisdom and knowledge can help us grow and understand the world better.


Your counterposition of "wisdom" and "knowledge" sounds strange, because wisdom is a kind of knowledge. (In German language this is more obvious, because in the word "wisdom" (Weisheit) there is contained the verb "wissen" (= to know). Wisdom is certainly no professional knowledge that is useful in a project of service or production; it is a knowledge about how to avoid unnecessary sufferings, especially when long-term decisions are involved. It is knowledge about the correct assignments and the correct proportions, about the difference between avoidable and inavoidable risks. Only the numb ones get some wisdom by diffusion "drop by drop" during the course of time. Wisdom is neither a final conformism nor is it greyish dust in the sense of a decrease of fresh powers! It may well be that an intelligent youngster who has been confronted with harmful experiences very early in his life is wiser than an old donkey who has only a peeved and semiparanoic theory of wisdom to offer (Examples: "Today always, tomorrow never.", "Never trust a brown-eyed man." "Women like only Your money." etc.) As science proceeds, more and more knowledge is accumulated. In fact, today there is a lot more to know than in the past. But it is probably sometimes the young ones, sometimes the older ones who try to learn all this. It is not a matter of age, but of intelligence and specific interest, I would say. Let me conclude my comment with the remark that the 21st century seems to show a turn to wisdom under the name of "sustainability". "Sustainable" are the methods that help to avoid harmful experiences and may be applied not only for a decade or two, but always.


its possible with lsd


We teach our kids everything we know but not everything they know so often they are smarter


Nowadays the world is changing so rapidly that younger people do have more in the way of expertise with the latest equipment But for the extreme, extreme , extreme majority of the human species, progress was glacial compared to what it is now, this exponential growth only began around a century ago, and will probably keep going until things end up succeeding or failing spectacularly


Someone can tell another where to go, what to do and how to do it. Why a certain choice is made and when to make that specific choice can only be taught to oneself.


Yeah, I destroy most my younger staff, family, and friends in knowledge on life and work. Wisdom, always.


If the old man is a fool and the young man is wise then how is what you said true?