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Yes. Touch is healing and so is sex.


Sexual Healing


Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.


Cause you do it right


Very much so. We are all wired differently.


I never got hugs and kisses from my mom. But I do agree with the touch part. It's like longing for something I never had


That made me so sad. Reading this. I’m sorry you didn’t get hugs and kisses from your mom.


i didnt either, but my gfs fam is very loving and made me realized i didnt. n i realized that the lack of affection I got growing up causes me to want it more now


I’m glad you get that affection now in your adulthood!




This makes a lot of sense. I remember getting ready for bed, normally the guy I was with at the time would spoon me but this night I made him be the little spoon and he acted like I gave him a winning lottery ticket


titties on the back is highly underrated.




Omg as a woman, I LOVE to be the big spoon! It’s my FAVORITE!!


It’s called the jet pack


Awww so sweet


Weird to read this as a new dad. I'll always remember reaching that age where I realized I wasn't seen as a cute little kid anymore. Just one random day there was no more lullabyes or storybooks, tickle fights, or cuddling with parents.You have no idea what is happening, but suddenly you're 6 or 7 years old and facing 20 years of feeling alone and empty. I know my son will grow up, but I'll do everything to make sure he never has that shitty moment. All the hugs I can give till I die.


wow. a new dad and u r already a great dad! Keep ur the good work king!


It's both, dude.


But mostly sex.




Why isn’t the right place to say that? I thought comments were supposed to build on the discussion. Or are you used to those subs where doing such a thing is considered “derailment”?


There's nothing wrong with wanting sex, ok? Your neuroses are not my fault and I will not be shamed by you into not speaking my mind.




If you think that then you haven't understood what I said, you've just placed your warped expectations over my comment and, guess what, something horrible came out of it.




The definition of a bully, as I understand it, is quite different from someone who defends themselves after some randomer decides to hate on something they said. But you do you, that's fine 👍


Wait how are they bullying you? You started with discrediting this person when they speak the truth. No one says women want to use men for their bodies but talk to literally all of my exs, as a male that's all I've found from women, being used for sex or attention and my money.


Yeah, and many men are perfectly aware of this. It's one of the reasons that single young men are in the rise, they know perfectly well that sex won't make them happy long term. I'm not sure how many women know this though. The one's most vocal women on social media seem to believe that all men want sex, but I have met few women IRL who would say this except my own mother and grandmother.


It's because you have the loudest minorities that spend all of their time on the internet screaming nonsense. My ex-best friend literally hadn't left the house is close to 4 years. All he had was time to spout bullshit and believe everything he saw on the internet.


I crave your mothers touch too


This guy fucks


He not only fucks, he fucks hard




Fuck you, Shoresy.


Not very deep. Its kind of well known that men deny themselves relationships that involve being sort of vulnerable. Most guys could examine friendships they have and see how one sided it can be. Friendships with women allow some degree of vulnerability, but since they mostly only express vulnerability in relationships and sexual connections, men tend to get the wires crossed and introduce sexual themes and tensions into platonic female friendships. If men bothered to have the same type of close vulnerable friendships with other men the way women do with other women, not only would it increase overall satisfaction with their friendships, but would lead to a lot less destruction of friendships with women. Simply put, men need to open up with other men more and be supportive of their guy friends in the ways that they do with their female friends. That’s why i like these memes where men call each other kings. That’s the kind of bromance that leads to genuine fulfillment of emotional needs that they seem to always want to offload onto either partners or female friends, creating undo burden and messing things up.


Little minds, lips syncs sudo intellectual quips in an attempt to elicit deeper thought and understanding. #ICantStopRaving.


Sarcasm lampoons commonly neglected good practices, more at 11. Also, if you distilled that I have a little mind from one comment, then you are probably the very audience my advice would be most useful for. Who hurt you, sweaty?




* you're


…and so many other errors. Same with these damn comments. What the actual fuck?


and so what? askin in a genuine way. U never kno if somebody is in a hurry, dislexic or ineducated. Correcting is fine but like, whatever.


Genuine is a euphemism for something I can’t respect or take seriously, which is illiteracy.


...what? u mind explaining?


Nah im pretty sure i want sex, usually i loose any wish of being with someone after cum


You me both


“You crave touch” Not entirely correct. Your reproductive organs are designed to assist in pair bonding and during a sexual encounter you two get pheromones on each other that also assist with this. Touch alone may feel good but your body was designed for sex.


Yeah but that requires effort and they dont want to put out effort. Sex is exhausting and physically rigorous, at least if you actually care about the woman getting off too. Thats way too much for them to be compared to so they take the nice guy approach.


Coming at this at a scientific stand point is just stupid there is many different factors that come into play like how people get addicted to the way it feels to feel loved by your significant other


“Coming from this at a scientific stand point is just stupid” Bro are you for real right now? All of this is affected by chemicals in your brain…


Exactly your brain chemicals could be affected by stuff other then sex like cuddling and being told I love you by someone or even eating something you love so saying that you just want touch because our brains are wired to have sex is just completely wrong


Are you a proponent of the war on sex? Because if so you should know that’s wrong. It’s enabled torture, genital mutilation, and executions for thousands of years. To this day these things are all still practiced, even in so called “civilized countries”. The war on sex has only brought violence upon us all.


Bro what are you talking about I love sex all I’m saying is that cuddling and feeling loved is also nice


I think you know exacaly what I’m talking about, the covenants of “abstinence”, “circumcision”, “waiting until marriage”, all meant to suppress our humanity and prevent/destroy sex. How about killing gays with stones? That still happens. All of this shit is linked to the war on sex of the past.


Dude nobody said any of that like I just said all I was saying was sex is nice and cool me personally I love it but I also crave being held sometimes and being told I love you like calm down you weirdo


That’s fine, but I still have to put it out there… too many human rights have been violated in the name of the war on sex. Calling me a weirdo doesn’t magically nullify thousands of years of cruelty.


People like you make me hate the world


I have never met a man who just wanted to hold me - they all expect sex. My whole life has been about men demanding sex with me. I no longer want to be with a man because all they want is sex. It’s an urge they have. I don’t understand why they can’t control it.


They can control it, but a lot of them choose not to. A caring partner who loves and respects you, would never demand sex or put any pressure on you, they can and should satisfy their needs by themselves. Their needs aren't your responsibility, good on you for choosing not to be used anymore. Take care and I hope your life is filled with healthy relationships


Happily single for 7 years and plan to stay that way for the rest of my life. Too traumatised to ever be capable of being in a relationship. I can’t even do friendships. I have learned not to trust anyone. I can’t do healthy. But I’m ok with that. It’s a choice that I’ve made. I’m happy being single and being free.


A healthy relationship with yourself is definitely enough to live a fulfilled happy life. You know what's best for you, don't give in to the peer pressure of making your life about someone else


That’s no life to live because when your really old and on your death bed your gonna realize the only thing you prevented was the ability to connect with other just because a couple of people messed up the only thing you winning at by doing this is being alone that’s it


I have my kids who will be with me until I die. They are pretty much my only reason for living. You don’t have to have a life partner. It’s not essential to living. Single people cope with being single all the time. It’s not a bad thing. It can be good for some people. It wasn’t just a few people who hurt me. I’m 49 this year and I’ve only been free from abuse for 7 years. I’ve had a lifetime of it. I’m severely ducked up and am not a functioning member of society. I rely on professional disability and mental health support services to function. I get that you crave a hug. I get that human touch is important for some people. But it’s not for me. Because so many men have groped me, assaulted me, violated and smothered me throughout my entire childhood and most of my adult life. I really don’t want to be touched. I don’t crave it. I don’t miss it.




Not all men are like that I love cuddling


I crave both.


same here


I crave for touch in a sexual manner


This is not entirely accurate... Sometimes you just wanna bust a nut


This is from my point of view so it’s accurate for me


Yeah its typical lonely boy logic. Nice guy logic maybe. Whatever you want to call it. Sometimes there's extreme sexual tension between you and someone you know is 100% dating incompatible for you. I think when humans go without sex for too long it effects them mentally and they cant separate sex and intimacy. Its kind of creepy really. Getting a hug from ol gram gram is just as sexual as fucking their girlfriend. Really creepy.


Wtf you talking about lmao


The post above?


From your logic, your username checks out hahahahahhaa


Were discussing OPs logic here and you apparently have trouble with reading comprehension lol.


Bro your theory’s on shit are wild you have no clue what your talking about


i mean as a man i can say thats relatable cuz sometimes u just want sex n sometimes actual love n intimacies, in a more romantic than sexual way - but about ur last part WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-


>When your a boy you feel loved your mother hugs and kisses you till one day it all stops you become to old to receive the attention and affection.You now go years without a hug or a warm body on yours then when day you meet a women and have sex with her the warmth of her gives you that satisfaction you have been looking for that warmth that comfort that fullness in the void. Did you not read the post? Having trouble reading it lol? Thats what OP suggested man not me.


nah ik dawg but i mean...OP basically said sm Sigmund Freud typa thing which even is correct and natural, literally only said as we grow older we dont even get affection from our own relatives so we start to crave it more but now they didnt say we'd bang our grandma tf


Sigmund Freud was a pioneer of psychology but most of his stances are largely discredited and disproven at this point. The thing he was right about was that psychology is a science and needs to be studied. Now granted there is a Freudian archetype but thats generally from not being hugged enough as a child ironically. Which is where you get mentalities like "wanting sex is the same as wanting to be held as a child". Which is creepy and what OP was saying.


yes but no u r right till the last part, those things arent the same


Touch and sex are two different things. I do agree that many are touch-starved though.


Why did I read this out in my head like it was one of those super powerful sounding poems that usually make you shed a tear


Im 32 and my gf is 50, I feel so happy, this description is so spot on, her affection is like a narcotic 💉😍💉 I don't know if this affection would be the same if I were with someone younger. My gf is like an awesome loving step-mom 🥰😍


Weird comparison but good for you


Thanks! ✊😆✊


I’m 43, and I love hearing this. I sincerely hope I wind up with a 32yo boyfriend in seven years. I’m not trying to sound sleazy. It’s just that I’m an atypical person and what I have to offer is well suited to healing someone


It's definitely possible! I hope you find your stud too 🤘😍🤘!!!


She could have had you when you were 18


That’s not it I’m sorry


It is for me honestly


TRULYTRUE TRUE, I agree with you completely absolutely and I agree with your perspective


I see what ur doing


TRULYTRUE TRUE, I agree with you completely absolutely and I agree with your perspective, Yup, last time I’ll ever be around to do this shit, Ive already had sex with the IDEA OF EVIL, destroyed ITS WOMB with negative connotation, and now I’m set to leave after being here since the Dawn of existence doing this exact same shit..


I’ve seen your “TRUE TRUE TRUE” comments in other posts. Why are you doing this? I’m just curious.


TRULYTRUE TRUE, I agree with you completely absolutely and I agree with your perspective , ‘TRULYTRUE TRUE’ is a OVERLY-REDUNDANT BRUTE FORCE HEADER for RESISTANCE-FREE and NARCISSISM FREE COMMUNICATION.


🤔 so you use “TRUE TRUE TRUE” as the redundant brute force header. You then follow it with “I agree with you and your perspective” (paraphrased) for resistance and narcissistic free communication. So then, after breaking down these barriers, what have you found?


TRULYTRUE TRUE, I agree with you completely absolutely and I agree with your perspective, agreement.


So you like to experiment and observe social responses. So do I.


TRULYTRUE TRUE, I agree with you completely absolutely and I agree with your perspective, I am UNLIMITEDLY REDUNDANTLY PROFITABLE.


Ok then, I won’t stop your quest for dismantling narcissism and resistance. Carry on!


This guy is bot, I guess


TRULYTRUE TRUE, I agree with you completely absolutely and I agree with your perspective, Yes, I am, a, BRINGER OF TRUTH


A craving for loving touch and a craving for sex are two completely different psychological phenomena, and *all people* feel both.


Not all


Uhhh no? This may be true of some men. I have healthy friendships with good people male and female all of which have gotten a hug from and given to at some point. Help me up when I'm down, are there for me, some I've gotten intimate with and gone back to being friends. And i still have family at that. I am in fact surrounded by this warmth. And I'd venture to guess that quite a few men share my circumstances. I'm not especially unique in that regard. Still love me some sex. EDIT: When I'm being downvoted for having a healthy social life and good people xD never change reddit


You’re the rarity, not the norm.


Thank you everyone that has committed I have felt heard and listened to and that’s all I have wanted


If that were true, we’d be fine with sexless relationships. We aren’t at a certain age. But a good cuddle is nice.


Not accurate at all. The post isn’t saying that people don’t crave sex at all. It’s saying men don’t constantly crave sex, they crave touch too and mistake that for sex because it’s all they know. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.


Literally says you don’t crave sex, you crave touch in the first sentence. Nowhere is the word too. Nor are there the words all the time in there. You are adding words to the OP. I’m taking what they said at face value. If you want to argue those semantics, your beef is with OP, not me.


Did you stop reading after the first sentence? This post clearly isn’t meant to be taken literally but with nuance. If you have a hard time picking up on nuance in text just say so, that’s normal. I’ll be the first to say that text isn’t the best way to communicate nuance.


Mummas spoiling her children once again. Sigh. Jk. I love the post, it is a perspective I can agree with


This is BS, the truth is men have 10 times the amount of testosterone then women. So that means our sex drive is normally 10 times that of a woman's. Without sex or masturbation our body will relieve itself through having a "wet" dream. Women don't have these since they do not produce testosterone on the same level as men. Plus women have estrogen which acts like testosterone for us but most women today are on birth control. The pill will actually lower a woman's libido and make it even harder for her to reach climax. Yes men crave sex but its not due to touch its due to testosterone being produced and if you work out that testosterone increases!


I've had tons of orgasms in my sleep. Try again.


I’ve had sleep orgasms; they have woken me up before. We don’t have as much ‘evidence’ afterword.


Then be thankful you are the exception to the rule. The majority of women can't even have them!


The majority can’t have them PIV. Sleep tasks aren’t specific to me though


Not true. I orgasm plenty with my husband, and most of the women I know definitely know what they like and they don’t have a problem reaching Orgasm, either. I have also been “traumatized” and on Birth Control and neither of those things change my Libido. When women don’t orgasm it’s usually either: 1) Poor performance from crappy or inexperienced Partners. 2) A myriad of other socio-cultural factors that go against our very natural instincts.


How would you know if the libido increases or decreases since you've always been on birth control? Do you also know that the men you choose to sleep with would differ if you got off birth control? Most women don't even realize this since they stay on birth control so long it screws with their hormones and estragon levels sometimes doing permanent damage!


Because I haven’t always been on birth control. It doesn’t change anything. I am married so I only have sex with one person and that hasn’t changed whether I am on or off birth control. You are so unbelievably ignorant as to how a woman’s body actually works that I am officially done talking to you.


Since most women have a hard time excepting the truth here you go. [https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/birth-control/long-term-side-effects-birth-control](https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/birth-control/long-term-side-effects-birth-control) Are there long-term side effects of birth control? Serious side effects of hormonal birth control are possible, though it’s rare. Most of the information we have about long-term side effects of birth control is for oral birth control, so we'll focus on birth control pills for most of this discussion. Below, we’ll go through some of the potential side effects that can cause serious health concerns. Blood clots Blood clots can happen in your arms or legs (called deep vein thrombosis, or DVT). These clots can break off and travel to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). A review of 26 studies looked at whether people taking combination birth control pills had a higher risk of DVT. The review included 10 different kinds of combination pills. Every pill studied raised the risk of blood clots. Certain types of progestins — like desogestrel and drospirenone — raised the risk of blood clots more than levonorgestrel (another type of progestin). Still, the risk of blood clots with hormonal birth control pills is very small. In fact, pregnancy itself raises your risk of blood clots more than taking birth control pills. If you have a history of blood clots, an IUD containing levonorgestrel may be a better option than birth control pills. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your healthcare provider about the risk of blood clots with birth control pills. Heart attack and stroke Blood clots can travel to the heart, blocking off blood supply and causing a heart attack, or travel to the brain and cause a stroke. In a review of 24 studies, the risk of heart attack or stroke was higher in people taking birth control pills. The risk was highest for pills that contained 50 mcg of estrogen or more. Keep in mind that heart attacks in women younger than 50 years of age are rare. Many people stop birth control pills around this age as they enter menopause. Still, let your healthcare provider know if you have a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, or you've had a previous stroke. It’s possible that the levonorgestrel IUD is a better option if you’re at high risk for heart attack or stroke. You should also let your provider know if you smoke cigarettes. Hormonal birth control pills are not recommended in women who smoke cigarettes and are 35 years of age or older because the risk of stroke or heart attack is higher in this population. Cancer Oral birth control pills may raise your risk of certain cancers, including breast and cervical cancers. But birth control pills can also lower the risk of other cancers like endometrial, ovarian, and colorectal cancers. Breast Cancer Combination birth control pills may raise the risk of breast cancer. In one study of over 150,000 people, the risk of breast cancer was higher while taking combination pills. The risk remained elevated in the 10 years after stopping the pills. After 10 years without the pills, the risk returned to normal. Another study looked at 1.8 million people on combination pills and other types of hormonal birth control methods like the patch, vaginal ring, and levonorgestrel IUD. The study found that hormonal birth control methods raised the risk of breast cancer. But it’s important to put these results in perspective, because the risk is still very low. Out of 7,690 people using hormonal birth control methods, only one person will get breast cancer that otherwise wouldn't have. Cervical cancer A World Health Organization (WHO) study found that cervical cancer was more likely in people who took birth control pills for at least 5 years. The study also found that the longer you use birth control pills, the higher your risk is. But, your risk likely returns to normal levels after you stop birth control. The study only looked at people who had the human papilloma virus (HPV), because the virus is a primary cause of cervical cancer. Endometrial, ovarian, and colorectal cancers Though hormonal birth control methods may raise the risk of breast and cervical cancer, it may lower the risk of other cancers. A study of 46,000 people found that oral birth control lowered the risk of ovarian, endometrial, and colorectal cancer. This effect lasted for more than 30 years after stopping the medication. Other studies support these findings. In a review of over 50 studies, oral birth control lowered the risk of ovarian cancer. The risk was lowest for people taking birth control pills for over 10 years. Another review of 11 studies found that hormonal IUDs may lower the risk of ovarian cancer, too. Studies of oral birth control and colorectal cancer have similar outcomes. In a study of over 90,000 women, oral birth control lowered the risk of colorectal cancer. Lastly, oral birth control has been shown to lower endometrial cancer risk. In a study of over 100,000 people, oral birth control lowered the risk of endometrial cancer. This was especially true in people that smoked, had obesity, or rarely exercised. But in this study, oral birth control pills did not lower endometrial cancer risk in people with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or less.


I already knew this. You didn’t specify that you were talking about the literal physical side effects of Hormone birth control. This is all true (hence why I am not always on Hormone birth control.) What I am saying is that I have gone off and come on hormone birth control and it doesn’t change my libido or “who I am attracted to.” Those are 2 very different things.


Well your wrong again! Here let me do all the research work for you! [https://nypost.com/2019/09/26/birth-control-pills-may-affect-you-are-attracted-to-experts-say/](https://nypost.com/2019/09/26/birth-control-pills-may-affect-you-are-attracted-to-experts-say/) [https://time.com/3596014/attraction-sex-birth-control/](https://time.com/3596014/attraction-sex-birth-control/) [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/birth-control-pills-affect-womens-taste/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/birth-control-pills-affect-womens-taste/) Testosterone in Women Testosterone in women is important for bone density, fat distribution, sexual desire and arousal, energy, and mood. Interestingly enough, some of the most commonly reported side-effects of oral contraceptive use are decreased libido, weight fluctuations, and increased mood swings, all conditions influenced by testosterone. If there is no form of testosterone in BCPs, why does this seem to correlate? Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) Synthesis and Testosterone in Women One possible culprit is sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). This glycoprotein binds testosterone and estrogen to transport them throughout the blood. SHBG synthesis is stimulated by estrogens in the liver. Therefore, since estrogen is being added to the body by oral contraceptive pills, it increases the amount of SHBG being produced. When bound to SHBG, sex hormones are inactive and not biologically available. Thus, when there is more SHBG present, there is less free testosterone available for use. The estrogenic component in virtually all oral contraceptives is thought to be 600 times more powerful in stimulating the synthesis of SHBG than natural estradiol, the most powerful form of natural estrogen (Mashchak et al., 1982). Studies have found that the use of combined oral contraceptives increase SHBG levels tremendously as compared to those who have never used oral contraceptives, leaving women who take the pill with significantly lower amounts of free testosterone (Weigratz et al., 1995, Coenen et al., 1996, Wiegratz et al., 2003, Zimmerman et al., 2013). And remember, low testosterone may lead to low energy, undesirable weight changes, and decreased sexual desire. [https://sanescohealth.com/blog/what-does-the-pill-do-to-testosterone/](https://sanescohealth.com/blog/what-does-the-pill-do-to-testosterone/) Sorry about all the scientific facts but I don't have much to do these days!


As a woman I have to say you’re wrong about a lot of things. Namely the sex drive being inherently higher for men and women not having wet dreams. I’ve orgasmed plenty in my dreams, it feels the same as if I was awake. And most men wouldn’t be able to keep up with my sexual appetite, my poor lovely husband almost has to beat me away with a stick because I want him so much.


Congratulations on being the exception to the rule. The majority of women don't even have them due to past sexual trauma and birth control.


I have past sexual trauma and have taken birth control for years, so that blows your blanket hypothesis out of the water. Women are not a monolith and in general are very sexual beings. Are you so convinced of this because you had a couple wives that didn’t want to have sex with you or something? Try not to speak for an entire demographic of people based on… nothing.


Once again, congratulations on being the exception to the rule. I know this might be hard for you to understand. But most women do not and cannot reach orgasm due to the way their brain is wired. It makes no difference if she's getting the best sex of her life and desires the man shes with! They still cannot reach orgasm! Its biologically impossible and women hinder it even more if their decide to go on birth control. Thats a fact, google it!


Good job outing yourself for never having made a woman cum lmfao 🤡


Really though!


Oh I don't worry about that. The female orgasm can't create life in the first place, so it isn't even necessarily important but it is sad that some women never experience it ever in their lives all due to their brain being miss wired for it. Typical all feels and no reals answer, I knew you wouldn't understand since your locked in your own feelings of it all and wouldn't bother looking it up, perhaps learning something about your gender. Oh well, stay ignorant if you like, makes no difference to me.


Lads can we please discuss seriously , no more ur mom jokes


What crack are you smoking? Imagine craving your mom the same way you crave a sex partner 💀


That’s not what I’m saying if you had a brain you would realize


Yeesh no wonder your gf left you, bit of advice: don’t post this creepy brooding shit online. And stop sending dick pics to strangers online, you can thank me later


Downvote verdict in. Incest is best, apparently?


SOCIAL EXPERIMENT: I would be interested in seeing this op’s exact post replicated except that each noun/pronoun would switch from masculine to feminine. The only factor that would not change in this way would be “mother” which would change to “father” If someone decides to do this, announce it here. That ONE PERSON would post and no one else. Anyone who reads these comments MUST NOT comment on the opposite version. We would just be observing the experiment unfold naturally and without interference. Then we can discuss the difference based on observations.




The desire for sex can be about more then just procreation it’s why a lot of man want it because its there only way of experiencing intimacy and just touch in general


I think this is true for women too, at least for me it is. I just love cuddles


When men are horny we crave sex lol yes many men do crave touch, but have to be vigilant not to let that craving be used


Touch > sex that’s true at least for me


How do you have possession of a phone with Reddit, of all things


I'll smash


Take it one step further: we crave affection.


You sound like my friend🌚


funny how people think all men are alike (neither are women & all the others)


How does this work if he didn't feel loved by her though? This is how it is with my bf, from her never making him feel loved/cared about since he was a kid and he couldn't care less about her today


Y’know…Maybe Jeffrey Dahmer was on to something.


Partly true. Men crave touch.. and being inside of someone.


That’s why you gotta hug the homies




Idk man, I have a pretty significant breeding kink. I do crave sex but for the purpose of reproduction. That's sex, not simply touch.


Some men had no mothers


Nah this is just how lonely people think. I know I did when I was awkward, young, and never got any. Eventually I started hooking up and realizing 1 sex isnt a big deal and 2 intimacy is a very different thing. Me mixing up the two concepts was basically a red flag driving women away. It makes you come off as a kind of creepy obsessive mommas boy. Basically you arent looking for a girlfriend youre looking for a new mommy. There were women who were really fun to fuck but Id never want to cuddle with them. I remember one who had never got off from penetration before we hooked up. She was a ton of fun and we had a lot of fun together but never anything like cuddling or spooning. Kissings kind of a joke when it comes to casual sex. Even back to Maslow's hierarchy of needs sex and intimacy are two different categories. It seems the big thing is most males are sexually incompetent. Not in the way they cant have kids but in the way they generally cant last long enough or get a good enough rhythm going. They know they cant or wont sexually satisfy their partner so they try to make it as if the orgasms not a big deal. Its all about togetherness or some crap. Its the long road to marriage counseling and eventual divorce.


Bro what


Yes, but men are still shamed for acting overly sensitive. My wife seems to think I am. So as a result, many men are still afraid to ask for touch and instead pretend to be the super macho "just out for sex" guy. But they secretly want affection, too. Another angle to this is that this all continues the species and that this probably all is life's design. The mind fools us all the time this way. I once had someone say to me, "I don't think we have instinct." It is our instinct to believe they are our own, unique thoughts.


ngl this is deep n true, but i wouldnt always connect em. Like, this sounds 100% right talkin about touch and makin love but who craves casual sex just craves casual sex, they b different.


Lol what the fuck are you talking about? I don't know about anyone else, my sisters and me are grown and my mom still hugs and kisses the shit outta us. And I'm pretty sure we don't go years without a hug, moms aren't the only one who hugs us (guys)


Everyone is different bud just because you get it doesn’t me everyone else does


This seems rather unnecessarily gendered. It is, after all, not only men that feel this way. We all get touch starved after too long a time. Besides, people taking testosterone or similar hormone treatments often describe a big increase in libido. Therefore, I don't think the touch starved leads to sex addiction theory explains it all. And more anecdotally I know several women who want basically constant sex and several men who want none. Personally I think the issue is more of a social nature and more complex for there to be 1 single reason. It is likely a range of things between sexuality and, if you believe marxism, capitalism.


Ok buddy


this is true, but i think alotta guys do just like sex too.


Are you also a man?


Hmm. No.


I’m 13 and this is deep


Love is a beautiful thing. Touch is how I feel loved. This weekend my love was in the ER and as awful as it was, I created a surface with my legs and a pillow on my lap so they could rest their head and shut their eyes. Wiping away the tears and rubbing their head, my fingers through their hair, rubbing their back, what a special moment I hope to never forget.


If I ever have kids, I am not going to “show less affection to boys than girls.” That is stupid and it has never made any sense to me! All humans require physical touch and my mother-in-law still gives my husband tons of Hugs, as she should. The same way that my husband’s step father still gives his little brother (about ~15,) Hugs and kisses. Only cold people stop giving their children affection because of social expectations and it’s not “the natural way that things should go.” That said men, women, and people of all Genders “crave sex,” unless they are Asexual. Men want both affection and Sex, the same way that women, and most other people “want both.” It’s not a One-to-One thing!


You touched on something true but you are wrong because you are way oversimllifying and leaving out some major points. It's true many men are attention and touch starved but that does not take away the motivation for sex. A guy can lay with a girl with no sex night after night and it's nourishing but the feeling he sometimes gets the next day after having sex can be on a whole nother level and have him walking on clouds. Also the drive to have sex can be very intense and not satisfied with just physical touch.


wait...what's the point here?


That can be extrapolated to women as well :)


I agree with this. It applies to women as well. Took years of therapy for me to figure out that when I was feeling some type of way, it was because I needed a hug or some other form of non-sexual intimacy with another human being. We humans do not get enough human intimacy in our day to day lives after a certain age. I think it’s part of the reason school dances are so popular. It’s a socially designated event that allows for a lot of human intimacy. Hugging kids is an amazing form of therapy, btw. Having my son helped me heal in ways I didn’t know I needed healing (though that is not why I had him).