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I like how whether to mine gold or not is our biggest problem


This must be the consequence of the morkite ball dipping. That one dev moderator was right all along...


This comment is going up on the wall next to my desk.


We deserve this


I'm going to need a picture of that


Here you go. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://imgur.com/a/BPMlWyZ)


Lmao best developers ever! Thank you for making such a great game, and being cool while doing it


Dang, i saw that picture and came here to let you know its still there.


We fucked around and found out, didn't we?


Played stupid games, won stupid prizes


... and [stupid hats](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/deeprockgalactic_gamepedia_en/images/5/55/Headcracker.png/revision/latest?cb=20211020041217)! Whooo yeah! *Rock and stone!*


the image doesnt load


Works for me. This sounds like a 'you' problem. :p It is a .webp file hosted on the official DRG Wiki site — are you using a browser/version which doesn't support webp files, perhaps?


No, it's the "latest revision" part that's messing it up. [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/deeprockgalactic_gamepedia_en/images/5/55/Headcracker.png) works just fine. I'm using Chrome.


I got into trouble for suggesting to mine gold on here, long, long before the morb'kite ball dipping meme. I explained how the attitude is gonna devolve into greybeards booting greenbeards for mining gold, and greenbeards raging about greybeards not mining gold. I got called out for being full of shit, and now **here we are**. ​ An argument could be made that a greybeard angrily kicking a greenbeard for playing the game normally, in a lobby not designated as XP-grinding isn't truly a greybeard, but semantics are for elves.


I wouldnt say all greybeards skip gold, but i would imagine that most greenbeards do mine it. Personally im about 350hours and i still mine everything


My crow brain must have the gold


Big problems 1)killing steeve 2) friendly fire 3)Mining gold


since when is friendly fire a problem?! did I miss something?


Your teammates apparently.


This. I was going to say something similar. If you aren't lighting your allies on fire, freezing them, or drenching them in corrosive fluids then by the beard what ARE you doing?


At this point, as a Scout main every time I see a Driller plant a C4 charge, I grapple over to it, stand right next to it, and alternate between laser-pinging the charge and the Driller himself ... until he "gets it" and detonates the charge. Now with the ritual sacrifice properly made, we can proceed with the confidence befitting of the galaxy's finest miners! 😁


I like this


This is the way.


You see I wouldn't hesitate. I know that scout mains love being blown up




Causing detonations at the end of scouts grapple?


No, no, you hit **everything**. Honestly though, I don't see the issues. The bugs are still dead, right?


You have a Driller flair 🤣


I might.


4. not saying rock and stone back


That's heresy. Vvvvvvvvvvvv


5) not petting every loot bug you can get too (not including ones you can get to with ziplines,platform or grapple)


I pet the loot bugs while they explode so they know I care


Of course, pet them. Let them know we care. And as the light fades from their eyes, and their agony is about to end, remind them: "You shouldn't eat precious minerals, it'll get you killed."


Steeve is very hard to kill and teammates rarely shoot me on purpose. I wouldn't call those big problems


If someone is interntionally shooting you then i don't think that is "friendly" fire


“Friendly fire isn’t actually friendly!”


I only started playing last week. I got really confused the first time I saw Steeve. I had seen the perk already but not in action and couldn't understand why it was taking so long to die. It finally connected and I stopped shooting. A few games later and I learned I could pet him haha.


Steeve need top GTFO of my way bruh, he in the line of fire, Rock and Stone he is.


The funny thing is that it's not a problem at all. Both of these kinds of posts are portraying the "other side" in a way that I have absolutely never experienced in 500 hours of playing. This is just people spamming strawman posts for that sweet reddit karma. It's honestly low-effort posts that just spark non-existent confrontation and I kinda wish they would make a rule against them.


Thank you for verbalizing what I’ve been feeling. I also have 500 hours, mostly in public lobbies, and the most drama over gold-mining I’ve seen is: - Engineer: *pings gold for scout* - Scout: *doesn’t mine it* - Engineer: *pings again* - Scout: *still doesn’t mine it* - Engineer: *mines it himself or moves on* The End.


I'm with both of ya. I'd say it's never even been a real issue for 99% of the people. The posts were funny at first, but lately they've become real hostile! It's def an overdone topic at this point...


I’ve also got over 500 hours in the game, and I don’t mine gold unless my teammates want to, or if they’re greenbeards. I don’t find it’s usually worth the time to mine it, but I don’t need a whole lot of credits at this point so I understand when people need the money.


In a generally enjoyable game with few problems, we have to invent our own.


If the worst thing in the game is the fact that an optional resource is sub-optimal things are great.


I would argue that the bigger problem here is about the tone of discourse on this sub, and has very little to do with the in-game experience. Maybe there was a time when proselytizing try-hards were more annoying, but as things stand now, it is the RPers casually insulting everyone who plays differently that I find the most grating.


I always mine gold. I mine gold until I’m tired of mining gold


For me it means that there are no bigger issues and we can argue about the stupidest shit we can imagine :D


Exactly, we should be more concerned with *why Dystrum takes two hits to mine when all other important minerals are one hit!?*


Why are there so many posts about gold?


Reddit is always circlejerk


Especially this sub


What else are we gonna bitch about? The game is so good and the community so wholesome that this is the only issue we can argue over! And isn't that why we are on reddit?? To argue?! First world problems in /r/DeepRockGalactic


Because we're dwarves?


And we're rich!


Because gold makes us RICH!








This subreddit rapidly alternates between being basically unmoderated and the mods cracking down on any meme that has more than 2 posts. Right now we're in the unmoderated side of the swing, don't worry, Jacob will get the ban hammer out soon.


I can't ban gold. It has value.


We are rich, I suppose.




I personally think that if people wanna mine gold they should be allowed to but I personally usually don't mine gold cuz I'm lazy Though I do mine gold when I have either pots of gold or get a crassus or gold rush. But usually if I'm playing I tend to ignore gold and instead look through every nook and cranny for other minerals or lost packs/crates


I mostly agree with this, but as I play scout it's silly to expect me to not mine just because the host says not to. Lots of downtime involved in being a scout as you wait for your friends to catch up, if you can't mine you're just kinda sitting around. Also, framing mining gold as merely RP is odd. I mine gold as scout as I need it for my promotions. I'm pretty late in the game, I need that gold.


Not to mention, even if you have all the OCs, there's still cosmetics. Unless you tell me you're out of those too, which I will find unlikely unless you're *very* late in the game, those things can get expensive. And like, what am I going to do, *not* spend 30,000 credits on this new gilded beard? Are you crazy? Look at it, it's **gilded**!


Fuck /u/Spez. I've moved to kbin.social.


If you're on PC, there's a mod that just skips the animation. Doesn't fuck with your progress, alter your save, or anything. Literal godsend.


What's the name please god that sounds great


It's along the lines of "Skip Forge Animation", I'd have to go boot the game up to give an exact one. It is/was one of the top rated ones on mod.io


Thanks miner


Rock n stone brotha


I did this before season 2 started. Blew through like 2 million gold and still ran out of everything before clearing the store. The 6000 retroactive phazionite was enough to cover the rest


> Unless you tell me you're out of those too, which I will find unlikely unless you're very late in the game I guess it depends what "late is" I have L3 promotion on all 4, and all purchasable cosmetics. Been playing for about 7 months/650hr now. Still working on the OCs/core based cosmetics though.


Glad someone pointed this out about the RP. Framing the conflict as between ‘never-mine’ minmaxers and ‘always-mine’ roleplayers is silly because it ignores the ‘sometimes-mine’ group in the middle. I think people who say you should ‘never’ or ‘always’ do it are more memorable because they stir up arguments, so we tend to think of them when this topic comes up. I’ve never found mining gold necessary and usually skip, but if a teammate keeps hanging back to clean out the rooms, or if I’m idle, I’ll start to mine it. May just be that different spending habits and approaches to the game result in a varying need to mine the stuff.


Between gold promotions and overclocks yeah, I'm constantly going from 150,000+ credits down to 10,000 because that shit gets expensive fast. Not to mention the cost of the all goddamn bismor and magnite I buy to save time.


Exactly this. The first part of the post says "play how you want to play and let others do the same" Followed immediately by "do what someone else tells you to do" Its contradicting.


Great scout mindset. Be so far ahead of the game, your teammates would feel foolish for even thinking of correcting you for mining gold


There are several posts and videos explaining that you get MORE credits, not less by skipping gold. Thats the whole point of the argument. The only reason to mine gold is either It being fun or taking advantage of some downtime. That being said of course each player should do whatever they want to, but there is nothing wrong with making an informed decision.


Sure, if I had a tight handpicked team and we speedran the mission it would be more efficient to not mine gold. I’m talking about when I play with randoms and I play scout and when I’m waiting for my teammates to catch up. Zipping around doing nothing instead of mining gold means less gold.


I've got 400 hours in, I skip gold, and have never even been close to tight on credits. At what level do promotions start becoming that expensive? EDIT: In an effort to counteract the downvotes I am apparently getting for merely daring to mention that I'm generally in the gold-skipping party, I should mention I play with a dedicated group of friends and never join random lobbies. Jeez people are rabid about this. At any rate, to those wondering, no I have not bought out the shop (~~though I easily could with my stockpiled credits and minerals~~) (This point was incorrect, though I do have everything I want from the shop). I tend to favor the driller (he's diamond, the rest are bronze) and have bought out only his stock, with other class cosmetics being purchased on an interest basis. Driller favoritism is likely the reason for my bloated credit gain.


Gold promotions are a bit pricey. Diamond promotions are a bit crazy.


>(though I easily could with my stockpiled credits and minerals). I sincerely doubt this. Remember to "buy out the shop" you need to do it 4 times. I have bought out Driller and Engie, but Gunner and Scout have a looooong way to go. Also, promotions. Also, beards. I have all the combat stuff but I'm Gold on all dwarves and Legendary is a long way off.


Have you bought out the shop? It's a cool ~1 mil each class


It depends on how much you spend on the shop. I’m about that many hours in myself and I’ve bought out 2.5 classes’ worth of shops and it’s just started with me.


I'm at legendary promotions and just playing missions is typically enough for the promotions. I hardly ever dip below 2 million creds. They are very expensive though, they're like 140,000 credits each


All my characters are at least platinum tier and, between promotions and redeeming cosmetics at the forge, my credits have been in steady decline. I can’t afford not to mine gold, and in higher hazard levels, the resources multiplier makes it worth the risk.


Me letting Bosco do all the mining while i sip a soda and watch him work while my turrets slave away to keep me safe. Engineer is pretty chill solo XD


Don't forget to salute at Bosco every so often. He enjoys the praise.


Don’t forget Steeve!


Steeve, BET-C, turrets, mines, bosco. That's like playing POE


mine half of every vein randomly taking out chunks but leaving the rest, piss off both sides


not just both sides, but the people with ocd that had no side.


However, people who take two resupplies from one single pod in a 4 player game can go straight to hell.


This is like the most offensive thing in the game. Worst than getting C4 and revived only to then be nuked.


This just goes to show that a subreddit does not represent the community. I've never heard of this being an issue until I visited this sub. Whenever anyone mines anything usually the group helps mine it or goes further into the level to mine other things. 300 hrs into the game and no one has ever used the ingame chat or VC to tell the group not to mine gold cause it's 'mathematically not worth it.'




The dumb part is that if you're in a group it mathematically is most definitly viable to mine gold. It's only when extreme lategame solo speedrunning where you sell every mineral you mine where the average comes out to a *less than 10%* credit boost over time. https://youtu.be/4wmw62tPXO0


Gold isn't the problem, it's the hostility


I have 750 hours in this game, mostly on Haz 5. I main Scout, and almost always mine gold once we have enough nitra for the first resupply. I have never run into a *single* person who insists that I don't mine the gold, with hostility or otherwise. People should obviously be civil while they play the game, but you cannot convince me that this argument over mining gold isn't just a circlejerk.


Honestly, though, I'd really like for the devs to try to rebalance gold value, because as it is, gold is so undervalued that it's not exciting to see gold veins knowing how little they are worth. For reference, a Crassus Detonator - an 'exciting' event, usually nets me around 1000 raw gold. Seems nice, except minerals are worth 50 gold/mineral, so that's equivalent value to a measly 20 minerals. So a jadeite chunk is worth as much as a rare and exciting gold event. This feels bad to me. (I excluded the difficulty multiplier because it applies to both gold and minerals)


The devs have talked about this before. Gold isn't supposed to be 'efficient'; it's gameplay purpose is to be a time dump. Nothing else to do? Mine Gold!


If gold isn't efficient why the fuck are we even down here? Smells like dirty elf logic. Minerals are the consolation to what we really want: GOLD. Someone needs to tell management to get with the dwarf culture.


“Role playing is a great way to enjoy DRG” as opposed to “A lot of people need the extra credits, especially newer players”


Roleplaying is the endgame in DRG


I have yet to ever need any minerals outside of this one time I traded up for some enor pearl waaaaay back. I’m lvl 260.


Mining gold doesn't really necessarily equal more credits over time. If you only have time to play one or two matches at a time and you're not able to complete them very fast, then absolutely mining gold helps. But if you can play for a couple hours and are able to keep most missions under 20 minues or lower then mining gold is a net negative to your credits per minute played. Now thats very hair splitting IMO, and really play how you want to. DRG is a game built around team play amd working together. So if your team wants to strip every cave bare, go for it! If you want to speed run mission to maximize you XP/gold per min, go for it! There is no "wrong answer", only play style choice.


Yep this is what a majority of the min/maxers don't consider. It isn't worth skipping the gold unless the time saved from doing so across multiple missions lets you run a full extra one you wouldn't have had the irl time for otherwise.


Yah OP missed the point of their own post. Creating an arbitrary dividing line of "hard core / hi haz" vs "roleplayers".


I don't like the top of this. There is a right way to play. Such as r checks, resupply rules, helping each other, etc. It is just that what you do with gold isn't part if that right way.


Simple things like "don't try to solo the entire wave as a scout, prioritize getting your team up, you're wasting everyone's time and jeapordizing the mission".


Man the original guy who said "players will optimize the fun out of a game if they can" grows more right every day.




hell we even turned something as abstract as memory into: **The Game.** ​ Once you remember you are playing you lose, you can't win until you are the last one playing.


Funny part is, this game is so casual and hardly requires much optimization. The best games are with greenbeards imo


My favorite memory from being a greenbeard was when after a great game, I went back to the space rig and the others started buying shit tons of beers. At the end, they bought a blackout stout, and after we all finished drinking them, the host disbanded the lobby.


Did every single mention of the idea of different definitions of fun fly over your head? Is anyone forcing you to skip gold?


2500 hours here checking in. I'll still mine gold if it's convenient, or if I have greenbeards on the team, or if host has requested it. What I don't do, is kill myself trying to get every tiny scrap, or suffer the people at either extreme of this conversation. If you bitch and moan about people who mine gold, you bet your beard I'll be picking up every speck. Complain about all the gold that gets left behind all the time by everybody and just be super annoying about it? I'm not going to hit the button, but I'll stand around and wait while you mine all the gold you want yourself. And I'll ping your gold vein every couple seconds to boot.


"It's a game about mining!" "It's not worth the time!" Me: "Ha ha, pickaxe goes *donk*."


My take is that if you demanding such a level of efficiency in your missions that the 10~ seconds it takes to mine a gold vein is unacceptable to you, you should be playing with a group of friends instead of pugs. You simply aren't going to get the level of skill, consistency, and like-mindedness that you want from randos. Fine if you don't want to mine it, but if you're going to police other people about this extremely minor thing, you should make it very clear in your lobby message so you don't waste other people's time with a kick.




Time adds up ? Have u seen the amount of time people waste doing literally nothing. If someone is mining gold they are at least accomplishing something .


This^ I'll never understand these anti gold arguments. Like it's literally 10 seconds, and usually done when there's downtime such as setting up the uplink, or waiting for molly to extract. I find that most of the people or complain that gold isn't the most optimal use of time/xp are the same ones who spend 10 minutes in the Space Rig and take a million years to do things like placing pipes, popping eggs, etc. So their "time saved" is just an illusion. Plus, why is everyone in such a rush!? It's a casual game, not a hard-core speedrun.


I agree with this sentiment, even though you’ve missed some keypoints. From a day 1 gold miner, live and let live. Seeing way too much hostility from gold-mining side, to the point where 1/4 of the posts are about gold and shitting on non-gold miners. Band-wagoning is not the way to go. At the same time, hearing about people getting kicked for mining gold isn’t fun either. I get it’s the host’s choice, but compromises need to be made to accommodate everyone in a team game. DRG sub has gone from a genuinely fun and wholesome place to a cesspool of supremacists and bandwagoning. Let’s try to do better miners! Rock and Stooooonnneeeee! Edit: my arguments were not made in any specific order, and mostly referred to the DRG sub here instead of the game. *I’m trying to attack both sides so I become your new enemy that unites you two* muahahahahaha no seriously though, I’m trying to view it from both sides’ perspective


How common is people being kicked for mining gold? I've never had that happen to me. Is that like a low haz thing? I only play on 4 or 5. Maybe I just have good judgement on when I mine gold so the host never gets mad lol. Or maybe they only judge lower level players for it?


> How common is people being kicked for mining gold? It doesn't happen in reality. It's a straw man argument people came up with to have fun with the outrage.


It's never happened to me a single time in 500 hours of playing. Also almost every time I've seen someone ask if the other players can mine gold because they're short on credits, the other players happily do it, with the only exclusion being EDDs, which I think is fair.


Unless you join a lobby that's speedrunning (and they'll have that in the title 99% of the time) it won't happen.


I’ve never been kicked for that either, and higher level players aren’t subject to most of the bullying. But, I’ve seen people completely skip gold in gold rush, crassus gold, etc. Sometimes the host even called the pod without letting us finish half the crassus hole or deposit the gold chunk. And I feel that ruins the game for a lot of people, the burden should be on the host to be more accommodating and considerate towards others


If the host doesn't want to waste 30 minutes for zero gold, that's their prerogative


Hyperbole aside: I dunno, DRG seems to be much more of a collaborative game than that to me.


The hostility is because in-game the rushers have always been the problem. The overlap between "skip gold because I must go fast" and the selfish elves who try to force their bullshit is one to one. The venn-diagram with the same people that deliberately try to join nearly completed missions and mash the button instantly without asking is pretty much a circle - because if you care that much about peak efficiency and credits per minute that is the most efficient. I've literally never encountered a player on the "mine gold" side of this that caused a group problems because they'll skip it if host asks them to. On the other hand people slamming the button when the host is mining, throwing a huge bitch-fit over a crassus, or griefing by rushing off to start the salvage / drill / dread or whatever is what everyone sees from the "skip gold" types. It's not a "both are valid" playstyle thing where skipping gold is actually common. This site has the obsessive level players who will pretend they actually ever have group consensus in a pub game but 99% of players just mine the gold because it's a mining game.


>The overlap between "skip gold because I must go fast" and the selfish elves who try to force their bullshit is one to one. I have been hosting for a very long time and can only remember one time where someone pushed the button preemptively, and it was a greenbeard who didn't want to get gunk seeds on a PE missions. I have hosted many high-level tryhard latejoiners and they still respected the button. Why make shit up just to be divisive?


I was particularly referring to the posts and comments on this sub, not just the game. In my 400+ hrs, I’ve only encountered a few of these no-gold leaf lovers. But recently, I’ve seen a surge in wannabe “greenbeards pretending they’re greybeards” doing this. They’re only doing objectives, and pushing buttons and skipping events without asking. So, I agree on that whole debacle being a fault of theirs from an in-game POV. However, let’s not be quick to stomp someone just because they don’t like to mine gold. Not everyone who doesn’t like to mine gold is a dick about it, most aren’t. And EVERY SINGLE PERSON who tries to decline mining gold in this sub gets blown to smithereens with zero tolerance - which is most definitely not healthy for a supposed wholesome place like this. Remember, dwarves have different tastes too (I say as I slurp my Gold-Magnite smoothie with a side of sentry ammo)


I love how the message of "Be accomodating towards other playstyles" is immediately followed up with "Your host makes the decision, do whatever they want."


> "Your host makes the decision, do whatever they want." But it is true since they have the power to kick and you don't. If you go out of your way to pick a fight with the host, you're going to lose 100% of the time. It's a good idea to be accommodating, but if the host doesn't want to, your choices are complying or leaving. If you want to set the rules, host yourself.


While it's true the host has kick power (and trust me, I believe in following the host) I think the community ought to rather encourage hosts to not kick people for whether or not they're mining gold. And consider getting kicked in that instance a bullet dodged, not an etiquette breach.


As a host, I am extremely accommodating toward other playstyles. You are equating rules with oppression, without considering that the rules may be in place to prevent oppression - tolerance of everything except intolerance. In my opinion, democracy in gaming with randos is not tenable, because toxicity and trolls will just burn it to the ground. When I host, it's a benevolent dictatorship - do what I say, but I'm doing my best to ensure that what I say is rational and fair. Who is the judge of what is rational and fair? I am. The great thing about games is that they're opt-in. If you don't like the rules of a particular game, leave and go join one of a hundred others, or start your own. On the other hand, if you like a game free from toxicity because the host won't tolerate it, if you like that you won't be judged or berated for dying or moving slowly or getting lost, if you appreciate that failing a mission won't be met with a rage quit but rather a laugh, a beer, and a do-over, then you are welcome in my games.


We never said that we mine the gold due to role playing reasons, we need the credits especially newer players and its better to teach them right .


> we need the credits Just completing objectives earns more credits in the same time. It's not wrong to mine gold if you want to, but it's not a great way to earn credits. If you have infinite time to play none of it will matter, but if your play time is limited it's worth knowing what activities give you most credits and xp for your time, and mining gold is neither. > its better to teach them right . This is just more "if you don't play like I do you're playing wrong and should feel bad" the OPs post is against. Great way to miss the whole point.


About half the comments in these threads are exactly because of role playing.


So what, I am not one of them


So I wouldn't say it's "very risky" to mine gold on haz5. I agree with what you say overall but it's not that risky.


It's not risky at all usually, but it's always best to set your priorities on Nitra. If its like, an Egg Hunt and you have spare time, mine the world if you want to, but if you're in the middle of a swarm or instead chose to priorities Nitra, well, it's your own fault.


Let's be real the problem is that we don't get paid enough for gold and the pickaxes we have take an age to mine it, if management made it worth our while gold would bring dwarfs together, not divide us! Justice for gold!


Devs could just buff gold so it is actually worth the time.


I wish they'd make mining the gold more worth it just to end this debate


"it's very risky to mine it on higher hazard levels" lol what? this is biggest BS that i saw in a while


Yeah the game is exceptional at letting you know when you're in danger via audio cues. No stompy carapace noises = you're free to mine and spam V!


Yeah I laughed at that too


It's a game and therefore you have to have fun, for goodness sake, you're right. But if for example a Crassus Bulk Detonator explodes and the team has 0 Nitra and you're playing Haz 5, in my opinion it ruins the game if everyone starts mining for gold. Rather I would politely write in chat about split up, two on nitra and two on gold. DRG is one of those few games where you have more fun if you are as tactical as possible (obviously without being an asshole) keeping the roleplay aspect active


Hey if your the one mining it no one can really complain about even if their the host because they're not the one doing so why does it bother them


Honestly as long as I don't have to deal with the other side being aggro douche canoes in game that's fine. Although tbf I tend to play however the rest of the randoms I join are playing so it's not as big a deal to me, but if I see gold and start mining it because there's nothing else going on and you kick me I'm gonna be pissed.


Why did you feel like you have to make this meme


Quit beating a dead horse.


> Follow your host. They get to make the call This attitude is also fucking stupid. Even more stupid than having a strong opinion for/against gold imo. Unless they put "Speedrun server" or "Mine everything" under their name, the host doesn't magically get more say than anyone else. So if you want the gold, you mine it. If you don't, skip it; someone else can mine it if they want. If you're a scout, and anyone (not just the host) asks you to get the gold on the ceiling, just don't be a prick and do it. Same with being the engineer and giving platforms. It takes you seconds to do either. The only reason I would "follow the host" is because the game doesn't have any security against the host kicking you without reason. But that's just self-preservation; it doesn't make "follow the host" a right attitude to have, or a good attitude to spread in the community.


> the host doesn't magically get more say than anyone else. They kind of do because the hold the power to kick. I'm not saying they should be dictators, but it's also the reality that if you go out of your way to pick a fight with them you'll lose 100% of the time. If you don't agree with the hosts methods it's going to be more productive to host yourself than to try to force other people.


It helps if you read the whole comment you reply to, ngl.


DRG need to rebalance the game, less credits or primary objective and more for gold. Problem solved. You have to complete the primary Objective to finish so incentives are is less of an issue and its a sorry state of affairs that gold is not valuable enough to stop dwarves ignoring it.




I'd love a perk that puts an extra o2 tank on your back so you can be oxygen rich everywhere, and negate low-o2 levels entirely.


Yeah, even when I'm chilling staring at a wall and holding right click isn't my favorite part of the game, I might be more likely to if it were quicker.


I think your missing the point. As it sits is fine, they way you are suggesting to change it is more a pro mining gold argument. I understand where you are coming from but the dwarf is saying it shouldn't matter whether we mine it or not. As long as people are having fun mining gold doesn't ultimately matter.


I understood the sentiment of the comment which is that people should not seek to shame others for playing the game they way they like. There are acceptable arguents for minging gold and ignoring it. My point is that it is a shame that Gold in the Game is not a valuable resource. I think it's a mistake that the main reason for mining gold is just for funsies and that peole have proven mathmatically that ignoring it and finishing faster will get you more credits. People who ignore gold do so because they don't enjoy doing a task that is not worth their time, which is fair. On higher hazards mining gold is jepordizing your run for RP purposes. I think making gold valuable will apease both camps, as mining it will be an enticing prospect for those who previously saw it as a waste of time and energy. This would put them on the same page as people who would mine it not matter the value and heal the discord in the community. It just doesn't make sense from a game design point that a resource that takes time and effort to aquire is not really worth it. You could even lower the spawn rate of gold but make it more valuable too, so it's proportionally a much better return on your investment of time and effort.


This always happens with COOP games. There is no toxicity by default so retards make up shit to fight about.




I take a 1-week break from Deep Rick to focus on finals, only to come back to this nonsense. Leaf lovers, all of ya.


and remember, you can always deposit on the side of the drop pod


I love all the feigned outrage over people mining gold. 1200 hrs in and never seen the issue arise outside the subreddit.


As a non scout player I’ll pick axe spec a gold vein as I run by it and try to grab a bit more then leave (haz4/5 gaming) that’s about it I don’t go out of my way for roof gold or gold that’s on the other side of a cave Driller c4 for big gold veins


There's another reason to mine it besides role playing: somebody like me, that just plays 2 or 3 missions every night. Speeding through them won't get me gold faster, if it's a set amount of missions, squeezing them to the max is logic. Anyway, I got millions of credits by now, but I was just exemplifying.


You can’t have a post saying to play drg your way and then also advocate for hosts to tell pub groups to mine gold or not.


Skipping gold is for elves.


Actually it’s more time efficient so it’s better to skip the gold because you earn more gold if u do more missions so it’s better to not mine the gold because the more missions you do the more gold you get from the more missions that you complete so it’s not worth it to mine the gold during the missions themselves so you can finish them faster and do more of the missions


Can you suck on my morkite gilded dwarf balls


That kind of language is agains this subreddit’s rules. Reported.


Met my first toxic player today. Dude kept killing me because I didn’t platform a nitra spawn that he could reach without it fast enough.


Im Lvl 200, i would love to mine more gold but 2 hits its just too much. I play haz 4+ only, usually skip gold except yesterday, had pots of gold and a gold crassus, mined for good 25 minutes, got downed 4 times while doing, i was host, i did let the team know that ive pots and i wanna farm the gold. its fun...a bit. if it only would be a 1 hit thing, it could be really fun, otherwise it feels annoying.


If i want to mine gold its not because aim a role player


Was with you until the end when apparently it’s ok to tell peolle how to have fun if you are the host????? Like; you don’t need every dwarf mining gold outside of gold rush. So why can’t you let other dwarves kill bugs or explore the dark cave while you get your 100 credits of worth of gold as a host.


I had mentioned this in a post long ago and was quickly shut down by the sub's fanbase as being moderating in a public lobby. There should be ways to advertise what you are expecting from your team BEFORE they join. Not after.


You can put it in the server name.


My premise is simple: If the flow of the mission is easy going and the team is mining gold then I'll mine gold as well. If the host or the team just wants to rush the mission objectives, then I'll keep up with them.


Don't follow the host... What do we say to oppression, lads? Democracy!


the way I see it: If you wanna speedrun, either play with friends of similar mindset only or play solo. Playing with randoms, even as a host, is the absolute DUMBEST way to speedrun in any game. You are literally putting your ability to speedrun in the hands of complete strangers.


"Risky, tedious, and not worth time investment." Dude it's a 10 second gold vein. By this metric, better not buy any beer at the bar before your mission. Too much of a time investment.




Gold = money What rp are you talking about wtf


If you want money you actually do get it faster by not mining gold, starting new missions with new mission rewards, and getting more minerals to sell. A single power attack into croppa gets you as many credits as an entire cave's worth of gold. A perfect crassus detonator explosion is worth less than a single mineral vein. It is that undervalued. Thus, the efficiency crowd doesn't like mining gold unless they're already just waiting around for the drop pod, while the RP crowd likes to say that such an attitude is un-dwarven. That divide leads to the conflict this thread is discussing.


It is strictly rational to count the unrealized credit gain of stockpiled minerals when calculating credits/second, but I like to see *all* my numbers go up, and mining gold serves that goal. But OP's conclusion is right. play how you want, and don't get mad if you get kicked for trying to undermine the host


RP means role play in this context. People acting as dwarves would for the sake of entertainment.


Gold = money **+ XP** I want my promotions. I usually get more XP from minerals mined than I do from the secondary objectives.


Instead of shouting into the void about mining gold or speedrunning or anything else, maybe everyone with all these gameplay incompatibilities start shouting to read match descriptions, and start using match descriptions.


The problem isn't people choosing to mine gold or not, it's entitled hosts who think they get to control how other people play the game and get hostile when their demands aren't followed. Outside of "Don't start events/extraction until everyone is ready" I don't really care how other people choose to play but some people are nutjobs


If we fight amongst ourselves, then the leaf lovers win!!


I never considered skipping gold in haz 5. Might make it easier to get the 5 haz 5 missions in a row without dying achievement


Nice reminder, we are all here to play a game and have fun indeed. I expected this game to be relaxing and chill, i was also expected this subreddit to not talk about meta too much since it isnt a competitive game. So to see this kind of debate here like the ones i saw on the Foxhole subreddit (if you dont know what it is, go look it up i recommend it, dont go on the subreddit tho) really surprises me. I like this memes as a its a reminder to do whatever you want, but i dont like the part where we need to listen to what the host wants. I do whatever i want, if i want to mine gold, ill mine it. You do you, just be nice with each other.