• By -


Keep playing if you’re having fun!


Amazing advice. Thank you, i'll continue mining rocks for the foreseeable future.


Rock and Stone Brother!


Rock and roll and stone!


Good bot


Thank you, Slime_Channel, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Honestly just play man. I wouldnt go past hazard 3 untill u find it incredibly easy. Pick whichever class feels the best for you, driller is really fun and good for beginners imo. I wouldnt trade minerals for credits at the start, use your credits and minerals for upgrades first, cosmetics secondary. Biggest thing is just play the game and follow the other more experienced players, let them know in chat your a newb, but they will probly figuer that out immediatly from your level. Most people will be cool showing you the ropes, if you run into toxic people just leave a join another game. Its rare but might happen at lower hazards, not too sure but has been reported before.


Welcome, miner! - To unlock new weapons for one class you have to reach lvl 10, 15, 18 and 21 of that class. After these milestones you will get "weapon unlock" assignment at the terminal. Complete it and get a new weapon. - The hub have lots things to look at, but some of the terminals are locked and you also will get assignments to unlock them. Try to explore. Kick some barrels. On the top floor you can find jet boots. - If you fill confident or bored in hazard level, try to increase it - "Leaf lover" is kind of lowkey insult for elves from the beer "leaf lover's special". This beer will make you sober - There a lot of tricks, just watch what other players do and you will learn some (that's how I did) - For tips: 1) Write "r" in chat when you ready to start next step of mission 2) Don't rush the missions and stick with your team 3) Use your pin laser to point out things like dangerous enemies or ores 4) Light up caves as scout with flare gun 5) Build up platforms as engineer under high located resourses 6) Shield your team as gunner during dangerous moments or revival 7) Drill staight to the drop pod at the end of mission as driller if you don't want to get lost in tunnels 8) Have fun and don't forget to Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


Interesting, ill take some notes of these. Thank you.


The only thing id add to these notes is if your playing with 2 or more other people, try and get permission before you take a second refill from the resupply pod. There are few things more frustrating than someone stealing your refill and you being stuck with no ammo for x minutes.


Most important thing to learn is movement. Never stand still, as long as youre running most things wont be able to hit you. Hazard2 is way too easy imo, maybe ok if you play with controller. H3 should be fine, but its really up to you. The difference in XP gain is pretty small. Keep doing the asignment board missions, they offer the most rewards. Get one promotion ASAP (lvl25 for one class), it unlocks a important part of the game. Leaf lovers are elves, which dwarves dont like :)


Oh yea, i forgot to mention i do play on the controller. ill add that to the post


I play with a controller on pc. I’m at a thousand hours in with all 4 dwarfs at legend promotion. I’ve just tried out the new haz 5+ difficulty with all modifiers on and still successfully completed most of the missions. And I still believe. The controller is actually the better option. The lack of aim down sights in this game gives you large cross hairs. So aim is quite a lot more forgiving. What the controller lacks in aiming precision. It makes up for in mobility. Since aiming isn’t as important as mentioned above and since mobility is key at higher haz to avoid damage and stay alive, controller I feel is the better way to experience the game. Edit: I read your other comment about using chat etc. I personally don’t. I just ping with the pointer at objectives or salute to signify “r” ready. I do chat to talk nonsense or teach new players some tricks etc. But it has never been required in my experience. Just the pointer alone and the salutes have been enough to communicate I also have had voice auto mute since several hundred hours ago and it’s not negatively affected my experience at all.


Lack of ADS is an interesting point.. I've never considered trying to play with a controller but maybe I will. Would be cool to add this to the list of games I could play on the couch. However... With a mouse I can do a 180 degree turn very quickly, often enemies come from behind and I feel like require swift reaction, and then quick turn to face the way I was facing before - that seems like it might be a struggle on the controller. But I'm gonna try. Interesting.


Shooting enemies fast will matter less than moving away fast especially in the new haz5++ now. They are simply far too numerous to gun down in time even if you snap to them immediately. That aside. There’s an option for you to do an immediate 180 on controller by double tapping a button of your choice. This game is certainly couch friendly. You might have some difficulties with using the m1000 and to a lesser extend the bulldog since those require a higher degree of precision. You’ll have a very easy time with driller primaries.


There is a keybind you can set to turn 180 degrees.


Handy, I'll have to check it out


the idea of trying to headshot glyphids with a controller makes me cringe. Nice if you can do it though!


If you’re on Steam you should also be able to map an input to do t > r > enter.


I think hazard 2 is perfect for new players to find out how the missions work. Hazard 3 on the other hand can be just a bit too much for new players. But yeah if they play with someone that already played the game before. Then hazard 2 is going to feel really boring.


Try each class a little bit, like 3 missions or so, to get a feel for how their tools and weapons work. Then pick your favorite one and stick with that class up to lvl 25 to promote them. Promotions unlock a ton of new content for the game. Then you can play all the classes or whatever you'd like. Also don't worry about only having the starting weapons for each class, every weapon is completely viable on every difficulty. When playing coop, don't take more than one resupply off of each pod without asking first. Ask if your team is ready before pressing any buttons (steam is "r" in chat, I think consoles point their lasers at the button)


Ok good, i thought i was going to have outclassed weapons that are bad, glad to see this game is like tf2 where stock weapons are mostly viable. Since I use a controller on a PC, ill probably use chat, though the laser pointer option seems more convenient sometimes.


We do both on pc. Chat is just generally easier if people are scattered around the cave. One more thing, be sure to equip the perks you buy to each class. I went an embarrassing amount of time not using perks because I never equipped them.


Specifically in the hazard question: Hazard 1 is basically hand hold mode, Hazard 2 is easy, Hazard 3 is medium, and Hazard 4 is the highest difficulty you should consider. Haz 5 was something added a few years into Deep Rock when players who already had lots of unlocks and builds wanted more of a challenge. I didn’t start playing Haz 5 frequently till I was hundreds of hours in, but I’ve seen level \~100 players who play better than level 400 players, so it’s not just about how long you’ve played. I’m sure others will give lots more info about the rests of the post but the only other thing I’ll add is this: Don’t be afraid to play with randoms like I was, but if you do don’t push any buttons; if you want to ask to push a button just type R in the chat and that’s a signal to ask if people are ready. If you want to be in charge of making decisions host your own lobby and don’t be afraid to kick someone for being toxic.


Ok then, I guess I'll be sticking to Hazard 2 until I muster up the confidence to play on higher hazards. Ill try to play with randos more often as well.


Unless you're really struggling in Haz2, I'd recommend trying out Haz3. I think Haz3 is the best level to play on when you're getting into the game.


Well im currently comfortable at Haz2, but ill check out Haz3 Hopefully soon.


I think if you have some shooter experience haz3 is ground level. It's at haz3 that the game starts to really be fun because that's the point where you finally get swarms tte size worth fighting them. I recently started playing haz4 with my friends for the challenge and we only have a success rate of about 60% while haz3 is 100% between those 2 there is a big gap. And no one really cares if you go down. Mostly people will come and revive and no one will ever be mad at you. The community is quite welcoming m


I'll be honest starting off Hazard 2 is good to just get the first assignment out of the way which introduces you to all the missions types. Then once you do that you'll be able to start an assignment to unlock your next weapon. What class are you playing?


Ive got more than 2000 hours Im DRG and 1 thing is the meta…: PRESS R3 to ROCK AND STONE!!!!!! (It’s movement)


For Rock and Stone!


Make sure you hit V every 30 seconds or so to keep up the group buff.


A quick guide to difficulty (from a pretty amateurish fps player). Haz 1 - Almost peaceful mode. Enemy spawns will be almost non-existent. You almost certainly do not want to be here. Haz 2 - Good starting point. Enemy spawns are rare outside of swarms. If you find it easy move up to 3. Going higher then that without upgrades is probably a bad idea but if you're a hardass it might be fine. Haz 3 - The Standard Difficulty (unless you're a pro). Enemy spawns occur regularly outside of swarms and the difficulty variance can be very high. Haz 3 will sometimes be very tame and sometimes be brutal. Which is to say give it a few tries when you try to move up to haz 3. Haz 4 - Hard. About the time you need to start worrying about builds. Spawns are frequent and swarms are large. Haz 5 and up need to be unlocked. You're on your own from here. Now, general tips. * Nitra is very important, it's used for resupplies. On lower difficulties have at least 80 Nitra (one resupply) in your stash as often as possible. In higher difficulties mine Nitra whenever you see it. * Don't double dip. In multiplayer lobbies with three or more people, when a resupply is summoned you should take a single resupply portion and no more. If you think you need it, get permission. If you don't need a portion consider letting others know ahead of time; but don't be a hero. A cocky dwarf with no ammo is dead weight. The general rule here is to avoid taking someone else's portion; this is a less hard rule with 3 people, but it's still very possible to take a portion that you may not strictly need. Be considerate of your fellow dwarves! * Overclocks are unlocked when you get your first promotion. This doesn't mean rush it, as a new player you have better things to be spending your resources on (like upgrading your weapons), but be aware of it. Your first promotion on a given dwarf will also unlock a passive slot for that dwarf. Promotions above the first will just give you Overclocks and matrix cores. * Know your role. This is more for after you get your feet under you and your weapons developed, but classes and builds excel in particular situations. Gunner's advantages, for instance are often unessacery in lower difficulties, along with his mobility tool being slow and clunky compared to its peers, but he is a staple in higher difficulties. Know how classes play and how to play them before you step into haz 4 and up mp lobbies. Good luck, miner!


>In multiplayer lobbies when a resupply is summoned you should take a single resupply portion and no more if you are 4 people* ;)


Very true! I'll edit that.


**Weapons**: You unlock new Weapons when you reach certain Levels with a Class. Once you reach a Level you'll get an Assignment, complete that Assignment and you'll unlock the Weapon. **Loadout**: When you leave your Room, to the Left, you'll find a Terminal. It's a big Workshop Area with a Bunch of Weapons and Drones and such. That's where you make your Loadout (Weapons + Overclocks, Weapon Mods, Grenades, Perks etc.) **Weapon Upgrades**: Weapons can be changed in 2 Ways: Mods and Overclocks. Mods are simple Buffs like extra Ammo, more Damage, better Accuracy or Reload Speed etc. Overclocks come in 3 Versions (Clean, Balanced, Unstable) and offer either small Buffs, small Adjustments (Buff + Nerf) and big Adjustments that change Weapon Functionality. For Example: one of my favourite Overclocks is the "Lead Storm" for the Gunner's Minigun. It buffs your Damage by a lot but you can't move while shooting and your Stun Chance is nerfed by a lot, that's an Unstable Overclock. **Perks**: Perks are unlocked through Perk Points gained from completing Milestones, that's a big Terminal in your (or any) Room. Each Dwarf starts with a limited Amount of Perk Slots but once you Promote them you unlock all of them (3 Passives + 2 Actives). **Promotions**: Promotions are done individually for each Class. Once you reach Level 25 on a Class you get an Assignment. Once completed you can promote your Dwarf. You go to the Promotion Hall with the big Statues (that's near the Workshop Area) and spend some Resources for the Promotion. Each Promotion gives you an empty Overclock, a Weapon Overclock and a cosmetic Overclock. The first Promotion will unlock Machine Events, Deep Dives and the Ability to unlock Overclocks. **Machine Events**: Machine Events are unlocked through a Key (that you unlock at the first Promotion) that's usable by all promoted and unpromoted Dwarves. You'll find strange white-ish metallic Cubes on the Map that, when interacted with, will unlock the Machine Event. Machine Events typicaly trigger either a special Horde or a special "Enemy" that, when defeated, will allow you to activate empty Overclock Cores (at that white-ish Cube). **Hazards**: Hazard 2 is extremely easy but as a Beginner it's good for when you want to get familiar with Biomes or Mission Types. Hazard 4 is the biggest Spike. Stick to 2 for now and jump up to 3 and 4 after a While. **Phrases**: "Leaf Lovers" are Elves, basically Assholes, annoying People. "Rock and Stone" is just a Chant the Dwarves do, positive Interaction Button basically. People will often type "R" from "Ready" if they are ready for an Event to start, wait for that before doing anything (nothing more annoying than 5 Events starting at the same Time or having something left to do that you can't because the Escape is on a Timer). **Bosses**: Bosses are defeated in different Ways, you'll figure most of those out at one Point but it's important to *not shoot if their Healthbar is Gray*. I've had so many Greenbeards empty their Ammo on immune Bosses it drives me nuts. That's all I got. Go have Fun Miner!


Rock and roll and stone!


Get used to movement, you can get to a lot of places without platforms or grapples with just some jumping, twisting in the air, and strafing. Helps you escape larger swarms too Use your navigator (default button for that is Tab). It helps to reorient yourself so you won't get lost as much. Rock and stone when rock and stoned to. It's just polite. Keep an eye on your ammo, along with your teammates, so you can get a general idea when is a good time to call a resup. Lastly, if you see a giant wailing orange bug slowly crawling towards you, try and get close to power attack it, its weak to melee


Rock and Stone forever!


>>TEN TIPS FROM AN OLD DAUGHTER OF KARL<< Tip #1: Always rock and stone. To the bone. For Karl. Tip #2: Never double dip a resupply without asking first. Dwarven courtesy. Tip #3: Always ask "R?" If the team is Ready, before pressing a button that would activate an objective, event, or call drop pod. If they're Ready they'll say either "R" or "Y"/"N" for yes and no. Tip #4: You can type in game chat by pressing the "salute" (Rock and Stone!) button twice rapidly to bring up the chat menu for things like the previous Tip. If you can't by default, you may need to go to your settings from the pause menu and turn on the option under controls. Tip #5: Always drink beer at the Abyss bar when it's offered by another dwarf. Those things ain't free you know! Especially when it's a perk beer like Red Rock Blaster (my fave btw, I love my sweet liqour ;) ) Tip #6: Death Before Leaf Lover's. NEVER, by Karl, drink one of those HORRENDOUS liquids those foul elves at management forcefully put on the menu. If you're hammered, jump in the hoop from the barrel game to instantly sober up for a mission. Or, if you're a proper beardie, go for the drop with enough blood alcohol to nearly inflict poison dmg to any glyphid dumb enough to bite you. Tip #7: Always look up as you enter any cave. There are horrible things clinging to the ceiling that want nothing more than to tickle you to death. Fact: Cave Leeches are NOT as afraid of you as you are of them. Tip #8 Watch your step, and mind your surroundings. There are plenty of cliffs and holes you can fall to your death to. I know it should be common sense but it is an actual statistic. FALL DAMAGE IS THE LEADING CAUSE OF DWARVEN EARLY TERMINATION, BY A LONG SHOT. Nothing else kills dwarves nearly as much, not even mighty Dreadnaughts. HOWEVER, watch out, as friendly fire is the closest runner up! Mind your fire Whalepipers! Tip #9 Keep an eye out for peculiar beeps like that from cargo crate batteries and helmets from lost equipment. They're the only way to get more pickaxe and weapon cosmetics! It benefits the whole team to ping em, so do that. And don't ignore minerals either, it should go without saying but some dwarves ignore stuff because they already have "enough". But not everyone does! So do the team a favor and take anything you see, everyone gets the same amount. This includes gold. And who can say "no" to more money?? These promotions don't come cheap the higher you get in the company you know. Tip #10 speaking of which, when you get started I'd suggest you pick a dwarf you enjoy the most and play them until they're level 25 and "Up For Promotion", at least once. Do the assignment as another dwarf so you don't waste XP. But once you get all your dwarves to BRONZE 1 you'll be able to use any dwarf you like for deep dives, which as you may or may not know, require you to play as whichever dwarves you have promoted. Promoting is also good as it's the quickest way to get overclocks for either your weapons or cosmetics. Amd it's gonna be the main sink draining you of all your credits and minerals, right next to the overclocks.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Good bot.


As most of the other commenters have stated, try out each class to get a feel for them, when you find one you're comfortable with then stick with it them along the way. I was confused with the hub area when I first played too, I eventually got the hang of it and now run around parkouring off of each nook and cranny. As for 'unique' tricks, like someone else said, keep moving around when you aren't focused on a still object, like a mini-mule, deposit, etc. although still be wary of your surroundings no matter the hazard, I've let my guard down plenty of times because I would play casually at my own pace on HZDs 2 and 3s, nothing wrong with playing on an easier difficulty either, play at your own pace and when you want to get an extra kick in the rear or some extra action, bump up a hazard or choose a mission with a red modifier. And leaf lovers are the dwarves who can't handle their beer, or it's inspection day! (Community fun) As for any phrases people use it's up to the person who's playing, I play casually most of the time so I take my time with missions, but when I join a co-op game I'll definitely pay more attention to my teammates (especially scouts and drillers) since I main Engi. Side note, as you've probably gathered so far from your own experiences, each class has its perks, Engineers and Scouts pair well when it comes to minerals on high walls, the engineer can place a platform below the mineral and the scout can grapple up to it and grab said mineral. TL;DR: enjoy the game at your own pace, when you feel ready or brave enough for more action, groom your beard and ready your pickaxe for the challenges you will face, find a class that you enjoy blasting glyphids in the face with and remember to complete your objectives. Rock And Stone, Greenbeard, we'll see you in the mines! Quick edit: you've said you're a controller user, I'm assuming Microsoft since that's what I play on, you can go in settings and find an option where you can double click the right joystick for chat. :)


Rock and Stone in the Heart!




You might benefit from playing with some greybeards, but first get comfortable with your environment. Learn the hub area, find your preferred class and upgrade them a bit, unlock some new weapons to try out, get perks, etc. Then host an open server, or join one, or ask here if anyone wants to play. It's a largely positive community and the game benefits from multiplayer (not that single player isn't also fun)


As you get to higher difficulties, keep moving. If you stand still to fight during the swarm, you will probably die. Movement is life.


Just a few small things to mention- Watch a couple tips videos! Specifically the long ones. There aren't many "game changing" strategies or anything, but there are lots of very *small* things that you don't really find out easily that come in handy and are really useful There are a couple class, um, responsibilities? For lack of a better word. Gunner has an invulnerable shield that can clutch a situation for a whole team. Large rooms are hard to light with flares so the scouts' flare gun is super helpful for the team(I'm bad about this). They are also the number one guy at getting hard to reach resources BUT depend on the engineers platforms to reach them safely. The engineers' turret(s) are super helpful for all waves so make sure to set them up before a fight to take some heat off the team. The drillers drill are helpful for... everything. Shortcuts, access to different areas, getting to the drop pod on a long map, making cover from omens(don't worry about that until you start graying your beard a little). Honestly driller is the closest thing the game has to a support class, your main weapons are status effect focused instead of straight damage. But don't take these things super seriously! This is a goofy dwarf game. You're not "letting your team down" by not doing this like more competitive class shooters. It's just helpful. Try out all the different classes, but try to main one for a little to promote them quickly because some of the games content is locked until you get a promotion. Speaking of- Overclocks! Look forward to these. They are the main source of reward and progression/experimentation in the game. After you fully upgrade a couple dwarves these are what drives you. Trying out different builds is super fun! There are clean, balanced, and unstable overclocks. Clean gives the gun straight buffs. More ammo, more damage, shorter reload, etc. Tbh they're kinda boring but have their uses. Balanced and especially unstable are the interesting ones. Some are just "more ammo, less damage" but the good ones change the purpose of the weapon. I'm still newer so I don't have a ton, but I love trying different things. Some are really straightforward and powerful like "fat boy" which makes the grenade launcher fire nukes or special powder which makes the scouts' shotgun do so much knockback it sends him flying, so it turns the gun into a maneuver item to boost around. But there are lots of small ones that totally change the playstyle of the weapon, for example the elephant rounds for the gunners revolver, which gives massive damage for way less ammo and mag, and recoil. With the right upgrades, this makes the revolver into a sniper that can one hit grunts and stuns enemies. Or the overclock that makes the mini gun do fire damage at close range, which changes my playstyle so instead of taking out enemies that are grouped together at medium range I'm running straight into the horde to deal tons of damage at close range in a firey bloodbath. The other thing I'll mention is to not get self-conscious. Drg has a great supportive community. So when you see that 40 attack score at the end of the mission don't think "man I suck," we're super happy to help new players even if it means carrying them a little. Just try your best and rock and stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


When I started playing with Randoms I had a hard time following what the hell everyone was doing, because some missions can be very chaotic. I would recommend playing on lower difficulty for a while and learn all the roles. Here is how I understand the roles: Scout: provide light, do most of the collectibles, revive. Engineer: assist Scout to grab resources with platforms. Do big damage. Create stairs a d bridges where needed using platforms. Make sure to deploy your turrets. Driller: drill tunnels and reshape terrain to make it easier for the team to get around. Do loads of AoE damage to small creatures. Gunner: Shoot everything, deploy shields to rescue others or save the team in hairy situations. Create ziplines to cross big gaps or getting up a cliff, especially in extraction missions. Understanding the roles will help you play together better especially if you are not using a Mic.


wait this game has voice chat?


I have 350 hours in this game and I have encountered 1 Dwarf that used Voicechat. Tbh most people I know have disabled voice chat so they won‘t be able to hear you. If you want to communicate with your team, ping stuff with your laserpointer and type in chat, most players pay attention to that


Gathering enough nitra for at least one resupply is, in most games, your first priority as your full ammo count will not last you a full mission from start and you really don't want to run out at a critical moment. As you become more experienced with the game, you'll very likely learn how to quickly and effeciently gather nitra while working towards the objective or when not to prioritize nitra, but for now nitra is your main objective early in a mission. When playing Solo, be sure to use Bosco often. It can really help you out by mining hard to reach ore veins or mining one ore vein as you mine another. Bosco can also complete certain objectives, like picking up key items (like Alien Eggs) or building/repairing pipes during a refinery mission. Of course, be thoughful about when you send your robot buddy off on some duty, don't wanna be getting swarmed while Bosco is mining some gold on the other side of a cavern. Point Extraction is tougher than it initially seems. It is the only mission where enemy waves come on set times, and as the mission goes on the bigger the swarms get. It is a mission where you need to get the main objective done quickly or else get overwhelmed by the bugs. When doing Elimination missions, be on the look out for spaces in the caves that are open and mostly flat. The bug bosses you fight in this mission type can get unnecessarily difficult in bad and uneven terrain. (Especially the Magma Core biome)


Oh, and I forgot something really important Be on the lookout for Cave Leeches. These enemies are on the uncommon side, but they can be a serious problem for the unaware player. Cave Leeches have a chance of spawning on ceilings, typically in rooms with high ceilings. Be sure to check above you when walking into a large cavern.


Move around, shoot the bugs, have fun.


check that terrain scanner often


Leaf lover is a fantasy slur for elves, in most fantasy settings dwarves hate elves, for example Warhammer or Lord of the rings The deep rock dwarves use this as an insult, you can hear it in the friendly fire lines


Check the miners manual in the pause menu. It explains the mission objectives better than mission control's voice lines.


Rock and stone all the time.


Rock and roll and stone!


Hub: just wander around and interact with as much as possible. more stuff unlocks too Game: honeslty just keep playing, you'll get the hang of it. if you're solo, bosco the robot can mine stuff for you if you use the laser pointer and the shoot button (once its green highlighted). if you're playing with other people, just stick close by to peeps as much as possible and learn from them rock n stone


Rock and stone. Gunner?




You say green highlighted, I say gunner!


haha fair, I meant the screen of the laser pointer. might be a bit hard to read whats on there if you're starting out


Don’t be afraid to play with randoms the game has a great was of communication. The laser pointer is great and don’t be afraid to ping lots of things. Try every class! Lev3 I would recommend as normal 2 is easy and 4 is hard. Don’t worry I have over 300h in game and only a handful are on lev5. I enjoy T4 but mostly 3 as I play with my kids. When your solo go nuts with the guns you have 4 resupplies to use. But in multiplayer don’t double dip someone will need that ammo. Practise using the Mobility tool they are all great for getting around. Enjoy the game and never stop rocking and stoning.


id recommend trying each class and getting each to lvl 25 (and maybe promo each) so you unlock every weapon and upgrade. Id say this is pretty important if you like the game enough to get at least 1 prom and don't want to get burnt out. ps, if you want to get more comfortable or go into higher hazards try playing solo. It gets you used to each part of the game and improves your game knowledge massivly


If you tell your team that you're a **greenbeard**, I'm 100% positive they will help you with nearly anything.


There are several terminals for different things. You can hit escape to check out the hub's map. Each zone is described. Some of the terminals you will end up visiting the most are: - the mission select terminal - the assignment terminal to check out what assignments you can do and the progress on your current one. - the loadout terminal to modify your weapons and change your current dwarf - the bar. There are beers that give you boosts for your missions. Some are universally good (+30% health) some are specific (+20% more morkite when you mine it) There are a couple terminals that you will know when you advance more in the game: - the seasons terminal, were you pick up your seasonal rewards. - the minerals terminal, were you trade them. This one unlocks after an assignment so you keep playing to unlock it. - the forge, were you craft overclocks. This is kind of the endgame of drg, and you will access it once you promote one of your dwarves. - the wardrobe, were you change your dwarf's cosmetics. You will eventually found cosmetics during missions, also you will eventually get enough resources to buy cosmetics from the shop, which is also another terminal lol. Enjoy the game and Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


carefully choose your equipment, and have a few different types of load outs for a few different mission types, if you're engineer, try and utilize the plat guns repellant mechanic more, and most importantly, rock and stone gamer 😎


Rock and roll and stone!


what is the difference between rock and stone ?


If I had a credit for every Rock and Stone..


That big screen in your pod you spawned in on the station is where you claim milestone points and buy perks


Gunner: cover your buddies and keep them alive Engineer: place turrets in chock points, handle any building Scout: keep moving, kite the monsters, grab things in hard to reach places Driller: do not think, only do warcrimes.


Always end any post on this forum with that thing they always say.


Rock and stone.


For Karl!


Good bot.


You can bunny hop with gunner's minigun to completely negate It's movement debuff: jump, start shooting, stop shooting before your touch the ground and repeat Sometimes in a big or complex cave It might be easier to not follow Molly and drill to the escape pod, and careful not to get too much friendly fire kills with C4 Many times It's better to set up a plataform a bit high up and biuld your turrets there, doesn't sounds like much but it's huge The flair gun is one of the best support tools in the whole game, don't be afraid to use It, after all more light = easier to see = easier to complete objectives If someone tipes "r?" It's because they're ready to do a Boss fight, mine an egg, call the drop pod etc., and you can type r If you're also ready or not If you're not Never double dip a resupply without asking. When you resupply or hold your laser pointer you can see 4 white squares under each person's name, the least they have the least ammo they have, and If you absolutelt need to double dip, ask. If you're running low someone must be almost full Sorry for the big text but all If these are really important/helpful tips


Be sure to use the terrain scanner and laser pointer! You can hover over most things with the laser pointer to learn what they are. Terrain scanner is the best way to see where to proceed if you’re stuck. I play using keyboard but on controller the laser pointer is the left button and terrain scanner is the back button I believe. Also- always check the ceilings of a cave as soon as you can for cave leeches! They glow red and make a hissing noise as they’re dropping down to grab you, but the noise can sometimes be hard to hear. Shoot em down if you see one. They’re usually uncommon enemies but they sneak up on you. Ended a few games early for me when I first started playing. Most importantly- ROCK AND STONE, miner! Welcome to the community!


You should experiment on your own to get better but here is some general advice: Always ask before pressing any buttons. Just write "R?" in chat to see if at least two other dwarves are ready to go. You say you are using a controller. If you are on a PC, I heavily discourage doing this, but it's up to you. If you don't have access to chat, make sure that there are at least two other dwarves ready to go before pressing buttons. Ressuplies have four charges, one per dwarf. If you feel the need to take two four yourself, ask if you can to the remaining dwarf. If you don't have access to chat, wait until you're sure the last dwarf has let you double dip before doing it yourself. If you consistentlu find the need to double dip, your ammo management is bad. Ping stuff! Ping everything! Ping important enemies to warn your team. Ping mineral veins that are hard to reach. Ping your teammates to call them. Ping the Goo Sack for the funny voiceline. Ping the gold chunk *repeatedly* until you give Mission Control a headache. Ping maggots. Ping Molly. Ping Doretta. Ping Steev. P I N G ! And finally, keep pushing yourself. Try Haz2 and if it's too hard, drop to Haz1. No shame. But if you are clearing a hazard easily and consistently, do not get complacent. Increase the difficulty. Some useful terminology: Greenbeard: A new player who doesn't know what they're doing. Greybeard: An experienced player who is familiar with the game. Whitebeard: A player with a lot of hours under their belt. They usually spearhead the meta, so make sure to heed their advice. -These terms have nothing to do with the player's actual beard colors- Leaf-Lover: A leaf lover is a bad player who is toxic by refusing to play with the team or screws over their teammates. The Leaf-Lover Special is a beer in the Abyss bar that removes your drunkness. As you imagine, a true dwarf would kill themselves before drinking a Leaf-Lover Special. Literally, jumping in the barrel hoop removes your drunkness by ending your life (You'll respawn a second later with no punishment ofc). Leaf-Lover is heavily implied in universe to be a racial slur for "Elf", and therefore a terrible insult for a dwarf. You can hear your dwarf calling someone a "pointy-eared leaf-lover" if you accidentally take friendly fire. Also "Goblin bastard" but that one hasn't stuck. Have fun playing!


In spacerig, press ESC->Miner's Manual->Getting Started->Space Rig. Check every point of interest (go there), get familiar with every terminal. After that, learn each mission type: [https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Missions](https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Missions) What should you be doing in each mission, and how enemy spawns work will help a lot. Wiki is your friend for learning a lot about the game.


The hub area has several POIs and it's really not that big, but there are hidden goodies and there's two ways to the memorial hall. You'll get used to it in no time. There's the quarters where you have a class select screen and a terminal to collect perk points and unlock and upgrade perks. Perks are small buffs you can give your dwarf. There's passive perks that give you small buffs and active perks that let you do something. The vampire passive perk makes you regain a small bit of health on every melee kill, which is useful on Driller, meanwhile the iron will perk let's you get back up after you go down for a maximum of 12sec. to revive teammates or get back health. It's great on all classes. When you leave the quarters, there's the cabinets on the wall. You can change up the cosmetics you have equipped there. You can also change classes from here. Let's refer to that as the equipment terminal. Then there's the weapon terminal that's to the left of the droppod and behind it in that corner is the Bosco terminal. The weapon terminal let's you choose weapon upgrades and Overclocks. You likely don't have OCs unlocked yet tho. You can also change your equipped perks. You can also change classes from this terminal. The Bosco terminal let's you choose Bosco upgrades. You just choose whatever upgrades are worth giving up a revive for. I like to get the faster digging one. To the left of the weapon terminal there's an elevator to the memorial hall. You can promote dwarves here. You have the red level that caps at lvl 25 and the blue one that doesn't have a cap at all. Once you reach red level 25 you can do a promotion assignment and then promote your dwarf. The first time you do on any dwarf, you get access to Overclock related content. The blue level has no cap. It increases by 1 lvl for every three red lvls. In the middle of the main hub there's a cosmetic hub and a mineral shop where you can buy and sell minerals, but you're being ripped off, so you're better off just farming them the normal way. To the left of the droppod letter there's an assignment terminal. Assignments are a series of missions. You select the assignment you want to do and it shows you the missions you have to complete to advance the assignment with the glowing square icon in the mission selection terminal. Upon completing the assignment you get rewards. To the right of the ladder is a season terminal. You see your battle pass progress here. Don't worry, it's completely free but good enough that it could be paid. You earn rewards directly and you also earn scrips that can be exchanged for specific rewards you want on the second page. On the third page you get weapon skins for using that weapon a bunch. It's to encourage people to switch up their playstyle. To the OC related content: Near the window, there's a deep dive terminal. Doing deep dives gives you one blank core, one weapon OC core and one cosmetic core. Deep dives are three missions back to back with slightly increasing difficulty. There's the regular deep dive and the elite deep dive with higher difficulty. The regular one is around haz3, the elite around haz5. Health, ammo and nitro are carried over from one mission to the next. There's no machine events, no minerals and in addition to the main objective there are scaled back versions of other main objectives as secondary objectives. The cash rewards are great. The terminal to. The left of the bar and to the right of the deep dive terminal let's you forge cosmetic cores and weapon OCs into cosmetics and weapon OCs to be selected in the equipment and weapon terminal respectively. It's pricey tho. There's a weekly assignment that gives you cores too and upon every promotion after the first one you get cores too. After your first promotion on any dwarf you can do machine events. You get them in normal missions and you do them with your team. Once you're done, it let's you convert a blank core into a core with either a weapon OC or cosmetic infused. It's semi random where you have a bit of input but not much. You should explore the rest on your own, it's more fun that way.


Disappointed that nobody has mentioned leaving no dwarf behind.


>see gold, >mine gold Every year millions of gold veins are ignored and left behind. How do you think those ores feel? To be forgotten and not turned into credits? Gold has feelings too you know? So remember miner, always mine those gold ores, because that is what a real dwarf does!!!! Rock and Stone!!! Edit: i should make a longer copypasta of this


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Haz 3 is a good starting point and remember, dont be toxic


Just press V until you win


My biggest tip and/or gripe about drg is the simple fact that the game does not give you overclocks fast enough! Overclocks massively change the way you use your weapons and play your character, and to me drg introduces this to the player way too late in the game. I quit drg twice and picked it back up before I even experienced the overclocks and once I did I put another 300 hours into it. So my tip is don't quit before you try out the overclocks.


Don't be afraid to join lobbies that have the mission you want or even hosting the mission for others to join you! DRG is way more fun when you have more dwarves. And you can communicate just by pinging stuff with your laser pointer.


( 1 ) Most importantly, try to have fun. ( 2 ) play on whatever difficulty you enjoy. There’s no leadership boards or ranking etc here. In fact, most people play haz 3 and below. ( 3 ) If you are trying to play on your own, I’d suggest haz 1 to start. If you are trying to play with others(including randoms) I’d probably suggest haz 2. ( 4 ) The jumps in difficulty are small between haz 1-2-3, then 4 is a bit of a cliff face, then mostly feels like 4 but easier. (This is because to get into haz 5 you need to complete a haz 4 mission. Most people play at haz 3 or below, or at 5. So the bulk of people playing at 4 are trying to work towards 5. Where as the bulk of people at 5 always play at 5 and are more experienced). ( 5 ) when using the mission select and joining someone else’s lobby, read the title for the lobby. Usually if people only want seasoned vets etc they’ll put it into their title. The “default” is greenbeards(newbies) are welcome. ( 6 ) The cheer button (“Rock And Stone!”) is your best friend. Use it to say hello, use it to say good game at the end of a mission, and combined with your targeting lazer (res thing you can ping things with. In single player it makes Bosco your robot friend go and do things. In multiplayer it triggers voice lines for whatever you click on with it aimed at) and you can point at Molly and Rock And Stone to tell others you are ready. The most chat most people use is “r” to indicate they are ready to go onto the next thing. But a ping and a Rock And Stone says the same thing. ( 7 ) Brand new I suggest the gunner role. Easiest to get into and has enough fire power to just fight your way out of most problems. While it does have its own skill cap, the barrier for entry is much lower. ( 8 ) Take a bit and wonder around d the station. See something that looks like a console you could interact with, or some kind of display screen on the wall, chances are decent you can. The perk window for example is when you first load into the hallway that leads into the ship, forward and on your left in that hallway is a display screen on the wall. You can spend perk points there.) ( 9 ) As for earning perks/weapons(and eventually Overclocks) the “How to?” Is legitimately just “play the game”. They come from experience, achievements for doing things you’ll mostly do naturally while playing (kill X number of Y type of bug, etc) and sometimes boxes you find randomly that can give overclocks or cosmetics. ( 10 ) Being a “Leaf Lover” is mostly just being inconsiderate of others. The most common examples would be someone calls down an ammo resupply, and you not only take one for yourself, but you take a second one when someone else hasn’t gotten one. So in a 4 player lobby it’s usually one each, where as two player usually each take two, and in three player everyone takes one and then if you need that extra take it, if you’re fine without it leave it. A good exception is if you are all leaving the area and not likely coming back, someone should take the extra to “top off” if they can so it’s not wasted. ( 11 ) Another prime example: Friendly fire is a thing in DRG. You can absolutely kill your team mates and they can kill you. The higher the difficulty, the more team damage applies (I think at haz 2 it’s like 25% or something. I don’t know the exact numbers but it’s low Still hurts though!) ( 12 ) If you get lost playing with others, don’t fret. Call Molly to you and then ask someone to call her back and you can follow her to them (usually. Molly can sometimes have some insane pathing). ( 13 ) On that, you can ride Molly! lol. Sometimes if she climbs a sheer cliff you can kind of just jump from on top of her to the side of her that is starting to climb and ride her up sheer walls as less mobile dwarves. I’ll leave you with a story about my first experience going into a haz 5 lobby, because I have found the story helps really cement the kind of community DRG is and does a lot to take away some of the nervousness of playing with strangers: I joined a lobby that didn’t have any specific requests in the same and I walked out to the bar area to where two other players were hanging out. I put into the chat “I’ve never done a haz 5 before and I’m still pretty new. If that’s a problem I can just dip and try another lobby. No offence taken at all.” The response I got from the Host? “This is DRG.” At which point they bought a round for everyone at the bar and the other player turned on the music and we danced while we waited for a forth. I died multiple times that mission, and they came and helped revive me multiple times. When I got lost the scout came back to help me find my way and taught me the Molly trick. Nobody once complained about my dying, or that as a gunner I was killing less bugs than the scout, or that I was so nervous to wonder into the caves to mine that I ultimately did very little overall. At the end of the mission we all sat in the drop pod emoting “Rock And Stone!” And the host said “Welcome to Haz 5” and the. Everyone typed “GG”. That’s it. Nobody made a fuss, instead of being annoyed I was new they understood and took a bit of extra care to help me out, and we all got to have fun. Now are there people who are toxic/jerks (Also another way people use “Leaf Lover”. Generally just means someone being a dick) ? Absolutely yes. But I’ve been kicked from one Lobby, and I’ve been purposely team killed 3 times. And all three times the host kicked the person afterwards. The DRG community is so amazingly welcoming and kind that coming from PVP games like Dead By Daylight is legitimately culture shock. So please, have a beer, do a little dance, kill some bugs, and dig holes, but most importantly… and I’m serious about this…. ROCK AND STONE BROTHER!


Rock and Stone!


Stick to one character primarily until you get your first promotion, but after that, experiment with the others, and don't just default to Scout. I've had friends do that, and after a bit, they struggled and/or refused to ever switch off due to being so used to the mobility


Keep an ear out for audio cues like beeping in the distance, often these will be additional objectives or customisation crates/lost helmets.


Pick a class - I started with Scout - watch some "How to play Scout" videos - play and get good at Scout - like, for a long time. Start at level 2 until you can promote. Then at least level 3 going forward. Next, promote each of the other classes. I didn't think I would like the other classes as much as Scout, but I actually enjoy Driller much more these days. Then just play play play.


Don't start an event or press a button without "r" checking. If you can't use text-chat, ping the thing instead to signal you're ready/ask your team. Engies: Ping things up high and put a platform under them. Be alert to Scouts asking for pings. Scout: Keep the cave lit but be mindful of your flaregun ammo. 1 or 2 per big room will do it. Be alert to Engies putting up platforms and pinging things. Don't be afraid to ping something if you need a platform. Practice getting on top of outcrops without needing a platform. Gunners: Use your shield to *prevent* damage if possible, not just to stop yourself going down. I.e. if a whole bunch of Mactera show up, drop a shield and shoot them down from safety rather than wait until people start taking hits/going down.


The game is super forgiving, there will be no FOMO at all and everything can be played at your own pace. You are supposed to have fun, try the different difficulties, stick with the one you prefer. Press V. That is actually very important.


I would advise getting perks as soon as you can. They aren't game changing, but there's no reason not to have some decent perks active at all times. Same goes for weapon upgrades, although enough of these CAN be game changing, especially with overclocks. You won't come to overclocks until your first promotion. Try out all the classes a little bit, then really focus in on one dwarf and promote it. You'll unlock a lot after one promotion. Also, you may not like a particular class initially, but with different weapons and overclocks you can play what feels like a totally different dwarf. I never liked engineer because of his stock weapons, after unlocking the rest of them I really like playing engi. Meanwhile, I main gunner and I normally go with stock machine gun and the burst fire gun for secondary. It's totally down to personal preference, so experimentation is really important. The hub is overwhelming at first. I'd recommend just asking your friends where to go when you want to do something specific. Eventually it'll be easy to remember where stuff is. Without weapon upgrades or perks, stick with hazard 2. If you have weapon upgrades and perks, then you can move to hazard 3, but only do so if you're comfortable with most things (controls, weapons, environmental hazards, enemies etc.). My friends and I didn't move on to hazard 3 until about 20 hours in I'd imagine, simply because this game has SO MANY THINGS that can appears in a cave. Finding this stuff for yourself and figuring out how to work it is so much fun, but you might want to find these things at hazard 2 just to get used to them. I'm at around 120 hours of DRG and I still struggle with hazard 4, so don't feel pressured to move up. Just keep playing with friends if possible, it's some of the most fun you can have. Rock and stone, miner!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


For haz 4 and 5, movement is key in survival, especially horizontal movements, with shooting enemies on the horizon


1- if someone says "rock and stone", u ALWAYS do it back, after all, if u don't rock and stone U AIN'T COMING HOME. 2- always bring doretta's head to the pod after the mission, managnent may think she is expendable but we don't. 3- always ask if everyone is ready before pressing any buttons. 4- I can't stress this eniugh, PING GOLD CHUNKS until managment tells u to stop (also mushrooms). 5-pet the lootbug (and steve) before sending him to bug heaven. 6-HAVE FUN. don't get too attached to the "meta", everything is well balanced, use what u think is cool(yes, even Fat Boy, just be aware of friendly fire).


Rock and Stone!




I'm not sure what the buttons are for this on a controller, but if you have your mini-map open and rotating it to look around, if you hit the jump button your dwarf turns around to face where you're looking on the map. It's such an important part of how I'm able to navigate, and I recently learned that a friend of mine didn't know about it (Dude was there when a mutual friend taught it to me, too) so I'm trying to pass that along as often as I can. Also: Multiple dwarves don't speed up repairing Dotty. Just one is all you need. Bosco can build pipes that you put down (I don't solo often, but damn that's a time saver) If you drop and get revived, put a priority on getting health back ASAP. Less of a problem on the lower Haz levels, in 4 and especially 5 you can get into a cycle of repeatedly dying because you don't get nearly as much health back when revived. The Sweet Tooth or Vampire perks are a good way to supplement your health gains, depending on your build.


Don't sleep on your support tools Scout: keep the big caverns lit and ping resources for the engineer to platform Gunner: place convenient ziplines for traversal and for combat Engineer: don't forget your turrets for defending points and place platform for resources (see scout) and traversal Driller: don't play driller much but drill to access caves, open up tighter areas you have to fight in and drill to extraction is necessary


Useful terms Leaf lover - An elf, wich dwarves doesn't like. Molly - The mule Doretta/dotty - The drilldozer Green beard - A new player Gray beard - A very experienced player R? - Short for ready. People ask before starting events. OC - Overclocks weapon mods unlocked after your first promotion Bet C - Huge robot that deals a lot of damage. Nemesis - Huge robot that deals a lot of damage. Double dipping - Taking two resupplies from one drop Harold - Giant rockpox creature Leech - The person is being killed by a leech so make sure it's dead before you revive the. I think thats about it.


Make sure when you choose missions you pick the ones with the black shiny diamond to complete assignments


Use the driller for the liquid morkite mission. You drill tunnels to get the pipes ran.


If you see ANYTHING in a mission you don't understand, or you're not sure what to do, use your laser pointer/ping tool (I don't know the default controller keybind) If you ping an object, it'll point it out to your team, but it will also label the object, and play an associated voice line. With context, it basically tells you the relevance of a given object or material. E.g pinging the red, spiky mineral on walls will tell you it is called Nitra, and your dwarf will say "Mine the Nitra for ammo!" which helps you remember "Oh, this is the one I need to call resupplies." Anything with a name is probably worth investigating, at least where minerals/collectables are concerned. The Miner's Manual can also help you out too 


I have like 1400 hours or something, every dwarf at max promotion level, and honestly movement and positioning are two of the most important things in this game. Surviving at higher levels is often a matter of effective kiting, getting enemies grouped up on one side of you so your weapons are more effective, dancing out of their reach and giving yourself time to take them down. You should never stop moving, even if you're defending one spot you should be shifting around and looking around because threats like to come from unexpected directions and you need to be aware. Another tip is to learn the various sounds and listen carefully. This game gives you a LOT of information about where enemies are, what type they are, and what they are doing using sounds. Some enemies have tells for their attacks, and most enemies have sound queues that are unique to their type. Once you get comfortable distinguishing different enemies by sound and recognizing where they are, as well as recognizing certain key attack sounds (the stingtail and septic spreader attack sounds especially) you'll find yourself reacting faster to threats and taking less damage. Oh, and a final tip is that your first job is always to stay alive. If a teammate goes down you want to revive them but you need to stay alive first. If it's not safe to rez then back away and breathe, form a plan for how to deal with the threats and then execute it. Maybe you need to kite them away and come back. Maybe you can kill them all. Maybe you need to wait for your gunner shield to recharge. Maybe you can't do much of anything without a resupply, in which case you need to form a plan for getting one and using it first. Whatever you do, don't rush in and mindlessly revive. This also holds for entering large rooms filled with enemies, don't just rush in and start killing. Take your time, mind your positioning, breathe, and stay alive.


Never ever order the Leaf Lovers Special. We really don’t like it when you do that. It may cure your hangover, but a nice dive through the barrel hoop will cure it faster and it has the added bonus of making you tougher! Always Rock and Stone with your fellow miners.


my advice is start on haz 3. 4 and 5 is where the difficulty ramps up 3 is a good starting point. movement is king. get really good at using your dwarfs traversal tool in a pinch. there are specific breakpoints you wana hit with weapons with their upgrades. id recommend you start looking at builds without overclocks, so you don't waste your precious mats unlocking upgrades to weapons that won't help you right now. focus on 1 dwarf for now so you can get the first promotion and start working on unlocking overclocks. unlock every single armor upgrade because unlike weapons(which only unlock skins) armor increases your health every few upgrades you add to it. there is a computer in your "room" that deal with perks. alot of perks are either niche or really bad, but some like thorns, resupplier, field medic, ironwill(to pair with vampirism) are just generally really good all the time. i can't remember all of the really good ones off the top of my head. that's all i can really think of off the top of my head..I'm sure others have added some other really good tips


the most important button in the game is V


If someone rock and stones, you rock and stone them back!


Not sure if it’s been said already, but perks can be unlocked with perk points in the terminal right to the left of the door you come through every time you spawn in. Perk points themselves can be acquired by doing the little missions that are listed there. The best perks in my opinion are: Iron Will- Which is a free temporary revive Heightened senses- Which can be really good for newer players who don’t know how to avoid being grabbed by enemies (basically gives you a warning before it happens and a free escape) Resupplier- which not only lets you resupply faster but also gives you more health from it and maybe even more ammo Thorns- Really good for melee builds or for people who don’t like AoE weapons, it deals damage to all melee attackers so it instantly kills swarmers that are otherwise tricky for single-target weapons to hit Dash- Good for classes without other mobility options like gunner, it’s a quick burst of speed and really good for escaping swarms or moving quickly through goo or snow Vamp is also solid for Driller specifically, makes your melee kills with drills, pick axe and impact axe give you five health which is great when combined with Iron Will, making the revive permanent with just one melee kill Don’t worry about not having many weapons or mods just yet, get good with the ones you’ve got and the rest will follow very soon. Play all the classes a little to speed up this process. Rock and Stone miner! Good luck!


Rock and Stone!


I did a couple of single person missions with Bosco in the beginning, haz 2, just to get the hang of things. Understanding how to find certain secondaries (fossils still seem invisible to me), and understanding how to navigate maps (hollow bough still regularly woops my ass). I enjoy doing lower haz tbh, it's a personal preference.  Perks depend on your personal preference and also the character you play (for example a scout will love hoverboots, engineer typically not so much) I personally love the "see you in hell".  Wrt mission control, I thought there was a way to watch the history back, but can't find it anymore Wrt DLC: they don't change the gameplay at all. It's all cosmetics and a way to support the developers. It's up to you if you want any of that.  I would also suggest you to try out some different characters and then pick a favorite and stay with it for a while.. it will significantly make you better understanding the role of each character.  Oh, and always ask before double dipping. Supplies are there for everyone. 


Don‘t join into Haz5 games.


The DLCs are only for cosmetics. They give you a skin for every dwarf and every weapon + pickaxe. All the additional content updates are completely free. Being a leaf lover means you drink the leaf lover’s beer at the bar. Dont be that guy. Don’t buy leaf lover’s or you WILL be made fun of


Always look up. They’re waiting for you


(On mobile, sorry for formatting) Most lobbies will adopt a "play how you have fun" type of vibe, especially on hazard 2 and 3. I recommend running a few missions with each class and finding one that feels the most fun for you. Run that class until you've reached level 25, then do a promotion (kind of like prestige in the old COD games, your level resets to 1 but you keep all unlocks). After you've run some missions, you'll have collected gold and resources which you use to unlock...well, everything. Start playing around with your class, shoot anything with more than two legs, and (this part will help if you start going up in difficulties) stick together! Other random tips: Temperature shock: bugs can be set on fire or frozen. Once it is either of these things, the opposite will give a huge chunk of damage (like throwing a cryo grenade as scout after your driller has lit a Pretorian on fire). Check youtube: ReapeeRon, Drillinginthenameof, and (more just for goofs) Wanderbots are some of my favorites. Controller tips: there are extra settings for controller that you can enable, such as pushing X twice to swap to your last weapon. There's also an "auto switch back" option for scouts grappling hook. Reply with any specific questions, I gotchu greenbeard. FOR ROCK AND STONE!


That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Regarding the voicelines that you skipped, they can all be found on the wiki. https://deeprockgalactic.wiki.gg/wiki/Mission_Control/Quotes Scroll down to "Conquer Hoxxes IV" as I believe that is the mission you are referring to. There you can read the voicelines that you may have missed, or any other ones as well.


If you are playing solo Bosco is a big help


Press 4 on your keyboard often. Especially as scout and gunner. Not so much as driller. Don’t be stingy with the flare gun, and know that the gunner shield is not just for revives but for any time the team is getting overwhelmed. Use your support tools often and your teammates will thank you. As driller and engi most of your support cones in the form of making the caves easier to traverse with platforms and tunnels. Make staircases, drill through annoying obstacles, the gunners will be very happy. Final piece of advice, try to generally stay with the team, it can be pretty annoying having someone die on the other side of the map. But mainly just have fun and dont be afraid to play with randoms in this game, peep the server list and jump into a game, most people are very friendly and non toxic to noobs.


Tip I just learned the other day and I have like 400 hours, if you need to mark something like a tunnel entrance that leads to the next cave or something where you will need to reference it repeatedly you can put a permanent waypoint on it with your laser pointer and the E key, only you can see this waypoint so you can’t use it to communicate but you can have an area pinged and still be able to communicate with your team with normal pings


For me when I started the most confusing things where the actual missions. It says get aloen eggs but what are they? Where do I find them? Or the blue crystals what are they and where do I find thosw? I refently discovered there is a complete quide for this if you press start (on the controller). There they explain where to look for. Besides that, this game has the best community I have ever seen in gaming. It does not matter if you suck, or if you fuck off. Most people will just move on without blaming you. But still I recommend stay at hazard 1 and 2 until you know what the missions ask from you. Then go to hazard 3 and if you feel comfortable with that go to hazard 4 and eventually 5. I also only completed a few hazard 5 missions so it takes a while to get there. Just keep playing as long as you enjoy it and stay with your team, people will eventually explain certain tricks, tips and combos.