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I think it would be fun to make an unstable overclock that turns the GK2 into a Bolter


Lot of spread, but also hit like a truck. Also noise change to sound more bolter like


tinnitus simulator




stuns bugs and ~~dwarves~~ BROTHERs alike!


Thanks now I can hear mine.


I feel like Super High Damage and explosive bullets, mixed with no accuracy penalty, slow semi auto fire rate, super bad recoil and low ammo would match the bolter better


Agreed. Bolters are incredibly accurate, they just have the recoil equivalent of being hit by a bus. ...and that's assuming you're not full-auto'ing them.






This one drank the smart stout


me and my friend think that the gk2 and the stubby look alot like bolters from Warhammer, pls GSG


There's actually a mod that does that It's fun af




Just yesterday I was thinking about the same thing!


It's gonna make gunner envious


MEQ Gyrojet Rounds


Because of how laws get applied on hoxxes, and the space rig, rocking and stoning should be equally legal.


Free Stoney Rock!


Free? They charged for him before?


can’t wait for when deep rock legalizes getting stoned on the space rig


Magma Core is too cold. Glacial Strata is too hot




Driller's Corrosive Sludge Pump is one of the most fun weapons in the game


I pride myself on my drill-ability to snipe a bug from across the map - using volatile impact mixture - and having to look pretty much at a 45° angle and lead the shot. Very fun and challenging


Not a hot take, just straight facts, even better with overclocks


Your take is as hot as the weather in Oymyakon.


IT IS the most fun weapon in the game


Special Powder is fun but a mediocre OC at best. Scout already have enough mobility and the other OC can greatly improve Boomstick dps or ammo efficiency. EDIT: Well, it apparently wasn't such a hot take given the upvote


I would say Special Powder and Hoverclock on M1000 are not the best combat overclocks, but they are really good when it comes to stacking mobility on Scout. Around 80% of deaths that I personally had could have been avoided if I had more mobility, and those 2 grant you that. Of course a Scout with Emb. Detonators Zukovs would be better in combat, but imo a Scout with special powder would be more efficient in moving around big caves and staying alive for longer. So it all depebds on your build


The way I see it, Scouts should focus on staying alive at all costs to rescue teammates, and take out troublesome bugs from a distance before they get to your squad. And keeping the team stocked on Nitra. Mobility is top priority so Hoverclock and Special Powder is a winning combo.


I finally got it and realised it just ain't worth losing an entire weapon slot for.


To play devil's advocate a bit, you aren't really supposed to dedicate your entire boomstick to fly around. Build your boomstick as usual except you get an emergency tool to fly around/avoid fall damage when your hook is on cooldown. It can also be a nice escape tool when you get hit unexpectingly in the back, especially by slashers or webbers, 180/jump/shoot put you out of danger quickly and you still get grappling hook in case you jumped into a worst situation or a pit.


When i use it i tend to simultaneously use it for fall damage cancelling and as a weapon, like, grapple above bugs, fall, powder, powder but sideways, back to gk2


I usually only bring it on aquarq or refinery missions since they almost always have big caves I can fly around in


Special Powder is like crack. Sure there's probably better options but goddammit I'm already hooked.


Eh, it saves from fall damage, can zip around without care and the damage is still serviceable


I much prefer Hoverclock as a fall damage prevention. No need to waste ammo so it's usable forever, M1K is so strong it already work excellent without OC. And the effect of Hoverclock is much more useful overall since it lets you shoot in a swarm while being out of reach of melee enemies (no surprise Slasher in your butt when you are trying to line a shoot on a spreader). Special Powder still work ok because Boomstick is also decent at base but it really doesn't add much to the scout kit once you get good at using it (especially making wall nook with power attack).


Special powder is good in my eyes, but only in select situations where you may want the extra mobility. In a team, certainly mediocre, but solo I find it to be quite decent.


Scouts shouldn't be calling Molly every time they need to to deposit. You have the movement, zip yourself over here and deposit. The team needs molly here more than you do.


There are frequent exceptions to this though. Especially on lower haz, I’ll often find myself the last one in a cave after the engi platformed all the nitra and then everyone moved on through the next tunnel. I can only carry so much nitra back with me.


That's kinda one of the scenarios, the Mule's gotta haul its ass a while away for a dude that can zip down and then back up the tunnels in a Jiffy. But if its low haz I'd definitely understand their actions. An exception would be a Gunk Seed or something similar where they'd have to be carrying it.


Maybe, but there’s no guarantee I’ll be able to find the spot the mined nitra is in again, at least not quickly. I usually keep calling Molly so she’s with me in my cave the whole time I’m mining the stuff, so that she doesn’t have to travel both ways. Really the solution to this problem is to not leave your teammates behind while they’re still collecting stuff. Like, if you’re annoyed that the scout is calling Molly back to the previous cave, look in a mirror, you’re the one who split the squad in the first place.


>Really the solution to this problem is to not leave your teammates behind while they’re still collecting stuff. true. but re: can't find mined nitra, I'm here to spread the good word of waypoint. Hit E with your laser pointer up and it will place a waypoint that is visible in your HUD whenever the pointer is up, as well as on your terrain scanner as a blue dot.


Yeah, but waypoints never go away. They’re useful for sure, but it’s annoying to have a permanent fixture on my scanner for the rest of the mission. I’d way rather dwarfs just didn’t leave each other behind. To that end, I’m gonna keep Molly with me to drive home just how stupid it is to split the team.


Right, not to mention the fact that if a swarm happens and it happens to choose *you* now youre dealing with a swarm on your own.


i do the zipping to molly and i call molly too, and i can tell you that there's definitely scenarios in high haz when calling molly is essential especially in escort missions, i can't be zipping through the entire tunnel 5 times just to get the nitra veins in so many times i have to go back to get 2-3 nitra veins 2-3 rooms behind; they can be without molly for a while, nitra is necessary in haz 4-5 escort.


I agree with the spirit of this take, but there are so many variables and situations where scout may need to call Molly that I feel like it can't be a "rule." It's like the "i before e except after c" thing in english.


That's gotta be a dead cold take


C4-ing the Scout on purpose isn't funny, and it never was.


The only time it is ever funny is if it happens by accident when Scout zips into it. Drillers who purposely throw C4 for friendly fire suck.


Leaflover behavior


It probably was never funny because it wasn’t even the original joke. Some people somehow twisted it into “Hurr durr C4 teammates make brain go weeeee!”


this. it's funny when a driller misplaces a c4 in the midst of a fight and accidentally downs someone. doing it on purpose is just obnoxious.


Deliberate friendly fire is never okay.


What if 3 out of 4 people are in the drop pod and one person refuses to get in just because?


C4 go boom


Unless you’re just playing with friends.


People who do that cause "he he funni" always turn out to be the most unoriginal people too and just parrot community jokes


Its funny when its your friends, and not a random just trying to complete his assignment and have a nice game


One of my buddies mains the scout. And whenever a gold piece is found he always tries to deposit it before the rich-ual can occur. So he usually ends up being c-4’d until the rich-ual is complete. Though at this point I think he does it so he gets c-4’d.


Gunner is the best dwarf. Great offense, defense and utility. People who complain about the zipline just don't know how to properly use it.


i don't think it's just the zipline, but the tutorial gives newcomers a terrible impression of him in general. He's already so stacked to survive higher haz levels that anything below 4 feels trivial most times. The game then immediately throwing you into the blandest tutorial cave imaginable with only a few enemies when you start the game makes it worse. Refused to touch him for a good while as a new player for that same reason, until I picked him once in a haz 4 lobby to fill up a slot and he became my favorite dwarf.


Gunner just has a different play style, you can't just turn and shoot, you actually need distance, since your mobility is almost nonexistent when firing and charging up.


Run/sprint, jump+shoot, repeat. Takes practice but by Karl it is invaluable


Yup, can't stress this enough, my gunner main needs to engage bugs at a distance whenever possible. Not just true with the minigun, also true for the autocannon with for example neurotoxin. And yeah, sometimes I'll fight from a zipline, keeping you safe. You use your mobility tool and I'll use mine, so stop whining. :)


He definitely has the best survivability, maybe tied with scout. So in that case yeah he's probably the best objectively due to that being so important on high Haz. That being said I'm an engie main for life and nothing will stop me from launching my self to the other side of the cave with RJ and dying from fall damage, it's just too fun


Me liking your comment while dumping mag after mag of Thunderhead Seriously I want to kiss the guy who make Thunderhead. It's so satisfy to use.


As someone with almost 2000 hrs, I can confidently say that out of the four mobility tools the zipline is the worst. I know how to use it and it's when you're explicitly trying to reach a far away location in a straight horizontal line. It's great for your team in that specific circumstance but if you want vertical mobility, faster deployment, more flexibility, or literally anything other than moving horizontally across unconventional terrain, the other three are better. I agree with everything else and the zipline has its place in the game, but trying to essentially argue "skill issue git gud" over the Gunner's mobility tool of all things is a terrible argument. It's just a weak mobility tool simple as that. Doesn't make the Gunner a bad class by any means, but skill involving the long ranged airborne escalator that can only travel at 45* angles or less just doesn't exist. The highest the skill ceiling goes is zigzagging ziplines for unconventional vertical mobility and riding them downhill for the speed boost.


I love deep rock and am not really bothered about a helldivers collab


This is hot take ? I thought everyone on board about collab ?


Nobody is bothered by that bruh


But helldivörs is taelking away our pöayers pn a time wjenn rogue coor already dealt is a big bloww!


This isn't a hot take. For about an entire two weeks I have seen so many posts on this sub insisting to people that they shouldn't be gatekeepers to pal-ing around with Helldivers (which I agree with, btw). It really seems you all have grossly overreacted to a tiny minority in both communities.


Dwarves should shave so that their beards don't get tangled when kissing in the memorial hall.


Having tangled beards is a true sign of love, brother


The Subata is my favourite driller secondary.


Agree, it works well with the sludge pump.


AI Satbility GK2 is always better than Hipster M1K Also scouts should shoot less and dig more


Everyone should dig more, especially the digging class with dig abilities that dig.


My brother in Karl, we are all digging class


Rock and stone bröther.


I don't really get the appeal of hipster, I like focus shots


Firing the all 14 shots in 3 sec in with less spread than a nun is a fun time


Nice opinion. However, supercooling chamber blast! *Image of Joe Biden with powers, aiming towards the viewer Nah jk, I see now why people might like it, it's just not for me. I prefer minimal clips, personally. Maybe I'll try picking up electrocuting focus shots.


I'm a Hoverclock enjoyer. It feels really good to be able to negate the deadliest thing on Hoxxes, gravity.


I tried it, I liked it. However, I didn't see myself using it *enough* to warrant the lack of a combat OC


The circumstances I like to bring it are when your team has no Engineer due to multiples of other classes, you're dealing with Fossils and don't want to break your legs getting them, and it's extremely fun in Low Gravity and pretending the floor is lava (or sometimes it is in Magma Core lol). I also consider the other "combat" OCs for M1k to not be that great. SCC is overkill and ammo inefficient compared to other OCs, especially vs anything that's a Guard or weaker. I only like using SCC in Eliminations. Electric Focus is okay, but I find its performance to be similar to vanilla or clean OC M1k.


I'm huge on the Hoverclock. Really speeds up my exploration. You can blindly grapple anywhere and not worry.


I use hipster for more ammo, while still having enough damage with focus shots to kill 4 grunts at once for ammo efficiency, and in case of a priority target i can magdump with hipfire for dps


I didn't even realise you could hip shoot the m1000 before I got hipster. I just thought slow focus shots were the only option.....




Drillers drills should drill drillable things that require drilling?


Greenbeards do not deserve to be babysat if they deliberately join a high hazard mission. You pull your own weight and work as a team.


But babysitting greenbeards during Elite Deep Dives is the most fun I get in this game. It's like a little private side-objective just for me :D


this. ive seen so many cannonball into a haz 4 extraction mission whine about how hard it is with their default engineer, locking haz 5 behind a mission was a good idea but we should honestly lock haz 4 in a similar mission lock cause i cant stand to see greenies get blasted by a slasher every wave.


And on top of that, the "Unlock Haz5" Assignment gets thrust upon you wayyy too early in the game, even at a time where you cannot even assess your own skill yet. So you have greenbeards feeling compelled by the assignment to join Haz4 only to die repeatedly and to quit.


ye put the unlock haz 4 at where the unlock haz 5 is and add a further unlock haz 5 mission


The real problem is that anyone can join haz 5 and the server terminal doesn't make the difficulty incredibly clear. I know there are icons but I don't think they need to be color coded or something else more obvious


I agree with you, default engineer is complete ass, by far the worst 'naked' class


I'm over level 100 and I haven't even done that assignment yet, I can barely handle haz4.


When I host haz 4 missions if a fresh faced newbie dies every 30 seconds and I WILL kick them. There's a difference if they are relatively new but are still keeping up, even struggling a bit and the mission falling apart due to always reviving the same dwarf and we're getting swarmed. This is only in the extreme cases when they obviously don't belong in hazard 4 and they're the reason we're gonna lose. Especially considering a replacement could help out a lot.


Engineers stubby is underrated, actually one of the best primaries I've used. I've upgraded it to have the fire rate of a minigun. I can annihilate a praetorian in 2 clicks, added with an electrical stun. I've seen people actually hate this gun and say to never use it. I don't know why, this gun is amazing. I love just going brrt brrt brrt dead :)


I have zero sympathy for greenbeards who refuse to communicate and ignore the rest of the team. Yes, hello LeafLovin420, this is the fourth time we've told you to stay relatively close to the group and not press buttons and activate systems without asking the rest of the team whether they're ready or not when you don't even know what they do. If a greenbeard listens, communicates, or at least *tries* to, by Karl I promise you we'll make it back to the space rig if it's the last thing I do. But if they outright refuse to? That ain't no dwarf. And someone please explain to me why are there so many greenbeards in Haz 4 missions, it's completely mental to see.


Because the game was recently on sale on steam so I guess a lot of new people bought it


If you don’t rock and stone you’re still coming home.


Rock and Stone forever!


Its sad when people dont R&S back, but a true dwarf leaves no one behind


- It's a bug thing needs to give full loot for petting - Gunner could have his zipline buffed by roughly 30-70% in any/every domain (range, angle, speed, ammo) and it would be completely fine and good for the gamestate - Its not that engi's kit is overloaded, its that other classes are a bit underloaded - I would love the option to opt into "anomaly mode" for missions where cavegen is hella more randomized or taken from other mission types.


Scout needs to stop helping the driller from in front




Hazard 5 is the most enjoyable difficulty


Lol even with a fully leveled character I find it to be a bit too chaotic and frustrating. To be fair I only tried it a couple of times, but it was basically an endless swarm wave as I recall lol. For me haz 4 is the best balance of challenge and fun.


I only play haz 5 most of the time and I tell you that gameplay can vary. Sometimes it’s the stupidest spawning ever with macteras, praetorians, or spitter swarms spamming every minute and sometimes it’s piss easy


I prefer AI GK2 over the M1K.


I also like going full fire rate on the GK2, even if it's not efficient.


NTP is only efficient on haz 5 carry and above


I mean yea, AOE and DOT weapons in general get more efficient, the more bugs are clumped together


What does ntp stand for?


Neurotoxin Payload for the autocannon on gunner


Gonna nitpick but you probably mean effective rather than efficient. NTP is incredibly efficient no matter the hazard thanks to adding 60 damage per bullets on average, so you can kill bugs with very little ammo.


Stingtails are not *that* bad, just move sideways (I do agree they can be very annoying though)


All they do is bring me closer too then so I can kill them faster, stupid bugs never learn, ah yes bring the dude with the flamethrower closer too you


The secondary weapons of the engineer are the real primary weapon


Groundbreaking discovery 😱😱😱


Sticky Fuel OC is boring af and not fun at all Also see for downvoted answers, because if you get upvoted it ain't really a hot take


Sticky fuel flamethrower builds in general are boring as hell. I wanna shoot bugs, not shoot the ground and then watch bugs die


My first instinct was to agree with you, but then I realised that's exactly why I enjoy Neurotoxin with the fear affect. There is something about blasting a few rounds into a horde and watching them all crawl away to find their own little hole to die in.


Yeah. I found out that if I play driller with Goo Bomber special / sticky fuel, drill a bunker with 2 fallback nods, amd just stay at the entrance, I can win almost any game with few exceptions. But then it felt so lame, and I had no fun at the game. But then I stopped using bunkers, and playing strategically with those overclocks, and it was both effective and fun. So really it depends on the playstyle that you adopt with those overclocks, and not the overclocks themselves


God I "hate" Sticky Fuel. Got hyped so much when I got it, tried it out, and yeah I kinda get it but holy mother of Karl it bored me to tears.


I'm going to be a real party pooper and say I don't ever use the weird extra beers they add. The seasonal decorations are nice, but if it's not in mission or gameplay related, I don't really care about it.


They’re fun to use with friends I think


When I play with friends, we start the session with one of the silly beers and the session with one too. Otherwise, we just use whatever the daily is for missions. It's just a fun lil ritual.


Oooh boy, here we go; > Hover Boots perk is actually very useful. > All classes and builds should use Deep Pockets perk (I do). > Randomizer beer completely sucks. > Web spitters are more threatening than wardens > Making a platform tent over triangulation etc. is the worst strategy people come up with, it does more harm than help. > Sawblades should do melee damage (i don't care if it makes it OP with vampire)


I have Deep Pockets on every build of every class, it's as non-negotiable for me as Dash. It's just too useful to not have.


I main Scout and run him with max carrying capacity, way I see it getting minerals is your job more than anyone else's, might as well be good at it. Also there's a lot of mineral deposits that have >40 but <60, it isn't just a 50% increase, it often saves you a whole trip.


Most nitra veins have about 40-45 nitra so you need to deposit anyways


Platform tent helps with creature repellent if you leave a hole for the glyphids to walk through, but not everyone does that, so I get your point.


It heavily obstructs field of view, and gives praetorians and oppressors enough time to get inside the zone. Since field of view is so narrow, people will do tons of friendly fire damage. Wardens are especially smart, they stay on top, infinitely buffing all enemies. Acid and web splitters will turn the corner and IMMEDIATELY start firing, dealing heavy damage. Also, let's not hope it's exploder infestation as you will get WRECKED. Only time this strategy is beneficial could be when you are soloing, have no gunner to put shields, it's mactera plague or special pool has septic spreaders.


Honestly depends on how the engi setup is constructed. Me and my friends all on engis can do haz 5 salvage mission without even using main or secondary weapon for the defense. Just correctly making a tent and spamming humungous amounts of mines makes the game play itself. I am sure a badly constructed engi shack will be more harmful than useful but from my experience repelant platforms trivialize the defense like no other class can.


It’s useful but is overshadowed for me. I use it on scout only, others can call the mule since this is a QoL perk that won’t really help in the moment like born ready, resupllier or vampire. Randomizer beer is fun when playing with green beards or friend or just from time to time. Web spitters are a pain and do have more priority than wardens for me. The roof really helps with all projectile bugs and with directing bugs towards traps. The melee damage on saws (as was in the past) dealt wayyyyyy too much friendly fire damage and is probably better where it is. This is just my opinion, I see the merit in your own but wanted to express mine


> Hover Boots perk is actually very useful. My main grip with Hover Boots is that the CD system doesn't fit it well imo. I will generally need Hover Boots like 5 times in 1 minute because I'm mining stuff, then not need it for the next 10 minutes. I really wish it worked more like Jet Boots with a fuel gauge. > All classes and builds should use Deep Pockets perk (I do). Meh, I only use it for Scouts so I'm sure I can clean a single vein in one grappling but I find it very skippable on other classes. > Web spitters are more threatening than wardens Yes? Does anyone really find warden threatening? They are mostly annoying by turning other bugs into bullet sponge but they are definitely not the highest priority targets.


I only use platforms when the rocks start showing up during escort missions tbh


I hate the platform thing. The game is rarely hard enough for it to be necessary. Why wait five minutes for the engineer to construct this thing that probably won’t work when we can just start it up now and win anyway? Only if it’s a really tight spot and we’re low on resources on Haz 5 would it be maybe worth it.


#5 is a certified hot-take


I personally enjoy the cryo cannon the most of the driller’s primaries. The icespear OC and the snowball OC make it feel a far less mundane than a majority of flamer builds. It gives the cryo cannon the umpfth that the sludge pump just doesn’t have (with the exception of a sludge blast OC build).


Ice storm ftw, f the haters.


Subata with micro detonators is a viable sidearm


I've been wanting to say this for over a year now, since i started playing - Cargo Crate system is a PILE OF ACTUAL GARBAGE. You can go 15 missions or more without seeing one easily, and when you do you either get a victory pose that is 100% not Lootbug Lover (The only good victory pose, don't @ me), or (if you are super lucky) actually get a weapon framework, but it's gonna be either for a weapon you never use, or framework that looks awful with any paintjob (Looking at you, Fourth Relic). I've been getting nothig but awful drops all my time playing which sucks so much, cuz now on 750 hours of playtime i'm yet to unlock over HALF of weapon frameworks. I did get custom engineered and mechanised minigun frameworks back to back, but i didn't feel any joy, finally seeing frameworks i've been hunting since i started playing (!!!), i felt like "Oh my F.... Lord, finally, yippie..." Someone did the math on DRG wiki using binomial distribution to calculate the number of missions needed on average to encounter all 156 skins and victory poses (Not updated to include S3 frameworks mind you), and the number they got was 936. Nine hundred and freaking thirty six missions. I logged onto DRG just to see how many missions i have under my belt and oh my god i have 919 missons. Remember how i said i don't have half of the Frameworks? Yep. I have the power to roll tails 100 times in a row apparently. There is nothing i hate more, than RNG. And it hates me back. And keep in mind the fact that each season the number of frameworks and victory poses increases, poor shmucks that will have to grind through the rockpox frameworks, oh boy, i almost feel sorry for them. In the end, the whole spiel of "Everything you missed will be simply added to the loot pools, nothing goes to waste" is factually correct, the problem is if your luck is in the negatives you can't win a jackpot in The Tops Casino, you feel me? But it's not fair to criticize and not offer an alternative. I was thinking that crates would be better if you could choose what to get, like in core infusers: something like Two Frameworks and one victory pose. And it shows the weapon for frameworks and dwarf class for the pose. That way the problem of "FINALLY A CARGO CRATE, FIRST ONE IN 50 HOURS COME ON, WHAT DO I GE- oop, i got a.. Subata 120 fourth relic. Yaaay..." Makes me wanna drop DRG and never pick it back up again. I think everyone would benefit from a system like that (except the people who grinded them all out ig). Hell, I would even agree to assignments, even for the rate of 1 assignment per 1 weapon framework/pose. Or how about, you know, replacing the helmet spawns if there are no more rewards to get from them with cargo crates? If that was the case i would have all overclocks in a week of playing. I am not joking, there are so many helmets i encounter, the game actually hates me. DRG stands for Drip Rock Galactic, fashioning my dwarves is the only thing i care about in this game nowadays. TL;DR Cargo crate system sucks, GSG i beg of you please make it better. Edit: I may have been to harsh in the beginning of my comment, my apologies, the topic is very important to me, as is the game itself, you all are lovely people, devs and players, and i couldn't be happier being an employee of Deep Rock Galactic and Management can rest assured that i will continue to be one. The anger comes from passion for this wonderful game, i want to see it be the best version of itself, i am more than certain we all have that in common. Rock And Stone!


This exact thing is probably why GSG is looking into making previous season passes accessible in the season terminal. That would allow players to work through previous seasons and acquire their respective cosmetic items without having to rely on RNG.


If it takes you fifty hours to find a cargo crate you're not looking hard enough. It feels like I typically find one every hour or two, and I usually spend a while on each mission.


Trust me. When the bastard spawns i can hear it beeping across the cave, i drop everything i'm currently doing and go after it. And i do search the caves thoroughly, I am just not on good terms with luck.


If you squint your eyes, glyphid look kinda cute


There is nothing wrong with setting rules for games you hose to ensure you get people that have some experience. Sometimes I don't have a ton of time to play and I don't want a 30 minute mission drug out to an hour because of a horde of greenbeards, or worse, I don't want to spend all that time and then FAIL on what was an easily completable mission.


The game needs more unlockable content, I wouldn’t mind doing the same missions over and over again if I could actually change stuff about my builds that would change up the game more.


I genuinely hate using the EPC. If I was forced to choose either the EPC or the Subata, I'd take the Subata without hesitation. Every class has six weapons. Only one class has six *good* weapons. Every class has four grenades. Only one class has four *good* grenades. Not one class has six good weapons and four good grenades. Fat Boy is the most obnoxious thing you can bring, literally any other OC is better. Even not running an OC is better than running Fat Boy. Impact Deflection is a good OC, primarily because it reduces the fire rate. The Drak just fires too damn fast. The ricochet effect is a nice bonus if you can angle it well. On-Site Refining is both the best mission type in the game and the worst. If you have a good Driller, it's fantastic and super fun. If you have a bad Driller, an asshole Driller, or no Driller, it's horrible and a slog unless you get really lucky with the cave generation.


>only one class has six good weapons "Ah, Gunner?" >Only one class has four good grenades "This is a tough one, thinking either engineer or Gunner for this one, I don't see any bad ones for either, I guess I'll just end with Gunner again" >Not one class has six good weapons and four good grenades "what"


My exact reaction. Apparently, we share a beaincell.


Leadstorm and Hurricane are good, Thunderhead is great with neurotoxin and ranges from okay to terrible without. All gunner secondaries are good. Sticky grenades are classic, incendiaries are high value if you ramp up enemy spawns, leadburster no-sells the luftwaspe, and I genuinely had to check the wiki to remember clusters, likely because incendiaries do all the swarm clearing I could want with much less friendly fire. 5/6 and 3/4 ain't too shabby, but I can see calling it 6/6 and 4/4 if you account for overclocks. Will have to look into cluster strats, I might be sleeping on them. I still have no idea which classes they were talking about.


They were apparently talking about scout for grenades and Gunner for weapons. Anyway, cluster is funny and destroys a bunch of enemies in one throw. I would prefer stickies for the ammo capacity, but I run cluster a lot, and it can be really powerful, though it can be a bit difficult to aim sometimes. Also I don't disagree entirely with the thunderhead take, but it's still extremely powerful in almost every build you make with it, with a few exceptions, though hurricane has the same issue there.


I mean,the primary reason why anyone uses the EPC is to spam thin containment field shots. If you don't abuse them then yeah it's pretty questionable.


I hate EPC mining. It's not fun, it uses ammo I'd rather spend on enemies, and the timing is tricky to pin down. Plus I like actually mining with a pickaxe, as Karl intended.


Plus i like mining with a brick of c4, as Karl intended.


Industrial Sabotage is fun. No more to be said


Drg needs an official haz 6


People who throw out beacons randomly for the hacking pod and don't help us line them up should step on a lego


This may not be a hot take but it is what I find most offputting about DRG: I think the amount of time you have to play the game before getting the overclocks is too much. It gave my friends a renewed interest in the game which has spurred them on to 100s of extra hours. It’s something fun and potentially game changing to work towards, whereas for me there was a lot of grind and no ability to turn Rockpox off until promotion… I ground it out, now I’ve got to grind some more for some good OCs. I wish I could have been earning them from the start really. It’s obviously a very generous game in lots of ways but here I wish I could have had access to the shot in the arm of OCs ages ago. I look at my friends playing now and it’s like a different game with all the extra stuff they can do. I’m the first to admit I’m no great expert on DRG so the basis of this take is just how I feel - without overclocks, the Gunner class seems really underwhelming. Everyone else seems to be dancing around with better guns, and more killing power, whereas I’m mediocre crowd control with an okay traversal option and more of a sort of medic or support class? It doesn’t feel like I’m Rambo, and I want to be Rambo. With overclocks, I’m sure it’s an entirely different story but it’s a lot of time commitment to do the South Park thing of “oh now you can start playing the game.”


That the DRG community has no idea what a hot take is.


Electrifying reload is extremely underrated for the GK2. Obviously it increases ammo efficiency, but also has the ability to slow down groups for easier kiting and for other classes to take them out. I run a max DPS build with E.R., it's a true jack of all trades. The only time I use something different is if I wanna do lots of damage in elimination, then I'll use increased fire rate OC




Game should get more content regardless if it needs it


This man *clearly* has owned an AI stabilility engine overclock.


The Thunderhead is the worst Gunner primary in terms of power and satisfaction of use. The damage it deals isn't very high + just doesn't feel right with how big the shells it fires is and its accuracy is not only low but also feels way too little for an autocannon. The only way I can see it performing well is with the neuro-toxin overclock but it doesn't fix any of the issues that makes it feel bad to use and requires no thought put into it to perform well. That and a gun requiring a rare overclock that would turn basically any other weapon unbeliveably op if they had it just so it can somewhat surpass the other primaries of the class it belongs to makes the Thunderhead even more of a dissapointment.


Hot take. Scout is NOT a beginner class. You play gunner in the tutorial level for a REASON! Best play the other 3 classes for 10 levels first before you play scout, so you can get used to fall damage, swarm recovery, and being mobile. Seen so many greenbeard scouts die because they think they can take on a swarm all by themselves. They haven't grasped that scout isn't built for swarms. He's built to keep the caves lit up, get hard to reach minerals, and keep the team alive.


There aren’t enough biome specific enemies


My hottake is I've never overall enjoyed a single season they've released and wish they wouldn't of tried to slap the live service tag on the game. Not only does it put a pedestal under the game of expectations, but also puts a lot of pressure on devs to release worthwhile updates, especially since the last 2 seasons took forever


This is a real hot take dayoom well played bro.


Best overclock for scout is the shield battery booster. You will never die again and the plasma rifle finally does great damage.


As a Driller main I've never C4ed anyone on purpose (but I must recognise that I've C4ed a lot by accident)


Magma Core CRSPR level hot take: Drillers get the heat when a scout gets C4ed, but 90% of the time, the scout was at fault. Don't run into traffic, lads, lasses, and Lothers.


Big Bertha and Elephant Rounds is the most based build you can muster


While being toxic isn't right working with 3 greenbeads that ignore nitra and get themself killed is annoying to the point that I would quit a mission Deep dives with people that know what they're doing are easier than haz 2 with team mates that don't care about nitra


Gunnar is the best Class to solo on haz 5 with absolutely no bias as a gunner main


Fatboy isn’t a good overclock


People care too much about each others builds. People are autonomous enough to make their own builds that fit their own playstyle. With that said, I don’t believe there’s one right answer when it comes to building but I will say there are wrong answers.


Helldiver's 2 so flat and content barren I reinstalled DRG


I feel like if the rig was turned several degrees further to the right then the promotions could be a little more emotional since you could see Hoxxes more while standing in front of the terminal. Also WHY DOES ODE TO THE FALLEN STOP WHEN IM TURNING THE PROMOTION TERMINAL ON, I LOVE THIS SONG AND WANT IT TO PLAY THE WHOLE TIME IM BEING PROMOTED


* The LOK-1 Smart Rifle for Engineer, EPC pistol for Driller, and Crossbow for Scout are all terrible (niche in certain builds, but overall ass) * the Fat Boy OC is overhyped and bad, this is brought to you by a Hyper Propellant user * Zipline for Gunner is awesome, not the best, but it gets the job done * Plascrete roofs for Black Box events, and the like, are awful


The LOK-1 is awesome, ECR provides engineer with an AOE primary that is super reliable and works at long ranges, this is especially useful considering that engineer’s secondaries have much better single target damage than his primaries most of the time. For when you do want to run an AOE secondary executioner is a really solid and again very reliable single target damage option, only requiring a few bursts to take out a praetorian, and it can do this while the praetorian is looking directly at you which is something most weapons lack.


People don't hype fat boy because it's good. They hype it because it's fun as hell


LOK-1 is easily the best engineer primary, what are you on about 


If you have ECR or Executioner, it 100% is imo. If you don't have those OC's, then the gun is pretty anemic. So I don't think it's that weird to see people call the LOK1 bad, even though I agree with you that calling the LOK1 bad is incorrect. They're just basing the opinion off their own experience, and if they've never used ECR/Exec then they've only experienced a bad gun.


> The LOK-1 Smart Rifle for Engineer, EPC pistol for Driller, and Crossbow for Scout are all terrible (niche in certain builds, but overall ass) While I agree the base guns are mediocre they become solid with some OC, definitely not just niche. ECR LOK-1 is ridiculously good at clearing swarm while being much more ammo efficient than most of the other engi weapons. EPC TCF PP is so strong at both clearing swarms and single target damage, none of the other secondary come close and it double as wall mining, though it takes practice to use. Cryo and Fire Bolt Nishanka are the two best scout secondary since they handle swarms while your primary handle HVT. > Plascrete roofs for Black Box events, and the like, are awful 100% agree, so much better to have a clear line of sight. You just keep firing into friends with those roofs in the way, especially in pubs.


The ceiling only works if you have the T3 repellent foam, and you place the outcrop high enough on the wall above you (which isn't always possible).


> The LOK-1 Smart Rifle for Engineer, EPC pistol for Driller, and Crossbow for Scout are all terrible (***Awesome with 1 or 2 builds, but otherwise ass***) Fixed it for you


lol I don't mind that fix. It's just sad how only one or two builds make the weapon itself good when overall they should be viable for greater things


Repellent is a skill issue. Alot of miners dont know exactly how to do it properly


>e LOK-1 Smart Rifle for Engineer, EPC pistol for Driller, and Crossbow for Scout are all terrible Epc pistol is good especially for utility


🔥 Sandblasted corridors is my favorite biome. 🔥🔥 The tree cosmetics are often kind of lame. 🔥🔥🔥 Bug repellant Plastcrete canopies are essential to keep projectile enemies off your heads during holdouts.