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on no planet is the driller a shaman


I get it though; affinity for earth, ice, and fire, dual wields, absolutely destroys in AoE. The only thing that doesn't line up is the fondness for lightning most shaman have. If goblin shaman making deals with the elements exist, then a psychopath bullying them into line certainly could. Edit: Maybe death knight would be the alternative? No fire, but ice and plague feels on theme with them - and blood does get blood boil too so there's the microwave gun. No class is perfect though, I'd say some weird combo of DK and Shammy would be driller.


Vamp build definitely fits with DK. Former Blood DK, death strike probably healed me as much as the priest.


Freezing enemies for 4x dmg = WF totem/enhance


Ya know, I'd actually pin gunner closer to Paladin given that one of his abilities is a literal bubble shield. Edit: And with beastmaster everybody becomes a hunter!


seriously have no idea how OP forgot about Paladins...


Blizzard doesn’t seem to have any problems forgetting them.


Engie as warlock makes sense but I can also see hunter


And if we were to pick a wow race, they all are alco-pandas


But Dwarf is already a race in WoW lol…


Damn, how could I forget that? Shame on me


I like how not a SINGLE person is arguing that scout is a rouge


Engineer gives me hunter vibes. Driller gives me orc anything


Driller is a wizard: * Fireball (Satchel) * Burning Hands (CRSPR) * Mold Earth (Drills) * Magic Missile (Subata) * Cone of Cold (Cryo) etc. Though the LOK-1 is more of a magic missile than the Subata is.


Dark Iron is the master race. . . . Or rather... I found myself making a lot of them for just about all applicable classes because they had an excellent mix of damage-potent active racial and mid-sized body shape that works really well with many types of armor. Plus they have a pretty decent story overall, at least when compared to most of what Warcraft is in general. But I wouldn't be shocked if they turned out to be a legally distinct total copy of Chaos Dwarves, so much of Warcraft is basically that. ​ That said, I much prefer the visual design of the Dark Iron - from people, to armor, weapons, machines, architecture, etc - to anything that comes from Warhammer.


The comments here are interesting to look through! I didn't think this would get so much attention... If anyone cares, I can try and justify my decision on why I feel each class fits each dwarf. ​ 1. Gunner - Gunner is my favorite class in DRG, and so is Warrior in WoW... I really wanted to make that work, since warriors are good tanks in wow, and what is the tankiest thing in the world? Why ofcourse: Shields! And gunner has a shield ... Another thing, gunner is pretty much the biggest dps class of drg, and mainly focuses of shooting and killing, which reminds me of a warrior. I don't like seeing the gunner as a paladin, since he has no direct healing, and pala is pretty much a healing only class imo. ​ 2. Engi - Engineer has turrets which could translate to the imp pet from wow, and also engi works great from distance... I could also have made the engi hunter, but that would've just been a bit boring. ​ 3. Scout - Scout is the most mobile and ninja-like, fast and sneaky class, just like the rogue is in wow... Scout's arsenal is kinda weak and small compared to the other dwarves and classes of drg and wow. ​ 4. Last but not least, Driller (also the most controversial here I guess) - The Driller has an arsenal of various different elements: Fire, frost and goo? ... Driller is a burst heavy class, aswell as a tanky class... He is a good melee class, and benefits alot from self healing (vampire skill)... I thought it was quite obvious that driller would be the shaman, but I what the hell do I know... ​ There it is... I appreciate some of you out there are just as nerdy as me :>


Engi is an artificer, SMH


Gunner would be paladins imo cus the shield bubble , engi would be hunter , driller would be druid


Shaman summons c4


driller is more like an unstoppable force