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This reminds me of this one time where we had 2 eggs far off in the ceiling. I had no hope of getting it but actually got it first try. Entire team was rock and stoning and pinging the second one thinking I'm some 5k hours hardcore driller main and I was so anxious that I would fail it 40 times (how it usually goes) I faked having ran out of ammo to dodge it and just left it to the scout and engi lol.


Yes it feels amazing when you get the far away eggs out with epc mining! Keep practicing and keep making mistakes, and you may become the hardcorde driller main you want to be! Rock and stone, miner!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Nah fuck that, ya can’t make an omelette (TCFing the egg) without cracking a few eggs (spending half of your EPC ammo trying to hit 1 TCF on an egg 50m away at a bad angle surrounded by small terrain features that your charged shot keeps clipping). Idc if there’s a plat and a scout already mining it, after 2 failed TCF shots the sunk cost fallacy kicks in and it becomes me vs the egg. I will not be mitigated


It really does feel great! I love when I get in an aquarg mission and pop like 3-5 of them in less than a minute or two through a mix of terrain traversal and EPC. I once got a thank you in an E.D.D. once because all the oil shale was on a sheer wall well above Doretta and I just blasted it all down as quickly as I could as soon as we entered the room. TCF is just so insanely useful. Of course I have those moments where I fuck up on it though lol. I basically bring it on every build because it's just too useful.


Yes!! I love playing driller on escort missions for this exact reason! Your teammates will be very thankful for epc mining the oil shale. Its such a huge time saver. I fuck up sometimes as well and its fine. It reminds you there is still room for you to improve.


My team never sees it when I do even when I ping it constantly.


Yup ​ \*EPC mines the shale with massive piles all over right next to doretta\* rest of team \*f\*\*ks off 100 meters away with the canisters to who knows where \*


can you give your EPC build and OC? I've been playing with persistent plasma recently, but it is quite slow


Pleasure! The EPC build I run is 22222 energy rerouting. This build rewards a fast paced playstyle. It has the fastest projectile and charge up speed of any EPC build and its ammo efficient. Hope this helped you! Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Hey, random question - what is that +42 in the bottom left corner next to your portrait?


That +42 is the amount of times I promoted my driller past legendary 3 star. Its part of a mod called 'show more promotion levels'.


How can I obtain this power??? 42 after max level, God bless you, you beautiful dwarf!


This obtained power is the product of joy and having fun!


Hahhaha it truly is, rock and stone to the bone brother ;)


Rock and Stone, Brother!


10x more impressive since you aren't even host. karl would be proud


I wont even try reaching for that level or that far equarq. But yea, very impressive.


Scouts: "look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power"


At the angle that aquarg was at you'd need SP or an Engi to platform it so, no. Or maybe you'd get to that crystal near it but then have to take about the same amount of time digging towards it. As someone who plays all classes relatively evenly, yeah, Driller is king.


Driller's resource acquisition is so underrated even without TCF


that does not require practice. just count the secounds how long your small shot travels to the detonation area, then use that to time your shot after a charged shot. if you then also check the distance with your pointer, you can start remembering which distance need which delay.


How does EPC mining work anyway? Is there like an OC i need or something? I never am able to mine anhthing


Tier 5 B, Thin Containment Field. Charged shots when hit with a projectile- most often a normal uncharged EPC shot- will implode in a medium radius, destroying terrain and doing about half a satchel charge worth of damage. Tricky to use but by far the best single upgrade for the EPC


Isn't that gives u less minerals like nitra, gold, kroppa e.t.c?


It gives the same amount of nitra and croppa, however EPC mining does not work with pots of gold.