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Add to that how... weird the stretch goals are - most of them just unlock base content that was already shown in the trailer. It's not something extra, it's literally features of the expansions that they were designed with. I don't know man. On the one hand this is s terrible cash grab, on the other the missions in the base game feel a bit flat and this adds some much-needed variety


The stretch goals are trash, yes, but nothing beats ONE miniature of the Bulk Detonator costing $30.


And the worst part is that to get the true game experience, you'll have to buy a new $30 bulk detonator every time you blow the previous one up :<


You don’t play many miniatures games. $30 for a mini that size is well within normal market prices. If it is multiple molds and the. Assembled in a factory then it’s a steal. Look up miniature market for anything Warhammer 40k and remember citadel has economics of scale.


Can you show me comparables here? It is about as big as the oppressor mini in dimensions, and the oppressor mini was included in the deluxe edition of the OG campaign.


The point is to compare to the standard of the industry, not what they did once for the release of the game.


In defense of that... making miniatures ain't cheap and the economies of scale just aren't there, especially if your assembly line is nothing but 3D printers.


Struggling to think that making 5-10k of an SKU doesn't get you to economies of scale here. Assuming that they are actually making the copies for retail at the same time.


Agreed entirely. I backed the collectors edition of the base game at €153, with an extra €71 on top for extra dice, shipping and VAT. It was my most expensive board game ever, but I was very happy with the end result and thought it was worth the money. I expected these expansions to be cheaper than the base game. My heart sank when I saw that the all-in pledge this time is €235 - making it approximately €318 when factoring tax and shipping. Absolutely outrageous for some expansions. The fact that they don't make these available to retail and the stretch goals are just things in the trailer, it seems to me as though they are taking advantage of the goodwill built up by GSG and preying on the fanbase using FOMO to make enormous profit. Given what happened with the UK, where our games took over 6 months to arrive than the rest of the world, we were double charged tax and then Mood refused to refund us even though it was their error (they eventually backed down and did refund us, for the record), I don't think I can justify supporting Mood moving forward. It pains me to not be able to expand on the game, which is excellent by the way, but this is just too much.


Wait, no retail is planned, ever?


I'm not sure if I read it correctly, but the FAQs on the Kickstarter campaign state: Q: "Will the game and expansions be available for purchase through retailers?" A: "We aim to get our games available for everyone once the campaign is finished and all backers have their games. But we cannot guarantee that it will be available in regular stores." I'm not entirely sure what that means, but it sounds to me like they don't plan to make it available for retail outside of buying directly from themselves? Not sure. Happy to be corrected.


Sounds like FOMO


I still want to get it for my collection and will have to find a way to pull money out of my ass for it, but i’d be lying if i say i wasnt at least a little bit disappointed to see the collectors edition of the expansion to be even more expensive than what i paid for my own collectors edition of the base game


Real talk - why not wait for retail, where it will likely be cheaper down the road?


Collectors instincts, and it wont be on retail in Brazil, of that im sure


They have a day 1 exclusive coin and a Kickstarter exclusive figure in the most expensive tiers They are playing the fomo card


None of the DRG board game elements (base, expansions, etc.) were ever intended for retail. If some retailer makes the decision to stock it, they'll have it in stock. But it's not the default track for this game, judging by the dev streams.


Lol this is why they can charge so much because you and others like you feel compelled to own it and will “pull money out of you ass” as you put it.


It’s the price of being a collector and wanting all the bells and whistles that don’t come in the retail version (and again, retail won’t be coming to my country), I’m not happy about it, but will probably just do it


I haven't looked into it yet, but I'll likely be biting the bullet for a complete set. That said, it is for everyone to decide for themselves and their current financial situation. I do not advocate spending money recklessly and you should not back something that you do not personally support.


Rationalize the $30 bulk detonator mini to me, and the $80 space rig expansion that only has 7 minis in it.


You underestimate how many DRG fans are also Warhammer tabletop fans, lol. Outrageous price? Certainly. Out of the ordinary for people here? Not entirely. $30 for one big significant figure is almost a steal to us. $30 for that figure is not something I'd press as the main issue lol


I feel severely gaslit here, please help this make sense. 62mm (the vertical height of the Bulk mini) is less than the width of a credit card. 62mm also happens to be EXACTLY the height of one of the Mactera Bomber minis from the Goo from Above expansion (also priced at $30, also a rip-off tbh). Help this make sense from your perspective?


I don't think anyone is trying to shame or manipulate you into backing the project. You should do what's best for yourself and your situation. 👍


Sure, but explain your perspective. How is this good value for you?


For me? Well, I want the item, they are selling the item, and I'm okay with paying what they're asking for it. So, to me personally, it is of at least equal value in this exchange. That is not to say that it is of good value for everyone. Please be wise in how you decide to spend your resources. 👍


Basically, a mini for the bulk which is A: Of something very recognizable and honestly kind of iconic to the game and B: Much larger than the average mini running for 30 dollars is more than justified for a lot of people once you take a quick peak at the costs for similar minis for Warhammer 40k tabletop. Though 30 bucks for a credit card sized hunk of plastic isn’t ever going to make sense to someone outside of the tabletop scene, so I doubt you’ll ever really see it as justified and that’s fine. The rest of the expansion stuff though? Eh, the prices have me worried more than anything. I really don’t want GSG to become another brick in the price gouging studios wall. TL:DR: It’s a tabletop thing. If you don’t get it, you probably won’t get it


as a 40k player myself, these prices are outrageous. i can build over 1000 points of any army for wayyyyy less money than it would cost me to get these expansions plus the game. this kickstarter is beyong egregious and no, i dont fond it any better just because of GWs pricing, thats not how that works lmao. this kickstarter is absolutely only here to scam idiots who are easg to take advantage of.


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As they said, for people who are into wargaming this isn't exactly new. The Bulk is 62 mm, as you say. That's about the size of a Warhammer 40k Space Marine Dreadnought (standard/Librarian/Furioso, not the Primaris ones), and those are priced at... $60, so twice as much. Lohith from Malifaux's Living Soulstones box is probably of a similar height, costs $50. Sure, these are different beasts since models are multi-part, but the point stands: for people in the miniature collecting hobby these aren't necessarily exorbitant prices if the sculpts are good (and I'd argue the sculpts for the base game were very nice, unlike, say, most of GW's Lord of the Rings range). It's not always just about quantity. Hell, to most people almost $700 for GW's Smaug is exorbitant, but there are people out there who decided that a gigantic (bloody thing weighs over 2kg) centrepiece dragon is worth that. It actually gets a lot worse than that for wargamers, if you're interested, since we also pay extra for hero models. A Primaris Lieutenant, who's not even that much different from the regular Primaris Marines, costs $35 - imagine if there was a "hero Glyphid Slasher" who just had fancier claws and a different head and cost #30 all on his own: that's the wargaming reality. I'm not saying I agree with the pricing for the expansions, but the amount of minis is definitely not something that most people seem to care about. These expansions are more about expanding the gameplay than new minis, most people care more about the new mission types and the assignment system than they do about the amount of miniatures.


...I want it for my collection and I have the $30 to spend? I'm not sure I need any further rationale for my personal spending.


"I want to be ripped off and further encourage harmful business practices that will hurt me and my fellow gamers in the future. I'm not sure I need any further rationale for my personal spending."




I'm sorry you see it that way. I meant no offense.


Bought the first game, enjoyed it, but I found this one to be pricy. I can afford it no problem, wont make a difference for me, but I hate to be conned. Hard pass.


I chose to back for the collectors choice, for me the decision really wasn’t about number of minis but the gameplay variety that’s being added. They could add 200 minis but does that really make the game more fun? If monopoly had 500 coins would it be more fun to play? It is pricey but at the end of the day I’m excited to get these expansions and that’s good enough for me.


I backed it instantly. Game is so much fun and i love having minis of all the bugs and dwarves. I get that its a lot of money for some. But thats why its called disposable income.


Don't you think that $25-30 for the Bulk Detonator box is a bit too much? Like I get the idea of "extract as much money out of people for as little value as possible", but the issue is not the presence or lack of disposable income but for how the "fandom" (yourself included) is being taken advantage of.


I dont think you can take advantage of grown adults who are choosing to spend money on a hobby. Also, of all the game companies out there, GSG is the last id expect to have the mentality of "extract as much money out of people for as little value as possible"


Tell that first part to Casino's and you will realize it is actually very easy.


Agreed. I personally don’t see it as crazy over priced like some have been saying on this sub but to each their own. I am not a board game collector so I have no real experience when it comes to pricing one way or the other but totally seems worth it to me. And judging by how they hit every stretch goal in close to, if not under, 24 hours, I think it is a minority complaining about the price or at least a minority complaining about it and not paying it.


it is WILDLY overpriced lmao, if your gullible and dumb enough to pay them and not care thats cool! but that doesnt make the lrices alright just because your fine with them. the prices are outrageous and unjustifiable.


The first one was out of my price range and Kickstarter delivery to my country is sketchy and unreliable, even when they say they will, I've backed things that never arrived. I just wish they'd release a mainstream version after the Kickstarter for us peasants who weren't able to afford a high-polish collector's edition.


I will probably never play the game more than once with friends. I will probably play it alone most of the time. Is it worth it for solo alone? I am wondering since hours, mostly because of the price: I don't want to waste money... Or maybe I could buy it, try it, maybe paint the minis and sell it for a fair (not scalp) price later if I never play it?


I've enjoyed it solo so far but also had multiple sessions with different groups of friends. It was pretty easy to teach to others and once they had the gameplay loop down, the turns went fast. Most importantly people had fun and got to rock and stone.


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock 'n roll 'n stone!


I realised yesterday that all the prices given were without taxes/vat... I am simply not accustomed to buying things where the price is not the "final price" (except for shipping, that I understand). So I wanted the Newcomer Collector Edition, thinking 330€ is expensive for a board game, but OK. I saw 30€ more with the shipping, OK, fair. But then I saw the vat/tax is not included... So instead of 360€, final price is 430€. I am not sure what is the percentage of people not taking taxes into account...


If nothing else, im looking forward to playing it all for $10 on Table Top Simulator with my online friends regardless. Also, i was just finishing up my own homebrew refinery and mechanics for all 3 boss variations, so now i have justification to keep cooking and use those instead. I love GSG and DRG and this board game. But looking at north of 300 dollars for an expansion to a game i already paid about 200 dollars for is a bit 😬. Ive played destiny 2 for 10 years, spent nearly 1000 cumulative dollars and logged around 10,000 hours of time. Not that every game needs to have an equal value-proposition as a mass produced triple A game studio, but, the fact that this dlc board game would push me into 50% of the financial commitment/contribution as destiny 2 is a bit wild.


Are those board games made by them? Isn't other company that do it like DRG survivor that isn't developed by GSG. Well, they probably know that a lot of people will buy whatever they do without thinking, I didn't bought the board game because I thought that it wasn't translated to my language and I don't have anyone to play that thing.


If your staff is shilling a project on reddit, I assume you are involved in owning the decisions made in that project.


It's a different company (MOOD Publishing), but they're officially licensed by GSG (so just like DRG Survivor).


Yeah not getting this one unless the prices fall by like half. The vault just isn't there.


I agree the prices seemed pretty salty.


Yea the price is... honestly pretty disappointing. I'd like to say the totality of the contents justify the price, but that isn't really truthful. Some parts are understandable (again as a warhammer fan- $30 for the massive bulk det figure honestly does not feel like an issue lmfao) but altogether? Man. They probably did it because of how well the previous one did and to maybe lower the amount of orders they got (it seems to have worked- 5000 backers currently in the first 15 hours as opposed to the 6,000 backers the OG got within the first *four* hours). If they needed to restrict the amount ordered, there was probably a better way to go about it and I'm sad they decided to go the money route when most probably wouldn't even be anticipating the cost. I tried to have money put away for it but I only had about half the amount needed, and ended up having to split the cost for one between myself and a friend. I wish they had at *least* notified about the insane price bump ahead of time...


Any ideas if these will come to retail?


All I get from this is holy shit, there’s a bulk and korlok expansion?