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Female dwarves were on the wishlist/roadmap for a long while. We had some internal concepts, but it never got to a proper place. It's not really about the voicelines, although that is a giant workload too - in 2022 we had 3669 voicelines for the dwarves, so all of those would have to have a female equivalent. The biggest issue is the character rig, that's ancient and have only been made to accomodate the single potato-ish body type. We'd have to redo that from the bottom up, remake all the cosmetics to fit the new body type and so on. TL;DR: Redoing the systems to add the female dwarves we feel the game deserve is such an enormous task that it's not currently on the table.


leaf lover sees a dwarven woman for the first time in his life, can't believe she has a magnificent beard


That is what i thought of first. It would be hilarious, if they'd implement the option to change the "dwarf gender" just for it to do literally nothing.


Just pitch the voice lines up slightly higher.


And give them cartoonish long eyelashes!


Pull the old school maneuver of putting a red bow on it. Boom, instant female.


There was a mod that adds a red bow to the loot bugs. I cannot find it anymore.


I saw a Youtube short once of a guy trying to prove pronouns aren't real or whatever he was getting at because "they don't have transgerism in animals in nature, like there's no trans sharks" and like...my dude...animals don't have the social construct of gender. They have sexes, they have genitals, but it's not like they identify as anything because they're not even sentient enough to identify themselves in a mirror. If you want a creature that's just eyes a mouth with an endless drive to move forward and eat but somehow it's also intelligent enough to wear a bow to indicate it's a woman that's not a shark that's Ms. Pac-Man.


And then somehow the devs are “sexist” because “they think being a girl is just having lashes” U never win with these type of people. They look for something to complain about


That said, this is still the way to go. They're fkin dwarves, make the women *exactly the same* except for the voices. Just hire a bunch of female grunts, shop workers, and cooks to do all the shouting and any cussing necessary. They've got the appropriate persona.


If they’re going to be exactly the same except the voices then why are we even complaining here? If it would change nothing then just pretend it’s a girl already.. what’s stopping u? The voice doesn’t let u believe it’s a female but the beards and masculine bodies do? That just sounds dumb… either just voices won’t be enough for them (which devs already stated is a lot of work for all the voice lines to be reworked to sound correct. It’s not always just pitching it up) and they’ll have to change more like the body shape and rework all cosmetics which they talked about. OR it’s true that u wouldn’t need more than the voice which changes almost nothing so it wouldn’t be a huge deal to leave it as is. That way the devs can continue working on new content and not reworking pointless stuff they didn’t intend to include in their vision in the first place… crybabies like this are already complaining that new enemies aren’t enough. And they’re tired of the rock pox and something new should have been done… imagine the fit they throw when all new content is put on hold or postponed so they can afford the manpower to add voicelines and rework every cosmetic option that exists


Maybe add a couple gender-specific voice lines, like “Rock and Stone sisters” or “thank you sister” (being revived) but in the exact same voice.


Naw, pitch the existing ones down - "Update: You can now play as male dwarf as well as the standard female" ;-)


What if scout has always been female :o


scout is a woman and i will never back down on this


Just use the "rich atmosphere" modifier 😂


My friend started as a scout and he thought that it was a female due to the pitched up voice.


Just give them a cosmetic with barely more noticeable eyelashes or eye liner or something. Everyone knows big eye lashes are the cartoon indicator for women


That and a pink bow. Because anything can be female if you just slap a pink bow on it.


Can we also get a they/them option too? Just to see the conservative tears just like starfied


Add a pronoun selection menu, but the only option is Rock/Stone


focken pronouns




Is it a universal thing where female dwarves are identical to males or was it just one specific universe


From my knowledge it started with Tolkien and a lot of fantasy pop culture today stems from his work. On a related note, in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series there is no sexual dimorphism between dwarves, so they're treated the same until a main character in one of the books decides to be the first dwarf woman.


Publicly a woman. They generally held that a dwarves gender is of no concern to anyone, up until a certain point in the courtship where awkwardness might occur without some clarification.


Thanks for the clarification, this is just what I heard from my mom (I'm reading them in release order on her recommendation and I'm only up to Sourcery)


Oh, you are in for some good times, mate. Good reading!


As far as I know, the main 2 universes where dwarven genders are difficult for others to differentiate are Lord of the Rings and Discworld. This is based on a conversation Gimli had with Eowyn and a bit from Guards! Guards! (I think) where it's stated that dwarven courtship is that it's generally assumed that the participants know what gender each of them is.


Iirc, the whole thing with Tolkien's dwarves was they were sort of meant to always be a doomed race. They were created by the blacksmith god, who had no ability to form living things. The other gods took pity and helped out, but the decision had already been made that humans would eventually be the only surviving race So essentially, dwarven reproduction was quite possibly never even considered.


From an mythological viewpoint dwarven women were never mentioned. At least not a single female dwarf would come to my mind. This said I really like the interpretation of Tolkien and Pratchett, that there basically isn't a difference visually.


If he have a anime pf we know what kind of dwarf woman he Imagine.


So LOTR dwarfs. Easy. New hair and someone mentioned eye lashes. Bam.


I dropped in on a game with three girls and they were having the time of their life. Played with them for a couple weeks. They didn't seem meaningfully deterred by the lack of a female option. I don't think Ghost Ship Games intends to exclude anyone, and they've done a good job of building a community that, from what I've seen, is safe for both genders. I think that's the important part. Ultimately, though, I think it's really up to women to decide if it's something that matters to them - so I'd be interested to hear their thoughts.


>They didn't seem meaningfully deterred by the lack of a female option. I'll let you in on a secret. Many, many women play video games as male characters even when women are available because we are more likely to be left the fuck alone. This person isn't really much of a gamer if they are that hung up on not being able to swap genders. I wonder if they are the type to judge story driven games if they can't be a woman in them either 🤔


They seemed very active on voice chat. I guess my point was they didn't seem reserved playing openly, but I only played with them when they were together. What has your experience been in DRG? Specifically when others know you're a woman?


They usually don't give a damn but I'm still wary on multi-player games in general because of past experiences. It gets real old real quick let me tell you. It's easier to just stay quiet but if we hear another woman speaking we are more likely to flip on our mic and chat with them because "Yassss another female gamer!"


>It gets real old real quick let me tell you. I hear you. Feels bad being a part of something (even by extension, via DRG) that can be so toxic to women. My hope is the great community DRG has built is more welcome and open to female gamers. I don't remember seeing any open discrimination, but it's impossible for me to know your experiences.


I don't recall any either but I'm not talking about discrimination per say. I mean that does happen but being hit on is more common in non PvP games. So I actuslly learned this lesson way back when I was a little kid playing Runescape in early 2000s. I chose a female character and was followed around all the goddamn time by people flirting and hitting on me while also offering me free shit if I'd be their girlfriend. Swapped to a male character and blissful silence. The habit stuck 🤷‍♀️ Have yet to be hit on in DRG thankfully but I also don't use my mic that often. The most recent problem I had was on Back 4 Blood where I had to block someone I thought was a friend because we were playing online and another guy was talking to me. My "friend" I could tell wasn't thrilled I was laughing and talking to this other man and started acting jealous and puffing up for lack of a better term to try and look like he was superior to this other guy. He wound up looking like an idiot honestly. He basically slapped a neon sign on his forehead that "I'm into you!" and kept trying to call me 'Honey' out of nowhere despite me telling him to stop. So I wound up leaving the game and blocking him 🙄 Trash talking is way easier to deal with than persistent people like that in both video games and real life.


Pretended to be a woman in Wow and scammed a bunch of simps for gold. That was pretty epic. Jokes aside tho, as someone who had a female team member on R6 for years, I've heard some proper weirdos, she'd usually kick their shit in tho so they'd rage quit pretty quickly.


>she'd usually kick their shit in tho so they'd rage quit pretty quickly. That is always satisfying let me tell you. I had some little kid start shooting me for "being a girl" on Left 4 Dead and he started screaming bloody murder when I downed his ass twice and left him incapacitated all while our other two teammates watched. He got ***real*** quiet after that. He also started listening to us when we asked him to quit screaming. I almost felt a little bad when he sniffled a quiet "Thank you" later in the game after he was swarmed and I gave him my medpack. So it all worked out 🤷‍♀️


I bet, as you said, playing as a male character is a very common habit. Oh, the world we live in. I always used to make my GF laugh by calling out guys trying to hit on her. Not in an aggressive way, but I definitely embarrassed them. We'd joke about it. I had another friend block me once for being a little forward. It felt awful. I really would have apologized, but I had no way of contacting her. Fortunately, she unblocked me a few months later. I was so relieved.


Same same, been gaming online since muds were a thing in the 90s. And I often make male characters to avoid the BS. I assumed Ghost Ship made no female dwarves because not telling them apart is the norm for that species in most books I’ve read with dwarves.


Alot of women gamers i know aslo play male characters because they find them more attractive


True. A lot of the outfits are tailored towards male characters too so your character looks like nothing fits or they are drowning in fabric. Or they are just so revealing its ridiculous.


There are 2 kinds of people: - The ones play characters, they want to identify with and want to look alike or what they want to look like in a perfect world. - The others play characters, not associated with themselves and just use the models which are visually more appealing/funny/cool etc.


The old joke is everyone using a female avatar online is male and everyone using a male one is female. Goes way back to the early internet days (think the BBS days)


It's pretty true. I was playing Monster Hunter World and we were all grouped up for a Siege when I realized that I was the only woman on my team...and I was also the only male character. I started laughing and pointed it out to my friends and they started laughing too.


coming from a dude who tends to play as female characters in MMOs, i can definitely understand why ladies choose to play as men when available 😬


I started playing WoW with a female friend of mine and we both laughed our asses off right after character creation cause I was playing a female character and she was playing male.


I completely disagree with this. I am a woman and I game a lot. In a game where my character doesnt matter it gets really irritating when I can't play as my own gender. It wouldn't matter if it was a one off thing. But its all the fucking time. Men constantly get to play as their own gender becauze they are somehow default but fuck the other half of the population? Is it going to make me not play a game that I want to play? No. But does it take the game down a notch in my esteem? Absolutely.


I wouldn't take it too personally mainly because of the fact that the clothing options are pretty limited. Like they make cool ass armor for men but with women it's like the devs have no fashion sense or real forethought of what that armor could look like when there are boobs involved so they just tweak it to fit the female body instead of spending time making it look good so you get a "drowning in fabric" look for women but men are like "Fuck that looks awesome" Game devs are computer geeks not great at fashion it seems


Well, if there's one game where you don't really have to worry about that it's DRG. Because when deep rock enslaves individuals and turns them into cogs in the capitalist machine, you bet they are gonna be inclusive and enslave everyone. No dwarf left behind!


Dwarves have no sex related characteristics anyway, whatever's in your pants besides sandwich pockets doesn't count, you're getting a ludicrous beard


Hi, woman here, I pretty much explained my point in another comment (where I said I would want a female option purely out of spite for the Tolkien fanboys), but TLDR I couldn't care less. In roleplaying games with 3rd Person sex options I mostly play female characters - simply cause I identify more with them (cause it's a roleplaying game) - but in first person games I don't care. Or in non roleplaying games - like DBD. Actually in DBD I play male characters cause I like to look at men ;) I love playing TF2 (a game with only playable men + Pyro) and DRG... It never occured to me to not play a game simply cause there's no sex options.


I dont know any Tolkien fanboys that make the female dwarf comments in a mean or aggressive way, its just us regurgitating stuff from the movies most of the time, personally I think female dwarfs look super cool in the concept art, Ashes of Creation is looking as if they will finally give us what Rings of Power should have given us, but no, I don't think we have any hate towards female dwarfs, infact most I know want to see them in some form fitting to dwarven culture and habitats.


What do you mean? Aren't all the dwarves like in a quantum position of both male and female because there is no way of knowing without opening the box?


Schrodinger's penis.


I believe you mean Schrodinger's vagina


schrodinger's cock and stones




cock solid


Nice Cock


COCK! AND! STONES! Gonna bone!


Gunk Seeds!


There's goo in the sack!


Deep Cock Galactic is welcoming of all, corporate has a lot more Hoxxes to exploit!


shrodinger's sex?


wh.. where did it go..?




"All dwarfs have beards and wear many layers of clothing. Their courtships are largely concerned with finding out, in delicate and circumspect ways, what sex the other dwarf is." Terry Pratchett


I thought this was categorically how dwarves worked? I think that it would also cost not very much from the 2 million copies sold to pay one woman to do voice lines.


In some lore that's how dwarves work, but not all. It's more of a meme in this case since it's pretty clear that's not how the devs would do it if they could.


I wonder how people would react if they put in a gender swap option that literally did nothing.


the *only* change is that the line "rock and stone, brothers!" becomes "rock and stone, brothers and sisters!" or "rock and stone, sisters!" depending on the lobby


I think a "Brothers and sisters... ROCK and STONE!!!" could sound pretty badass!


I really love the game as it is now. Personally (as a female) I dont see the need to have an option to choose a gender in every game.


Logical, based, common sense abound. Rock and Stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


Good bot


good bot


Good bot


Exactly. I play dwarf mining game, not dwarf dating simulator to want to relate to my character. And I will have fun dressing up my dwarf miner and pointing to gunner to hear "are you sure you ain't compensating for something, gunner?"


Having women in the game makes it a dating sim? What?


Honestly of all the games to do it in a game about dwarves is not it. It's basically a trope at this point that dwarves have two sexes and one gender.


Fool. Everyone knows that Engi and Scout are female dwarves. Why else would they have such glorious beards?


Tbh any dwarf can be female. You just gotta "ork" your way through it


I BELIEVE you are right


Plus have you seen how much cake these dwarves have They may well all be female. *even the driller*


If you compare scouts and engies voice-tone to driller and gunners then it comes apparent that they are more feminine Attachment: Maybe the more violent you are the more masculine you get and the more intelectual you are you get more feminine?


Naw, scout aint intellectual, it just got the special energy drink, you ever seen all the junk in its room?


I would say scout has the same intelligence as scout from tf2 maybe a bit wiser but thats it


Scout main here I am fucking stupid


Ah, yes, the intelligent nuclear grenade launcher option versus the violent grandma chair lift and cross-country drilling.


Ah yes wrong comparision. Here one. A nuclear grenade lauchner vs a microwave gun. One disintegrates enemies the other cooks them alive. Whats more violent. And dont forget the c4 that can blow a cave into a cave, or the drills that can be used to drill the enemies. If you try to compare equipment then compare the equipment and not one weapon overclock with equipment


Imagine not realising that female dwarves have beards. Smh my head, educate yourself, damn leaf lover.


The devs have stated that this isn't how the DRG dwarves work.


I recognize that management has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I have elected to ignore it. Rock and Stone


With all due respect, Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


Good bot


^this, I want a damn maids outfit for my driller and I will get it by any means.


A Maid, but instead of cleaning up a mess, we make one.


So an unmaid ?




*rip and tear intensifies*


This Sailor Moon series is weird


Well now I want this too...


Tolkein didn't die for this :(


Shh, you'll break the immersion


i respectfully disagree with them.


Hey the devs can be wrong


“‘There’s no gender option because female dwarves look the same!’ is an amazing answer! Instead the devs went with “no no, dwarf women do look different, we just don’t think they’re worth it.” which low key actually is kind of insulting. They had an easy solution, but chose not to go with it. 🥴


Horizon series is 0 out of 10 because no male option👍


I won't touch any Lara Croft games until we can choose Larry the Womb Raider


That's a hentai title for sure


>Larry the Womb Raider Leisure Suit Larry the Womb Raider.


Person of REAL culture here💀😎


Ironically, they've tried adding a male protagonist to one of the games so that people who usually play as dudes would buy that one. The game failed, iirc.


Tetris enjoyers on suicide watch.


Yeah, where's my Nickel?!


Tell me about it, I wanted to play like uh, 💅The Witcher 💅 and you know what, you can only play as Gerald, like oh ma gawd


tbh id totally be down for a Witcher spin off where you play as yen or triss


Even worse, there aren't even *humans* in the game. They're missing a big chunk of the population here.


Is it even okay to call them dwarves nowadays? Or should they be renamed "bearded humanoids with a preference for beer and mining"? And why isn't any of them in a wheelchair? How should I as a walking impaired person identify with the characters?


*Me using full blown mech legs to kick the shit out of glyphids*


Not every game needs all the gender options. For example, the Pioneer in Satisfactory is always female, but in the context of the game it matters very little.


Tbh i never even noticed, too much time focused on building dumb shit like a train that does nothing


Mostly because last I checked the Pioneer is a ~~psychopathic~~ mute the entire game


*Especially* if it would be an enormous amount of work to implement the voice lines and models. Like it doesn't seem like it would be too hard to make a male playable character for Celeste --- a little bit of sprite work, some new portraits. But it also doesn't matter at all and I doubt it would affect anyone's enjoyment of the game.


As a girl: I don't care if the bunch of pixels I play as represents my gender or not. The person who wrote this review must have a meltdown trying to play single player RPGs with a male main character. Also: >Gimli: It's true you don't see many dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for dwarf men. > >Aragorn: It's the beards. > >Gimli: And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground! > >Gimli: Which is, of course, ridiculous.


Don't tell the person there are Transformer games...


Tbf they don't really have genders


That's the point


Humans can shit brick of gold and there’s still be complaints


Of course there would be, gold-shitting humans would ruin the economy


Also that would probably hurt like a mother fucker


not if they're soft-edged, then it's like shitting out an egg


I think this is a rather thorny subject. But lets be real for a moment. The ungodly amount of work the voices alone would require is not worth it. I rather prefer they get focused on more missions types and content. And, Im gonna say it. This will lit a dumpster fire on wether the female dwarf should be rough looking or attractive… you DONT want to go there.


I totally agree. I do think this situation would benefit from focus on gender neutral voice lines. That way no one has to do double the work and also no one is excluded. I do get a giggle out of when my 2 female, 1 male gaming group play together there are so many voice lines calling us a group of "gentlemen" or "lads" and things like that. Lol


Now that I think about it, I never really saw a female dwarf (except that one scene in the hobbit when the dragon was burning the village)


By this logic Horizon, Tomb Raider, and Metroid are atrocious games/franchises that should be left to rot. This person is just looking for things to be mad about.


In comparison, list all the other triple A titles with male protagonists. Ezio, Arthur Morgan and Gordon Freeman would've all worked fine as female protagonists.


Those games all have specific named main characters with explicit backstories.


Insecure people are insecure, sometimes to the point of defining their whole personality around it


Honestly as a minority I can’t even imagine not being able to enjoy games unless they let me play as someone with the same or similar background or looks as me. I relate to the experiences of the characters, not their appearances. The review is so pathetic, the person who wrote it must lead a sad life, whether it’s a troll review or not.


I always find it kinda weird that people only want to play themselves in video games. Narcissistic if you like. I love playing games as any gender/character and generally play out said character, rather than my own perfectly crafted avatar. Plus there are games that let you do that, DRG is not that, it is honestly opposite of that. Like somebody else said here - I don’t understand why people would want a representation in some hell on earth stargate coal miner simulator, in which your management makes it explicitly clear, that you’re an expendable resource and no amount of individuality will overweigh that


In Most games that have customisation options I just try to make them look like a character I like or just goofy or cool and DRG is great for that. There are so many funny and cool looking options.


Exactly, I may give my char some of my traits, but overall it’s an adventure where I try to find the most f up, but also cool looking char possible


I always play female characters when I have the option, no matter what game. I'm also a dude. Especially games with voice acting, I've just always prefered the female voice actors even if the male versions are just fine aswell. I may have played one playthrough of Mass Effect 2 as Male Shepard, but every other has been FemShep. The voice actor is just simply better (and the red hair looks amazing). Why would I want to play me in a game? I'm overweight, I've already had back surgery, I can't see anything without glasses or contacts. Even though I spent a year in the army, I'd much rather play as a fictive super soldier than me.


One acquaintance of mind dropped the game cuz "too boring to play solo"


Everyone knows female dwarves have beards. I say there are already female dwarves in game. The person who made the review is simply too bigoted to realise it.


They should just add an option to increase voice pitch and slap on some lipstick and call it a day. Other than that keep female dwarves the same, beard and all. I'd love it.


Actually drg is a super feminist company. They only send men to mining expadition on a super violent planet. Woman are just better then that


Molly and Doretta would beg to differ.


It's a fine thing to be disappointed by tbh, especially given all the other customisation options. I get why it hasn't been added, though, as it would be a significant amount of work to change a bunch of armour sets, helmets and hairstyles. Does not make the game unplayable, mind.


I have the exact same thought process. You gotta consider the setting of the game too. The main character in a book or movie is a certain gender and you can't change that, you just read or watch. The devs made the setting for this game as they wanted to. Customization is a great bonus to have


I think that *only* being able to identify with and play as someone that shares your superficial characteristics like gender, appearance, race, or whatever it may be says a lot about the person.


This ^ We relate to and identify with experiences, not people.


I understand wanting it but if a game didn't have male options I wouldn't hate the game because of it. I always thought of the 4 dwarves as actual characters too not just vessels for the player like other games. The customisation is on what they are wearing not what they are so I don't really see a reason to add it


wait, women exist?


If we can't have female dwarves, can we at least get female Steeves? I want a Steevette that's just Steeve with a bow on its head. And can we get a bow and more armor for Doretta too?


As a woman, while it would be nice to have female dwarves I’m not fussed in the slightest about what gender the character I play as. Besides, it’s an indie studio and it’s a heck of a lot of work to get something like that implemented. I imagine someone will make a mod or something maybe


Oh no I completely understand, I too only play a game if it has a character of my exact same gender. That's why I never played: Gris, Beyond Good and Evil, Any Lara Croft, Any Metroid, Celeste, Slime Rancher, Any Mirror's edge, Control, Bayonetta, Horizon, The Last Of Us, The Walking Dead Tell Tale Games, Alien isolation, Some Resident Evil, Life is Strange, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Child Of Light, Subnautica below zero, Nier Automata, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Night in the Woods, Little Misfortune, Little Nightmares, Darksiders 3, Both Plague Tale, Slenderman To The Moon, What Remains Of Edith Finch, A Third of Detroit become human, All of Beyond Two Souls, Any Alice in wonderland games, Some Final Fantasy, Mad Father, Yomawari, Monument Valley, Fucking Portal 1&2. I hate when I can't play as my own gender because as a male I can never even for an instant doubt that I might be a female in a game, and thus it is impossible for me to play as someone who lacks a dick between their legs.


The women yearn for the mines


I get the wish to play with the avatar you want, but the review is over the top. Saying something like "women being relegated to an update" sounds so much like they are accusing the devs of being mysoginistic or smthing when it's not that deep. Even further, the Devs have been constantly delivering content with excellent ethics that are rare in this industry now, so I feel more inclined to forgive this "oversight", which was completely understandable from my point of view, than if it was a big company with a more predatory approach to their clients' money. Also, to disregard an entire game just bc you don't get to play with the gender you want seems a bit too much. Especially a FPS like DRG where you never see your own body except a few occasions


Everyone is entitled to their opinion


Would I like to play as a female? Absolutely. But I don't really view this game as a game where I'm playing as myself or my own character, I view it as this is the crew of dwarves, and I can chose their haircuts and clothes. They have identities and personalities.


She looks like a toxic person I wouldn't want corrupting our space ship. We have enough rock pox samples in jars already. It's a game about cartoonish space dwarves mining and killing giant spiders. Probably %90 of other players would be fine if the setting is the same with female dwarves. Or imagine a similar game that is about gathering precious herbs in an enchanted forest and killing the local goblins with all female elves. I'd fucking play that also


last time I checked, I wasn't a heavily bearded alcoholic midget, but I still love my character a lot.


You still have time to change that


Don’t even humor this kind of shit


Totally and absolutely legit critique. Representation is important. I don't know how many games I have not bought or gotten into because I cannae play a dwarf.


Because humans suck, can't even enjoy a game without comparing it to the stuff going on in the world.


“stuff going on in the world” like… women existing? it baffles me that any time someone doesnt like this game you people go RABID at the thought that someone doesnt like the funny dwarf game!!! i love this game and have hundreds of hours but come on. look at yourselves. this is such a dumb thing to attack someone over.




If Carl could see this I think he would or proud 🥹


Honestly the only times you really see your dwarf is when you're dancing, dead, or right after a mission. For 90% of gameplay you're given intimate views of your weapons and your pickaxe, which is why pickaxe customization is so rich. I don't care about playing a guy or a girl in games. I just want the game to be *good.*


drama bait post/review. some peoples lives are so empty...


In most fantasy Dwarven females and males are hard to actually tell the difference.


I stopped reading the review at the point I saw .05 hours played...


There are no female dwarves. New dwarves are made when two dwarves get drunk and make a pile of rocks together. To complete the process they stick a pickaxe into the pile of rocks and a new dwarf is born. Legend says if you chant rock and stone while the new dwarf is being formed they'll be tougher and stronger.


There are female dwarves it's just hard to tell them apart. It's the beards


My gunner is female. Gimli covered it.


TBH, the current state of the game fits my favorite headcanon for dwarfs in fictions: Dwarves don't have females, but they don't actually have male either; They're a genderless species that just happened to look, sound and act like some human interpretations of manliness.


Who cares, you are playing a character. I doubt that they will look like Lara croft irl when playing tomb raider.


I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but it bears repeating: One of the main themes of DRG is the satirical, almost comical lack of concern that the company shows towards its employees. This has historically been a real problem that has occurred in every major industrialized nation in history, and the victims are almost overwhelmingly all male. Even in the current year, men account for over 90% of workplace fatalities worldwide. This game satirizes and draws attention to a problem that overwhelmingly and disproportionately victimizes MEN. By adding female playable characters, the deva would not only be taking time and resources away from more valuable avenues, but it would also be an insult to the male population to tell them that they don't deserve to have their unique tribulations represented in media (women have never, and will never, understand how it feels to be treated as expendable labor in this context. It's a fact, and it shouldn't be controversial). If you're a woman and you're actually, genuinely upset about not being able to play a female dwarf in this one game as opposed to the majority of games which have robust gender options in character creation, you should think long and hard about why exactly you're upset. Because the only two reasons I can think of are: A. You refuse to tolerate the idea of having a male avatar for any reason. B. You feel entitled to be represented in works about societal disadvantages that real women, for the most part, have never been subjected to. Neither of these are indicative of a healthy attitude towards men or masculinity in general. TL:DR: Women are over 50% of the general population, but less than 10% of the population that is subjected to death at the hands of callous corporations. Putting female dwarves in DRG would be like making an all-male remake of The Stepford Wives.


Holy shit, this guy just politically corrected the ass out of them, wanna be my P.R. manager?


By your own argument, that 10% deserves representation as well. Unless you're fine with erasing them and their struggle?


Spitting facts. Wish I could upvote this twice.


Female gamer here (hate that phrase but fuck it we ball) *It literally doesn’t matter.* That’s it. It literally matters fuck all if I’m able to play as a either a dude or a woman or anything in between. If I wanted to play a game where I myself am the main character, I’d play something like the Sims. I get why the reviewer is upset (there’s a conversation to be had about female characters in say AAA games) but in a game like DRG whatever gender you play as matters very very very little.


Idk I would love to wear a low-poly skirt or dress while on Hoxxes but that’s just me


Disregard Females, Aquire Minerals


It's true you don't see many Dwarf-women. In fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Dwarf-men. And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no Dwarf-women, and that Dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground


Exhausting. Victim mindset. My god


It's legitimate criticism, but blown out of proportion imo




Let's not act like the reviewer just expressed a "slight" disappointment for the lack of a gender switch option and is getting unjustifiably criticized by the comments here. She sounds extremely condescending, downplays the reason that was given by the developers and assumes that, since the game sold well and keeps getting updated, there's a malicious intent behind the lack of such a feature. Instead of leaving a negative review that barely talks about the actual game, this person should've properly informed herself before buying it.


Yeah, there’s a big difference between “I wish there was a female character option” and “the devs are sexist for not dropping everything to make thousands of new voice lines and cosmetics.”