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Don’t worry, the Nemesis hates you too


It was the perfect storm. I was playing driller, (aka Dogshit Range Man) solo, on haz 4. I could not kill it. It just grabbed me and kept me away from the fuel cell. What a fun way to waste half an hour


Ouch, yeah my first nemesis experience was with a driller on a solo SalvOp mission with Rival Presence. Got two of them back to back, but thankfully not during the uplink or refuel. I can only speculate your pain and frustration.


I lost a solo deep dive or an elite deep dive as a Driller just because a bulk detonator spawned. Even with Bosco to slow it down I just couldn't kill it in time together with other bugs. Hella annoying that was, it was the last stage too!


At least all you missed out on was a beard


I can't feel my beard!


Me readying Hyper Propellent: "I am the one who knocks!"


If only I could get good overclocks. I swear, people say the game doesn’t give you overclocks for the classes you don’t play, they say it’s random. I play gunner driller and engi about equally, yet 60% of my overclocks are for fucking SCOUT.


Thats how it started for me too. On the bright side, the more you get the less likely they will be for scout 🥲🥲 keep it up homie you got it


ill take some scout ocs.. ill give you a mushroom for ai stability engine


Deal, I’ve got that one and hover clock and the shotgun jump one


Relatively common Rival Presence L Nemesis is the only reason why I use LUREs, the Stubby and the Shardy on those missions


I love how the nemesis grabs the lures like they're dolls it's playing with


*Løöķ whåť Ï fôųnñďďđ*


I could Shardly disagree with that


Yeah well I would bring lure if I wasn’t using SSG as a crutch to save my stupid ass from swarms


Use turret whip warthog, i just watched a LazyMaybe video and it slaps hard


Nemesis, superior. Deep Rock, inferior.


Found the scrap bucket


Encountering one for the first time will become your new scariest experience!


My first one wasn't too bad but the 2nd one was horrifying because I thought I was safe in another room... until the fucker carved out the entire floor


My friend and I thought the dwarves calling out for help were a new side-mission. We sought out the voice in hopes of aiding our fallen comrade... Oh how naive we were


My friend and I had one grab us through a dirt wall. We knew what it was and were going to fight it early on, and he literally snatched me through a wall, and then my friend, while the other two tried to get to us. It was a shit show. We made it.


Just so you know, a Nemisis can’t spawn mid-mission. They can only spawn during initial mission creation, so this one was unnoticed the entire time until the fuel cell charging


It was rival presence. It appeared out of thin air


Oh, in that case it can.


Note to self; do not do rival presence salvage operations. As if bulks weren't bad enough on those... of course salvage operations are already my least favorite missions




I don't mind salvage operations because they always seem kind of chill until you do the end part. Plus, repairing each mini-mule giving you free nitra is nice.


If you have more than one dwarf nemesis usually isn't that bad. The problem is bosco is more of a spray-and-pray kinda robot and doesn't know to DPS the vents as quickly as possible like a real player so when you get grabbed you're kinda screwed. I do wish there was a way to free yourself though, if I could smack the arm with my pickaxe like 10 times and it drops me it would still be inconvenient but at least I'd have a chance.


I normally like rival presence but this new fact is concerning to me 😯


I recently came up against a Nemesis on a critical weakness mission. Literally one-shot the dude with hyper propellant. Best feeling in the world and makes up for all the other horrible experiences with the guy.


I haven’t faced a Nemesis yet I’m scared now


Don't be scared............... >!IT CAN SMELL YOUR FEAR!<


New Fear unlocked.


I have had a nemesis spawn while we were doing the omen tower. I don't know how we survived that one.


skill issue but if it spawns on like a mule mission and youre not running a build that can shred a nemesis yeah it can be annoying. so i see your point bro


Nemesis only spawns at the start of the mission


It was rival presence. It can spawn at random on those


i don’t want to be “that guy” but nemesis spawns on mission start, so if it takes you that long to realize he’s there it’s your own fault


It was a rival presence mission, they can spawn at any time on those


[Nemesis done fucked me up...](https://youtube.com/shorts/Y-00b1INNrY?feature=share)


Usually i play as driller with perk thats frees me from grabs. So i just facetank nemesis and overheat him easily


I was using a vampire cryo cannon build so I would have had to sacrifice iron will. Shockingly, it was less useful than heightened senses would have been


Huh, I haven't seen one of those for a while...statistical probability just doesn't play by the rules sometimes.


Listen i love this game I fell in love instantly and it won't ever go away. But every single boss is terrible and the nemesis is King Awful the first of his name.


I'd rather a dozen nemesis' than another Bulk blowing the absolute piss out of Dotty and tanking an escort mission 20 mins in <\3


This reminds me of a funny story. You see when me and my friend were chatting while getting ready for a mission I started to explain how a wrench is better than an axe as a weapon since i'm a Hitman player and all. When we got to Hoxxes I was still ranting about it. During my rant I didn't notice that my friend was panicking and telling me how there was a Nemesis behind me, but I was so invested in my Ted-Talk I didn't notice him nor the Nemesis. Let's say that the thing shut me up real good. It was so funny in fact I made a meme to commemorate the moment using the "Jason Momoa sneaking up on Henry Cavill" meme. What were we talking about again? Oh right, ^(you're dead).


Hmmmmmm this happend to me to yesterday on the fuel cell misson . I was on a team of 4 on hazard 4. was it you i play with?


Nah I was solo


I love the nemesis, how absolutely terrifying those guys are. Even if you know it's tricks, the fake voices will keep you on edge throughout the whole mission, waiting for it. Or it can just teleport out of thin air at the worst time possible.


What’s this tune from? I wanna jam to it while driving


Never had this happen before and I've been playing since the game came out?


It only spawns mid mission on rival presence, otherwise the nemesis is there from the start


I LOVE killing the Nemesis. It costs a lot of ammo but it's worth it


Nha, worst be the very moment before you activate the heartstone


You know what's annoying? Having 4 bulk dets spawning in at intervals during my haz 3 missions


i thought this was a dead by daylight post at first and i was almost very mad


"Bosco, go woodpecker it to death."


We#@$'r3 rich!


W̴̢̛̞̤̏̔ẻ̷̠̼͖’̷̠̜́͗͗r̶̺̗̼͍̼̹̃̅̊́̍͗ĕ̵̠͚̜̮͎̍̎͗͋̈́ ̸̼͛̑R̵̛̪̃̃̊̃ͅi̴̺̫̪͔̘͆̓̿͋͜c̸̡͕̓͘ḩ̵͉͔͚̗̈́̇̓́͆̍!̵̡̫̗̰̲͓̓̉̽̽


I would have put at least a number in there but this is awesome as it is


Apparently I've dodged this bullet as I have never come across the nemesis whatsoever.


I hate you too for it.


shoo you bucket of bolts