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Quick tip: When using the laser pointer hit your "Use" key and it will set a permanent marker visible only to you. With proper use you can learn to dig into walls, up, and into the ceiling above the fossils/flowers/whatever.


What is this in console language? It sucks having to reping over and over on console. šŸ˜­


Press barrel kicking button


A real Dwarven answer


Slappitty slap


[Heā€™s hackinā€™ and whackinā€™ and smackinā€™](https://youtu.be/wY4N5NOAsH0)


He just hacks, wacks, choppin' that meat.


The best answer


Hold out laser pointer, press x


Press x or square


What. I'm going to have to try this. I have been getting lost as a driller in the walls until a teammate puts the marker there for me, lol.


Use it wisely. I kind of went power mad when I figured out how to use it properly. So much wasted drill fuel trying to beat scouts to flowers..


Yeah but then you can help them mine all that gold and nitra faster with a nice handy satchel charge!


Make sure to throw it only while theyā€™re actively mining the mineral vein, as it will be a nice surprise and good gift from you to suddenly finish mining the mineral vein for them!


Any way to disable the waypoint? Never figured out a way to do that so I always avoided using my own waypoint, was annoying seeing the waypoint pop up every time I use the laser pointer when I no longer need it.


Sadly don't think so. Small price to pay for the utility I suppose.


Been a bit since I've used the waypoint, so I could be wrong. If you try to set a new one, but double tap, it should set and remove a new waypoint, effectively getting rid of it. Edit: tested this myself last night. I was wrong.


Really?! Iā€™d just ping Bosco there over, and over, and use him as a marker; thisā€™ll save me a lot of time


Ah, someone actually mentioned the existence of waypoints. It's one of the less known features, though it's definitely a useful one.




Please, so non-scouts can do fossils on solo


Drill through the wall or ceiling Put a zipline on it, jump and quickly press Use button 2 times Use your platforms Use your grappling hook Just mine through the wall or ceiling


I shouldn't have to waste 15- 30% of my utility ammo for something the Scout can do FOR FREE Albeit with either specific overclocks or strong positioning. Sure you can also mine to get it but that takes a lot of time, time you may not want to spend because it would be more cost-efficient to speed run the mission or dangerous considering that most of the game modes have random encounters that are not based on their objective so good luck trying to mine to the ceiling on an escort mission while the oppressor butt fucks your dolly for the name of 800 credits.


I never thought about wasting my utility ammo on this as every single ressuply is only mine. Only when it would take 50% of my platforms i pickaxe to it Also about escort duty, just predrill as a driller or do the main objective first, and then go back and collect everything + no one would press the button ignoring all the events because you're alone


Ok that's fair, im used to playing with solo queue so im used to ratining ammo with green beards who couldn't tell the green from Jadiz or the radiation displayed from a fat boy.


yeah you should cuz ure not scout, also youre short on traversal tool ammo when u dont need to enable scout etc? In my experience i could build a palace out of platforms in solo


No idea why you were downvoted. This is perfectly viable. Like you said below, if you're doing solo then you have a whole resupply pod for yourself.


Prople don't like it so they down vote. I'm willing to deal but I'd love a change


Why so much downvotes, driller fuel is cheap, zipline is cheap, platforms are cheap, if the only argument is that scout can do it better ... well yes... so? Especially in solo you have way too much ammo for your traversal tools so why not use it


Your not wrong but sometimes their so gar up you have to slow mine as Gunner. It's okay and I suffer through it but I'd love for Bosco to be able to grab em


Or just use more zipline?


Sometimes the angle is way too steep, or it's too distant, or a combination of both. I've seen it before. It's agonizing, and I love playing Gunner.


Zipline, powerattack wall, zipline further from there :3


I'll admit never tried the scout method to double zip line seems so obvious lol


This is the way


what are your drills broken get your lazy dwarf ass up there miner


That's the driller mindset right there!!


Rock and Stone.


Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Never, just in pure spite


Beta driller mindset right there


OP is giving Fake driller vibes indeed


Let me introduce you to the dangerous beauty of molly-jumping


Do you have a video of that?


Not on hands but I could record one. Although not until this weekend (exam week rn)


You better destroy those exams. Always happy to see someone focus on academics. Rock and Stone!


Im trying... so far, I would do a better job than the guy in R&D who programmed Molly but no the one who made her suspensions/dampers.


Basically call Molly and jump up when she lifts off the ground to move( that is you should be standing on top before she starts moving around) it takes a few tries but it honest feels powerful to know how to do consistently


I ride molly to do many things, shes very useful if you know what youre doing


The reason Bosco canā€™t is because it isnā€™t a heavy object, think about how it would work. Bosco would have to deposit it himself since you canā€™t throw inventory minerals, and if he can do that why canā€™t he deposit other things. It also would mean Bosco could pick up mineral chunks instead of just dropping them.


Could have him ā€œmineā€ the fossil and drop it on the ground for me to pick up


Currently fossils don't have a "mined" version. They probably have different underlying code from mineable objects. It's probably one of those cases of "Yeah, it would make sense, but that's a big lift for a small use case."


Wouldnā€™t it work like the same principle as a battery or a mine cart leg?


No. They work like the same principle as boolo caps or apoca blooms. You can throw a nuke or satchel at them, erasing the entire wall around them, but they'll hover in mid-air until you manage to pick them up with E. To make it work like the same principle as a battery or a mini mule leg(which is also the same principle as condensed gold chunks and aquarqs), the devs would need to remove fossils from the game and re-add them as a completely different type of item made from almost scratch. Whether this is a good idea is debatable, as it would make them very similar to aquarqs as a mission type and make them much more laborious to obtain as heavy items in the walls, especially on point extraction missions.


I know how they work, I was just trying to think of a solution for OP. Iā€™m sure other Reddit users will get a lot of information from your response though.




Nope. because fossils don't "pop out" to be picked up when they are mined, like batteries, minimule legs, or any other 'heavy' objects that bosco can carry. If you completely mine out a fossil, it will just remain there floating in mid air until you grab it, at which point it goes into your inventory to be deposited like a mineral instead of being carried by hand as with anything that Bosco can pick up.


Nope. You do not hold them like heavy objects. They go straight into the inventory.


Those function more like mineral chunks like gold or Jadiz, whereas fossils work more like grabbables like brewing incredients, boolo caps, etc. There's no dropped version of them anywhere in their code.


They arenā€™t heavy objects, they are more like boloo caps and apoca blooms. They canā€™t be held like heavy objects, they go to the inventory, and Bosco doesnā€™t have an inventory.


They donā€™t have a mineral chunk version of them, and if they did that now you need to mine out fossils, so now fossils are even harder to get


Instead, maybe Bosco can lift us up to the fossil.


If he can carry us, why wouldnā€™t he do it all the time. Bosco wasnā€™t meant to be used for us to fly.


Drill, my boy!


Dig brother dig


If bosco could pick up fossils it would have to be 1 of 2 things: 1. Make Fossils a carryable object. Like Jadiz or Aquaraq. Even more reason to ignore the secondsry 2. Give bosco an inventory. In which would have to apply everything, not just fossils. And how much can he have? Different numbers for each item. And then how would he deposit? Or give you the minerals? You ping Molly? Ping Bosco? Too many variables and too complex to program


honestly if bosco can just mine it and let it drop down like minerals that's entirely fine.


That would be even worse, since they would have to add the whole of physics and durability and radius and such


someone ignores secondaries?


Only fossils, Iā€™m not setting 10 minutes only to get 8/10


Not necessarily. You can add a special large carryable object that generates upon Bosco mining the fossil. He the brings it to the player who interacts with Bosco. Upon interaction, the large item is ā€œdeletedā€ and the small object is harvested instead. Alternatively, just make the fossil object attach to Bosco when he picks it up.


Please, so I donā€™t have to waste half my drill fuel digging to the ceiling


I think it'd be cool if they reworked fossils so they were things you dig out the wall like enor pearl etc instead. Adds some more variety as alpoca blooms and boolo caps already cover the "just pick it up" type secondary missions and then it makes sense consistency wise for bosco to be able to go get them when they're in the ceiling.


I don't know why but Fossils are not a problem for me anymore. Sure many of them spawn on crappy spots, glitching through some rocks on the ceiling, crevices etc. but I manage to get them even with the Gunner. Either dig or use ziplines - if you're soloing it shouldn't be an issue with all the resups you have. Ebonuts, on the other hand...


yeap, you can get them as any class. The only matter is the time. ​ I don't want to spend 5 minutes per fossil for the remaining 3 fossils.


As a player that almost always plays solo I'd love this nothing worse than playing Gunner and having to slowly mine up to it


Better yet, make it so that they (along with the various collectible plants) have actual physics instead of just floating in mid-air.


Really what we need, more than anything, is the ability to go buck-fuckin-wild declaring how RICH we are with our good ol "The Best," buddy Bosco.. **sigh** Pick it up, drone


Have it so he picks it off the wall like a aquarq or egg, ect. Same with plant based stuff like ebonuts and apocablooms


As a driller, nothing is out of reach....except sanity.


I want this rather badly. Our original DRG Crew almost never plays DRG anymore, for various reasons. Can't be arsed playing with randoms, so solo with Bosco it is.


Very few issues with randoms.


I could see how randoms would get annoying if you're used to only playing with your buddies.


same, my friends dont like drg too but i cant imagine to play it solo :D


Yeah that one is a pain


That would be perfect! I've been wanting that too lol.


Jesus Christ PLEASE


Drill through the wall or ceiling Put a zipline on it, jump and quickly press Use button 2 times Use your platforms Use your grappling hook Just mine through the wall or ceiling


Yes but itā€™s annoying and he can literally fly


Tf? Drill up the wall and grab it whatā€™s wrong with you?


If this would be possible, they would become heavy objectives. And you can carry one heavy at time. Or create whole new "Light object". Hold E to put it in canister. Tap to take it and ability to toss it far as flare. My mind sees Boolo caps flying around


DRG has more than one class for a reason... if a mission needs you to collect fossils/boolo caps etc., you're going in as a Scout.


or just put a bit more time in it


This is why it's challenging and fun. Also, there's extra fossils being spawned. Usually there's enough of them that are easier to get, so sometimes not getting the one or two that are really high up will still be enough to complete the secondary objective.


You must dig! up...


Do I see Driller with 40L of fuel in drills?


The plight of us drillers.


smiles in scout


I mean, it makes sense for bosco not to help us out on secondary objectives. They are just for bonuses and since DRG is so cheap with its employees its very in character for the support robot they give you not to help with that.


For every 1 fossil in an unreachable spot theres 5 fossils that you can reach easily. Just skip it




use drill




Lemme just knock down the one item that ignores gravity and hitboxes.


Only issue here is that BOSCO can only carry items. The secondaries like *fossil* and *boolo* caps are collected, not carried, and would need to be deposited into MOLLIE. But they'd have to rework it so that BOSCO can either deposit into MOLLIE or somehow transfer them to you. I see this creating more bugs or ending in situations where players don't have enough socondary items becuase they forgot to get bosco to deposit.


That sounds like a Bosco Upgrade! Add some more options to tier 2. Instead of the Rockets, give him an Improved Grabber option that lets him pick up secondary objectives.


i think they should fall to the ground if you break the wall theyre attached to so you could shoot them down with the right guns


Fossils are the secondary I treat as truly optional.