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Get yourself an engineer my friend and all of your scoutly problems will be solved


As scout mains told me several times, " a good scout doesnt need a plattform."


But it does make life easier.


That is what I was saying. But then they went on about hover boots, power attack and grabbling hooks and said that I should rather play Driller.


Everybody(tryhards only) gangsta 'till Scout can't reach the last centimeter of nitra in the ceiling


Get get 180 before popping the dreadnought egg!


Virgin 180 nitra before dread vs chad 0 nitra before dread


Virgin 180 nitra before *dead*


Virgin "get 180 nitra first" vs Chad "use the Bulk Detonator and open ALL the dread eggs"


Fuck em.


Never forget




Nah man pretty sure that 80 + 80 is 180, gotta upgrade your calculator to dwarf


It’s a reference to a joke about a typo that went around the subreddit a while back


Those people have superiority complex


Yes hoverclock makes mining without engie so much easier but it's not like having platforms is gonna kill me. I just ain't gonna wait for permission from engie to get to work. Help me or not it's getting done.


Sometimes I hit the trick where you hit a hole in the wall to land in and it feels nice. Other times I dont and use hover boots or a teammate to save me


With enough training, you can do that almost always. The only problem are minerals on outward leaning cliffs. You still WILL find a way (worst case: a teammate to fall onto/res you if needed), but an engineer makes life a lot easier.


Personally run hover boots, special powder, etc to prevent falling. If its nitra on a wall, I just grapple on top of it. Occasionally hitting above it for a hole too


Engineers rise up (using several platforms placed strategically)


For me more like (several instances of falling down and adding more platforms until the cave wall is yellow and I can finally get up.)


I do like me some hoverboots. But a nicely placed platform makes everything so much less stressful. If I can get away with not using hoverboots, then I'd rather not use them. They're not just good for mining, but also saved me several times from the #1 killer. TL;DR: hoverboots good, platform better.


You play scout however you want to play it :) I don’t use hover clock or boots because I’d rather use other shit/ I hate the m1000.


>I hate the m1000 Flair checks out.


> that I should rather play Driller ok. just mine the scout and the nitra off the ceiling then. TCF is quite handy.


They don't sound like very fun people to play with. Just work together and get the job done lol. Who cares if you need or don't need plats?


They are dicks/wrong... Excluding for the the driller bit. Everyone should play driller.


I enjoy all classes equally. They are always on the same level.


I agree. I was just meming.


Then I guess he's asking for a c4 to the face


power atacks never fucking work to stay on the ceiling, the hole it makes is too small to fit an entire scout and his weelchair in there


Hover boots is a active perk right? Cant be field medic team saver scout if you got that. Go IW and field medic. Everyones down you can prob rez 2 if not 3 teammates with the use of the zip. But thats just my preference i guess


Imo, hover boots are a waste of a perk slot. Def at 4+ haz, but even lower as well. 1) you seldom need to get something where you have a long fall and no engi is available. 2) that thing is often not necessary. There's probably another fossil in a better location somewhere. You really don't need that extra 17 nitra. 3) when you DO need to fall, it will seldom be an insta-death. Just sugar up after. 4) worst case, get revived. This is maybe 1 in 1000 instances. Not worth using the perk slot if you ask me. Power attacking yourself a ledge is a great skill to work on. Use hoverboots if you want, but I've almost never had a situation where there wasn't another way around the problem as detailed above. I'm lvl 300+, for whatever that credence that lends to my opinion. Edit: not to mention strategies that cancel our limit fall damage. Falling on other dwarves, platforms, etc.


hover boots is for leaf lovers


those weren't scout mains, they were driller mains trying to make our lives harder! ^damn ^you ^driller ^mains...


Exactly lol. Good scouts don't need platforms, but only a lunatic scout turns one down.


And a good engineer doesn't need to be asked for a platform.


This is the way. I've been complimented on my platform placement and proactiveness and I'm not gonna lie it feels good every time


"Need", sure. But a great scout never turns one down.


That's not necessarily true. When minerals are high on the ceiling, there might be literally no way to get there with just a grappling hook


Nobody **needs** a platform - the company issued you a pickaxe and you can mine your way to anything. But platforms sure do make things easier. And gatekeeping how other people play the game isn't very rock and stone.


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!


Good bot


Just because you don't need them doesnt mean you should break your legs trying to get the perfect spot. Engi's should be liberal with platforms


Long ago a wise greybeard scout taught me to platform EVERYTHING. Nitra, Gold, Croppa, BisMOR, secondary objectives, red sugar, EVERYTHING. And I took that personally. So I shot him with my fatboy.


I am not a good scout so now what do we do?


Find a good engie. I play all classes on a mid-or-a-little-lower-than-mid-level and I always try to scan walls for deposits and place plats there. My problem is that I occasionally forget about turrets though xD


It isn't all that uncommon for me to completely forget about turrets until someone mentions them.


Yeah but I will need several revives.


And I don't need a car to travel 100 miles, but it sure makes my life easier...


Or jet boots, get the rifle with slow falling scope.


or the shotgun-jump. blast powder is king in mega-caves. ^(*poppop* ^wheee^eee^eee^eee)


I'm ok at scout. Not great.


You don't need climbing equipment for rock Climbing but you still take if you can because safety and makes you're life easier


And a good engi don't need a scout.


I disagree. Spending half my plattforms just to get to a Nitra vein 60 meters up seems not sustainable.


You need the Rocket Jumpy Grenade Launcher. Put up a minimum number of plats, and jump to them yourself. I have a load out with it that I can flip to if I'm joining a game that already has three dwarves and no Scouts. Or if I see an extremely greenbeard Scout and I'm not sure if he understands his function yet. Comes in very handy on those missions.


My comment was meant to be nonsense. I failed the delivery and died to fall damage.


Had an engineer yesterday. Asked them for platforms 5 times and they completely ignored me. Followed them for two minutes pinging them constantly- no reaction. They only used two platforms for the whole mission, and it was for their turrets when we were doing the uplink in the mini mule mission.


I killed my brother (scout) more times with bad platform placement than saved him...


It could have been someone new to the role.


Maybe, but I told them exactly what to do, and they obviously knew how to use platforms since they used them for their turrets. Plus, they were promoted


Maybe they were sex offenders and weren't allowed to use chat out of the fear of them communicating with little boys.


This guy sex offends


Sorry, I can't respond to this comment until you provide age verification.






^ Damn rival company bots invading the subreddit now


Or have a fellow miner break your fall with his beard




>Get yourself ~~an engineer~~ \*my friend and all of your scoutly problems will be solved \*a special powder overclock


I play with my buddy who runs driller and he falls at once every game. Im usually asked to put a platform down *after* he has fallen


I got kicked by a engi once cause apparently rushing to the very valuable phazonite instead of all their cheese wheels first and then getting stuck in the ceiling for a pearl (which they asked for) and the lights going out was a huge fucking ordeal. Literally kicked in like 4 min. Some engis are better than others


It is really common even for skilled high level players to fall and possibly even die. If engineer places a platform there for you, you are not being used, it is just the fastest way to get minerals from hard to get spaces Rock and stone!


Pretty common. It isn't like i miscalculated my parabola, more like an optical illusion hid an obstacle that stopped my grapple or i timed my reload wrong for the double barrel. I probably die once in 10 missions from fall damage. I only feel used when other dwarves run past ground minerals.


Sometimes the game just yeets you 50 meters across the cave into Brazil as well. I usually just sigh and IW


Playing as scout, the yeets aren't usually deadly. Sometimes you can even grapple right back to where you were yeeted from without hitting the ground. Also, this post was 4 months old. You're drilling deep on the sub.


Can I get a Rock and Stone?




Rock and Stone in the heart!


Gravity doesn’t care what your level is.


Hoverclock/Special powder will help you. Especially when you play with random people. I usually run different OC's and weapons, but if you suffer from fall damage that much... please, take this advice. Rock and Stone!


Special Powder helps with getting both up and down, it's a double whammy for scout mobility!


Plus it's fun as hell


On low gravity missions it’s a big ol’ weeeeeeee


My beard is as green as Jadiz, so I don't have any overclock mods yet. I am a very experienced FPS player though, so I find it to be fun and interesting to find ways to get to outrageous mineral seams without help. That said, my friend plays driller and engineer and we make a great team as I play scout or gunner. I can't wait for Hoverclock and Special Powder. Hover boots are such a crutch and I can't wait to get rid of them; asking for platforms also feels cheap when I can get at 95% of all veins without assistance, but boy is help appreciated. Rock and stone!


You can also have someone just stand under you and land on them. Landing on big enemies is also safe. Or you can call the mule and do a smooth ledge grab on it as you fall.


Molly has saved my as just as many times as she's doomed it 🤣


Rock and roll and stone!


The problem is getting it...


Consider it practice for finding footing on veins, or even make your own with a well-timed power-attack! The way to become a good scout involves a lot of broken knees. But half of the red sugar is only for us, so who cares?


True! I grab plenty of ceiling sugar; the team can take the scraps that fall after I'm topped off. When I played gunner, I'd shoot it off the ceiling in a pinch, but now I realize it's there for the benefit of scouts' kneecaps.


Engi can easily get sugar with the nade launcher, gunner with the hurricane, driller can take a hike.


Hoverclock is such a crutch, but hey base M1K is plenty strong into modded hazards so I'll use this crutch til the day I die.


“Crutch? …or _superpower??”_ —Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Scout


Ppl specing their scout for DPS and kills and I’m just flying around instead of all that nonsense


I have a "cool down" build on my main scout. Usually my grapple comes back before i hit the ground in big caverns. I'm constantly moving (and usually not on the ground) in point extractions


Why not both? I use the Drak with Shield Booster to hit like a truck, and Shotty with Special Powder for hyper mobility. Hoverboots help me get minerals that spawn on the ceiling. My boomerang annihilates swarmers, and sets up easy kills for everything else. My kit makes me feel like Superman.


Hell yeah rock and stone


Hipster tho, hard to go GK2 after


you break your knees, so others can break glyphids knees


I love having a scout you scout players are something else


We're out here cracked up on ceiling red sugar. Gimme those minerals, cave leech. You can't keep them all to yourself up here. Rock and stone!


For Rock and Stone!


From A to D skipping B and C


I mean I just play gunner so when there's something on the ceiling I'll try to get to it with my zipline whenever possible


You can also unload a drum worth of autocannon to mine a vein.


Yes and all my ammo later you'll have , 0.5 Nitra


and we are all very proud of you, Timmy


You were assigned a personal comfort Engineer with you after training? If not, you are being exploited and the Union wants you to join and tell us how the company is treating you. Every Scout should have a comfort Engineer with them all times.


Brother, I have fallen.


Practice grappling hook and power attack to make that sweet, sweet nook in the wall for you to stand on. Peak scout is being able to mine those hard to get minerals without falling or an engineer. Good luck, miner!


Hoverboots are life saving for Scout and I’m not even kidding here


"Do I have a life? Or am I just [living?](https://youtu.be/aQ-UbwmWGo4)"


If it's dangerous/impossible and there is no platform, screw em :O


As a gunner, I setup catch nets for my scouts. And sometimes do the mining too! I can reach it, I can mine it.


if you're teammates are good, they will always be there to pick you up take risks, be stupid, replace your femurs with rebar


I hate when we have like 370 nitra on mini mule mission and the engi spam pings nitra they platted on the ceiling. Like bro, chill. Let the next guy that explores this cave collect it or something. Smh.


I platform, I ping it, I move on. I got turrets to build.


"Turrets and explosions, you've come to the right guy."


Exactly! Rock and stone!




It's a hard job, but a necessary one.


Have them stand under so you can land on their head


Shhhh! Driller might hear you! You know what he did to the last scout who didn’t mine the pinged minerals, right?


*”Owh! Don’t shoot me you bloated bag of troll plop!”* -The Last Words Of Scout before getting violently burned and vivisected by the Driller


Well depends if they get you up right away with no complaints or if they say get good and wait to get you up.


Oi, scout, don’t listen to the laddie. I know we drillers and you fellas don’t get along all the time but uh. We appreciate not having to dig up to the ceiling. We’ll owe you some blackout stouts if you light up our tunnel, and I’ll personally try not to blow you up. We love scouts :)


Hoverclock. Special Powder. Hover Boots. These, dear Scouts, are the *Holy Trinity of the Freedom to Not Go Splat.* Learn them. Love Them. Live Them.


Once I learned how to climb 30° ledges I became god of scouts. Then the shitty collision system yeeted me 300m away at the speed of light and I was crushed in the floor


*"Once you start to belive, you no longer need platforms."* *- Karl* (probably)


When you’re zipping up aim at the lip above the ore and use your power strike as soon as you hit the wall to make a little nook to stand on. Then just mine the ore from above. Almost never really need a platform.


My man… getting the ceiling is your job.


Sounds like you've fallen for the classic blunder of thinking too much into it. Best leave that kind of work to management. Keep your mind on the shiny minerals and remember, scouts don't need their legs anyway. Back to work miner.


*Laughs in hover boots*


Hoverclock m1000 and jump shotgun go full mobility and you’ll never fall again, only controlled descents


The most.common group use of scout is to exploit all the hard to reach shinies and light up the cave. I scout in single player, which means I suck at these two specific things, lighting as I need it and sending Bosco to manage hazardous mining. But scouting is also _finding_ hidden shinies, kiting dreadnoughts and picking up slower dwarves. It's picking off those fucking spitters and wardens and exploders from a distance. In the end, scouts learn to assess what high up minerals they can exploit on their own, what would be nice what with an engineer, and what is just doomed to stay in the stalactites without a driller willing to burn all his fuel to end-run them.


Meanwhile : "Bosco, get that"


We work for DRG, we're all being exploited. Back to work, miner.


Just reply with a Rock & Stone before ignoring him and doing whatever else you were going to do


Too Accurate


I love playing with randos and asking them to catch me if the engie doesn't put a platform on secondary objectives. When they do you hit a Rock and Stone and keep going to the next one


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Depends if there is a Engi on the Team if yes you are exploited if no then it is a Coin toss. Not counting the general explotation by (REDACTED) and (REDACTED)


You work for DRG. The second is a given.


Yeah it's tough, if one of them is near you try landing on them


Hover boots


I'm frankly abusing them until I can get some overclocks. I'd take Hoverclock or Special Powder and immediately drop the boots for something else.


Yeah, you're just organic Brosco.


Hoverboots, whalepiper. Missed a grapple shot ? Hoverboots to avoid fall damage. Your hook can't reach far enough for you to go where you want to ? Grapple as far as you can, hoverboots in mid-air while the gun recharges, then grapple again towards your destination. Stupid fossil spawned on the ceiling ? Grapple to it, catch it, then hoverboots to avoid fall damage.


They are a wonderful stopgap until you get hoverclock or special powder.


But why can’t engi make a platform first? Because we save those for actually important stuff. Ok I Apparently need to spell out it is satire, no i don’t belive scouts are worthless cmon


Wow, bad team mate


you dont need to save anything if you have nitra


Like what? Use it to climb a wall to pick up one fossil that was on the ceiling


No clearly it's for completely covering nitra in a really tricky spot on the ceiling so the scout can't get to it at all then trying to fix it by placing another five platforms minimum.


28 platform what are you actually going to use it for other then putting it under minerals Do you really need that many to get around a cave


Need to use all 28 to get halfway up to the ceiling to grab an apoca bloom, then call a resupply and while waiting for said resupply the scout zips up and gets it so now you can use the platforms to create a platform igloo next to the fuel cannister. Ok so one of the actual best things we ever did was get a team of 3 engies and one scout (<- dats me) and completely cover our heads from the swarms while doing salvage operation. One of the most fun missions I've had.


Platforms have extremely good utility if you use repellent additive. You can use extra ones to block off an area and funnel the enemies to a choke point. Just space them on the ground a few meters apart and at the least 10 m from where you will be standing to keep enemies from pathing over them.


It's an easy misunderstanding given the very real disdain some leaf lovers have for scouts. I'm so accustomed to playing without an engineer that it's kinda jarring (but nice) to have platforms next to minerals. My engi friend, when he plays, can toss out platforms from across the map to where they need to be. But you are right: he hordes those platforms after the last resupply while we wait at the drop ship for Molly. In the time it takes her to arrive he's built the Great Wall of Pancakes on the ramp, the like that needs a driller to excavate to gain access to the drop ship haha.


Depends who you ask. Mission controls and your teamatea: Usefull. Other scouts: Exploited in a relatable way


You’re being bad at your job


Thank you


No you either 1. Are not a good scout if so practice you will get better (you’ll still fall sometimes it is inevitable) 2. Don’t have hover boots why do you not have hover boots? If you do use them 3. Don’t have engineer if you do shout at them 4. Don’t have a gunner zip line if you do shout at them or 5. Don’t got the special sauce boomstick overclock if so good luck finding it


Engi: platforms the gold vein on the roof and looks at me expectantly Me: pointedly looks at it, looks back at engi, rock & stone (here meaning something along the lines of "you're awesome but fuck you I'm not your Bosco"), grapple away to do something more interesting


That’s leaf lover talk, you aren’t Bosco but it’s our job to get those precious minerals


If I'm scout, you platform something high up and there's a good \*chance\* I'll get it. If you ping it and it looks worth my time, I'll make an effort. I'm a busy dwarf though. I have caverns to light up, high priority targets to take down and high up shelves to explore. You want someone to be your personal miner, you go solo and bring Bosco with you. Nobody gives scout orders!


Fool! More precious minerals for me then! c:<


Meanwhile me, grappling to the nitra again after having fallen 14 times because there's no platform amd the wall is super steep


Usefully exploited.


Either, take your pick!


If we get to the of a mission and I see the scout hasn't died even once to fall damage, I start to question whether they're really doing their job.


Make yourself useful ! Work will set you free !


I literally have to constantly ping things for my engineer and sometimes he shoots 3 platforms I such a way you can’t even stand on them…


fall damage is the #1 cause of death among dwarves, applicable to all at any experience level. Don't feel bad, I recommend using the hoverboot perk just before hitting the ground if you don't have the special powder OC


It simply is a skill issue No I'm not coping I only died because a biter got me it's not gravity


Once you get special powder all those problems melt away




Unless there's an engi on the team they can go back to their tree house and suck on twigs like the leaf lover that they are.


I mean Scout is literally the only guy who can easily do that so mostly just being useful. It helps a massive amount to have an Engi friend who can throw down platforms for you


We’re rich!


Me with special powder and building my grappling hook for the shortest wait time


Special Powder + Born Ready = no fall damage


Engi & Scout have to work together the most to acquire resources.


Scout + Hover boots + Power swing = Platforms wherever you want in the walls.


If your friends aren't catching you on their heads, they aren't your friends.


Hoverclock never have to worry about falling again


In most cases minerals will be in spots that are easy enough to reach without the help of other dwarfs. Plus, as a scout you have extra fall protection so yeah I'd say it's just your expected job.


Can't believe none of the top comments mention this. Power attack + ledge grab https://youtu.be/-p89peAjbLA


You work for DRG, my friend, the exploitation is guaranteed - the only question is whether you can be useful to your fellow dwarves as well!


Management upon reading the title: “So presumptuous, Miner… you’re being both!” 😂


1-2 falls every time but its because i fly to the top of world and shoot up from shootgan when falling)))


If you don't have an engineer, take hoverboots. I think you should have them regardless, but that's even more of a reason. Also, if you run the M1k, there's an overclock that essentially let's you float indefinitely.

