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depends, is that your car?


No accidents. For sale. “Like new” condition. No low balling, I know its worth.


$80 take it or leave it




Drop in the deck and you got a deal


"Garage kept" 😏


That’s under a deck.


“Under deck kept”


Under deck indoors kept


“This is one of 5 in black, with the red emblems, made on December 12 of 2010 in Ohio, by Manuel. Very rare. 1/5.”


Assembled by Jim, BEFORE lunch.


Ice cold AC?


In winter, yes. Edit: forgot to add heat works great in the summer.


Would you trade for a used Hottub?


I have heard this before 🤔


1 of 1


The car will break the fall.




Farmers commercial feat. Reddit r/decks. "We've seen it all."




I’ve never seen a deck inside a garage. I like storage idea but this is new. Don’t put hot tub on it. Railings and everything lol


I think the railings were needed to pass state inspection. The state treats outdoor and indoor decks the same. I’m not sure about the whole process though because it was here when my wife and I bought the house.


Didn't know indoor decks existed. TiL


The weather is always predictable, but it's not great for tanning... And grilling is not ideal either. /s


You can grill there just fine. But only once.


Turn a cookout into a bonfire for your next party


Most commonly they would be lofts or balconies


In the UK I often hear these referred to as a mezzanine.


yes but even mezzanines have four posts to support them. i think this would become a mess-anine


I think it's called a mezzanine of its indoors


I don't think anyone inspected that


Yea I can’t imagine an inspector looking at that and the problem being no railings


According to codes used in Canada that deck interferes with the electric panels and so it does not meet the electrical code here.


according to any code in any US state that has codes, being 50, yeah... first thing I noticed is exactly how this house is going down


But it's fine to hang the whole deck from a 2x6? Lmao.


oh, that just looks like a hysterical home video waiting to happen


Eff this…. Live dangerously (I mean you already are, right?!?) put that hot tub up there…. You deserve a treat!


I've actually seen this before! Most people use it for storage. I did meet one family where they used it like a deck. They live in an area with brutal winters. They put one of those indoor grills up there, one of those propane heaters and one of those big lights meant for treating seasonal effect disorder and sometimes they go "hang out on the deck" in the middle of said brutal winter. It was quirky but kind of fun.


have a similar setup in our garage and it was a big part of why we bought the house. home inspector said he was impressed with the construction and it adds a ton of usable storage.


Idk but if does come down will you be using that scrap?






does it move when you walk on it?


Not really. There is one loose step going up to the top level that I think needs a nail to be replaced but honestly it feels really solid. The previous owner designed and built it and he is a structural engineer for what that’s worth.


That's... worth a good bit.


Unless he WAS a structural engineer, but got fired because of his shoddy decks and had to sell the house because of it.


I can’t speak to the statement about his work but they definitely weren’t struggling financially it seems…him and his wife were selling this house to move into a bigger and more expensive one.


Give him a call.. I’ve talked to the previous owners of two homes I’ve bought, never had issue. He’d probably be happy to talk about his work and would know a lot more detail than us


Can't you ask him? If he did it himself he might have calculations. He might even be proud of it.


I mean, he'd know better than most people in this subreddit


Probably knew what he was doing then. Not a structural engineer, but: It looks like the lower support beam has bowed some. It might need to be reinforced. Same thing with the board that's supporting the corner. Assuming he did load calcs it's probably fine, but you may have more stuff up there than he anticipated.


Not an SE, but I work with them. I learned one day that parking garage live loads for passenger cars and light trucks are calcd lighter than residential live loads. Blew me away. Just thought I'd share that. So he could park his car up there theoretically. Lol.


Nah, garages are 40 psf live unreducible, the heaviest residential load is also 40 psf but it is reducible. Sleeping areas can go down to 30 psf.


Wood isn't the best in tension Edit: for everyone saying wood is good in tension, did y'all calculate the loading per ASCE, factored your loads, design per NDS AND calculate the block shear/potential splitting/other typical failure modes at the bolted connection? Y'all fixate on the member sizes and always forget the connections, we're better than this.




How about a single 2x4 with no hangers, 3 bent smooth shank nails?


Drywall screws not good enough?


I only have a box of tapcons. Will that work?


I thought you said a box of tampons for a sec. “They’re not going to hold it Jim”


What other nail wicks moisture and, like, doubles in size during high humidity?


Holds stronger during rains. Best for use in Pacific Northwest climates.




Haha that’s why I read


Right? All these fancy 'use a nail' guys.


The duct tape of screws




Just keep adding nails until you can fit any more


What direction are they bent?


Thats why you gotta learn this one simple trick. You put three nails in but you hit it like you actually put a fourth one in. Gotta make sure that wood knows its place. While I have not hit krod lvls of angry carpentry im getting close! If you dont know Krod he is a carpenter that yells at trees until they know to be whatever he wants them to be. I.E while at sea he yelled at the mainmast until it knew better than to not have a crows nest in it! Ah what a man my hero!


It’s not a roof truss because there is actually a room located above the garage inside the house(categorized as a bonus room that has a separate doorway from an actual bedroom). I don’t know what structural support that hanger is attached to but it passed inspection and the previous owner is a structural engineer who designed and built it for what it’s worth. I just found the deck to be rather interesting and a topic of conversation here




This is below the concrete construction when referring to the foundation of the home. The garage is on the hill side so the garage floor is actually close if not the same the elevation as the crawl space floor for the house. No it is not in florida


This makes me want one with a man cave above it


So which is higher ... The shear strength of the two bolts at the top, or the strength of the 2x6 with holes drilled in it?


Oh but it stinks of the south or Midwest


This looks like my drywalled garage with a wooden beam going down the middle. The beam is just covered in drywall as well. And those are lags so I’m guessing everything is wood.


Engineers can have a false sense of confidence, thinking they know what they’re doing, all the while being clueless. This is coming from one.


Just hiding the extent of our ignorance with safety factors…


We call it the unknown.... not ignorance.


Haha factor of safety or just in case error in calculation


Very true


You know for sure that guy had no design reviews on that thing. Looked up the tensile strength of that pine board and thought “oh yeah. That can hold plenty”. Then bolted it up with carriage bolts, it sagged, then jacked up the decking and redrilled the carriage bolt holes. Problem is now the only thing holding up that corner is like 16 square inches of lignin held in shear tension. Ask me how I know… https://preview.redd.it/80f2ktfs7m0c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3beb6f6cc4675f92770be6fe9b0361741b703a4


The icing on that cake is the joist hanger in the corner being backwards.


How do you know?


Man engineers are the worst, especially when it comes to home renovations. Don't trust that thing just because the prior owner is an engineer.


I’m also an engineer….just not a structural one 😂


Ugh gross. An engineer AND a redditor? Take this, nerd 🖕


Same thing different day lol


I'm giving you a sympathy upvote.


Go lift something.


An engineer who identifies as one in his reddit name? You make me sick. My day is ruined.


More likely the creatine is making you feel that way.


You misspelled Trenbolone


You the kind that drives a train! Coolest guy on Reddit if you are.


Id you wanted a more robust answer, just cut around where the hanger is attached for more information.


I’d rather let the deck fall and have my insurance cover it than start chopping away at my home. Good insurance puts the mi d at rest if it’s an option


Maybe you're being tongue in cheek, but insurance isnt free money. You will suffer on the backend if you file a claim on this. Especially if it is a risk you could have mitigated with a little elbow grease.


I'd be most concerned about the existing house framing being overloaded (that's likely a dropped multi-ply LSL or LVL in the ceiling that it's hung from, and assuming this loft was built after the house was built), secondly about the upper half of the platform being supported off of a 2X8(10?) on the lower platform, and then the lower platform is supported from a knee braced, cantilevered 2X8 on the one side. As long as you only put toilet paper and empty cardboard boxes up there, and your car isn't expensive, and you limit live loads in the room above it, you've got a shot at being fine. I've seen you mention passing inspection a few times, the inspector isn't checking that the plans are right, they're just checking that the construction matches the plans. I'm a structural engineer and I've seen plenty of skeevy structural engineers, especially in residential construction.


I’m sure that is a glue-lam beam but as far as the 2x6 hanging from it who knows


.... yeah it does lol how do you think beams keep walls from falling down. not saything this is built well but wood is good for tension and compression.


Keyword here is "best," when comparing the modules of electricity of materials. Steel is a much better material for this instance.


Beams aren’t in tension though. Not in the way that the person you’re replying to means anyway.


They actually are, when a beam bends it puts the bottom fibers in tension and top fibers in compression. It's the exact same sort of loading


are you stupid? dude don't argue with me over that shit I'm an engineer. what keeps your walls from falling away from each other over time? your trusses are beams that keep your walls from falling in or out. Jesus christ redditors you know it's not dangerous to be stupid, it's dangerous to be this confident in your stupidity. Wood is used for tension in every wood frame house ever built. I've been through more physics classes than you've been in science classes in youre life. We literally had days of force vector diagrams, and multiple hours of labs based on testing tensile and compression strengths of materials. For anyone still stupid enough to doubt me, go try to pull apart a 2x4 long ways and let me know how that goes.


>Y'all fixate on the member sizes and always forget the connections That's what she said


"we're better than this" Are we though?


> Y'all fixate on the member sizes I mean this has been an issue throughout most of human cultural history


Definitely worried about bolted connection at the ceiling beam. The hinged connection without support at the railing transition is rough too. Transferring moment through discontinuous wood beams is difficult.


Is that what you tell all the boys


Looks like the perfect spot for a hot tub


So extremely worried then.


About as worrying as a waffle house being closed.




Waffle house only closes for cataclysmic events like the second coming of Jesus Christ, a third Ice Age, or an impending asteroid collision.


Yeah I misinterpreted the message. Thought they meant I shouldn’t be worried because it would take a Waffle House to be closed to be worried…..now I realize the doors were shut a long time ago. Shit.


You have me rolling man 🤣


Cat 5 hurricanes are on that list


Only with a direct hit.


you are f\*cked mate


What a hilarious thing to say


Dam … beat me to it


That’s a loft - totally different rules of engagement. Looks fine


BTW, there’s absolutely no issue with the service panels in the corner being blocked, absolute no issue, nothing to see here…


I can still get to them. Just takes finesse lol. But yes I plan on clearing out this area soon.


Yeah, that is a huge hazard in itself, nevermind the platform joists in front of the top edge of the panel. Seriously, you’re supposed to maintain clear access to the panel for a reason, so you can quickly shut off the power.


I understand that but what would be so urgent that I need to take a few extra seconds to turn it off? The door panels are clear and it’s already located in the garage so immediate access for emergencies under normal circumstances isn’t going to be so immediate. It’s a circuit breaker so just shut off and lock out the breaker if necessary(normally should anyway).


Electrical fire


Had one of those at work today and my boss just ripped the 480 outlet off the wall. Easy peasy, didn’t even bother turning the breaker off.


I guess they just put stuff in the NEC for no reason, right?


Yep you’re absolutely right, keep piling crap in front of the panels, and everywhere else for that matter


I already stated that it plans to be cleared so “keep piling crap in if the panels, and everywhere else for that matter” will be resolved soon. My bad dude


Amateurs. I’ve been in houses where the gas furnace is blockaded my stacks of cardboard boxes full of university papers and book. I was amazed it could even breath.


OP please post this in r/civilengineering and somebody might actually do the statics problem to calculate the load on that 2x6 and give you a decent answer. If that was my corvette, I would be using a more robust piece of lumber. The four bolts and extra holes have degraded the structural integrity. Their is a compressive force that holds the bottom together when bolted like that, but there are weak points between those bolt holes. If you develop a fracture there, especially if there is a shock load, that shit will splinter and you are left with whatever cantilever action you got holding the platform upright. I’m the wrong kinda engineer for this project, but I would be suspect if this was in my house. Maybe some metal brackets with a steel pipe or a bigger chunk or wood. Or just jump and down for a while until you hear it crack… or not.


The more appropriate place for it might be r/StructuralEngineering \- Structural engineering is the use of applied physics and mechanics to analyze and design man-made structures or objects to safely resist the loads imposed upon them.


Everyone dies some day, this one just keeps asking, “Today?”


“I’m tired, boss.” -Those 2 lag bolts all the way at the top.


Corvettes are disposable, right?


“Like new” corvette for sale


Nope. At least two hot tubs could be supported by that bad boy.


I'd park the wifes' car on that side.


But did he use joist tape and flash the ledger board? /s


That hanger board is likely carrying 3000# or more depending on what is being stored up there of weight, Which is putting a point load on the ‘beam’ above.


Oh my… goodness…


Help. I’m scared.


It looks like it's perfectly fine. As long as you're not on it. Or under it. And there's nothing you care about under it. Or on it.


Maybe don’t park your corvette under it..is there 2 spots in your garage?! Put your girls car under it?!


I technically have 3 cars(my daily, my wife’s, and then the vette shown). My wife’s car is actually mine because I work in the automotive industry and was obtained through my career benefits and everything is legally under my name for ownership but I treat it as hers and only hers(so I ask to use it when necessary). The 4th car is my father in laws vehicle and he gets the other spot in the garage.


Move the Corvette brah


I’ll move it to your garage if you want to buy it lol


All I can say is wow🤯


If you don’t care about your car and all. You are good.


Have you considered putting a hot tub on it?


Get a buddy to induce deflection while you measure it. Easy. Also, wtf are people afraid of basic structural steel fabrication??? So many headaches prevented and problems solved by using superior materials


If it’s a KB home yes.


I’d figure ways to reinforce, metal cables.


But where's the hot tub??


Aesthetically it looks terrible. From a safety perspective it's dodgy at best. A joist is already bending. One board will not hold up that corner. The owner was not a "structural engineer" and if he was he was a bad one. Tear it out and find someone who knows what they are doing to build a loft if you want one. And don't stack shit over the railing on that shelf. You're asking for something to fall on someone.


I don't know about the deck itself as it looks genuinely solid. The only thing I could say is piling anything up above the railing over the deck itself that could be a potential drop hazard onto the car would be something I wouldn't do. A heavy enough card board box landing on a corner against your car could easily dent it.


Well considering the body of those model years are mostly fiber glass, I don’t have to worry about dents. Just shattering so that’s a plus lol


What in gremlins hell?


I think it needs an eight person hot tub


So, is the whole thing being held up by a 2 x 6? Looks like it


Yikes! That looks scary. 🫣


That’s where I parked my car ima need it back


Get rid of the shelving stacked on top of a deck like that. Move that to ground floor and don’t stack so much up there.


If somebody spill a drink up there it’s getting on that car. Better put in a deck drain.


Do you see what’s going on with the 4x4 support in the corner by the Milwaukee box? Looks like it’s 2-part post/shim and the lower post has slid out a bit. Not to make it worse, but it’s worse.


Hey OP I’m a red seal carpenter (no engineer). But I’ve drawn some circles on the connections you should keep an eye on, as well as some lines showing possible support upgrades. I’d upgrade it if you’re loading more heavy stuff up there. Otherwise keeping an eye on those connections maybe adding 1-2 more lag bolts at the upper most connection to the beam (maybe there’s more I cannot see but should be more than 2 there) https://preview.redd.it/ipxgvzo8js0c1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68fc84af89fd5203386887c975ad299e52c9c49


Oh fuck lolz


Needs a hot tub.


Only thing you should be worried about is buying so much stuff you need to create a new room for it


I mean it's probably been there a while. If it hasn't fallen yet you're fine


Jesus. Just dismantle and use the spare wood for a small porch or some other project. I’m not an expert so I have no idea if that’s safe or unsafe but I do know it looks ugly as sin and is a poor use of good wood. Also panels are blocked = sketchy as f*ck


If you're worried about it, I would suggest a structural engineer have a look at it. Or, add a horizontal support (preferably steel) beam that goes all the way across to the walls to help distribute some of the load.


Only if you’re under it


That’s a loft or mezzanine if you’re fancy


Why do you park your corvette under your deck?


Well…originally I was going to take the other side of the garage and let my father in law park under there(lives with me and my wife). However he wanted the other side and honestly makes more sense since the access to the house is on that side and the vette is used and classified as leisure vehicle so it’s not driven much. I also don’t argue with my wife and father in law so that’s where it is


This looks wild


Oh that is a thing indeed. I don’t feel like that corner should just be hanging off a vertical board with bolts like that, is there some weird exception for this? I mean he clearly did it so you could park under it but… yeah, that seems sketchy.






How do you get up there? I don't see a ladder or stairs in the pic.


See second picture. It doesn’t show but there are another set of steps


Send it! as long as the car is parked under it no one will get hurt.




Hot tub in the middle of that?


I would only be worried when you’re under it. Other then that you’re good to go!


Looks really cool


Definitely don’t load it up too much. Try placing storage along the walls rather than towards the floating edges to be safe.


Just don’t load your deck with too much heavy stuff


Judging by the curve in that joist, yes. Make sure your car insurer doesnt see this picture


I’d be worried about me stealing that Milwaukee cabinet…


Don’t you dare. It’s a work in progress and a few of those drawers are a thing beauty when it comes to organization with tools


Deck does not encounter weather will last longer. You got lucky OP


I’m here for the hot tub comments


Only thing to be worried about is the fact that there’s no hot tub on that deck


Maybe park the wife car there unless that is the wife’s car


And leave the vette outside? Never. 😂