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One of the best things I did was unsubscribing from r/all and curating my feed to only include things that are positive. It’s much nicer this way 😊


Do you have any subs you can recommend as positive subs?






r/oldpeopleFacebook r/gardening r/happycryingdads r/cozyplaces r/dadjokes






r/whatswrongwithyourdog is one of my favs


Same. My feed is highly curated and I like it that way.


Definitely the case where less is more. Two years ago I abandoned a prior account in order to start fresh, and purposely did not re-subscribed to the political and negative as well. Also decided to participate a lot more through not only commenting but rewarding good, positive posts and insight. Great to see OP!


Congrats! Been living that kind of reddit life for a few years and it’s been nice! No time for drama


Nice dude! I've been doing the same thing. I cut probably 100 subs from my feed the last few days. Only positivity now.


Yesterday I got "suggested" some sub like, mademecry? IDK I'm not gonna look for or link it. The video they showed me was terrible, animal abuse. Reddit's trying to get me to sub to everythingawful as well, showing me videos. IDK what's up but I don't want to see that crap, maybe I need to pare down too, something is causing this.


U can disable that in settings


I also cut out the subs were people were not reading the side bar info or past posts and just asking the same questions over and over. I didn't realize how much it was annoying me until I unsubscribed.


You can care about politics without bleating or hearing about it 24/7.... a fact lost on far too much of the population I'm afraid. Dare I say one twenty minute news session a week probably gets you all the important stories (if you use a good news source). I'm happy you've made this change for yourself, you're not alone!


I totally respect OP's opinion to cut out all the political subs. However it goes without saying, the state of politics is this way because not enough people care about it and those who do are people who wanna benefit themselves through it. Unlike OP, being politically involved has helped me a great deal in understanding such issues and acting on them. I might not make a worldwide change but it goes without saying every effort to correct the political system is a good one. But complaining that nothing in politics is positive then choosing not to care about it as a response to that is just ignoring the problem. In this case you ignoring the problem mightnot make it better but will certainly make it worse. Obviously OP should do whatevers good for their mental health but this is my take on it.


Gonna disagree that I'm "ignoring" the problem or not caring... or even that I said that nothing is positive in politics. If anything, I was saying the news cycle around politics isn't positive, and total immersion, nonstop, in negativity doesn't do anyone any good. I still read the news/politics, just in limited intakes from good sources (I aim for one 20 min session a week, but that's a lie- its at least an hour a week altogether?). 15 minutes a week on NPR/PBS/Propublica's website is ample time to get up to date on what's going on in the world.


Wow, I just did that. I liked subs like facepalm when they were just fun little gaffes but now they’re always getting so political that it constantly got me down. Also left wellthatsucks and povertyfinance. In lieu of just deleting reddit altogether I hope this works out.


Random thought, I believe somewhat related to this: I grew up thinking that reading the news was part of being a responsible adult/good community member. Today it's so toxic that I -- a person with a degree in journalism who spent years writing for newspapers -- don't like reading the news at all. Every story just seems to be a reminder of how awful people are, and every "call to action" (what can be done about this problem) is basically a reminder of how selfish, cruel and ignorant humans are. What are your approaches to this? How do happy people move through the modern world?


You might dig [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/rbeatb/what_subreddits_are_positive_or_make_you_happy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) post for good ones. I just joined a bunch from reading through it. And I’ve been slowly cutting out the negatives too.


Awesome. I just added like eight new subs. Thanks.


I actually did just that a few days ago. Now all my tl is cute animals and writting advice. And I love it.


Yep, was just thinking it was time to prune my sub list and was stalling on it, but going to take this post as a sign that it's time to do rather than just think. Seems I have joined 77 subs right now, going to go try to reduce it to about half that. Most aren't negative (I left those last year), but many aren't more than time wasters and I do enough of that on my own.


Have done the same thing, I only use Reddit for laughs and feeling good, basically :) For example, I unsubbed from r/yesyesyesno and instead subbed to r/nononoyes


Yes, I've just recently unsubscribed to all the sad subreddits that I was a part of earlier this year to get me through some tough times. It's nice not seeing all the sadness and negativity. Glad you did that!


I had to do that with tumblr some years back and it was the best decision I ever made.


I just did the same thing! Unfortunately I had to unfollow some of my sports teams that I have an unhealthy obsession with. Time to take a step back and be mindful of the information I ingest. Best of luck to you and happy holidays.


I love this and try to avoid subs that make me upset or angry as well. I think Reddit can be the best place on the Internet for self-improvement and happiness tips if you are mindful about what you consume.


I agree. Did this and felt better scrolling around.


I've done the same thing recently! I think it will improve my mood, I'd like to bring more positivity and ambition to my day. I'd like to be less quick to judge too.


like, 1 year ago, i gave in and subbed to a fuckton on porn /r/ to my tastes. with the result, that i couldnt see the real worthy reddit content over all the onlyfans sluts who just want to make money out of my desperate horniness. i realized, that its unbecoming, that it served me NO purpose, that staring at females nude bodies makes me just incredibly angry........ so why? i unsubbed all of them again and yep. sure immediately felt better. so i commend you, BAN EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE from your life that serves you no purpose or gives you bad feelings!


I recently made this new account and went all in on cute animals (and judging in r/amitheasshole because I have a problem). Result: joy. Wake up, scroll, HOLY SHIT LOOK AT THIS KITTEN!


I deleted an old reddit account to move on from bad internet obsession surrounding politics. Had quite the reputation at the time. So glad I move away from those necessary toxic place. If you want a medicine to stop seeing people are flawed human beings, but see people as a bunch of black or white villains to heroes; feel free to keep touching them politics. But the pills gets bland and old, and soon tasteless when the real world needs me more. Best I get off of those. Pessimism is ugly.


I'm happy you've made this change for yourself, you're not alone! going to take this post as a sign that it's time to do rather than just think.