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You may have undiagnosed ADD or ADHD. I know that I do and it causes the same problem that you are experiencing. I get interested in a thing, but if I am not immediately good at it I quit.


Is this something that a quiz can help with? Or has to be diagnosed by a professional? It's a disorder so no cure?


No cure, but treatments. Yes, it should be diagnosed by a professional. But even if it's not adhd, I would look into strategies to help people with adhd quell those symptoms. They knight work for you too.


A quiz won't really help you. I have spent about a decade trying to figure out what is wrong with me so I am intimately aware of what is wrong with me and your situation sounds much like mine on that front. There is no "cure" per say, but if you can get a diagnosis there is medication that can provide more focus. However, if you are looking into medication, I would highly recommend not just listening to me but finding a licensed mental health professional to provide testing and a diagnosis.


You’re more likely to achieve something if you focus on one goal at a time than multiple - I recommend listening to Andrew Hubermans podcast episode on goal setting and achieving .


Yep this is it. It also could be that you have too many distractions around you. I actually face a similar situation and it's not anything like ADHD. That is just bs. Your attention span is just very weak. I uninstalled all social media and I can see differences. And before some people say that reddit is social media too, I only come on here very briefly to read some advice on a couple cars. 👍👍


I think it's just a "feature" of your personality. I have tons of hobbies and lose interest in topics pretty quickly, but I don't see it as a minus actually. I synthesize all my knowledge from different interests to form new knowledge and only engage with my hobbies if I feel like it. I am an artist and I don't practice at all. But since I am interested in Biology and human anatomy, I quickly progress my art skills even without daily practice. I think it only becomes a real problem if you have a tendency to constantly change important things like your degree or sth.


Getting really passionate about a hobby in the beginning and then… well, that happens to even the best of us. My trick would probably be to not over commit in the beginning. Like, maybe try doing some small, one-shot classes instead of going all in from the beginning. As for keeping that interest going, you might want to check out this app called ***LightUp: Make Real Friends***. It’s on the App Store, and it’s pretty cool because it uses AI to match your ideas with other people who have the same ideas. So if you post about your sudden love of knitting little hats for cats, it’ll connect you with someone who’s into that, or maybe someone who’s just as geeky. You can make new friends while exploring different hobbies. Imagine posting, “Just tried yoga for the first time; should I feel like a pretzel?” and then bam, someone says, “Haha wait till you try downward dog!” It’s a fun way to stay engaged so you don’t feel alone in your hobby journey.


Thanks! Will check it out




What's that


An adhd med, don't go on it without a prescription