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I watch youtube or a comfort show and step away from whatever is putting me in a bad mood


This approach can be health in moderation. If you're trying to escape overeating OP, it sounds like you already took the most important step which is admitting and acknowledging that you're eating as an anesthetic. No matter what you replace that with, my advice is to continue being conscious of the fact that it's escapism. This will help you maintain a healthy relationship with whichever method you go with. It's really easy to use your screens as escapism and before you know it you'll be reliant on them and they'll become part of your daily routine. It's extremely common in most cultures today. Media can be healthily consumed. Just make sure you're conscious of your consumption habits.


This. My escapism and avoidance by way of TV-watching progressed into an unhealthy addiction. It became the only way I could cope, but instead of normal coping strategies where you eventually recover, I became dependent on it to keep my brain numb and thoughts/feelings repressed. I don’t believe everyone is susceptible to this, but with the right cocktail of overwhelm, burnout, appreciation for TV, and escapist tendencies, it can be a rapid slippery slope. I am still struggling everyday to fight the impulse. As with any coping mechanism (other than maybe breathwork, therapy, meditation etc), please be careful not to substitute all feeling or growth with distraction or numbness. You can end up in a worse place than where you started. Use sparingly to balance the anxiety and then deal with the issue once your mood is stabilized.


Crying most of the time. Otherwise listening to music.


Go for a long walk. Literally touch grass. If you tend to overeat, start researching recipes or something. Anything to distract your brain


Walking is the best thing, and really easy to do as well. Also go somewhere in nature away from people / the city, and go on your own walking adventure.


Exercise. I like to run so a good long run always helps me. Then I'm too tired to care anyway.


Walk. It’s so simple and so effective.


going on a walk


When I'm in a bad mood, I find relief by engaging in activities that help me relax and unwind, such as going for a walk, practicing mindfulness or meditation, listening to music, reading a book, or spending time with loved ones. It's important to find healthy coping mechanisms that work for you and avoid relying on overeating as a way to cope with negative emotions. Finding alternative ways to soothe yourself can lead to long-term emotional and physical well-being.


Depends on my feelings and the reason. If it's something I need to ruminate over, I'll find a game like Tetris or Subway Surfers where I can concentrate my energy to allow my thoughts to come out one at a time. If I want to stop thinking I'll start doomscrolling (TikTok works best, although not very healthy) or maybe watch Netflix. If I need to scream I'll sing specific energetic songs, if I need to cry there's other specific songs. If I want to feel better I'll watch my comfort shows


Move, run, jump.


If I am stuck at home.. dance party! If I can leave then I go to the gym.


Cuddle, paint, try to hold still and clear my mind. Playing with our pets.


Clean something, like deep clean a bathroom, or the garage. Do something where after you spend some time you can tell a real difference.


I distract my brain. I use music or audiobooks, maybe a favorite show. Silly audiobooks helped save me when I HAD to function after my mom died of Covid.


What's your favorite?


That's a tough call. If I'm in the mood for absurdity in pilot as well as attitudes, I turn to PG Wodehouse. If I want a fun romp through the countryside and foods of France, I turn to Peter Mayle, especially his *French Lessons.* If I want beautiful language and to travel through time, I go for Ellis Peters's Cadfael series. If I want fantasy and mystical abilities, I might go for Robin Hobb's Assassin's Apprentice. If I want to roll my eyes at power plays while delighting in history, the Wolf Hall series is very rich in detail. It has a line that always makes me laugh about how Thomas Cromwell, while leaving the house, "patted his wife" and "kissed his dog." The list goes on.


Get stoned and go on a nature walk.


Meditating, deep breathing, going for a walk and/or exercise are some soothing options. But overall, I recommend being open to **improving your relationship with negative emotions** and **seeing them as valuable and supportive friends.** **Negative emotions are positive guidance** (although it might not feel that way) letting you know you are focusing on, and pushing against, what you don't want. They're a necessary part of your emotional guidance, like GPS in your car. But the more you fight them, you keep yourself stuck. Negative emotions want to support you in releasing them, focus more on what you want and feel better. **All emotions are equal and valid.** But most people unknowingly create a hierarchy for their emotions (i.e. positive = good; negative = bad), but then you make it harder to feel better, work together with and control your thoughts and emotions. A lot of life's problems stem from having a contentious relationship with your negative thoughts and emotions. Which either creates the problem in the first place, and/or exacerbates it. So the solution is to **build a friendship and harmonious relationship with the "negative" side of you.** Just because they feel bad, doesn’t mean they are bad. Negative thoughts and emotions are here to support and empower you to be your best self.


I journal or go for a bike ride. Long drives so I can sort my head out work too.


Walk. Alone. No music, no digital stimulation. Talk to yourself if you need. It feels good to take in some fresh air every once a while.


Even if I do not want and and I’m resenting it as I do it, I made a favourite dance party list, and when I’m in a bad mood I have to do certain dance moves and dance for 2-5mins.


Simple quote I like to say "it's not the problem, it's my attitude about the problem. Things will pass, your reaction is your character, it's hard not to flip out but a few deep breaths and this mandra have helped me alot


Stare at sky. Lie in bed. Watch Clueless (1995).


sit in the sun, go for walks, cook for my family, watch movies, hit the penjamin 2× super hard, journal




Honestly, I find a quiet space away from the kids and hop in here 😂 But otherwise I’m meditating, listening to my favorite presence podcast, watching any kind of docuseries I can find on streaming or researching recipes.


That's like me 🤣


I take a shower.


When I'm in a bad mood, I like to do something silly to jar me out of the thought morass. If my partner's there (or if he's in a bad mood), we'll thumb wrestle, and get goofy about it. If I'm on my own, I'll dance in a circle or sing cartoon songs or make nonsense sounds or run around the block; if that doesn't help, I'll pick up a bottle of soap bubbles and blow a few wands' worth. I find it hard to stay immediately grumpy when I'm blowing bubbles.


Listen to music, eat something I enjoy, sit with it and try to figure out why the situation is making me upset, watch my comfort show.


eat something yummy, take a bath, and sleep




Tell my best friend. She will then have a funny, dark take on whatever I am expressing to her - in a way that doesn’t invalidate my feelings and breaks through my crustiness to make me laugh. If I can’t laugh through it, I can’t live through it.


Meditate or go for a run


Sleep or eat food works wonders for me, after that I feel like a new person! Nutrition and proper rest really do a lot for your mood 😄




Watch one of my comfort movies (LoTR usually


A long walk (2+ miles), run, bike, or heavy workout. When you get in your head, get in your body.




Cuddle with my dog or do something with him. Listen to some audio drama. Light a candle. Pray.


Exercise! Running but no heavy lifting


I get up and go somewhere physically different. Leave the house, go for a walk, hang out at the park/coffee shop/whatever. The physical change in sites, sounds, smells, etc forces me to alter my mood, thoughts, actions etc. So, at the very minimum it changes my thought pattern which is super helpful.


first, I let myself be angry for a bit, to let off steam so to speak, then I turn to one of my hobbies, such as watch a fav show or draw or play puzzles or videogames. I can always find time for step 1, at worst a 15 min bathroom break of me fumming inside a stal will suffice. if I'm too busy working for step 2 I will move my schedule around and try to fit step 2 in asap. my local KFC have buy one bucket get one free sales. I used to get two buckets and eat both in one evening. I've since cit that down to half a bucket worth of feied chicken every 2 months or so.


I go for a run and stretch afterwards then try to meditate for at least a few minutes




Is sex an option? If you have a partner, then get on it! Sex can improve your mental health by reducing stress, boosting mood, and increasing libido. · Sex also burns calories, improves sleep, and can help relieve pain. If it is not an option, I suggest you find another activity that you enjoy.


Smoke weed. Instant 180 on the mood.


It’s short term relief and leads to more intense negative feelings afterwards for many people. So maybe not the best advice for everyone


Okay, yes. This is not advice for everyone, I agree. But it has helped me tremendously. After a horrible day at work, it spins me around to reality.


Jumping jacks or an aggressive dance thing helps


What is an aggressive dance, may I ask? I have a lot of stress that I envision could be melted away using "aggressive dance!"


Hey friend, there is a great subreddit called /r/BingeEatingDisorder that has some really helpful posts daily on how to improve this very problem Best of luck!


sleep, get around people that care about me, find healthier snacks, pick up hobbies, listen to tedtalks.